Following many months of hard work, our Plan has now been submitted to Aylesbury Vale District Council on Monday 20 October – almost a year to the day since work started on it! Many of you took the time to comment on the pre-submission Plan in June/July for which we thank you. Following this pre-submission consultation, various changes were made to the Plan as a consequence before it was submitted to AVDC for this next consultation period.
From now on, the process is run by AVDC rather than the NDP team. Our ultimate goal is a formal referendum, in Spring 2016, in which the community votes to approve our Plan. Further details regarding the referendum will follow in due course.
As you know, our Plan is the blueprint for the development of Pitstone over the period 2013 to 2033. It seeks to protect our village environment, our green spaces and our views, in return for a reasonable level of properly-managed housing development and improved community facilities. We hope you will continue to give it your full support.
There is still plenty you can do to help get our Plan through and to have your say. AVDC’s consultation period on our Plan commenced on Tuesday 10 November and runs until Tuesday 22 December. Copies of the Plan and supporting documents can be found at
(Paper copies can also be inspected at various locations throughout the village). AVDC are now legally required to consult on it for a further 6 weeks which means there is further opportunity for you to help shape the future of our village. Please do take this opportunity to support our Plan and send any comments to AVDC. Full details of how to comment can be found at the above web address.