Dignity & Respect Awards 2015
Nomination form
Closing date: 5 pm, Wednesday 25 February 2015
Now in its third year, we are pleased to announce the
Dignity & Respect Awards for 2015
The Awards celebrate outstanding examples of how dignity and respect are demonstrated across Buckinghamshire. We are looking for individuals, teams and organisations that have gone the extra mile in supporting people in Buckinghamshire in a way that promotes dignity, respect and well-being.
This year, for the first time, we are inviting nominations from members of the public as well as people working in the health and care sectors.
Short-listed nominations will be shown at the Dignity & Awards event on FRIDAY, 17 APRIL 2015 and the audience will vote for the winner in each category.
If you know of a person, team, group or organisation that has gone over and above in supporting people in Buckinghamshire then why not recognise them for their excellence and nominate them for the Dignity & Respect Awards 2015.
Please download a nomination form from the Bucks County Council website www.buckscc.gov.uk/dignity or call 01296 387821