Below are a list of currently active planning applications in Pitstone Parish. Click on the application reference to go to the Buckinghamshire Council planning portal page for an application.
The parish council is a consultee for all planning applications within Pitstone submitted to Buckinghamshire Council. Any applications received will generally be considered at our next available meeting, at which members of the public are welcome (agendas are published on our website one week before the meeting, click here: Following the meeting the council will submit its views, based upon the specified material considerations, to Buckinghamshire Council. Buckinghamshire Council as the planning authority, will then take these comments (along with those directly submitted by interested parties) into consideration when determining the application.
The parish council conducts a Neighbour Notification Programme for all applications, to advise any immediately affected residents of planning. Applications are also publicised via our noticeboards, website, Facebook & Twitter and Buckinghamshire Council erect a poster near the site.
Little Barley End Stocks Road Pitstone Buckinghamshire HP23 5RZ
Reference: 25/00233/APPProposal: Replacement dwelling
Application Received: 27/01/2025
Application Validated: 27/01/2025
Neighbour Notifications:
Delivered 11/2/25:
Barley End
Dunscombe Farm Cottage
Rainbow cottage
Goldings spring
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 27/02/2025PPC Resolution: No objections
PPC Comments:
Can Buckinghamshire Council please take into consideration the nature of the road and the limited access available when agreeing a construction management plan, to minimise the disruption to neighbouring properties.
12 Marsworth Road Pitstone Buckinghamshire LU7 9AS
Reference: 25/00072/APPProposal: Householder application for Installation of an air source heat pump
Application Received: 10/01/2025
Application Validated: 10/01/2025
Neighbour Notifications:
Delivered 24/1/25:
5, 10 Marsworth road
2, 5 Farriers Corner
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 30/01/2025PPC Resolution: No objections
PPC Comments:
15 Windsor Road Pitstone Buckinghamshire LU7 9GB
Reference: 25/00078/APPProposal: Householder application for garage conversion to a habitable room and extension to driveway
Application Received: 10/01/2025
Application Validated: 22/01/2025
Neighbour Notifications:
Delivered 24/1/25:
11,26 Windsor Road
1, 9 Long Hale
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 30/01/2025PPC Resolution: No objection
PPC Comments:
No objection, but BC to please check that the additional driveway material is permeable, to counter the loss of grass, as this information could not be found in the application.
Pitstone Quarry Upper Icknield Way Pitstone Buckinghamshire LU7 9GL
Reference: CM/0020/24Link:
Proposal: The importation of inert material and the revised working of permitted chalk reserves for use in the restoration of Pitstone Quarry with enhanced landscaping and biodiversity measures, and to create a new outdoor recreation resource, with a network of footpaths, open water swimming lake, welfare units and car parking facilities, for use in part as a Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG). |
Application Received: 15/10/2024
Application Validated: 19/12/2024
Neighbour Notifications:
A special public planning meeting will be held on Thursday 2 January 2025 at 7.30pm at Pitstone Pavilion.
The principal documents are available on the project website and the full planning application submission is on the planning authority portals. This includes the design principles, master plans, the visualisations showing how the restoration will develop over time, the Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary and a link to the Environmental Statement.
The formal planning application details are as follows:
Buckinghamshire County Council - See link above
Hertfordshire County Council planning application reference is PL/0426/24 and can be accessed here
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 02/01/2025PPC Resolution: Support the application with a number of comments to be taken into consideration
PPC Comments:
It was RESOLVED to advise both Buckinghamshire Council and Hertfordshire County Council that the parish council was in SUPPORT of this application, subject to the following comments being taken into consideration:
• Safe pedestrian access to the site (including the crossing of the Upper Icknield Way) required from both Vicarage Road and Westfield Road to serve Pitstone and Ivinghoe residents. Method to be determined by Buckinghamshire Council as Highways Authority and conditioned within the planning agreement.
• Buckinghamshire Council to review road safety considerations arising from the uplift in traffic generated by 140,000 visitors to the SANG per annum, predominantly at weekends, including any potential parking restrictions that may be required on the Upper Icknield Way/Vicarage Road and improvements to the Vicarage Road junction to improve safety. Any capital improvements deemed necessary to be conditioned within the grant of planning.
• Both planning authorities to give consideration to site security within their boundaries, to prevent out-of-hours trespass access to the lagoon for wild water swimming, and ensure suitable measures are included within the consent.
• Both planning authorities to satisfy themselves, in conjunction with the other ecological bodies involved, as to the protection of biodiversity, and reinstatement of habitat, to ensure the target biodiversity and habitat gains are delivered. This should include detailed monitoring before, during and after reinstatement. Both monitoring and deliverables should be conditioned within the grant.
