This page is being created to keep the residents of Pitstone updated with any advice and assistance that can be sourced during the current Coronavirus outbreak. The situation is changing daily, so we will do our best to keep everyone updated.
If you are a business, individual or group that can provide assistance to other members of the community during these difficult times, please let us know so that we can add your details to the information below.
Local shops that have said they can deliver if you are vulnerable or currently self-isolating:
- Masons stores
Delivery days Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Can deliver to Cheddington, Pitstone, Ivinghoe, Long Marston and Marsworth.
Shopping must be over £20 and can be paid for by either cash or card over the phone.
Orders to be placed on 07940227487 - Grooms Farm Shop
Free local delivery service. Contact them via Instagram, Facebook, Email or their website, or telephone 01296 668326.
Other local business that can deliver:
- CuriosiTea
Can deliver freshly cooked meals to your door from either the main menu or the normal home delivery menu. Call 07775 831153 to place your order. Cash on delivery or card payment over the telephone.
Other sources of local help and support:
Please visit “Covid-19 Mutual Support Group Pitstone” Facebook page on This is a group of local volunteers that are offering to try and assist the vulnerable and self-isolating.
Windmill Pharmacy in Ivinghoe is planning to remain open. They can deliver prescriptions to those that have already signed up to their delivery service.
The local food bank operates from St Mary’s Church in Ivinghoe. They are getting short on supplies and would particularly like donations of:
- breakfast cereal
- sugar
- long life milk
- long life juice
- tinned spaghetti
- tinned vegetables
- tinned meat
- baked beans
- dried pasta
- dried rice
- rice pudding
- pasta sauce
- coffee
- tea bags
- squash
- jam
- marmalade
- biscuits
- tinned fruit
- tinned tuna
- cup-a-soup or tinned soup
The church remains open for donations or leave them in the porch.
Trustworthy sources of information:
- Keep up-to-date with the latest advice by visiting:
- Telephone advice from NHS 111
Council delivered services:
- The Pitstone youth cafe will be closed until further notice.
- Please keep checking back for further updates on other services and meetings as the situation is changing every day.