The Aldbury Parish Council is seeking applications for the post of Parish Clerk which will shortly become vacant. The role takes approximately 8-16 hours per week and the Clerk is responsible for running the Council’s day-to-day business. The Clerk prepares the agenda for Council meetings, takes the minutes and carries out any actions that are required as a result of decisions taken by the Council. The Clerk is also the Responsible Finance Officer. In the execution of these duties the successful applicant will be expected to be competent in the use of appropriate computer word processing and financial packages. An hourly rate in accordance with nationally agreed conditions is payable and will depend on ability and experience.
The successful applicant will be expected to have or develop a strong awareness of the obligations and opportunities of the Parish Council within the local government structure of the UK and to constructively assist the Parish Council in both meeting these and in representing the views of its constituents. The successful applicant will be expected to work from home, store relevant Council records, attend the monthly evening meetings of the Parish Council as well as occasional ad-hoc meetings and to develop and maintain good relations within the Parish and with the appropriate representatives of the Borough, County and neighbouring Parish and Town Councils.
If you are interested in applying for the job, please telephone or write to the Chair of the Aldbury Parish Council, Joe Brady:
Tel: 01442 851 642 and/or 07545 017 252
Address: Cobwebbs Cottage, 31 Stocks Road, Aldbury, HP23 5RT
Closing date for applications: 14th January 2019