Land To The Rear Of 12 Marsworth Road Pitstone Buckinghamshire
Reference: 24/01969/APPProposal: Demolition of detached garage and erection of a self build dwelling
Application Received: 05/07/2024
Application Validated: 10/07/2024
Neighbour Notifications:
Delivered 12/7/24 and 23/8/24
5, 10 Marsworth Road
2, 3, 4, 5, Farriers Corner
1-4 Forge Flats
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 25/07/2024PPC Resolution: opposed
PPC Comments:
Numerous grounds
Amendments submitted by the developer and discussed at the 29/8/24 meeting, where PPC comments were:
The further revisions submitted by the agent were considered at the full parish council meeting on 29/8/24.
The Parish Council advertises all applications on our web site, Facebook page, X feed and noticeboards. We also hand deliver letters to near neighbours.
It was resolved to advise Buckinghamshire Council that the Parish Council remain opposed to this application as the changes submitted did not alter our previously submitted views. In addition, the council resolved to submit the following additional comments:
• It was noted that the ground levels have been raised for the site, and this raises concerns regarding potential flooding risk for numbers 10 and 12 Marsworth Road which will both then be at a lower level
• As previously advised (in response to both the original application and this revised one), the application site can not be considered infill, as there are no other properties fronting directly onto Marsworth Road within at least 400 yards of this site
• The parking provision remains a concern and we request that the planning authority note that the neighbourhood plan requires a minimum of two parking spaces (in addition to any turning/manoeuvering requirements that the LPA may require).
Plot C, Westfield Road, Pitstone
Reference: 24/01437/VRCProposal: Variation of condition 3 ,7 ,8 and 9 (plans) attached to 03/A2081/NON relating to application 03/02081/ADP (Erection of office and production facilities - approval of reserved matters pursuant to 01/02241/AOP)
Application Received: 13/05/2024
Application Validated: 13/05/2024
Neighbour Notifications:
Delivered Fri 24/5/24:
Lancaster Way 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11,12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Harvington Park 4-9
Williams Court 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 06/06/2024PPC Resolution: No objections but LPA to consider the comments below
PPC Comments:
The application was considered by the planning committee on 6/6/24 where it was resolved to advise Buckinghamshire Council that the Parish Council has no objections to the principle of this application (and that Policy 4 of the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan supports the bringing-forward of proposals falling within use classes B2, B8 and what was formerly B1), but wished the Local Planning Authority to take the following comments into consideration:
• Please can the LPA ensure that a greater degree of landscaping & tree planting is created to the frontage with Westfield Road to providing suitable screening and noise abatement for the properties along Lancaster Way facing this development.
• Please ensure adequate consideration is given to the requirements for Biodiversity Net Gain and nature conservation, as if this were a fresh application not revival of an old one.
• Consider if any further assessments need to be undertaken or requirements set down, as there has been such a long gap between the original grant of planning and this request for variations.
Updated documents on the portal were considered by the parish council on 29/8/24 where it was resolved to advise Buckinghamshire Council that there were no objections to the revisions.
Further update relating to the addition of an extra unit (E) to be considered on 5/12/24: Plot C Westfield Road; 24/03527/VRC; Variation of conditions 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (Plans) attached to 24/01437/VRC (Variation of condition 3, 7, 8 and 9 (plans) attached to 03/A2081/NON relating to application 03/02081/ADP (Erection of office and production facilities - approval of reserved matters pursuant to 01/02241/AOP)) (relating to an additional unit, E). Considered by the parish council on 5/12/24 where it was resolved to advise Buckinghamshire Council that there were no objections to the revisions. Approved by Buckinghamshire Council 30/1/25.
Portland House on Westfield Road
Reference: 24/00361/APPProposal: Erection of 6 no. industrial starter units for industrial use (B2), storage and distribution (B8) and include ancillary office space within (E(g)(i) with associated works
Application Received: 31/01/2024
Application Validated: 21/02/2024
Neighbour Notifications:
Delivered 23/2/24:
1, 4, 5, 3, 10, 11, 16 Long Hale
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15 Windsor Road
1 Browns Hedge
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 29/02/2024PPC Resolution: No objections but BC to note comments
PPC Comments:
* BC to ensure sufficient parking provision for each of the proposed new units and the Portland House staff, and to consider if any parking restrictions are required on Westfield Road to ensure that there are enough passing places and that vision splays are maintained to ensure safe exit from both Portland House and Safran.
* BC to note that the route illustration shows HGV traffic exiting left & then turning right towards Ivinghoe, which would contravene the Ivinghoe Freight Zone. BC should satisfy itself that HGV traffic can safely exit right onto Westfield Road, and turn left into the site if travelling down from the Upper Icknield Way. To take the parked vehicles into consideration, and to review size/location of access, vision splays and any highway parking restrictions required to ensure safe use of the access.
