I am writing to confirm that the next Great Brickhill, Wing and Ivinghoe Police community forum will be held at 19:00 hours on Thursday 1st August 2019 in Cheddington Village Hall (Church Lane).
Please spread the word to your communities who live in this area.
I will give you a breakdown of the Police crime figures for your area, with explanations on what this means going forward and provide updates on work your neighbourhood team has carried out in the last 3 months.
It is for all sections of the community. I would be particularly keen to hear from any youths (if any of you are part of youth clubs/groups) a representative from them would be great.
More importantly, it is your opportunity to raise any concerns, so we can see how we can work with you and other agencies to resolve these issues. We can then pick two priorities to focus our efforts. Currently, these are:-
- To prevent and reduce rural crime
- To prevent and reduce theft from motor vehicles.
Hopefully see you all then
PC 5688 Matt Craker
PC 5688 Matt Craker
Neighbourhood Supervisor
Great Brickhill, Wing and Ivinghoe District NHPT