Consultation: 14 August – 24 September 2019
Changes to Council Tax Reduction in Buckinghamshire (sometimes called Council Tax Support)
The four district councils and the county council in Buckinghamshire would like your views on proposed changes to the council tax support schemes that help people on low incomes, as we plan for becoming one council in April 2020.
Why do we need this change?
On 1 April 2020, there will be a new council for the whole county, Buckinghamshire Council.
Currently each district council (Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern, Wycombe and South Bucks) has a different scheme that gives slightly different levels of council tax support for people with a low income.
The aim is to have one scheme supporting those who are eligible for a reduction on their council tax bill across the whole of Buckinghamshire from 1 April 2020. One scheme for the whole of Buckinghamshire will mean that people in the same situation are treated consistently and fairly wherever they live .
The changes proposed in this consultation only apply to people of working age with a low income. Pensioners are not affected by this change.
The survey closes on 24 September, is open to all residents, and can be accessed here: