A major survey aimed at gathering Aylesbury Vale residents’ views on what they think about living in their local area and their views on how AVDC is changing, started today.
We want to make sure that the needs of our Aylesbury Vale residents remain at the heart of any changes we make, so over the next few weeks we’ll be consulting residents by phone.
We’ve commissioned external consultants to undertake this exercise for us, calling 1,000 residents across the district. The 10-minute calls will be taking place Monday – Saturday, 9am – 8pm. This ensures we don’t exclude working households; selecting the phone for this exercise ensures we also don’t exclude those without internet access. Calls should be completed by Wednesday 7 December.
Residents will be selected to take part randomly and results are completely confidential and anonymous, but to ensure the results are representative of the districts population, they will be asked a few questions about themselves, such as postcode, age and gender.
It has been four years since AVDC undertook any district-wide corporate consultation.
We do hope that residents will respond positively if they are asked to take part. However, should anyone contact you with concerns about this, please do reassure them it is a genuine call on behalf of AVDC. You can always direct enquiries to our website where they’ll find more information and a list of FAQ’s that may answer their queries, www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/consultation Alternatively, they can email us communications@aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk, or call AVDC’s Communications team on 01296 585007/8.
Thank you
Kind regards
Alison Kennedy
Snr Communications & Marketing Officer
Aylesbury Vale District Council
The Gateway Gatehouse Road Aylesbury Bucks HP19 8FF
Tel: 01296 585007
Visit our website: www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk