Appeal for witnesses following serious injury road traffic collision – Cheddington

Appeal for witnesses following serious injury road traffic collision – Cheddington

Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses following a road traffic collision yesterday morning.


At 9.05am on Sunday (8/4) a silver Vauxhall Corsa has been travelling on the B488 Horton Road, Cheddington near to station road, when it has left the carriageway and collided with a telegraph pole.

Please click the link below to read the full details:-

Appeal for witnesses following serious injury road traffic collision – Cheddington

Local bee keepers need your help – honey bee swarms are very important

bee Swarms 2018-1


Following the long winter of 2017-2018 and the late Spring, colonies of honeybees are under tremendous stress. In the wild the survival chance of a honeybee swarm is about 20%. Collected, and housed in a hive by a beekeeper, the survival rate triples. The MBBKA needs the help of everyone in the area to ensure we collect as many swarms this year as possible. If you see a swarm of bees please contact the MBKA on the swarm-line number below. We will send a beekeeper to collect the swarm and provide it with a new home.

Please click on the above link for more information.

Get into cricket with All Stars and I&PCC 5-8 years

Get into cricket with All Stars and the Ivinghoe & Pitstone Cricket Club

All Stars cricket provides boys and girls from 5-8 years with 8 weeks of non-stop fun.   the activity and game based programme is suitable for all skill levels, providing your child with the foundations to begin a lifelong love of physical activity and cricket, while making friends in a safe and enjoyable environment.

Starting 11 May 2018.

Click the link for full details:

Latest news & updates from AVDC


Community Trust Fund Available for Parishes Impacted by Luton Airport


A Community Trust Fund is available for Parishes impacted by London Luton airport which can provide funding for Community projects. Grants range from £250 to £3,000. Some grants may be paid in stages over the life of the project as it reaches set goals.


For more information please see the following website:



New Homes Bonus 



New Homes Bonus Micro Grants of up to £1,000 are now available. These easily accessible grants are assessed on a monthly basis and are open to voluntary and community sector organisations as well as Parish and Town Councils

Contact officer: Jan Roffe

New Council Tax Bills


It’s that time of year again where we are in the process of sending out around 80,000 council tax bills. Customers who have signed-up for MyAccount can access their bill through MyAccount and will not receive a bill through the post.

As you can appreciate, these bills generate a high volume of contact from our residents. Although this is normal at this time of year, it can mean longer wait times on the phone lines for customers who are calling with enquiries.

To save the wait on the phone, we would advise customers to contact us through our website and on webchat and, if possible, to wait a week or so before contacting us with non-urgent enquiries.


Contact officer: Lynda Tomlins



Garden Waste Collection Service

The cost of the garden waste collection service is changing. The annual cost for the service will rise to £45 on the 1 April 2018, around £2 per collection. The service runs from February to November and is a cost effective way for residents to dispose of their garden waste.


This is the first rise in the cost of this discretionary service for three years and is needed to cover our increased costs as a result of inflation, rising fuel costs and government funding cuts. All garden waste collected by AVDC is turned into compost to be used on farmland as a soil improver.


We will be running a radio campaign for three weeks during March to encourage new residents to sign up to the before the price increase on 1 April.


Contact officer: Amy Bridgford 01296 585233



Investment in New Recycling and Waste Vehicles


Residents and businesses across the Vale can look forward to improved waste collection and recycling services following a £3.6m investment in a new fleet of 17 Mercedes-Benz Econics state-of-the-art refuse vehicles. The new vehicles offer enhanced performance, improved fuel economy and greater safety, compared to the leased vehicles they are replacing. As well as providing an opportunity to increase recycling rates the new fleet are also best-placed to cope with the increase in demand which will inevitably result from the increase in new homes across the Vale.


Contact officer: Amy Bridgford 01296 585233



Trees and Your Property


Trees add immeasurably to our quality of life and contribute multiple benefits to the urban environment where so many of us live and work. However, they may have some characteristics that can often be viewed as an inconvenient. Such circumstances can give rise to disputes where the tree concerned is not in the ownership or control of the person affected, for advice please visit the website or contact:


Contact officer: Jim MacNewman


Safe Place Scheme                     


The Safe Places Scheme has been rolled out across Aylesbury Vale through the AVDC Community Safety Team with Thames Valley Police also supporting this initiative. The scheme provides safe havens, such as shops and restaurants, for vulnerable people if they need help when out and about. If they spot the sticker, they can approach the business for help or guidance whether this be for directions, a sit down and glass of water or to have a taxi phoned on their behalf.


A list of the current Safe Places can be found here:


If you are a business owner or know any businesses that would like to help, please forward this item to them or email for more information.


Contact officer: Rachel Robinson


Ask for Angela


Ask For Angela is a sexual violence campaign, supported by Thames Valley Police which aims to help individuals feel safe when they are on a night out. An individual can get help by asking a member of staff for Angela at the bar if they are feeling uncomfortable on a date or in a dangerous situation. The bar staff can then defuse the situation or arrange a safe way of getting home.

Each pub or bar will display posters in their public toilets so that people are aware that they are supporters of the campaign.


There are numerous supporters of Ask For Angela within Aylesbury – these can be found here:


If you are a business owner or know any businesses that would like to support the scheme, please forward this item to them or email for more information.


Contact officer: Rachel Robinson



Hotel Watch


Hotels across all districts in Buckinghamshire are being encouraged by AVDC and partners to support a scheme aimed at preventing child sexual exploitation and domestic violence. Called Hotel Watch, the scheme has been going for some time, but a relaunch is focusing on raising awareness of the signs that may point towards abuse taking place with the ‘SAY something if you SEE something’ catchline.


All districts within the county (Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe) are involved in the scheme in partnership with Thames Valley Police.

Aylesbury Vale has a strong Hotel Watch membership, comprising of local hoteliers and proprietors that want to play their part in keeping a safe environment. Hotels and guest houses participating in the scheme display the distinctive Hotel Watch stickers.


If your Hotel are interested in becoming a member of Hotel Watch please email



Contact officer: Rachel Robinson


WhizzFizzFest 2018 Tickets Are Now Available


Tickets for selected events at Aylesbury’s annual WhizzFizzFest, the all-day festival celebrating children’s art and literature, are now on sale.


Taking place on Saturday 30 June in Aylesbury’s town centre and organised by Aylesbury Vale District Council, this year’s festival is already proving to be bigger and better than ever, with celebrity guests Dame Darcey Bussell and Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill headlining the events.


