Over 65 and live in Pitstone? Register for this years financial support from the Williamson Trust

Every year, the Williamson Trust provides financial support to any Pitstone resident aged 65 or over. 

If you know someone who is over 65 on 31 March and lives within the parish of Pitstone – or you are eligible but not registered with the charity – please contact Gill Lowe (Chair of the Trust) on 01296 668809 or WilliamsonTrust@pitstone.email. 

Grants are made in April each year and delivered as cheques to eligible residents. You will find more information about the charity at www.pitstone.co.uk/WilliamsonTrust.

Vicar’s Report on the Benefice (our group of parishes) in 2024

What’s the Vision?

During 2024 the parishes consolidated the idea of

Working Together to Create Opportunities for Positive Encounters

Central to this goal is the aspiration of developing an atmosphere of Love & Support in each of our parishes.

Early in 2025 the Vision – and its outworking – is to be revisited by each Parochial Church Council (PCC).

Did We Make Some Progress in 2024?

As I’ve said before, community life is a team game and so the sudden passing of the well-liked & well-respected Bishop of Buckingham, Rt. Rev. Alan Wilson, in Feb 2025 was a shock to us all. He & his family remained in our prayers throughout the year. I am so grateful, though, for all our folk! Without the hard work of church members and other volunteers – offered out of the goodness of their hearts – nothing would be possible. My sincere thanks to all who make our communities better places.

And, in 2024, one example of this was the good engagement with the Church School at Marsworth – which is extending its provision to accept even younger children. There was also good engagement with the Windmill pre-School in Ivinghoe and Pitstone (I&P) – which will soon have a branch opening in Marsworth! And some encouraging contact with Brookmead School. Sandra Green’s exceptional work with young families in Ivinghoe and Pitstone developed. And the informal Sunday Breakfast service in Slapton Village Hall continued to be small but lively!

Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms all provided good opportunities to show something of God’s love to people that we don’t see often on a Sunday morning. And we appreciated the augmented congregations for our services in Holy Week and at Easter, Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas. I hope folk know that they are always welcome.

Each church held successful fundraising events – some with a partner organisation: Ivinghoe Summer Fete (with Scouts & Daisy Chain Café) and Music-a-thon (with Beacon Choir & others); the Steam Rally & Fun Run at Marsworth; the Summer Fete, Film Club, Quizzes & Murder Mystery at Slapton.

I also need to mention the somewhat hidden work of the Foodbanks – whose discreet service provides support for families and individuals experiencing real need. The Foodbanks are administered through the PCCs of I&P and Marsworth – and were resourced by grants (including from Buckinghamshire County Council) as well as generous private donations.

The Vicar’s Book Club (which also included the Lent Group & Advent Group) attracted a core of folk throughout the year. And eventually followed the example of the Slapton Prayer Lunches – meeting in people’s homes rather than the Village Hall.

The “A Church Near You” website www.achurchnearyou.com continues to cover all our Parish Churches.

Other highlights in the year included

  • The summer filming at Ivinghoe of Hugh Jackman’s movie, “Three Bags Full”.
  • A group from Slapton dining with their patrons at Christ Church, Oxford
  • John White being made Churchwarden Emeritus for all his service at Marsworth

Looking Forward

I maintain that a crucial idea going forward is to dethrone the concept that our churches exist to “get people to come to services”. Obviously, I like it when folk come to worship God with us but perhaps a more outward-looking focus might be to identify partners that we can work with in order to make our parishes better places.

Partners will be individuals or groups with whom we have some shared goals and values – and with whom we have (or feel able to develop) relationships of mutual support, trust and respect.

Rev. James Grainger-Smith

Vicar of Ivinghoe with Pitstone, Slapton and Marsworth

March 2025

New Red Eagle Bus Timetables effective April 2025 – 61, 62 and 63

There is now an additional number 63 bus offering a peak times service between Cheddington-Pitstone-Tring Station-Tring offering a combined improved level of service and better co-ordination with train times.

This service is being partially funding by Section 106 developer funds from both Pitstone and Cheddington developments, along with some travel to school funding.

There are also changes to the number 61 bus timetable.

Timetables for both services below.

Please do make as much use as you can of the Tring station trains for your commute. Both Bucks Council and Red Eagle will continue to monitor the level of uptake of the service, before reviewing if any further expansion of the service is possible.

As before, our thanks to those residents that provided feedback to Bucks Council, and please do continue to do so if you value the service (email: passtrans@buckinghamshire.gov.uk)

Westfield Road and The Green roadworks & road closures notified by Buckinghamshire Council

Westfield Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

20 March – 20 March

Delays possible – Diversion route

Name: Diversion

Location: Westfield Road

Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks

Responsibility for event: Buckinghamshire Council

Current status: Planned

Westfield Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

20 March – 20 March

Delays possible – Road closure

Name: Westfield Road, Pitstone

Location: Westfield Road

Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks

Responsibility for event: Buckinghamshire Council

Current status: Planned

Westfield Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

20 March – 20 March

Streetworks / License – Streetworks, Delays possible

Traffic management: None/signing only

Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks

Works location: Westfield Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire Council

Current status: Planned

Works reference: Unknown

Westfield Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

20 March – 20 March

Roadworks, Delays likely

Traffic management: Road closure

Description: Full repair patch [1] – 7.1 x 1.3 m

Works location: At junction with Corfe Road

Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire Council

Current status: Advanced planning

Works reference: D400213484353

The Green, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

21 March – 25 March

Roadworks, Delays possible

Traffic management: Traffic control (give & take)

Responsibility for works: Openreach

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: BC411001WG4K3L0N

The Green, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

21 March – 25 March

Roadworks, Delays possible

Traffic management: Traffic control (give & take)

Responsibility for works: Openreach

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: BC411001WG4K4K4T

Westfield Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

24 March – 28 March

Roadworks, Delays possible

Traffic management: Traffic control (two-way signals)

Description: Connect, POC is on the corner of Westfield road then goes into a private road

Works location: works in the carriageway and footway

Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire Council

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: D400351597622

Ashridge Estate recruiting new team members to help protect the future of the landscape

The National Trust’s Ashridge Estate is recruiting a new team of engagement officers to help in their goal of protecting the future of this special landscape. In September 2023, the charity launched its Protecting Our Roots project to protect the long-term future of the landscape which is under increasing pressure from high visitor numbers. Now, it’s looking to expand the team and is recruiting three new engagement officers who will primarily be involved in engaging with visitors on the ground and reaching out into our communities. The senior role will help to manage development and delivery, while the two officers will also support the rangers in their conservation work.

  • Senior Volunteering and Community Officer
  • 2 x Volunteering and Community Officer

Visit nationaltrustjobs.org.uk and search ‘Ashridge Estate’ to find out more about the roles and how to apply. The deadline for applications is 30 March 2025.

Roadwork update from Buckinghamshire Council 11-3-25

Marsworth Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

11 March – 11 March

Roadworks, Delays likely

Traffic management: Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Description: one.network has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Anglian Water.

Responsibility for works: Anglian Water

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: AD03265263648

Pitstone Road, Cheddington, Buckinghamshire

19 March – 19 March

Roadworks, Delays possible

Traffic management: Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Responsibility for works: Openreach

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: BC008WFTJ168YSB

High Street, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire

19 March – 20 March

Roadworks, Delays unlikely

Traffic management: Some carriageway incursion

Description: one.network has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Anglian Water.

Responsibility for works: Anglian Water

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: AD03265592779

Upcoming Roadworks 10-11/3/25 & Highways update from Martin Tett

Buckinghamshire Council has notified of the following:

Marsworth Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

11 March – 11 March

Roadworks, Delays likely

Traffic management: Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Description: one.network has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Anglian Water.

Responsibility for works: Anglian Water

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: AD03265263648

Rushendon Furlong, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

10 March – 11 March

Roadworks, Delays possible

Traffic management: Traffic control (give & take)

Description: DEFECT REPAIR

Works location: AS PLOTTED

Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire Council

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: D400762324390

An extract from the latest (3/3/25) update to residents from Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire Council in relation to potholes and road repairs is replicated below for your information:

Dear resident,
As I write this the sun is shining and the days are becoming noticeably longer. Some of the spring flowers are out. It’s hard to believe that only recently it has been incredibly cold and very wet. Sadly, weather as we have experienced in the past six weeks or so is becoming the norm with less snow, but lots of rain and cold.
Driving around the county from Buckingham to Burnham regularly, I am only too aware that many roads are seeing the impact of the weather with new defects.
Some are deep potholes but many are surface layers of tarmac peeling away in places. These are caused by rain getting into minute cracks in the road and then freezing. When frozen the water expands and breaks up the road surface in places. Sadly, this happens every year and across the UK. In Buckinghamshire, we also have the additional challenge of scores of HGV vehicles moving round our county every day due to the HS2 and East West Rail constructions, placing even more strain on the roads. The best solution is to completely resurface a road. This is incredibly expensive and we do have a major programme of resurfacing planned to continue. We also continue to pressurise HS2 to contribute to repairing our roads. Frankly, it is not fair that residents bear the cost burden of their damage.  I want to assure residents that the council is fully aware of the deterioration in many roads, particularly rural ones. It’s at this point in the season that things are at their worst as the damage accumulates without continuous better weather allowing for permanent repairs.  Our approach to road repairs depends on the time of year. During the colder months we operate on a ‘reactive, safety first’ basis, with teams ready to assess and respond to reports of defects. Our local technicians inspect the problem and where it poses a danger, order an emergency fix. These aren’t pretty and may not last but are there to make the road safe until the weather improves, then we can follow up with a permanent fix. It would simply be a waste of money and resource to try and do permanent repairs in poor conditions as they will not hold and we’d have to do it again anyway. We do have 16 teams now out fixing reported potholes and other defects but it will take some time to get around to them all.  I do want to reassure you that we aren’t just focussed on being reactive. Over the past four years we have spent over £100m on road resurfacing and repairs. Many hundreds of roads have been resurfaced and over 35,000 potholes filled in the past year alone. However, much more needs to be done. I’m therefore really pleased that the full council agreed last week to our proposal to invest a record £120m in even more road resurfacing and repairs over the next four years. We are also looking at new ways and new technologies to improve how we do things, such as trialling a new ‘thermal repair’ technique to repair potholes. Please take a look at our ‘Highways Highlights’ webpage to find out more.  In the meantime, please continue to report defects using the council’s website and take care when driving, particularly in wet and dark conditions when potholes may not be visible.

Please also be advised that our Buckinghamshire Council Highways Local Area Technician advises that Westfield Road has been added to their program for resurfacing (eta 12-24 months) and that the pothole repairs are now in the process of being scheduled with an eta of approximately 6-8 weeks.

Lindengate News update, volunteering opportunities and event dates

We are a Mental Health Charity specialising in social therapeutic horticulture based in Wendover.

Let’s all grow together in 2025.
There are times when life seems anything but a smooth journey. Challenges to our mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing lie around every corner, and simply hanging on to what we have can seem beyond us. Lindengate is a place where everyone makes a difference, helping grow the amazing garden, helping grow others, and helping to grow themselves. In 2024 we helped over 2,500 people through our wellbeing programmes, volunteering sessions and open garden sessions.  Without support from our amazing team of staff and volunteers, donations, grants and gifts in kind none of this would have been possible.

Hear how Lindengate has supported Annette, James and one of our Green Volunteens 2024…  

Annette’s Story
Lindengate’s 9-week Wellbeing & Nature Course has been my ‘saving grace’ this year. It has renewed my self-belief and confidence, lifting my depression, and opening up my love for nature. It gave me the confidence to enrol as a volunteer – giving me a sense of belonging and taught me new skills. Feels like belonging to a big, happy family, giving me full support and a lot of fun!

James’s Story   

When I started volunteering with you my relationship had broken down and I’d left my family home. Being able to come over to the gardens each week was a life saver, it gave me something to do during a period when I was emotionally very low and struggling.  I have now started to rebuild my relationship with my partner and the children. Thank you for your support – everyone made me feel so welcome. 

A Parent’s Story

My daughter has been a Green Volunteen at Lindengate for 2 years. The calming environment helped her to get through some really tough times in her life, the ongoing bereavement of her dad and grandma, bullying, self harming, eating disorder, and neurodiversity issues.  Coming to Lindengate has helped give her back her self belief, confidence, and to trust again. I am proud to say that she is now in college which she loves, something I never thought I would hear her say.

Grow your Wellbeing
At Lindengate gardening and nature-based activities help people to manage depression, anxiety and other mental health difficulties as well as supporting people with memory loss and dementia.
Find out more about our wellbeing programmes & short courses.

The gardens are maintained by a large community of over 130 garden volunteers aged from 13 to over 90 but we always welcome more pairs of hands! If you would like to join a warm and friendly volunteer community, meet new friends, working together to support the wellbeing of people and the environment and help us maintain the beautiful 6 acre Lindengate gardens, then get in touch.   We have a variety of volunteering opportunities and would love to hear from you.

Find out more https://www.lindengate.org.uk/volunteer

Rest & Refresh Café Dates for 2025
Throughout the Spring and Summer we will be running our pop up ‘Rest & Refresh’ café. Come along and enjoy a stroll around our 6-acre garden ad nature reserve followed by a cup of tea and cake! During these sessions we also have additional activities planned.

  • Saturday 19th April 1-3pm: Including Easter Egg Hunt.
  • Saturday 17th May 1-3pm: Including wildlife activities. 
  • Saturday 21st June 1-3pm
  • Saturday 19th July: Including opportunity to relax and listen to music from the Old Time Pickers.
  • Saturday 16th August: Including performances from the Cracklewick Morris Dancers.
  • Saturday 20th September: Including wildlife activities.

For more details please visit our website: https://www.lindengate.org.uk/events

Support Us
Lindengate is an inclusive green space in Wendover where mental health comes first. We rely on donations to carry out our work, helping people build their confidence, self-esteem, sense of purpose and achievement. Please support us today. https://www.lindengate.org.uk/donate

Revised bin collection dates for Christmas and New Year

Buckinghamshire residents are being reminded to take note of changes to bin collections during the festive period and to remember to recycle as much of the extra waste that accumulates at this time of year as possible.

Due to the bank holidays, bin collections will be operating to a revised timetable. Make sure you check the amended dates in the below table and leave your bins out for collection by 6:30am on the morning they are due to be collected.

Revised bin collections dates:

Normal dayRevised day
Wednesday 25 December 2024 (Christmas Day)Friday 27 December 2024
Thursday 26 December 2024 (Boxing Day)Saturday 28 December 2024
Friday 27 December 2024Monday 30 December 2024
Monday 30 December 2024Tuesday 31 December 2024
Tuesday 31 December 2024Thursday 2 January 2025
Wednesday 1 January 2025 (New Year Bank Holiday)Friday 3 January 2025
Thursday 2 January 2025Saturday 4 January 2025
Friday 3 January 2025Monday 6 January 2025
Monday 6 January 2025Tuesday 7 January 2025
Tuesday 7 January 2025Wednesday 8 January 2025
Wednesday 8 January 2025Thursday 9 January 2025
Thursday 9 January 2025Friday 10 January 2025
Friday 10 January 2025Saturday 11 January 2025

Residents who subscribe to the council’s garden waste collection service should note that the service is currently suspended for winter and will resume from Monday 27 January 2025.

Garden waste subscribers can dispose of their real Christmas tree, wreaths, holly and mistletoe in their garden waste bin after Christmas. Simply place them in your garden waste bin after removing any decorations and cutting the tree into smaller pieces. Anyone not subscribed to the garden waste collection service, can either take their tree to their nearest Household Recycling Centre or see if there is a local charity collection nearby.

Thomas Broom, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, said:

“As we approach the festive season, I want to remind everyone about the changes to our recycling and waste services. We’ve adjusted collection dates to accommodate the holidays, so please check the revised schedule.

“Christmas is a time that generates more waste than usual, but you can recycle many festive items, from Christmas cards to wrapping paper – just remember not to include anything glittery or metallic. I wish everyone a happy Christmas and New Year.”

For tips and advice on how to minimise waste and have a more environmentally friendly Christmas, go to: www.recycleforbuckinghamshire.co.uk/christmas

Buckinghamshire’s Household Recycling Centres will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. On all other days over the Christmas period the sites will operate the usual opening days and hours. Check online before you visit to confirm opening hours and avoid the queues.

Marsworth Road roadworks 11-20 December 2024 with 2-way signals

Bucks Council have issued the below notification (relating to works near the railway bridge), and also notifications relating to upcoming Anglian Water roadworks in a number of residential roads where they don’t foresee any delays.

Marsworth Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

11 December – 20 December

Roadworks, Delays likely

Traffic management: Traffic control (two-way signals)

Responsibility for works: Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: KL3371000-LNW-IBT

NEST are looking for new volunteers to help support families with young children

For over 20 years Nest Aylesbury Vale has been supporting ordinary families with young children struggling to cope through difficult times.  We are now looking for new volunteers to join our friendly team.

Our network of home-visiting volunteers offers emotional and practical support for 2-3 hours a week to any family in Aylesbury Vale with one or more children under 5 who need some help. Maybe they are feeling isolated or lonely, or are having a hard time coping with their child’s illness or disability, bereavement, post natal depression or be having relationship difficulties, they could be struggling to cope with the physical and emotional demands of having a baby, young children, or multiple births.

 Volunteers offer a listening ear, reassurance and encouragement, playing and helping with the children, practical support or an extra pair of hands! This simple parent-to-parent help can have a positive and long-lasting impact on family life.

If you can give 2-3 hours a week and have parenting experience, we would love to hear from you. All volunteers are provided with training, support and expenses.

For an informal chat please contact Shushana Kendrick on 01296 485615 or info@nestaylesburyvale.org.uk

Buckinghamshire Councillors Report for November 2024

First £500 fixed penalty notice issued to motorist caught littering on dashcam

A woman caught by another driver’s dashcam, throwing litter from her vehicle, has become the first person to be issued with a fixed penalty notice at the new, higher rate of £500.

On Monday 9 September 2024, on Friarage Road in Aylesbury, a vehicle was recorded littering by a dashcam belonging to another driver. This dashcam footage was crucial for the investigation, as it clearly captured the offence, including the vehicle’s registration number and an image of the litter being thrown from the driver’s side window.

Buckinghamshire Council’s Litter Enforcement Team investigated the incident and subsequently contacted the registered vehicle keeper. After further investigation, a woman admitted to littering while driving her vehicle.

The woman was offered a £500 Fixed Penalty Notice to discharge her liability for prosecution regarding the littering offence. If the penalty had not been paid within 14 days, the case would have been referred to the council’s legal team for prosecution.

Council launches extra support to help adults stay independent for longer

Buckinghamshire Council is launching a range of new online resources designed to help adults who need some extra support to maintain their independence for as long as possible.

The council supports more than 5,000 adults at any one time, with varying degrees of extra help, including providing care packages to those who need it. Our overarching aim is to provide the right care to allow people to maintain their independence for as long as possible, and for our residents to feel that they are managing and directing their own care needs.

The improved website content makes it easier for people to get online information and advice about their adult social care needs. We have also listened to and worked with carers to introduce new online support for them too.  

The new-look Care Advice Bucks website includes content that outlines how a resident goes through the care assessment process, how individuals can arrange and pay for their care and guidance on what home support and equipment is available, as well as some helpful health and wellbeing advice.

Alongside this, the council has also improved the online resources available to carers in Buckinghamshire too, joining up for the first time with ‘Mobilise’, providers of specialist online support for people who are caring for others including family, friends or neighbours who could not manage without this unpaid support because of a disability, illness or vulnerability.  ‘Mobilise’ offers Buckinghamshire carers free access to online information and resources, support sessions, one to one support from a dedicated carers coach and access to a network of other carers to provide invaluable support and a listening ear.

We are also offering free fact sheets that have been co-designed with residents, and an online care directory that helps our residents to find professional health and care services, equipment and resources, such as:

  • home care services   
  • housing and residential equipment   
  • living aids    

New Family Hub Network set to provide more help and advice for local residents

Families will soon benefit from easy to access help and advice in their local communities, with the launch this week of Buckinghamshire’s Family Hub Network (FHN). The FHN brings together professionals and community groups to help families and residents get the help and advice they need at the earliest opportunity.

The FHN covers Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern & South Bucks and Wycombe areas, involving a wide variety of local and county-wide organisations including Buckinghamshire Council, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Oxford Health Foundation NHS Trust, education providers, social enterprises and voluntary, community and faith groups.

The role of the network is to support families visiting network sites where possible or signpost to a relevant organisation when other support is needed. The aim is to direct families to the support that best meets their individual circumstances, using local network connections and knowledge to match needs with the wide range of services and providers available in the area.

On a mission; tree planting season gets underway again in Buckinghamshire

National Tree Week began on Saturday 23 Nov making it the ideal time to mark the tree planting season. Buckinghamshire Council will be kicking off with over 4,000 trees being planted near Winslow and Great Horwood; this new woodland will be named Roddimore Wood.

Weather permitting, the 4,625 new trees will be planted before Christmas. Species include native Black Poplar, Oak, Eared Willow, and Blackthorn which is particularly beneficial to brown hairstreak butterfly larvae.

Tree planting is one of the ways in which the council is working towards its goal of reducing its carbon emissions by 75% by 2030, on the way to achieving net-zero no later than 2050, as part of the Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy.

Other new woodlands we will be creating this planting season include Isle of Wight Wood in Gerrards Cross, Innisfree Wood in Great Missenden, Huntsmoor Park Wood in Iver and Lower Munt’s Wood in Saunderton. We are also planning to plant another of our ‘Tiny Forests’ in Desborough.

Local schools and communities are getting involved by volunteering to help with our tree planting mission including planting the Desborough Tiny Forest with pupils from Millbrook Combined School. Councillor Derek Town 

Council reminds garden waste subscribers of upcoming service suspension ​

Buckinghamshire Council is reminding subscribers to its garden waste service that collections will soon be suspended for a 6-week period. This is an annual suspension that comes in during the winter when garden waste is at a minimal.

The last possible collection date for garden waste is Friday 13 December (normal collection days apply) and collections will resume from week commencing Monday 27 January.

Thomas Broom, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, said:

“Even though the weather can still seem mild, the suspension dates are planned out well in advance to match the period when garden waste is typically at its lowest. During the suspension period, we train staff and redirect crews to allow for the increased amount of general waste and recycling over the Christmas holidays.

“Residents who need to dispose of garden waste during the suspension period can still do so at any of our 10 Household Recycling Centres free of charge. All sites are open 9am to 4pm.”

