Buckinghamshire, along with many parts of the UK, is still experiencing wintery conditions. This means unusually low temperatures for this time of the year and potentially snow or sleet with strong winds.
The Council has a one-stop webpage that brings together advice ranging from staying safe on the roads, the gritting routes and coping with winter weather to staying healthy, warm and preventing illness.
It’s also important to note that when these conditions appear we tend to get an increase in admissions at both GP surgeries and hospitals but if your illness is minor check out other services like 111 or www.healthhelpnow.nhs.uk for health information and advice. Don’t forget that pharmacists can give clinical advice for minor health issues and a list of local pharmacies can also be found on the Health Help Now website http://bit.ly/2BXmKv1
Noel Brown, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Public Health said the webpages were the most comprehensive guide ever published for Buckinghamshire: “While I hope these unusual conditions won’t persist, it’s useful to have such a wide array of information at the click of a button. It’s easy to get caught out particularly with freezing temperatures or heavy snowfall so be prepared. Staying warm and healthy is just as important.
“However we can all do our bit by checking in on elderly or frail neighbours who may be reluctant to leave home when the weather turns; let’s all try to be good neighbours to one another” he added.
To see all the webpages, visit www.buckscc.gov.uk/readyforwinter