For more information and to buy tickets, visit


For all the latest announcements and updates on the festival, follow @WhizzFizzFest on Facebook and Twitter and use the hashtag #WhizzFizzFest


Contact officer: Sarah Owen



Vale Lottery Special Spring Prize Draw


Vale Lottery will be hatching a new special spring prize draw over the Easter holidays; offering players who are signed up before 8pm on Saturday 5 May the chance to win an ‘all inclusive’ family ticket to Legoland Windsor. To date, Vale Lottery has raised over £140,000 for more than 180 local good causes in Aylesbury Vale and we would greatly appreciate your help in encouraging even more local residents to sign up and support a good cause on their doorstep.


Contact officer: Megan Williams  

What will you enter for the Ivinghoe Flower and Vegetable Show?

Please submit entries with entry fees at the Hub, Ivinghoe
Lawn, from 6.30pm-8pm on Friday 7th September 2018 OR
between 9-10.30am on Saturday 8th September 2018. Entrants
must set up their own entries (Item’s displayed at owners
risk); Judging will take place from 11am – 1pm; No entries to
be removed before 3pm after which items not removed will
be auctioned off at 3.15pm. Children’s entries free, adult
entries 30p each, one entry per person per class.

Please click on the link to see more information and download your entry form.

Amended HUB SCHEDULE of FLOWER SHOW Feb for Sept 8th Show 2018-1


New Homes Bonus Micro Grants now available for community/voluntary sector

NHB Micro Grants up to £1,000 are now available for voluntary and community sector organisations as well as parish and town councils!
An exciting development sees the introduction of a new NHB Micro Grant Funding Scheme which is open to voluntary and community sector organisations operating within a parish, as well as parish and town councils.
Easily accessible micro grants up to £1,000 are available for a variety of capital costs including refurbishment and equipment purchases and are assessed on a monthly basis.
It is not necessary for the project to link to growth, although those that do may score more highly. Projects to be put forward for funding must evidence consultation at parish level and the application form must be endorsed by the relevant town or parish council prior to submission.
The closing date for applications is the 15th of each month.
(please note that an Expression of Interest is only required for a project grant and NOT micro grant applications)
Please click link through to Aylesbury Vale District Council website for full details:

Free gentle exercise class

STARTING SOON! We have received funding for a fun and absolutely FREE community exercise class…for those who don’t normally exercise!

• Starting in May 2018 (limited numbers available) and FREE OF CHARGE for as long as the funding will allow!
• Tuesdays at 11am – 12pm at The Hub.
• Suitable for people with less mobility – gentle movement to music, designed to get the whole body moving, whilst introducing some strengthening and stretching exercises too. Exercises will be a good mixture of standing and seated work…but all can be adapted to suit the individual.
• Places are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and will be available for a limited number of weeks.
• These classes will be very friendly and welcoming and are aimed at those people who might not think that exercise is for them.

So if you, or anyone you might know, are interested then please contact Andrea on:
Tel: 07855 138 005
or send an email to the Hub at:

Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan – Regulation 22: Submission of documents and information to the Secretary of State

Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan – Regulation 22: Submission of documents and information to the Secretary of State

The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan was submitted to government on 28 February 2018 and will now be subject to an independent examination by Planning Inspector Paul Clark BA MA MRTPI.

The examination is likely to include a series of hearings on what the Inspector deems to be critical issues affecting the Plan. Respondents who have made representations proposing changes to the Plan in order to make it sound and legally-compliant may be invited to participate in a hearing. The selected respondents will be contacted by the Programme Officer once the hearing timetable has been finalised.

During the examination period, the submission and examination material will be available to be inspected by the public.

What documents will be available and how can they be accessed?

The Regulation 22 Submission Statement of Availability outlines the submission documents available and how to get hold of them. All electronic documents and hard copy materials will be made available within the next two weeks.

You will be able to download these documents at:

Alternatively, by contacting the Planning Policy team (details below) you can request a USB stick containing all of the documents, namely:

the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan Submission Document
the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan Submission Policies Maps
the Sustainability Appraisal Report
the Habitats Regulation Assessment
the regulation 22 Submission Consultation Statement (February 2018)
the Core documents index list
Evidence Base and supporting documents
The Local Development Scheme
the Statement of Community Involvement
the regulation 22 Statement of Availability (January 2018)
a series of seven topic papers (January 2018)
the report of representations on the regulation 19 consultation
the Legal Compliance checklist
the Soundness Self-Assessment checklist

A printed copy of the submission materials will also be available to view at AVDC’s Gateway offices and certain submission documents will be at libraries around the district.

Please see here for the locations where you can find the documents and opening times.

What happens next?

The examination of the Plan will begin with initial checks to make sure it meets regulatory requirements. After this stage, the hearing timetable will be finalised and published and any participants requested by the Inspector will be contacted.

The assigned Programme Officer, Louise St John Howe, will also be contacting all those who responded to the Regulation 19 Consultation from November to December 2017 providing further detail on the examination process.

If you have any questions on the content of this email please call 01296 585308 or email

Yours sincerely

Charlotte Stevens
Planning Policy Manager

Freight Strategy Consultation

I’m launching a six-week public consultation on Buckinghamshire’s Draft Freight Strategy. I’m inviting you to take part and have your say through our short survey   .


Transporting freight plays a key role in servicing Buckinghamshire’s industry and communities, and supports our growth and economic development. Freight offers our residents choice as consumers and businesses.


This Draft Freight Strategy analyses the impact freight is having in Buckinghamshire and looks ahead to the impact it might have in 2036.It sets out what can be done to harness the benefits of freight and manage its impact.


To support the Draft Freight Strategy we have developed 14 policies which demonstrate our commitments on how we intend to manage freight. The policies cover appropriate use of our road network, our environment, partnership working and considering freight in decision making. Within each policy we have identified ways we can put what we are proposing into action.


Achieving these commitments will require strong partnerships with central government, the district councils, communities and businesses. So we need to know what everybody thinks of our plans.


I urge you to have your say, and to share this through your networks.  There’s more information here   where you’ll also find a link to the consultation survey  .


If you have any questions about this consultation, please contact the Transport Strategy team by email at or by telephone 01296 395000.


Kind Regards,



Cllr Paul Irwin

Deputy Cabinet Member for Transportation

Chairman of the rights of way Committee and Parking Governance Board

Chairman of Waddesdon Local Area Forum, Cricket Club and the Bernwode Bus.

County, District and Parish Councillor


New Thames Valley Police contact details

Please note that there has been a change to the policing for Pitstone and PCSO Jackie Dodson is no longer our designed PCSO, therefore please do not try to contact TVP via Jackie’s mobile telephone number.   We would like to thank PCSO Dodson most sincerely for all her dedicated work in our parish.  We also welcome PCSOs Natalie Hall and Megan Harriet to Pitstone.

Please report any non-emergency police matters on telephone number: 101.   It is important that you ring through all issues because this number generates the official log of incidents for the parish, and police manpower is allocated according to incident rate.   If you are the victim of crime, witness a crime, witness suspicious/anti-social behaviour or have any information related to local crime/use of illegal substances please call 101.

The police website states that “You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. For example, if:

  • Your car has been stolen
  • Your property has been damaged
  • You suspect drug use or dealing in your neighbourhood

Or to:

  • Give the police information about crime in your area
  • Speak to the police about a general enquiry

You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.”

Please do not feel that your information may not be important enough to call them.  Often it takes time to build up a complete picture and gather all the necessary evidence and your piece of information may be the missing piece of the jigsaw.

You can also contact the Neighbourhood Police Team on the following email address if you just have a query (but not to report crime etc):


Roadwork notifications from BCC 5-23 March 2018

B489 Lower Icknield Way, Marsworth, Buckinghamshire
05 March — 23 March
Delays likelyTraffic control (two-way signals)
Works location: Vicarage Road to Watery Lane.
Works description: Traffic Signal Refurbishments
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: BH00215053645

Vicarage Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
06 March — 08 March
Delays unlikelyTraffic control (give & take)
Works description: Install 7m of 1 way poly duct in Verge,Install 7m of 2 poly ducts in Carriageway
Responsibility for works: Openreach
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: BC006CT001LC500250091702

Westfield Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
06 March — 08 March
Delays unlikelySome carriageway incursion
Works description: Erect/Renew 1 PCP cabinet and base (600mm x 300mm x 1000mm),Install 4m of 2 poly ducts in Footway
Responsibility for works: Openreach
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: BC006CT001LC500257048301

Buckinghamshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Proposed Submission Consultation



Buckinghamshire County Council is in the process of reviewing its adopted minerals and waste planning policies. This is to ensure we continue to have an up to date plan in line with government guidance. We are doing this by preparing a new comprehensive Minerals and Waste Local Plan.


We are now at a key stage where the Proposed Submission version of the new Minerals and Waste Local Plan is being consulted on ahead of being submitted to the Planning Inspector. The County Council welcomes comments and observations on this Submission Plan for Consultation.


Accompanying the Submission Plan for Consultation is a Sustainability Appraisal and a number of background documents. These can all be viewed and downloaded at This consultation will run from Monday 5th March to Thursday 19th April 2018.


Responses can be made by in a number of ways


The Proposed Submission Plan is available to view in hard copy format at the main reception areas of the County Council (County Hall), as well as the main receptions of the district councils in the county during normal business hours. Additional hard copies of the document can be found in the libraries at Amersham, Aylesbury, Beaconsfield, Buckingham, High Wycombe, Gerrards Cross and Iver.


If there are any matters on which you require clarification please do not hesitate to contact us.


Yours faithfully


Ismail Mohammed

Ismail Mohammed

Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Manager

TVP Aylesbury launch new Facebook page for local updates

Paralympic Heritage Flame Lighting Ceremony – Friday 2 March – cancelled

Due to the expected extreme weather conditions, Aylesbury Vale District Council has taken the decision to cancel tomorrow’s public event for the Paralympic Heritage Flame Lighting Ceremony due to be held at Stoke Mandeville Stadium.
This has been a difficult decision taken in partnership with WheelPower and the British Paralympic Association. The lighting of the Heritage Flame, will, as tradition requires, still take place, with Torch Bearer Ali Jawad performing the ceremony at a closed event.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused but felt that this is the most appropriate course of action, and we ask anyone with a ticket not to make the journey to the stadium.
Channel 4 will air the ceremony on their evening news at 7.45pm, so please do tune in.

Winter weather update & advice

Buckinghamshire, along with many parts of the UK, is still experiencing wintery conditions. This means unusually low temperatures for this time of the year and potentially snow or sleet with strong winds.

The Council has a one-stop webpage that brings together advice ranging from staying safe on the roads, the gritting routes and coping with winter weather to staying healthy, warm and preventing illness.

It’s also important to note that when these conditions appear we tend to get an increase in admissions at both GP surgeries and hospitals but if your illness is minor check out other services like 111 or for health information and advice. Don’t forget that pharmacists can give clinical advice for minor health issues and a list of local pharmacies can also be found on the Health Help Now website

Noel Brown, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Public Health said the webpages were the most comprehensive guide ever published for Buckinghamshire: “While I hope these unusual conditions won’t persist, it’s useful to have such a wide array of information at the click of a button. It’s easy to get caught out particularly with freezing temperatures or heavy snowfall so be prepared. Staying warm and healthy is just as important.

“However we can all do our bit by checking in on elderly or frail neighbours who may be reluctant to leave home when the weather turns; let’s all try to be good neighbours to one another” he added.

To see all the webpages, visit

Updates from the County Council re Local Area Forum meeting in Ivinghoe 1/3/18, Lower Icknield Way road closures in March & safety consultation

Temporary Traffic Lights on Lower Icknield Way, Marsworth

Starting on 5 March, 2018 works will begin to replace the expired traffic signal equipment on Canal Bridge, Lower Icknield Way in Marsworth.  These works should be finished by 23 March, 2018.  A day time road closure is anticipated from 9:30 am – 15:30 between 12th March until 23rd March in order to provide safe working space due to the width of the road and bridge.  There will be a diversion route in place, and there will be advanced notice road signs warning drivers of the closure to be placed, as well as letters and email to the relevant parish councils and district councilors.

Safe in Bucks Consultation

A short consultation questionnaire from our Communities Cabinet Member, Noel Brown, can be found on the link below and will help us evaluate your priorities for making Buckinghamshire a safer place to live.  Please let us know your views!

Next Local Area Forum Meeting

The next LAF meeting will be held at 7 pm on Thursday 1st March at Ivinghoe Town Hall and the agenda can be found online at this link:

Residents welcome to attend and raise questions with Thames Valley Police, Bucks County Council or Transport for Bucks

Appeal for witnesses following fail to stop collision – Ivinghoe


Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses following a fail-to-stop road traffic collision on the the B489 Dunstable Road, Ivinghoe.


At around 12.50pm on Saturday (24/2) a collision occurred between a black Audi A3 and a cyclist.

As a result of the collision, the cyclist, a 43-year-old man, sustained injuries and was taken to hospital by paramedics where he was treated for an injury to his hip.

The driver of the Audi A3 failed to stop at the scene and drove off in the direction towards Bedfordshire.

It is believed that during the collision the passenger side wing mirror of the Audi would have been damaged as a result of the impact.

Investigating officer PC Neil Stephenson, from the Roads Policing Unit based at Milton Keynes, said: “I would like to speak to anyone who witnessed the collision or who has any information which could assist our investigation.

“We would like to make contact the driver of the car involved in the collision as they failed to stop at the scene. If you have any information which relates to this investigation please contact police by calling 101, quoting reference number 727 (24/2).”

If you have any information relating to this case, please call 101 quoting reference ‘727 (24/2)’, or contact Crimestoppers anonymously.