To find out which days your local Household Recycling Centre is open and further details of what can and cannot be taken to a centre, visit: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/waste-and-recycling

Thomas added: “Garden waste collected from homes across Buckinghamshire or taken to Household Recycling Centres is processed locally into high-quality compost. Residents can buy Community Compost at all of our Household Recycling Centres. All the proceeds from the sales of the Community Compost are set aside for good causes with an annual funding award expected in April 2025.”

For more information on changes to recycling and waste services over the Christmas period, please visit: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/waste-and-recycling/changes-to-recycling-and-waste-services-christmas

Improve support for carers in Bucks  

Buckinghamshire Council has been actively engaging with unpaid carers and professionals across the county to ensure the support provided truly meets their needs. This valuable feedback has been instrumental in shaping the new ‘All-Age Carers Strategy’.

Now, they want to hear from you! Whether you are an unpaid carer, a professional, or a resident, your input is crucial. Have they identified the right priorities for carers? Do you feel the strategy addresses the most pressing issues? Complete the ‘All-Age Carers Strategy’ survey today and help shape the future of carer support in Buckinghamshire.  With an estimated 55,000 carers across Buckinghamshire, your feedback can make a significant difference in the lives of carers and those they care for across the county.

Complete the Buckinghamshire All-Age Carers Strategy 2025 to 2030 – Your Voice Bucks – Citizen Space here.

There are also open consultations on Better Lives in our Communities proposed changes to Adult Social Care day and overnight respite services – Better Lives in our Communities: Have your say on proposed changes to Adult Social Care day and overnight respite services – Your Voice Bucks – Citizen Space

And the SEND and Inclusion Strategy consultation – SEND and Inclusion Strategy consultation – Your Voice Bucks – Citizen Space, which you may be interested in.

If any local warehouse has spare storage space, year round, Toy Hub would love to speak to you

Toy Hub’s mission is to ensure every local child has a gift to open at Christmas, by providing parents and caregivers with unwrapped, age appropriate gifts.

They are on the look out for a local partner that may be able to provide year-round storage space so that donated gifts can be stored, and presents purchased when they are less expensive throughout the year, rather than solely in the run up to Christmas when everything is more expensive.

If you think you might be able to help, please reach out to Toy Hub: https://www.toyhub.org/

Pension Credit Surgeries

Message from Buckinghamshire Council:

We have been working with our partners to set up Pension Credit Surgeries to help those who may qualify to apply for Pension Credit. These free surgeries will be run from libraries and other locations across the county between now and 21 December, with advisors available to answer questions and guide people through the process of applying for Pension Credit. You can find out more about these surgeries, including a list of dates and locations on the council website.

Additional support is available through our Helping Hand service, which includes the Household Support Fund, Welcoming Spaces (more about this below), and help with buying or accessing food. Our Family Information Service is also available, providing guidance for families and ideas for activities, clubs, place to visit and things to do with the children – many of which are free or low cost.

Could you please share this information within your communities to help us raise awareness and support our residents.  

Pitstone Buckinghamshire Councillors Report for 31st October 2024

Calling Bucks pensioners – can we help reduce your energy bills?

Buckinghamshire Council has extended the eligibility criteria of one of its key programmes to help lower heating bills, following the government’s decision to remove the Winter Fuel Payment from the majority of Buckinghamshire pensioners.

The council’s ‘Energy Doctor’ scheme involves a home visit from one of their Energy Doctors to assess ‘easy interventions’ to lower energy bills, funded by the council, such as fitting LED light bulbs and draught proofing.

Now the council has extended the scheme to include all residents of State Pension age whose homes have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rated D-G.

It’s part of a range of help the council wants local pensioners to access if losing their Winter Fuel Payment leaves them struggling to meet heating costs. The Winter Fuel Payment will only be made this year to pensioners receiving Pension Credit or another related benefit. It means some 95,000 pensioners in Buckinghamshire will no longer receive this payment so Buckinghamshire Council is working hard to remind those residents about what other support is available.

The council’s Energy Doctors have visited more than 800 Buckinghamshire homes in the last 18 months, and the energy saving measures they have put into those homes are saving each household on average an estimated £129 on annual energy bills.

The Energy Doctors use low-cost ‘retrofit’ measures to reduce energy costs, such as:

  • draught proofing
  • installing LED lightbulbs
  • installing secondary glazing
  • providing heated throws
  • installing aerated shower heads and shower timers

Thomas Broom is Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment. He said:

“As a council we have made clear our extremely strong objections to the government removing this critical support for pensioners and have written directly to the Chancellor and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to ask that this policy is reversed. We are also doing all we can to support our local pensioners as we move into the colder months and expanding our Energy Doctor scheme is one way we can help.

“Please find out from our team if you’re eligible for a visit as our Energy Doctor could make a real difference in helping to make heating the home more affordable. I also urge family and friends of local pensioners to make sure they’re aware of our Energy Doctor scheme which has already helped so many local households – please spread the word!”


Bucks History Festival returns to celebrate our history and heritage

Buckinghamshire History Festival returns next month for its ninth annual celebration of the county’s history and cultural heritage.

The festival, organised by Buckinghamshire Archives, sees the Archives team come together with partner organisations from across the county to present a huge range of events to see and do throughout November. Buckinghamshire’s past will be brought to life and the untold stories of its people and places will be uncovered.

Council welcomes new £2.4m funding boost to support struggling households

Buckinghamshire Council has welcomed the news that it will continue to receive Government funding until March 2025 to help support households and residents in Buckinghamshire who are struggling with cost of living pressures.

The funding has been allocated through the Government’s Household Support Fund and enables local authorities to use the money to directly support low-income households and those experiencing financial hardship with energy costs, food costs, and other household essentials.

