Please find below a copy of the report presented by Cllr Anne Wight at the Pitstone Parish Council meeting on 4/1/18:
Happy New Year Pitstone!
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Pitstone Parish Council a very Happy New Year and hope that 2018 brings much happiness and prosperity to PPC and all the residents of Pitstone.
Station Road Cheddington Diversions
From 10th January for approximately one month, Station Road, Cheddington will be closed completely from the junction of Mentmore Road for 640 meters. Diversion routes are being set up which will include Long Marston Road, Cheddington Lane, Tring Road, Wingrave Road, Lower Icknield Way, Marsworth Road, High Street, Church Road, Station Road, and Horton.
These works are expected to cause minor delays for local residents and restrictions on road parking in that area, but they are necessary due to Anglian Water pipe repair in Cheddington.
Castlemead Road Adoption Update
Following recent exchanges of emails and telephone conversations with the developer and their consultant, our officer was able to confirm that contractors have set up a site compound and commenced work on the remedial works for Westfield Road.
Subject to further discussions, it is my understanding that the remedial works for the rest of the estate roads will follow on once Westfield Road has been completed and I am happy to provide PPC with further details as they become available.
College Lake
I was very pleased last month to have been invited to see the wonderful nature reserve on our doorstep which is College Lake by the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT).
As Pitstone residents may already know the Trust looks after 88 nature reserves across the three counties, covering about 2,500 hectares. Working closely with local communities, decision-makers, landowners and businesses, they work with and for nature.
All three counties have suffered 70 years of habitat destruction, with meadows, hedgerows and woods having disappeared under houses and roads. Consequently, BBOWT is restoring and creating more places for wildlife and people, where even small changes make a big difference.
Their aim is to lead the way for nature’s recovery, and connect people with nature, and their vision is for an environment rich in wildlife, valued by all. Everyone can make a positive difference to their local environment.
If anyone is interested in joining the BBOWT, do please have a look at their website for the Highlights of 2017 below:
as well as their website at:
If anyone is interested in supporting the Trust, or would like more information about their work, please use the following email and they will be very happy to help you.
LLACC and Heathrow Expansion consultations
In the next few weeks, many residents in Bucks will receive a Heathrow Airport Expansion and Airspace Principles Consultation Leaflet. This will provide details about the next public consultation, which will start on 17 January and run until 28 March 2018. The leaflet will provide details about the consultation, how to respond, and a list of local consultation exhibition events that will be held during February and March.
There is a short video which explains more about Heathrow’s forthcoming consultation below;v=TboP3BBiQRY
The link below provides more information about Heathrow’s expansion plans.
I am happy to take any resident viewpoints to the next LLACC meeting on 22 January later this month, as the officer working on this at BCC is also working on the Luton airport expansion as well.
According to our BCC aviation planning officer, the next stage of this consultation in late 2018 will have some indication on possible impacts for Luton airport expansion. Luton interim airspace change principles (2018 to 2025) are also likely to be consulted on from summer this year.