V.I.Paralympians announced for Heritage Flame Ceremony

Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) and the Paralympic Heritage Flame Lighting Ceremony’s organising committee are excited to announce Ali Jawad and Sophie Christiansen CBE as official torchbearers in this year’s event, ‘Spirit of Endeavour’.
Paralympians, Ali Jawad and Sophie Christiansen, will take centre stage at this year’s Paralympic Heritage Flame Lighting Ceremony on Friday 2 March at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, as part of the lead-up to the twelfth Paralympic Winter Games. Para-equestrian Dressage rider, Sophie Christiansen, has competed in four successive Paralympic Games and is an eight-time Paralympic Champion with multiple World and European titles. She was awarded a CBE in the 2017 New Year Honours List for services to Para-equestrianism. Ali Jawad is a British powerlifter who won his first Paralympic medal in Rio, after securing silver in the men’s -59kg category, lifting a best of 190kg.
The Ceremony will see the first flame of the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games Torch Relay ignited in Stoke Mandeville, the birthplace of the Paralympic movement. It will then continue to take place in South Korea between 2-9 March with torchbearers covering a distance of 2018km. The relay’s motto is “Let Everyone Shine” and embodies the Paralympic spirit of creating infinite possibilities and outcomes by incorporating the infinity symbol (∞) in the form of the number ‘8’ throughout the journey.
Eight flames will be lit over the eight days and the journey will feature 800 torchbearers. This includes one in our very own Stoke Mandeville Stadium, one in South Korea’s capital, Seoul and one each from Jeju Island, Anyang, Nonsan, Gochang, and Cheongdo, all cities which provide accessible tourism facilities and services in South Korea for people with disabilities. The eighth and final flame will be a digital flame, formed by all the virtual sparks sent by fans all over the world.

Flat to Rent

Pitstone Town Lands Charity provides support for people in the parish of Pitstone who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress.

The charity owns 4 one bedroom flats on Cheddington Road and will soon have a vacancy for a ground floor flat.  We only consider applications from people with a close connection to Pitstone.

For an application form and to find out more, please email or call 01296 661499 before Sunday 11th March

Over 65? Have you registered to receive your grant from the Williamson Trust?

The Williamson Trust is a local charity which provides fixed grants to those who are 65 years or over on 31 March and live within the parish of Pitstone.

Please click below to visit the Williamson Trust page for more information and to read their latest leaflet.

The Williamson Trust

If you know someone who would be eligible, or are eligible yourself and are not on the Williamson Trust list, please contact Gill Lowe (details via the link above) as soon as possible.




Great British Spring Clean campaign

Please see the information below from AVDC:

You may have seen on social media that Keep Britain Tidy group have launched the Great British Spring Clean campaign for 2018.

To support this campaign we will be spreading the word through our social media streams, encouraging local groups to get involved.

As a way of supporting this we will also be offering litter bags and the collection of the litter following the event. Please see our webpage for full details.

We would be grateful if you could pass this onto your parishioners and encourage local support.

Any queries please do not hesitate to get in contact via

Kind regards

The Street Cleansing and Horticultural Team – AVDC

Free defibrillator training 19 March 2018 8pm

The parish council were pleased to support the provision of a new defibrillator outside Pitstone Memorial Hall (the one outside the Village Health Centre in Yardley Avenue is still there) and are delighted to announce that this is now in position.

This vital equipment could save the life of one of your loved ones whilst you wait for an ambulance to attend from Stoke Mandeville.

There is a free training session at Pitstone Memorial Hall on Monday 19 March at 8pm. Do go along, so that you feel comfortable using the equipment if the need ever arises.


Mon 20:00Pitstone Memorial Hall – Meetin

Take 5 to stop fraud week

Could you be a good neighbour?

Many of us want to help our elderly or frail neighbours but we may not always be sure how to go about it, or even whether it’s appropriate. After all, no one wants to seem nosy or interfering, but a few simple steps can make a world of difference to someone who may be reluctant to ask for help themselves.

Buckinghamshire County Council and your local NHS organisations have jointly developed a campaign, “Be a Good Neighbour”, to show people easy ways in which they can help.

Please follow the link for details:

County Council Update from County Councillor Anne Wight, January 2018

Pitstone to Marsworth Footpath

This has now been commissioned by TfB and the works are scheduled to commence from the 5th of February for 8 – 10 weeks.  All site clearance should be completed before March.  It is envisaged that work teams will be on the carriageway between 9:30 – 15:30 each day and traffic arrangements are being finalised at the moment.


Marsworth Airfield Planning Application 15/00374/APP

The deadline for comment on this application is 31 January, 2017 via the AVDC website.  I have already commented to oppose the application and Bucks County Council is also opposing the application on the grounds of highway safety.   This application is likely to go to Committee at AVDC some time in the next few weeks.



LLACC and Heathrow Expansion consultations

At the LLACC meeting on Monday 22 January, during which the subject of aircraft noise was raised by councillors from surrounding councils.  It was noted that noise complaints were up significantly between July to September 2017 at 5,785, as compared with the same quarter last year which had only 1,866 noise complaints logged.


With regard to future expansion, Luton Airport will start consultation later this year on expanding the airport from 18 million passengers a year to 38 million. As part of the expansion the Airport will need to also consult three times on changes to airspace as they refine options down to dedicated flight paths. If you are affected by aircraft noise from Luton Airport and want to influence future flight paths then you should complain if an aircraft is unusually low or noisy. Complaints can be made at:





Opportunities in Bucks

The Opps in Bucks website is a really useful tool for any local businesses who would like to get involved in offering young people in our area apprenticeships or work opportunities.  This is a networking tool which puts young people in Bucks in touch with businesses and education opportunities to allow them to obtain further skills and work experience, and at the same time means that our local businesses can tap into the energy, enthusiasm and skills base that our young people have to offer.


The website is easy to navigate, and for young people looking for opportunities, there is a Wannabe icon at the far right of the page which links to specific work experiences on offer by businesses along with apprenticeships and various jobs currently being advertised.


The links are below, and well worth exploring for any young people wondering about their next steps as they move into work experience.



Royal British Legion News

With Remembrance being led by the Legion since 1921, the commemoration of the end of the First World War is going to be one of the most memorable and significant moments in the history of the charity and the entire nation.


During the last 100 days of the centenary, from 8th August to 11th November, the Royal British Legion wants to encourage everyone to thank those who fought, those who returned, and those who worked to rebuild the country for future generations and achieved incredible advancements in many areas including medicine, the arts, and everyday life.


Please visit the Thank You Webpage which can be found at the link below to find out more and watch their short film. Further news about the Thank You movement will be released in the coming months.


Also as part of the centenary commemorations, this summer the Legion will re-enact the original ‘Great Pilgrimage’ of 90 years ago, when 11,000 people visited the battlefields and the graves of their loved ones in France and Belgium. On August 8th, thousands of Legion members will re-tread those footsteps and proudly march through the famous Menin Gate in Ypres.


The occasion will be a powerful act of Remembrance, bringing together Legion Branches and local communities. It is the presence at the ceremony of representation from more than 1,000 towns and villages from across the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, which marks this event as unique within the UK’s recent commemorative programme. Further details about how your community can become involved will be released in the coming months. Please visit the Great Pilgrimage 90 website at the link below to find out more.




Active Bucks

Pitstone residents may be interested in the Active Bucks website – – which holds over 1800 activities across Bucks and allows residents to filter activities by distance, activity type and day/time.


By registering on the website, residents can also download a voucher that allows them to access their first session free!

Latest e:newspaper from Luton Airport – Transform

I’m delighted to send you the latest edition of our interactive newspaper Transform. Click here to read


In this edition we look ahead to LLA’s 80th and most exciting year yet, look back on two years of fundraising for Keech Hospice Care and find out more about the complicated construction of our new taxiway. Follow the clickable links in the stories for video content.

Neil Bradford
Stakeholder Communications Manager
London Luton Airport
Navigation House
Airport Way, Luton
Bedfordshire LU2 9LY

T 01582 405100

UK Power Networks info in event of adverse weather/power outages

As part of our preparation plans, UK Power Networks has organised for additional staff in our contact centre to help customers whose electricity supply might be affected by the predicted weather, and we have called up additional engineers to carry out repairs to overhead lines and poles as soon as the wind reduces to a speed at which it is safe to work.


We would be very grateful if you could share the information below with your local residents and constituents, so that they are aware of who to contact in the event their electricity is interrupted by the weather.


Anyone experiencing a power cut should:


  • Call 105 to report power cuts and damage to the electricity network, or 0800 3163 105 (from a corded phone or mobile phone if you have no power)
  • Visit for the latest updates
  • Visit and type in their postcode to view our live power cut map
  • Tweet @ukpowernetworks to report a power cuts or to receive updates


We advise people to stay clear of power lines and report damaged power lines immediately by calling 105 free from either a landline or a mobile phone. If they see electricity lines that are down or causing significant risk to the public they should call 999.


We provide extra help to customers on our Priority Service Register during a power cut.  Households with older or disabled people, those with children under five, or where someone uses medical or mobility equipment that requires electricity as well as other reasons can join the register.  You can find out more information about our Priority Service on our website:


If you would like to share information about preparing for the storm or the priority service register on social media you might like to use the following:


@UKPowerNetworks has extra staff on hand 24/7 to deal with the impact of #stormFionn

Call 105 to report a powercut and visit for the latest updates


Do you, or someone you know, need extra support during a power cut?

@UKPowerNetworks provides free services to vulnerable customers. Visit for more information #stormFionn

It’s pothole season



This winter’s weather has been tough on Buckinghamshire’s roads – while the heavy snowfall in December was the most remarkable weather event, the worst conditions for roads are actually when the ground temperature fluctuates constantly between just above and just below zero.

Pothole formation is accelerated by this ‘freeze-thaw’ effect, whereby moisture gets into small cracks in the the road surface and expands when it freezes, then thaws out when the temperature rises. This process repeats until the road surface begins to break up and potholes are formed.

County Councillor Mark Shaw, Cabinet Member for Transportation, urges road users in Buckinghamshire to report potholes when they see them:

“Transport for Buckinghamshire will investigate every pothole reported to them, and react on a risk based prioritisation process – put simply, that means the worst ones will be attended to first, as a matter of urgency. But we’re not mind readers, and the road network is far too vast for us to possibly know where all the potholes are, so we need members of the public to report them to us either using the online form, which only takes a few minutes, or by calling if it’s dangerous or an emergency. I would ask that everyone be patient while we deal with the fallout of a bad winter – potholes are as inevitable as weather, roads are made of a porous material so that they don’t flood constantly in rain and so when water within the structure freezes, defects will form.”

On average, when there are no severe weather issues, TfB repairs over 4,000 potholes every month.

Pothole FAQ:

  • You fixed one pothole, why didn’t you fix the one next to it while you were here?
    Potholes are prioritised according to risk – if they are on very well used roads, they are more of a priority. Size and depth are also factors. Resources have to be used responsibly, and cannot be used up fixing a more minor road surface defect when there are more urgent defects needing attention just up the road.
  • Why can I only report one pothole online at a time?
    Our online reporting system works on an interactive map, so that each individual defect can be risk assessed and dealt with on a case by case basis. The map allows for accurate pinpointing, which saves time when it comes to inspections. There are drop-down menus to allow you to input as much detail, such as size and position, as possible.
  • Why do you make temporary repairs that don’t last?
    Temporary repairs, where the pothole is filled in with hot material and made smooth, are often carried out as a safety measure when a permanent repair cannot be carried out at that moment, likely due to the location of the defect. That is to say, where a larger area of road needs to be cut away to make a full repair, likely requiring a road or lane closure, a temporary or ‘make safe’ repair is an effective way of keeping the road safe in the meantime.
  • How do I report a pothole?

You can report potholes, as well as any other road issue, using the Report It forms on the county council website. In an emergency, for instance a severe road defect, a flooded road, or a tree in the road, you can always call Transport for Buckinghamshire on 01296 382416 or 486630 (out of hours). The online reporting tool is at

Visits to Greatmoor Energy from Waste

Do you ever wonder what happens to the things you put in your waste bin?  Your recycling is sorted and passed onto recycling companies, but what about your non-recyclable waste?


So far over 2500 visitors to Greatmoor Energy from Waste have found out.


All of the residual (non-recyclable) household waste generated in Buckinghamshire is now processed at the Greatmoor Energy from Waste facility, at Woodham, near Aylesbury.  Greatmoor is operated by FCC Environment, in partnership with Buckinghamshire County Council.


Greatmoor has the capacity to treat up to 300,000 tonnes of waste a year (approximately 900 tonnes a day), waste which would otherwise have gone to landfill.   As a result, it generates a minimum of 22 megawatts of electricity to the national grid – meeting the energy needs of around 36,000 homes.


This alternative treatment of waste will result in a saving to Buckinghamshire County Council of approximately £150 million over the 30 year life of the contract.


Guided tours of Greatmoor are available by prior agreement and at no charge.  Visiting groups have included WIs, U3As, Rotary Clubs, Scouts, Cubs, Primary Schools, Colleges and lots of others.


A group visit to Greatmoor can be tailored to your requirements and will include a tour around the facility, which includes the control room (where you will be able to see the cranes loading the waste), a visit to the viewing hatch providing an exciting view into the heart of the fire, the turbine hall and the huge condenser fans, which is an experience not to be missed.

The maximum group size for a tour is 15.  School visits are available for Key Stage 2 upwards.


Cllr Bill Chapple OBE, Buckinghamshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning & Environment, said: “Greatmoor is a great asset to Buckinghamshire, and I’d really recommend that people take this opportunity to see the plant in operation and find out how it helps us reduce the environmental impact of our waste while at the same time saving money.”


Feedback from visitors includes “ The tutor had a really good knowledge and explained it all well.  The tour was such a good experience and really interesting.  I think that all the general public should have an opportunity”   and  “Very informative but not too much sitting around so the children got bored or disruptive – they were kept engaged throughout”


If you aren’t a member of a local group but would like a tour, why come to one of our open tour days?


Greatmoor is holding four public open tour days in 2018.


These are on the following Saturdays – March 17th, June 30th, September 22nd and November 24th.


On each day there will be tours, at 10am, 12.30 and 3pm.  Please note that places are available on a strictly booking in advance basis only.  There is a minimum age limit of 12 on open tours.


For more information about Greatmoor please visit

Appeal for witnesses regarding a stolen van – Ivinghoe Aston & Buckingham

Appeal for witnesses regarding a stolen van – Ivinghoe Aston & Buckingham


A van has been reported stolen in Ivinghoe Aston on Monday morning (08/01).


At around 6am a Citroen Berlingo had been left running, whilst it was being defrosted. When the owner returned to the vehicle it had been stolen, with the keys and his wallet inside.


The van is white with distinctive red rear panels.


A vehicle matching this description, but bearing Irish number plates, was seen in suspicious circumstances at 11pm the same day, in the Linden Village area of Buckingham.


The vehicle contained three men, one of which is described as white and a large build. There is no description for the other two men.


The van was later found and recovered in the Bedfordshire area, containing a number of tools, which are believed to be stolen.


Investigating Officer PC Dean Kingham, based at Aylesbury Police Station said “I want to speak to anyone that might have seen this van, or can give me a description of the men.


“Enquiries are ongoing to find out who the recovered tools belong to and I will be in contact with the owners when this has been done.


“I would also like to remind residents not to leave vehicles unattended when they are being defrosted. Not only does this provide opportunist thieves a chance to steal it, your insurance company may not pay if it is stolen under these circumstances.”


If you have any information regarding this crime please call PC Kingham on the 24 hour non-emergency number 101, quoting reference number 43180006624.


If you don’t want to speak to the police or give your details you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, or report it online.


Crime prevention advice and information can be found on the Thames Valley Police website.

Diversion signs at Ivinghoe King’s Head and church

Message from Anne Wight, County Councillor
Diversion signs at Ivinghoe King’s Head and church

Dear all,

I am sorry to say that the diversion signs outside the King’s Head and by the church in Ivinghoe have been tampered with by members of the public. This has resulted in traffic being inappropriately diverted and is causing additional difficulties for the roadworks team.

Please can you remind your residents that tampering with any diversion or roadworks signs is an illegal act, and will only serve to delay the works further as roadworks teams must then come out and put them back into place.

While we appreciate that there may be some small traffic delays during these works, we have an obligation to assist Anglian Water while the works are ongoing, and would ask residents to leave all diversion signs in place.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Best wishes,

Anne Wight

County Councillor for Ivinghoe Division

January 2018 County Council Update from County Councillor Anne Wight

Please find below a copy of the report presented by Cllr Anne Wight at the Pitstone Parish Council meeting on 4/1/18:


Happy New Year Pitstone!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Pitstone Parish Council a very Happy New Year and hope that 2018 brings much happiness and prosperity to PPC and all the residents of Pitstone.


Station Road Cheddington Diversions

From 10th January for approximately one month, Station Road, Cheddington will be closed completely from the junction of Mentmore Road for 640 meters. Diversion routes are being set up which will include Long Marston Road, Cheddington Lane, Tring Road, Wingrave Road, Lower Icknield Way, Marsworth Road, High Street, Church Road, Station Road, and Horton.


These works are expected to cause minor delays for local residents and restrictions on road parking in that area, but they are necessary due to Anglian Water pipe repair in Cheddington.


Castlemead Road Adoption Update

Following recent exchanges of emails and telephone conversations with the developer and their consultant, our officer was able to confirm that contractors have set up a site compound and commenced work on the remedial works for Westfield Road.


Subject to further discussions, it is my understanding that the remedial works for the rest of the estate roads will follow on once Westfield Road has been completed and I am happy to provide PPC with further details as they become available.


College Lake

I was very pleased last month to have been invited to see the wonderful nature reserve on our doorstep which is College Lake by the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT).


As Pitstone residents may already know the Trust looks after 88 nature reserves across the three counties, covering about 2,500 hectares. Working closely with local communities, decision-makers, landowners and businesses, they work with and for nature.


All three counties have suffered 70 years of habitat destruction, with meadows, hedgerows and woods having disappeared under houses and roads. Consequently, BBOWT is restoring and creating more places for wildlife and people, where even small changes make a big difference.


Their aim is to lead the way for nature’s recovery, and connect people with nature, and their vision is for an environment rich in wildlife, valued by all.  Everyone can make a positive difference to their local environment.


If anyone is interested in joining the BBOWT, do please have a look at their website for the Highlights of 2017 below:


as well as their website at:


If anyone is interested in supporting the Trust, or would like more information about their work, please use the following email and they will be very happy to help you.




LLACC and Heathrow Expansion consultations


In the next few weeks, many residents in Bucks will receive a Heathrow Airport Expansion and Airspace Principles Consultation Leaflet.  This will provide details about the next public consultation, which will start on 17 January and run until 28 March 2018.  The leaflet will provide details about the consultation, how to respond, and a list of local consultation exhibition events that will be held during February and March.


There is a short video which explains more about Heathrow’s forthcoming consultation below;v=TboP3BBiQRY



The link below provides more information about Heathrow’s expansion plans.


I am happy to take any resident viewpoints to the next LLACC meeting on 22 January later this month, as the officer working on this at BCC is also working on the Luton airport expansion as well.


According to our BCC aviation planning officer, the next stage of this consultation in late 2018 will have some indication on possible impacts for Luton airport expansion.  Luton interim airspace change principles (2018 to 2025) are also likely to be consulted on from summer this year.

School bus changes due to Cheddington Station road closure

Two local school busses are affected by the new road closure at Cheddington station – the 883 Cheddington-Ivinghoe-Pitstone-Tring School service, and the 885 Ivinghoe Aston-Cheddington-Aylesbury Schools service (which does not affect Pitstone, and where there is a new shuttle bus 886T operating from Cheddington to the Aylesbury schools instead).  All other local school bus services (including the 885 to Tring school) are operating as normal.

