General information about our services

The parish council provide a number of facilities around the village.  These are all checked on a regular basis, but your eyes and ears are valuable resources to us, so if you see a fault or problem with any of the following please take the time to report it to the clerk.   Thank you.

  • The recreation ground by the Memorial Hall
  • The children’s play equipment on the recreation ground (the cricket screens and square are the responsibility of the cricket club)
  • The children’s play areas on Windsor Road and Hever Close (within the fencing)
  • The skate park on the recreation ground
  • (The ball court by the recreation ground has yet to pass over to parish council ownership)
  • The pavilion community building and football pitches on Marsworth Road
  • The allotments
  • The local green space between Marsworth Road and The Crescent
  • Some of the rights of way
  • Pitstone Hill car park grass cutting (the Hill is owned and maintained by National Trust)
  • Seating
  • Car parking at the recreation ground and pavilion
  • Litter bins and litter collection (from the streets, not households)
  • Dog bins and emptying
  • Street lighting
  • Bus shelters
  • Notice-boards
  • Youth Cafe
  • Community car scheme
  • Special events
  • Village development plans

A note about notice-boards:

The parish council boards primarily display general information from all tiers of local government, Thames Valley Police etc.

The council is happy to support charitable or community events within Pitstone & Ivinghoe, so if you would like to publicise an activity in our noticeboards please supply materials (maximum A4 size) to the Parish Clerk at Pitstone Pavilion, Marsworth Road, Pitstone, LU7 9AP and we will accommodate it if space permits.   We may also be able to add the information to the Events section of the village website plus our Facebook and Twitter feeds if you supply the information in text format and electronically (preferably accessible jpeg).

Unfortunately, we can’t promote commercial classes, events or business but you may be able to advertise these on the open board outside Ivinghoe Town Hall.

A note about banner / road-side advertisements:

The parish council owns the hedgerow outside the sports pavilion on Marsworth Road and Pitstone Recreation Ground Charity owns the wooden fencing around the Recreation Ground between Marsworth Road & Vicarage Road.  The parish council also operates devolved services from Buckinghamshire Council and therefore follows the general Charity Event Signage requirements laid out within that provision.

As a council, we are supportive of our local community groups, charities and events, in particular those within Pitstone and Ivinghoe.

The parish council is the appropriate body to contact for permission to display temporary event signage.  Charity event signage will only be permitted if a request for permission is made and approved, and subject to the sign permit general conditions which require such advertising to comply with the necessary highway and advertising regulations.  All requests must be sent to the parish clerk and each request considered on its merits and in light of the general conditions.  If your request is approved, written confirmation with a permit number will be provided to the applicant.

General conditions stipulated: Signs can not be erected more than two weeks before the event are must be taken down immediately after the event.   A maximum of 4 signs are allowed per event.  No sign should obstruct any visibility splay, footway or vehicular access nor positioned so as to contravene any traffic regulation or impede fire hydrants, inspection covers or statutory undertakers’ apparatus.  Any claim on the parish council or Buckinghamshire Council arising from any incident involving the signs will be referred to the person that erected the signs.  It is advisable that suitable cover against any such claim is provided by an appropriate insurance policy.

You can find out more information about the legislation surrounding advertising by the roadside in this guide:  outdoor advertising signage regulations

Unfortunately, failure to comply with any conditions specified in this permission, or fly-posting, will result in the removal of the signs.

Lost Property:

There are often items of lost property found within our playgrounds or handed into the council that have been discovered on the footpaths etc.  All lost property will be advertised on the website and facebook page.  After a period of two weeks, unclaimed clothing will be laundered and taken to the textile recycling bank at Colbree.  Unclaimed toys etc will be cleaned and provided to a charity shop. Other items will be disposed of.

Other tiers of government :

In April 2020, Bucks County Council and the 5 district councils merged to form one unitary council – Buckinghamshire Council.  If you are looking to discuss issues such as housing, planning, licencing, refuse collection, education, social care or highways you can now find Buckinghamshire Council’s new website here:


    2 thoughts on “General information about our services”

    1. What is the latest on the adoption of the Castlemead estate? It seems impossible to find anything out!

    2. Ownership and responsibility remain with Taylor Wimpey. We liaise with BCC and TW on a regular basis to chase progress. Having checked again with Bucks County Council today, they advise that the consultants working on behalf of the owner have sought costs for the remedial works previously identified, and are waiting for the necessary approvals from Taylor Wimpey and the subsequent appointment of the determined contractor. Once all remedial works have been completed to the satisfaction of Bucks County Council (BCC), Taylor Wimpey will be required to maintain them as such for a period of 12 months before BCC can adopt. Any queries should be directed to Taylor Wimpey Customer Care.
      Pitstone Parish Council (7/10/16)

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