Land To The Rear Of 87 Marsworth Road Pitstone LU7 9BA - revised application
Reference: 23/00757/APPProposal: Demolition of existing structures and erection of 5 dwellings including access and all ancillary works
Application Received: 02/01/2024
Application Validated: 02/01/2024
Neighbour Notifications:
Neighbour notifications (for this updated proposal) 19/1/24: Rushendon Furlong 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44, 46, 48,53,55,57; Marsworth Road 58,60,62,64,66,66A, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78 Haldi, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95/Garage House, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107; Brookend, 1 high Street
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on:PPC Resolution:
PPC Comments:
Land R/O 12 Queen Street Pitstone Buckinghamshire LU7 9AU (amended application)
Reference: 23/03386/APPProposal: Demolition of existing outbuildings. Erection of three dwellinghouses with associated landscaping, bin store, cycle stores and access.
Application Received: 31/10/2023
Application Validated: 31/10/2023
Neighbour Notifications:
Neighbour notifications 16/11/23 and 24/5/24to:
* All of Queen Street (both sides)
* All of Cheyne Close (both sides)
* All of Grange Road
* Albion Road, up to Grange Road (both sides)
* Marsworth Road - section between Queen Street and Albion Road
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 06/06/2024PPC Resolution: No objection in principle but LPA to please consider the comments below
PPC Comments:
The Parish Council advertises all applications on our web site, Facebook page, twitter feed and noticeboards. We also hand deliver letters to near neighbours.
The application was considered by the planning committee on 6/6/24 where it was resolved to advise Buckinghamshire Council that the Parish Council has no objections to the principle of this application (as now revised), but wished the Local Planning Authority to take the following comments into consideration:
• The reduction in dwelling numbers from 4 to 3 was welcomed, but those properties occupy the same footprint as previously as the built land has also reduced by a quarter, so the development still feels cramped.
• Please consider the impact on foul drainage and whether any improvements are required to the infrastructure.
• It was felt that the proposed bin storage and collection arrangements required review, as it was unlikely that the residents would use the designated rear bin store and it is understood that BC would be likely to require the bin collection point to be located at the front of the driveway adjacent to Queen Street as the positioning currently shown was too far from the road.
• Consider the situation at both ground and eaves level when assessing the useable space of the access road to ensure that the overhang on both properties is protected from vehicular damage.
• Ensure too that high enough curb edgings are provided along both sides of the access road where it runs between numbers 10 and 12 Queen Street to protect the flank walls and rooves of both properties.
• Consider the likelihood of parking ‘overspill’ onto Queen Street and any adjustments required to limit this.
• It was noted that the LPA had previously requested the replacement of the orchard trees and that the amended application showed a proposal, but it was felt that as the proposed planting may in fact be too dense to enable the long term life and growth of the proposed trees this should be assessed by the BC tree officer.
Land To The Rear Of 87 Marsworth Road Pitstone LU7 9BA
Reference: 23/00757/APPProposal: Demolition of existing structures and erection of 5 dwellings including access and all ancillary works.
Application Received: 07/03/2023
Application Validated: 07/03/2023
Neighbour Notifications:
Neighbour notifications 17/3/23 & second letter 1/4/23: Rushendon Furlong 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,53,55,57; Marsworth Road 58,60,62,64,66,66A,68,70,72,74,76,78 Haldi, 87,89,91,93,95/Garage House,97,99,101,103,105,107;Brookend, 1 high Street
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 30/03/2023PPC Resolution: Opposed, in its current form
PPC Comments:
The Parish Council advertises all applications on our web site, Facebook page, twitter feed and noticeboards. We also hand deliver letters to near neighbours.
The application was considered by the full parish council on 30 March 2023 where it was resolved to advise Buckinghamshire Council that the Parish Council was opposed to the application in its current form.
It was recognised that the application does potentially comply with many of the requirements laid out in the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan, however the following material points need to be considered when weighing the planning balance:
• Policy 6.iv of the Neighbourhood Plan states that development proposals will be supported provided that “where development could affect existing hedgerows or trees that contribute to Pitstone’s rural or village character their landscape schemes include their retention.” We consider that on a practical and purposive interpretation of the Policy, the words “existing … trees” must include those which would have still been ‘in situ’ had they not been pre-emptively felled in advance of the planning application being submitted. There was until recently a substantial and developed tree canopy, covering essentially the entire application site (see for example images on Google Earth dating from July 2021). The vast majority were removed during, it is believed, Q1 2022. These included a large and well-established walnut tree (the remains of which were still on site during our own site visit) along with, we understand, old apple trees. Orchards in particular are an important part of the Pitstone heritage – as recognised by our Neighbourhood Plan. It is understood that tree preservation orders were in the process of being sought, in relation to the site, at the time of the felling. It is our strong view that the application can only properly be considered against the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan (and, accordingly, approved or conditioned or refused) as if all the felled trees were still in place, despite the fact that they no longer are.
