
Gravity has been one of this years most talked about films, and won an amazing 7 awards at the recent Oscars including Best Director, Special Effects and Cinematography.
It will be showing at the Pitstone Cinema on 28/3/14 at Pitstone Memorial Hall. Everyone welcome. Doors open at 7.30pm, Film starts at 8pm. 90 minutes running time. Adults £5, <14s £3.
Come along and see the infinity of space portrayed on the amazing huge screen which fills one end of the hall. The film is projected via the latest projection equipment. Excellent sound and visual quality. The bar will be open for refreshments & snacks throughout and you are welcome to take your drink to your seat with you. No long drive into town and no car parking fees!
Please do support the Pitstone cinema. Come along and tell us what films you’d like to see shown in the future.