The Household Support Fund is provided by the Department for Work and Pensions and has been used in Buckinghamshire to support residents via the Council’s Helping Hand service, which processes applications for financial help. The money has also been used to support local organisations including charities and other schemes to target priority groups who are struggling the most.

Please check if you or someone you know is eligible by going to: www.gov.uk/pension-credit/eligibility


Start your journey to adoption this National Adoption Week

If you are interested in adoption, now could be the perfect time to start your adoption journey. National Adoption Week runs until Sunday 27 October. During the week, Buckinghamshire Council’s adoption team will be sharing stories and information on adoption and encouraging those who may be thinking about it to get in touch.

The theme of this year’s national awareness week is ‘The Journey’ and highlights that the journey to a family is not always traditional. Anita Cranmer, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Education explained: “As we know, families today come in all shapes and sizes. They include single parents, blended and extended families. Adoptive families are part of this same modern mix.”

National figures show that the number of people coming forward to adopt is falling. The latest data shows there has been a 22 per cent increase in the number of children ready for adoption but not yet matched with an adoptive family in England in 2023-4, compared to the previous year. With fewer potential adopters coming forward, believed to largely be a result of the cost-of-living crisis, this means that nearly half (47 per cent) of all children face delays of over 18 months to move in with an adoptive family.

Skills Bootcamps – unleash your potential!

Buckinghamshire Council is offering a fantastic and free opportunity to all residents who are interested in learning a new skill – which could pave the way to a new job, a promotion or a career change.

Funded by the government’s Department for Education, the council’s Skills Bootcamps are flexible training courses for adults aged 19 or over, leading to either an interview or employment at the end. Designed with employers, specifically for in-demand jobs in Buckinghamshire, these Bootcamps involve 60 to 100 hours of free learning on a flexible basis, so participants can study around any existing work commitments they already have.

There is also a really diverse range of courses on offer, from creative industries in TV and film production, to construction, to leadership and management courses. There are 19 Bootcamps to choose from and anyone over the age of 19 is eligible so long as they meet eligibility requirements such as having the right to work in the UK and live in England.

The courses launched earlier this year and are fully up and running; participants can register an interest and enrol at any time that the course is running.

For more information and to enrol, go to www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/skills-bootcamps


Welcoming Spaces in Bucks: Stay warm, stay connected, stay supported

As the winter months approach, Buckinghamshire Council is announcing its Welcoming Spaces offer – warm, free, safe, and supportive environments available to all residents. These spaces are designed to provide a safe space where individuals can stay warm, save on heating costs, and access a range of beneficial services.

Welcoming Spaces offer:

  • Warmth and comfort: Escape the cold and enjoy a cosy atmosphere.
  • Cost savings: Reduce your heating bills by spending time in a heated space.
  • Health and wellbeing: Look after your physical and mental health with a supportive environment.
  • Support and advice: Access valuable support and advice on a variety of topics.
  • Connectivity: Free Wi-Fi to stay connected with loved ones and access online resources.

You can also find out more, by visiting: buckinghamshire.gov.uk/welcoming-spaces or calling 0300 131 6000 (Monday to Thursday 9am to 5:30pm, Friday 9am to 5pm.) Councillor Derek Town

Be vigilant – thefts from vans

Our neighbourhood team at Thames Valley Police wanted to let you know that there seems to be a spate of attempted thefts from vans in the area at the moment.

Please make sure you protect your property, are vigilant and report anything suspicious to Thames Valley Police as soon as you witness it.

To report suspicious activity: phone 101, email wingNHPT@thamesvalley.police.uk or report it online at https://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/soh/seen-or-heard/

Thank you.

Anti Social Behaviour

Dear resident,

Your local neighbourhood policing teams are working hard to combat Anti-Social Behaviour in your community.

Please report ASB via 101 or online at www.thamesvalley.police.uk using the below template to help you record all relevant information. 

Thank you  
Message Sent By
Jo Howland
(Police, Neighbourhood Administrator, Aylesbury Vale)

Santa needs your help this year

We know that many local families love to see Santa come around on his float, so please can you consider volunteering to help the hospice to ensure he can bring cheer to all the children again this year, thank you.

Message from the Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Santa Float:

Due to a few staff changes over 2024, it’s proving difficult to cover the Pitstone and Castlemead routes, this year.

We would like to find a local willing volunteer to ‘lead’ each route for Santa to be able to visit.  So far, our Facebook posts on Everything Pitstone & Ivinghoe and Everything Pitstone have been unsuccessful.

We are also on the look-out for volunteer elves (bucket collectors).

Planned date for Pitstone is Tuesday 17th December and Castlemead on Wednesday 18th December.

Being a ‘lead’ elf is very easy, it involves collecting the box of resources from the office in Tring on the day of the collection (or we can arrange a suitable time) and handing out resources at the start location.  Giving a very short safety briefing, which includes things like not knocking on houses which are dark, not allowing children to jump on the float etc,  returning the resources, and cash, to the office in Tring, the following morning.

If anyone is willing to take on any of the roles,  please can they contact community.fundraising@renniegrovepeace.org

Better Lives in our Communities – Day Opportunities and Overnight Respite consultation launched

Message from Buckinghamshire Council:

We want adults with care and support needs to access high quality day opportunities and overnight respite services so that they can live well and independently as part of their communities.  

 We provide services through a range of external organisations across the county, the majority of which are charities, and through a council-run service called ‘short breaks’. 

 The council-run ‘short breaks’ service includes seven council-run and owned Adult Social Care day centres. One of the centres (Seeleys House) also has an overnight respite unit. We know that these centres are highly valued by carers and families and the adults they support. There are also however challenges. Our council-run day centre buildings are underused, some are in poor condition, and the service is not providing value for money.  

We are undertaking a 12-week consultation to seek views from carers and families, adults supported, community groups, providers and the public on how we can improve services and our preferred option for change. Find out more and have your say at buckinghamshire.gov.uk/better-lives-in-our-communities. The consultation closes at 11:59pm on Tuesday 7 January 2025.

Aged 16-21 & interested in street art?

Dear resident,this message is sent on behalf of Bucks council.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new project in Aylesbury Vale! We’re looking for young people aged 16-21 to participate in a street art project aimed at revitalising the underpasses in Aylesbury Town Centre. This initiative is a part of our ongoing effort to improve public spaces while minimising the need for reactive maintenance.

Project Overview: This project offers a fantastic opportunity for young people to engage in a community-driven artistic endeavour. Participants will work alongside professionals to develop their street art skills, while also fostering a sense of pride and ownership in their local environment. The resulting artwork will not only beautify the underpasses but also leave a lasting positive impact on the town.

Key Details:Project Dates: October 21st – November 4th, 2024
Location: Aylesbury Vale Underpass
Who Can Join: Young people aged 16-21
Lunch: Provided daily for all participants

This project has been made possible through funding from the Aylesbury Community Board, Youth Concern, Planning Growth Sustainability, and other key partners.Please share and if you know of any young people between the age of 16-21 years who may be interested -directing them to the attached registration form returning this to: Kazeem.Olayinka@buckinghamshire.gov.uk.  Attachmentsapplication form.pdf  
Message Sent By
Jo Howland
(Police, Neighbourhood Administrator, Aylesbury Vale)

TVP Have Your Say event – 15/10/24 – Pitstone Masons Store

Dear resident,

 Your local Neighbourhood Policing team, look forward to seeing you to discuss any issues you may have or chat about crime prevention measures at the next Have Your Say event. 

The neighbourhood team will be holding event/s in your area on:

15th October 15:00 – Pitstone shop 

16th October 16:00 – Cheddington shop

17th October 16:00 – Stoke Hammond shop

18th October 16:00 – Stewkely shop

They will be offering advice, discussing local issues and answering any questions you may have. 

Please come along and say hello.

Democracy in Action – Free event if you are considering standing for election in 2025

Democracy in Action

13 November 2024 — 12.00 – 13.15
Sponsor: Local Government Association

Do you want to give something back to your community? To empower your place in uncertain times? To use the momentum from the recent general election to renew your local area?

This NALC Make A Change and LGA Be A Councillor event aims to promote the idea of standing for election as a local (parish, town and community) and principal authority (district, county, borough or unitary) councillor at the May 2025 local council elections. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect the communities they serve to put themselves forward for election. Join us to hear from experts in the field who have become brilliant local councillors at various local government levels, from all quarters.

Whether you live in a parished or un-parished area, this unique free event will provide a valuable opportunity to learn about the work and role of local councillors in your community and answer your questions about standing for election as a local councillor in May 2025.

A diverse panel of experts will share their insights, experience, and advice. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions with representatives from areas which held local council elections in May 2024 and elsewhere, to find out how you can change your place for good.

Speakers: Tamsin Hewett, advisor at the Local Government Association, Cllr Jackie Drake, Ulverston town and Westmorland and Furness district councillor, Neil Wedge, chief executive of the Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils and Cllr Chidi Nweke, Loughton Residents Association representative on Epping Forest District Council.  

Buy Tickets

Bus Service to Tring Station – please use it to prove it is needed

We are delighted that the new bus service to Tring station came into effect on 2 September 2024. Our sincere thanks to everyone that took the time to complete the original Bus to Tring Station survey and to all the employees at Safran who completed the more recent workplace survey about potential bus usage, both of which have helped to provide evidence to Buckinghamshire Council and Red Eagle to support the introduction of the route.

Some of the Number 61 bus services will operate the Tring station route. There are currently a number of buses in both directions each day. The link to the online timetable and the pdf of the timetable are below.


The service currently being offered by Red Eagle is being used to assess demand. Once they have some data on actual uptake, they will then look to make any timetable changes they feel are necessary.

At the moment, Buckinghamshire Council and Red Eagle hope that the service will be a permanent change, but if there is insufficient demand or they receive complaints about the new routes / timetables then the times/services may be reviewed. It is possible that they may receive negative feedback from users of the previous route at the diverted times, that now find that their preferred bus is no longer available.

Buckinghamshire Council has also said that they are not promoting the current new service, as the timetable is yet to be refined. To ensure that demand can be accurately assessed, people need to know about it. The parish council will be putting information in the next edition of Pitstone Parish Post (to reach every home and business in Pitstone) as well as on the website, Facebook , X and our noticeboards. If you know people that use Tring station that may find the service useful, please do make sure they are aware of it (especially as the car park charges at the station have just increased).

How can you help ensure the service continues?

  • Please use the service as much as possible to ensure that Red Eagle has accurate data to assess the level of demand by.
  • If there are particular timed buses that you find of the most benefit, you’d like to provide some general positive feedback about the new route, or you have suggestions about specific timings to coincide with train times etc please take a moment to email both Passenger Transport at Buckinghamshire Council on passtrans@buckinghamshire.gov.uk and Red Eagle on email: enquiries@redeagle.org.uk so that they have evidence of how useful everyone finds the service. 
  • Do pass the information to friends / neighbours / colleagues that may also find the service of interest.

There has been a reluctance from service providers/Bucks over the years to offer this service, as it has been perceived as unsustainable and of negative impact to those on the prior route. So our thanks also go to the current staff at Red Eagle and Buckinghamshire Council who have been willing to work with us this time around to implement the service.

Please use it to prove there is a demand for it, and provide feedback to Buckinghamshire Council and Red Eagle to show your support for the service.

Thank you.

