Link to the HCC survey:
Dacorum Borough Council is working with Hertfordshire County Council to develop a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). The plan forms part of the Government’s strategy to increase the number of trips made on foot or by bike.
It will help them to identify walking and cycling routes of most importance to the community over the next 10 years. Funding will be sought from central Government and/or from developer contributions. The aim is to make these routes more attractive and viable options than using a car.
Their consultation includes cycle routes along Northfield Road to Tring Station and from Bulbourne to Tring Station, with both being identified as primary routes (those most likely to see a higher conversion to cycle use) (see map below). The Parish Council has been pushing HCC for the Northfield Road route for many years. If this route is still important to you, please take a couple of minutes to complete their short survey.

Their consultation also includes footpath access along the same two routes – Northfield Road to Tring Station and from Bulbourne to Tring Station. The Bulbourne one being identified as primary (most likely to see the most use/conversion of people to walking) and the Northfield Road one as secondary (see map below). Both foot and cycle provision have been part of the parish council discussions with HCC. If this route is still important to you, please do complete their short survey.
You can choose to select the ‘walking and cycling’ option from their drop down menu and lodge your comments for both at the same time.

If you are one of the people that have answered the parish council survey about a possible footpath route from the Westfield Road roundabout along the Upper Icknield Way to College Lake, or if you haven’t had the opportunity to respond to us yet but would use a footpath along this route, please also take a moment to complete the survey and request they add the footpath (and/or cycle path) link between their two proposed routes above (ie Westfield Road roundabout down to Bulbourne).
HCC are planning to use the feedback from their survey to shape grant applications to central government for funding that might enable some of these routes to be delivered. The feedback will also be used in their discussions with nearby developers to try and secure funding towards their implementation. So please help ensure that these routes are seen to be high priority and in high demand by responding to their survey.
Have your say:
Are the routes connecting the places where you’d like to go? Are any improvements required? Are there any barriers that would stop you from using these routes? Take part in their consultation, which closes at 11.59pm on Monday 26 February 2024.
Follow this link:
Thank you.
Pitstone Parish Council