BCC have advised the affected schools and also emailed to parents on the BCC email list.  Schools have been told to make announcements and bus drivers informed the students on the affected buses yesterday.  Therefore, the information below (a copy of the BCC email to parents) is just for clarification/reminder:


RE: Road Closure on Station Road, Cheddington from 10th January 2018 until Spring Half Term, 9th February 2018

You may be aware of a road closure coming into force tomorrow morning along Cheddington Station Road to the junction with Mentmore Road. Unfortunately we have been advised by Transport for Bucks that the nature of the works means that we are unable to access any part of this road during the closure, until otherwise notified. For this reason, we have had to alter the route of the 883 to avoid closed sections of the road.

The following boarding point adjustments will be in place until Friday 9th October (commencement of Spring Half Term Holiday) or until further notice:

  • Students boarding at Cheddington Station will need to walk to Cheddington, The Green to board. This is due to the nature of the road closure not allowing access to through traffic.
  • Students boarding at Ivinghoe, Ford End Farm / Station Road B488 will need to walk to Ivinghoe, The Green as this section of the route will not be accessible due to the earlier road closure.
  • Students boarding at Pitstone, Vicarage Road, Playing Field will need to wait on the opposite side of the road and board at the May Fu restaurant. This is to allow the bus to serve the route in a workable order
  • Students boarding at Pitstone, Vicarage Road / Ship Lane will need to walk up to and cross the Marsworth Road and board at the May Fu restaurant. The Vicarage Road cannot be served due to the direction the bus must be travelling to arrive at Tring School

In order to make the boarding points in time, the route will run 10 minutes earlier than usual, as follows:

0743   Cheddington, The Green

0753   Pitstone, Vicarage Road, Playing Field (outside May Fu)

0800   Ivinghoe, The Green

0821   Tring School

The drivers will have been briefed to keep an eye out for any students not at their correct boarding point, so please advise your children to wave the bus down should they see it on route.

Parents will note that these adjustments are the same as put in place in October 2017, due to the Horton Road closure, so students and parents should be familiar with the changed route.

Please call us on 01296 387439 if there are any concerns.

Daniel Leaver

Client Transport Officer

Transport Ÿ Economy Ÿ Environment | Client and Public Transport

Monument Drive at the Ashridge Estate

The National Trust attended the parish council meeting on 4-1-18 and gave an informative presentation on their current review of car parking along Monument Drive.

Please find below links to the following documents:

(1) A summary letter from National Trust – 20171031-Ashridge-CarPark

(2) A Frequently Asked Questions summary relating to the project – Ashridge Car Parking Project – FAQ’s

A public consultation will take place in the visitor centre at Ashridge later this spring.

Survey on an increase in council tax to help protect operational policing is launched



The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Thames Valley, Anthony Stansfeld, has today launched a survey seeking public views on an increase in the police element of the council tax by £1 a month (for a band D property).


On Tuesday 19th December the Home Secretary announced a substantial £450 million increase in police funding across England and Wales. However, this funding package assumes that all PCCs will raise the police element of council tax by £1 a month (or £12 a year) for a band D property which, collectively, will raise £270 million of the £450 million increase. This settlement will allow forces to continue to provide an effective service in their critical work to fight crime and protect the public.


At present around 60% of Thames Valley Police’s £393 million annual policing budget is funded by central government, with the policing element of council tax making up the remainder. Since 2010/11 the police grant has been cut by around 38% in real terms which has resulted in Thames Valley Police (TVP) having to make £99 million of savings in order to balance the budget.  These cuts have already led to a manpower reduction of over 1,000 full time equivalent posts, including more than 450 police officers.


Anthony Stansfeld, Police and Crime Commissioner said: “Setting the budget for 2018/19 needs to be considered in the context of an already constrained financial position as well as the additional pressures policing faces as demand in some of the most complex and challenging areas continues to increase.


“This includes rising reports and cases of hidden crimes such as domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual offences, serious violence and exploitation have all increased the pressure on police resources.


“Needless to say this is proving to be extremely challenging and without the increase of £12 per year in council tax, as recommended by the Home Secretary, we would have to make further significant reductions in police officers and staff which will affect the level and quality of policing service we are able to offer you.


“In November 2017 TVP was judged by the Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) to be ‘outstanding’ in the efficiency with which it keeps people safe and reduces crime. This includes an ‘outstanding’ for its understanding of demand and its use of resources to manage demand, and its planning for future demand was judged to be ‘good’. Thames Valley Police was one of only two forces nationally to have been awarded an overall rating of outstanding.


“Ideally I would not choose to consult over the busy Christmas and New Year period and particularly on such an important issue, however, the Chief Constable and I only received the provisional police grant settlement for 2018/19 from the Home Office on Tuesday 19th December.


“Unfortunately due to budget decisions needing to be finalised by the end of January I am only able to run the consultation until 11th January.


“I apologise for the timing and length of the consultation period but I hope you will take the time to complete the survey which will help the Chief Constable and I to make an informed decision on the budget for 2018/19.”


The short online survey and further background information can be found on the Thames Valley PCC website:


Closing Date: Midday Thursday 11th January 2018


Those residents who do not have access to the internet can write to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Thames Valley Police Headquarters, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxon, OX5 2NX with their answers to the below questions.


Question 1

Do you think an extra £12 per year in council tax, for a Band D property, to help protect operational policing in Thames Valley would be money well spent?


Question 2

If not, please explain why and what annual increase you believe is justified and will enable Thames Valley Police to do their job effectively?


Please note that all postal responses needs to be received by midday on Thursday 11th January 2018

Christmas Drink Drive Campaign and online calculator

drink drive campaign 2017

Please find attached the latest poster and flyer for our Christmas drink drive campaign to help raise awareness about making sure that drivers are not still over the limit the morning after a night out.


The poster and flyer has a link to an online calculator that can be downloaded. This can help to calculate how many units are in each type of drink and approximately how long it can take for alcohol to leave the system.


Road Safety has been out with Thames Valley Police conducting roadside checks and breathalysing drivers and this will continue throughout the festive period.  These checks take place from early in the morning to late at night throughout the county.


Thank you for sharing this message and I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas.



June Howlett

Road Safety Officer

Network Safety Team

Transport for Buckinghamshire

New County Offices

Walton Street



HP20 1UY

01296 382338

Visit our website

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Inform newsletter from Luton airport

Here is the link to the December issue (and all previous editions) of our community newsletter, Inform.

Recently you may have seen that Luton Borough Council, the airport owner, has unveiled its future vision looking ahead to 2050. As the operator of the airport until 2031, we are focused on delivering our current transformation which will see us grow to 18m passengers a year. For more information about their vision, a document is available here: and any feedback should be directed to the airport freeholder by emailing

I hope this information is useful.