• Access is proposed off Marsworth Road, close to Brookmead School and Windmill PreSchool, and would cross the existing footpath. This is a stretch of narrow road, which is already heavily congested with traffic at school drop off and pick up times. The narrow footpath is heavily used by pre-school and primary school aged children walking/scooting to school both by themselves and with parents (depending on age). Whilst the Highways Authority believe that sufficient vision splays may be achievable we remain concerned about the safety of children and pedestrians given the potential volume of traffic movements arising from this number of properties, visitors, deliveries etc. There are existing issues with blocked access to Orchard Way (in the same vicinity) that ‘keep clear’ markings do not prevent and therefore anticipate that parents will also block access to these properties at peak times, preventing access by emergency vehicles / refuse collection vehicles (as well as by residents themselves).
• The provision of five dwellings feels an over development of this particular site, leaving parking provision for properties and visitors too tight. The proposed ridge heights and incorporation of 3-storeys to the 2 semi-detached properties seems to create too much massing for this enclosed space and create potential loss of privacy for existing near neighbours.
If the local planning authority is nonetheless minded to approve the application (in its current or any amended form), we would make the following submissions with regards to mitigation and related matters:
• As regards the felled trees, even if their removal had been permitted following an independent tree survey, offset or other mitigation requirements would undoubtedly have arisen (as for example per the 17/01871/APP development in Pitstone that required a replacement woodland to be planted to mitigate loss of woodland on the application site). The parish council feels very strongly that any stipulated mitigation should not only be assessed on the basis that the felled trees are still in situ; but also that it should be calculated prudently, i.e. erring towards giving each such tree the maximum potential ecological value that it could have had, given how the opportunity to have the extent of actual loss properly assessed has been denied to us. Mitigation must also, we hope it goes without saying, be provided within the parish and not elsewhere.
• There is currently a moratorium on the approval of any applications for new dwellings that cannot provide suitable mitigation measures in relation to the Chilterns Beechwoods SAC. No mitigation proposals are included within the application. It is understood that the developer would seek to provide financial offset to Buckinghamshire Council instead for combined use elsewhere in the county. This would not be acceptable to the parish council and we feel strongly that mitigation should be provided within the parish (which stretches into Ashridge, the site of the SAC).
• The creation of access would leave the existing property at 87 Marsworth Road with no dedicated off-street parking (it currently enjoys at least 2 spaces on what would become the access road for the application site). This does not comply with Policy 6.v of the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan, if and to the extent it applies to no.87 (which we consider it properly does). Even if it does not, development of the application site would create a requirement for displaced parking on Marsworth Road by the occupants of no.87, in what is already a heavily congested zone. The need for vehicular access to and sufficient off-street parking for 87 Marsworth Road would therefore also need to be addressed as part of the LPA’s decision.
Portland House Westfield Road Pitstone Buckinghamshire LU7 9GU
Reference: 23/00331/APPProposal: Erection of 6 no. industrial starter units for industrial use (B2), storage and distribution (B8) and include ancillary office space within (E(g)(i) with associated works on land at Portland House
Application Received: 01/02/2023
Application Validated: 14/02/2023
Neighbour Notifications:
Neighbour notification to:
1, 3 Browns Hedge
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,15 Windsor road
1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 Long Hale
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 23/02/2023PPC Resolution: No objection
PPC Comments:
Land Adjacent To Allotment Gardens Marsworth Road Pitstone Buckinghamshire
Reference: 22/00451/APPProposal: Construction of 4no. three-bedroom dwellings, including associated works, car parking and landscaping
Application Received: 08/02/2022
Application Validated: 08/02/2022
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 10/03/2022PPC Resolution: Opposed
PPC Comments:
Numerous grounds. See Buckinghamshire Council planning portal for full details.
Land To The South Of Marsworth Road And The West Of Vicarage Way Pitstone Buckinghamshire
Reference: 21/02999/APPProposal: Construction 21no. dwellings (8 flats and 13 houses), including associated works, car parking and landscaping
Application Received: 21/07/2021
Application Validated: 21/08/2021
Appeal Status: Concluded
Appeal Decision: Appeal allowed and planning permission granted by the Planning Inspectorate. However, now subject to judicial review, see webpage for further information: Update on the community areas within the Nicholas King Homes development:
Note: Final decisions on planning applications are made by Buckinghamshire Council. Comments from PPC are taken into account when decisions are made.
Discussed by PPC on: 19/08/2021PPC Resolution: Opposed
PPC Comments:
See planning portal for full details of grounds
Any comments, representation or objections you may have should be submitted directly to Buckinghamshire Council as the planning authority via their planning portal by clicking on the associated application number below. If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the day of our meeting to allow time for them to be circulated to all councillors.
Note: this page is updated periodically, the latest information is always available on the planning portal.