In Pitstone, we have been very lucky compared to many parts of the country, but the following update has been provided by AVDC if there is a risk of flooding to your home or other property:
Provision of sandbags
Following the floods last weekend, we have reviewed the AVDC arrangement for providing sandbags and have agreed a more co-ordinated approach with Buckinghamshire County Council and Transport for Bucks, as the lead authority responsible for flooding response.
With immediate effect, BCC/TfB will procure, fill, store and distribute bags in one single, simple, smooth operation for the Aylesbury Vale area on the district council’s behalf.
Local Authority sandbags will only be provided in exceptional circumstances where there is a significant and immediate danger of flooding. There is a number for people to contact if they have an urgent need for these sandbags: 0845 2302882.
However, AVDC encourage everyone to prepare for flooding and purchase your own sandbags. A list of local suppliers has been published on both the AVDC and Bucks County Council web sites.