The Government has announced that the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is open for applications.
The RHI is a long-term financial support programme for renewable heat, offering homeowners payments to offset the cost of installing low carbon systems in their properties. The scheme is open to everyone – home owners, social and private landlords, and people who build their own homes. The technologies currently covered by the scheme are:
- Biomass heating systems
- Ground or water source heat pumps
- Air to water heat pumps
- Solar thermal panels
Homeowners in England, Scotland and Wales can receive quarterly payments over a seven year period to fund the purchase and installation costs of a renewable heat source
The scheme is open to anyone who can meet the joining requirements and it’s for households both off and on mains gas supply.
For further details about the scheme including eligibility criteria and how to apply please click on the link below.
There is also a Non-Domestic RHI which has been running since November 2011 and is open to the non-domestic sector including industrial, commercial, public sector and not-for-profit organisations with eligible installations.