Kind Regards,


Nicole Morris
Community Noise Officer
London Luton Airport
Navigation House
Airport Way, Luton
Bedfordshire LU2 9LY


Reminder not to leave running vehicles unattended while you defrost them – Aylesbury Vale

Christmas recycling and refuse information

Tis the season to recycle Aylesbury Vale District Council is encouraging residents to make the most of their recycling bins this Christmas and to be aware that over the festive period all Aylesbury Vale households will be affected by revised waste collection dates.
Over the festive season households generate around 30% more waste, so it’s even more important to reduce, reuse and recycle. As most of the extra waste created at Christmas can be recycled, AVDC will collect extra recycling if it is presented in a clear bag or cardboard box next to your recycling bin on collection day.
So at a time when your home is overflowing with wrapping paper, boxes and empty bottles of festive fizz, please help us by filling the blue-lidded recycling bin with; Christmas cards and crackers, paper hats, non-glittery wrapping paper, chocolate boxes, gift packaging and all the usual items you regularly recycle. If in any doubt, check out our new online Waste Wizard that tells you which items can and can not be recycled. Turkey bones and any unwanted Christmas pudding can go in the food waste bin. However, some food waste can be avoided so for inspiration on how to use up any leftovers visit
Excess recycling, as well as unwanted electrical items, can also be taken to the Recycling & Waste centres (tips), based at Aston Clinton, Aylesbury and Buckingham, together with Christmas trees, wreathes and mistletoe.
Residents who have subscribed to AVDC’s garden waste service can put natural Christmas trees, wreaths, holly and mistletoe in their brown garden waste bin. Trees should be cut into small pieces before being placed in the brown bin and all decorations and metal should be removed first. Garden waste collections will recommence from Monday 29 January 2018.
You can check your revised Christmas bin collection dates on our website:

Snap a selfie with Santa and you could win a £50 high street voucher

For the week commencing Monday 18 December, Aylesbury Vale District Council’s Recycling and Waste team is doing their bit to spread festive cheer thanks to the fabulous personal commitment and efforts of collection crew member Terry Green.

To raise money for Alzheimer’s Society, Multiple Sclerosis Society and Cancer Research UK, Terry has been growing his hair and beard for almost a year. This festive season Terry will be donning his Santa inspired red, Hi-Vis, safety uniform on his collection rounds and we are offering residents of Aylesbury Vale the chance to enter our photo competition by ‘snapping a selfie with Santa’. Amy Bridgford, Recycling and Waste Operations Manager said; “Terry has been with us since the summer and we’ve never known him without his thick hair and beard. I was delighted to support him when he approached me with this idea, to dress in red Hi-Vis and bring the presence of Santa to his collection rounds.

“It’s a great opportunity to bring the team together to support one of our own in his charitable feat and the rest of the crew are excited to judge the best photo competition.”
The photo competition is open until 5pm Thursday 21 December. Photos that are uploaded to Twitter, with the hashtag #selfiewithsanta and that have tagged AVDC’s handle @aylesburyvale will be entered into the competition, with the winner being announced, and the winning photo being uploaded across our social media accounts, on Friday 22 December. The photograph judged the best that has been shared with AVDC will receive a £50 high street shopping voucher – just in time for that last minute Christmas shop!

In the New Year, on the 21 January 2018, exactly one year on from beginning this charitable feat, Terry will have his hair cut short and beard shaved off. If you would like to support Terry with his fundraising you can make a donation via his JustGiving fundraising page ‘Growing Scruffy’.

Change to bin collection day due to adverse weather

Message to residents from AVDC


Due to the forecast of extremely low temperatures overnight, we anticipate that icy and snow-blocked roads are likely to make our recycling and waste collections dangerous.


For this reason, we’ve reluctantly decided to cancel collections on Tuesday 12 December, and to make the following changes to our normal collection schedule:


  • Tuesday’s collections will be collected on Wednesday
  • Wednesday’s collections will be collected on Thursday
  • Thursday’s collections will be collected on Friday
  • Friday’s collections will be collected on Saturday


It’s very rare that we have to make changes like these but, in the current extreme weather conditions, public and staff safety must remain our priority.


Please note, there’s a possibility that should the weather get worse, there’s a chance we may have to revise these changes again but we are hopeful that we’ll be able to make the collections as detailed above.


We apologise for any inconvenience.

Rural crime update from Assistant Chief Constable Nikki Ross

December 2017

Rural crime update from Assistant Chief Constable Nikki Ross

Reports of rural crime in the Thames Valley have increased by five percent between October 2016 and September 2017.

I would like to reassure members of our rural communities of my commitment to investigating reports of rural crime. We rely on information from our local communities and take such reports very seriously. Incidents are robustly investigated by our local policing teams who have dedicated Rural Crime and Wildlife Officers based across the Thames Valley.

Rural crime can take many different forms including burglary, robbery, theft, criminal damage, fly tipping, poaching and hare coursing. We are continuing to work with local residents, businesses and partners to raise awareness of crime prevention techniques while developing problem solving solutions to tackle rural crime.

There are often fewer witnesses to rural crimes and greater opportunities for criminals to target isolated properties and businesses. The impact of these crimes can also be greater, with people feeling more vulnerable due to their remote location.

You can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of rural crime by taking a few simple steps including:

  • Keeping the boundaries of your land and property well-maintained and secure
  • Fitting strong locks to sheds, garages and outbuildings
  • Checking security equipment regularly to ensure it is working properly
  • Locking equipment away in a secure building when it’s not in use
  • Security marking your tools and equipment

For more crime prevention advice, and to see details of your local Rural Crime Officers, visit the Rural Crime page on the Thames Valley Police website at:

If you become a victim of rural crime or suspect that a crime has taken place, you should always report it to police by calling the non-emergency number, 101. If an incident is in progress, or there is an immediate threat to life, you should call 999.

You can receive the latest rural crime news from Thames Valley Police and their partners directly to your phone or inbox by signing up to CountryWatch at:

Collective Switching deadline – Feb 18

Don’t forget registering to Buckinghamshire County Council Collective switching scheme where you can make savings on your energy bill.


This national scheme will join our residents, families and friends with other people from around the country in a large pool and then invite energy suppliers to bid in an auction to provide energy to this pool of people at a preferential lower rate. Once the supplier has been confirmed they will write to everyone with a personalised quote. There is no obligation to switch.


In the last round of Auction:


  • 41% of people who registered in Buckinghamshire were able to make a saving
  • The average savings in the county have been around £130 per year.

We have a website where people can find out more and also register their interest.


Winter Auction 2017-18 key dates:


  • Auction – Tuesday 13thFebruary 2018
  • Offers – 26thFebruary 2018
  • Closure – 27thMarch 2018

Deadline for registration is 12th February 2018. The auction for suppliers will take place on 13th February 2018. Please note that residents will need their existing energy bill(s) to complete your registration.

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