Buckinghamshire Council has notified of the following:
Marsworth Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
11 March – 11 March
Roadworks, Delays likely
Traffic management: Traffic control (multi-way signals)
Description: one.network has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Anglian Water.
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: AD03265263648
Rushendon Furlong, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
10 March – 11 March
Roadworks, Delays possible
Traffic management: Traffic control (give & take)
Description: DEFECT REPAIR
Works location: AS PLOTTED
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire Council
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: D400762324390
An extract from the latest (3/3/25) update to residents from Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire Council in relation to potholes and road repairs is replicated below for your information:
Dear resident, As I write this the sun is shining and the days are becoming noticeably longer. Some of the spring flowers are out. It’s hard to believe that only recently it has been incredibly cold and very wet. Sadly, weather as we have experienced in the past six weeks or so is becoming the norm with less snow, but lots of rain and cold. Driving around the county from Buckingham to Burnham regularly, I am only too aware that many roads are seeing the impact of the weather with new defects. |
Some are deep potholes but many are surface layers of tarmac peeling away in places. These are caused by rain getting into minute cracks in the road and then freezing. When frozen the water expands and breaks up the road surface in places. Sadly, this happens every year and across the UK. In Buckinghamshire, we also have the additional challenge of scores of HGV vehicles moving round our county every day due to the HS2 and East West Rail constructions, placing even more strain on the roads. The best solution is to completely resurface a road. This is incredibly expensive and we do have a major programme of resurfacing planned to continue. We also continue to pressurise HS2 to contribute to repairing our roads. Frankly, it is not fair that residents bear the cost burden of their damage. I want to assure residents that the council is fully aware of the deterioration in many roads, particularly rural ones. It’s at this point in the season that things are at their worst as the damage accumulates without continuous better weather allowing for permanent repairs. Our approach to road repairs depends on the time of year. During the colder months we operate on a ‘reactive, safety first’ basis, with teams ready to assess and respond to reports of defects. Our local technicians inspect the problem and where it poses a danger, order an emergency fix. These aren’t pretty and may not last but are there to make the road safe until the weather improves, then we can follow up with a permanent fix. It would simply be a waste of money and resource to try and do permanent repairs in poor conditions as they will not hold and we’d have to do it again anyway. We do have 16 teams now out fixing reported potholes and other defects but it will take some time to get around to them all. I do want to reassure you that we aren’t just focussed on being reactive. Over the past four years we have spent over £100m on road resurfacing and repairs. Many hundreds of roads have been resurfaced and over 35,000 potholes filled in the past year alone. However, much more needs to be done. I’m therefore really pleased that the full council agreed last week to our proposal to invest a record £120m in even more road resurfacing and repairs over the next four years. We are also looking at new ways and new technologies to improve how we do things, such as trialling a new ‘thermal repair’ technique to repair potholes. Please take a look at our ‘Highways Highlights’ webpage to find out more. In the meantime, please continue to report defects using the council’s website and take care when driving, particularly in wet and dark conditions when potholes may not be visible. |
Please also be advised that our Buckinghamshire Council Highways Local Area Technician advises that Westfield Road has been added to their program for resurfacing (eta 12-24 months) and that the pothole repairs are now in the process of being scheduled with an eta of approximately 6-8 weeks.