Buckinghamshire Councillors report for August 2024

Buckinghamshire Council announces financial support for carers in partnership with Carers Bucks

Buckinghamshire Council, in partnership with Carers Bucks, is delighted to announce a new financial support initiative for carers residing in Opportunity Bucks wards. This support comes in the form of a one-off £125 cash payment funded by a Government grant, aimed at alleviating the cost-of-living pressures faced by our community’s most dedicated individuals. A total of 2,737 carers in Bucks are eligible for this.

The one-off payment is funded by the Government’s Household Support Fund from the Department for Work and Pensions and targeted to carers within Opportunity Bucks wards. The Opportunity Bucks programme is the council’s flagship programme to improve opportunities and reduce hardship for people in 10 wards across Buckinghamshire, which are in Aylesbury, Chesham and High Wycombe.

Eligible carers will receive a secure link via a letter from Carers Bucks to provide their personal details, including bank information, to process the payment swiftly and securely on behalf of Buckinghamshire Council.

For any queries or further information, Carers Bucks is available to assist. They can be reached at 0300 777 2722 or via email – mail@carersbucks.org. Additionally, residents can seek cost of living support from the Helping Hand team by submitting an application at the Buckinghamshire Council website or by calling 01296 531151.

Council collaborates with Citizens Advice Bucks to help streamline financial support for residents

Buckinghamshire Council has commissioned Citizens Advice Bucks to support those struggling with debt. Providing debt, welfare benefits and money management advice at no cost, the organisation will be supporting residents with long-term solutions.

Recognising that financial challenges continue for many of its residents, Buckinghamshire Council is pleased to be working with Citizens Advice Bucks, a local, well-known charity, who last year alone supported residents to clear £800k of debt and gain additional incomes worth £2.5 million.

The commissioned service will enable a stronger working partnership between the two organisations with customers being directly referred through the council to Citizens Advice Bucks – improving the time it takes to receive help.

Council boosts support for children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing

Buckinghamshire Council has awarded funding to a range of local groups and organisations running initiatives which promote positive emotional wellbeing for children and young people.

A total of £90,518 has been provided from the Young People’s Wellbeing Fund to eight different projects across Buckinghamshire:

  • Action 4 Youth: Mentoring for vulnerable young people aged 11-18 in Wycombe and South Bucks to reduce mental ill health and equip participants with the tools to manage their emotional wellbeing.
  • Buckinghamshire Mind: Mental health and wellbeing afterschool clubs for children aged 7 – 11, teaching the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ and mindfulness strategies, using a variety of creative activities and picture books to communicate and embed learning and strategies.
  • Global Feedback Ltd (‘Feedback’): A project hosting school holiday events, workshops and weekend ‘cook-alongs’ using food as a hook for young people to understand the connections between food and mood. 
  • Mindful Ballers CIC: The programme combines mental health education, social skills training, trauma specific therapies and mentoring alongside physical activity to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young men aged 14-16 who are at risk of or have been in contact with the Criminal Justice System.
  • One-Eighty: A preventative mental health project supporting vulnerable young people aged 11-13 transitioning from Primary to Secondary school.
  • Sport in Mind: Provides 2 x 1 hour sport and physical activity sessions for young people aged 10-14 experiencing poor mental health across 39 weeks.
  • Wycombe Swan Theatre (Trafalgar Entertainment Trust): A wellbeing and performing arts focused project for supporting LGBTQ+ young people aged 14-18.
  • Youth Concern: A weekly mental health support group and counselling service for gender nonconforming young people.

Applications were invited for projects which promote positive emotional wellbeing for children and young people through activities that fall outside of the school day. Applicants were encouraged to aim for activities which would help children and young people to feel more comfortable talking about mental health, understand ways in which they can look after their mental health and to have increased awareness of further support available if needed.

To be eligible for funding, projects were required to be working with children and young people up to the age of 18, or if entirely focused on care leavers or young people with disabilities, up to the age of 25. They were also required to be working with children and young people who are either from a community identified as at higher risk of poor mental health and/or living in an Opportunity Bucks ward.

The Young People’s Wellbeing Fund was first launched in 2023. It is administered by Heart of Bucks on behalf of Buckinghamshire Council. A funding panel considered all the applications. The panel was chaired by Heart of Bucks Trustee Pippa Kirkbride and included four panel members from Heart of Bucks, four panel members from Buckinghamshire Council and three young people.

Childcare support is expanding in Buckinghamshire

Eligible working parents in Buckinghamshire with children aged +9 months can apply for hours of funded childcare for use in a variety of settings, including nurseries, pre-schools and childminders.

If you are an eligible working parent, you can now apply for:

•          15 hours childcare if your child is aged 9 to 36 months

•          30 hours childcare for your three or four-year-old

You will need to apply by 31 August 2024 to use your hours from 1 September 2024. To do so, visit GOV.UK to get your code for a place in September and then share it with your childcare provider. To continue receiving the Government support, you will need to reconfirm your details every three months on your GOV.UK account.

This comes alongside other government childcare support, including Tax-Free Childcare and Universal Credit Childcare. You might be able to use more than one offer together to help with your childcare costs.

Help get your walking, cycling and wheeling improvement priorities heard by Buckinghamshire Council

Buckinghamshire Council has launched the above consultation, which is open until 13 October 2024.

Please do take the time to submit your views, especially if you are keen to continue to push for a cycle path towards Tring station and foot path along the Upper Icknield Way towards College Lake/Bulbourne. Whilst the routes may predominantly fall within Hertfordshire (who ran a similar consultation earlier in the year), by providing your views to Buckinghamshire as well, it will help to ensure that both councils can work in unison if applying for any external funding.

You need to select the part of the survey relating to the Aylesbury area community boards. At the end of the pre-formatted questions you’ll find a free text space for additional potential routes where you can express your views on either of the above routes.

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