Would you like to book a stall at the Easter Market being held at Pitstone Memorial Hall on 8 April?

Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity are recruiting for Bar Staff

OPCC would like to hear your experiences of victim support services

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for the Thames Valley will be recommissioning support services for victims later this year. To ensure that victims get the best possible support we would like to get the views from those who have experienced crime on what is and isn’t working currently in support services.  

To make this happen, Lisa Ward (http://www.iamlisaward.com/) will be running a series of focus groups on behalf of the OPCC. This is the opportunity for victims of crime to tell us what they believe is needed to help people in the local area.

We want to make sure that as many people as possible can take part so during February we are running several focus group sessions online and in person, as well as one on one interviews. Travel expenses to events will be covered and we are offering a voucher for attendees.

Focus group details are:

In Person:

  • High Wycombe – Wednesday 8th February
  • Reading – Friday 10th February
  • Oxford – (Wednesday 15th February)


  • Monday 6th February
  • Thursday 9th February (sexual violence experiences only)

Further information and details on how to register can be found on our website Victim Services consultation – Thames Valley PCC (thamesvalley-pcc.gov.uk)

Buckinghamshire Councillors Report for Jan 2023

Buckinghamshire Council aims to save costs through new Estates Strategy

​Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet has approved a new Estates Strategy, which will see the council review their office accommodation inherited from the pre-unitary legacy councils. The plans propose a reduction in the council’s operational estate based on organisational need, which could lead to revenue savings of £2.4m a year and capital receipts savings of £4m. The council’s carbon footprint would also be reduced.

Realigning their use of office accommodation reflects the change in work patterns in a post-Covid environment, where more staff are now working from home for at least part of each week.

Buckinghamshire Council confirms 2023/24 budget proposals

Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet has agreed to recommend to full Council its proposed budget and council tax rates for 2023/24. These are subject to further scrutiny by the Finance and Resources Select Committee and agreement by Council. 

The budget has been drawn up against a backdrop of global economic turbulence and uncertainty. High inflation driven by the war in Ukraine and extra demands on the council’s services are adding an extra £63 million in costs for next year before a penny of next year’s budget is even spent.

It means the council is proposing a 2.99% rise in the base rate of council tax. This is set against an increase in inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index of over 10%. In addition, it is planning to take up the Government’s proposal for a Social Care Precept of 2%, meaning a total rise of 4.99% in bills. The Cabinet were very aware that helping relieve pressures in social care is fundamental to helping the NHS during the winter peak in demand.

This would mean a rise in council tax of £1.61 per week for the average home (Band D) in Buckinghamshire.

The budget proposals also outline which areas the council is allocating funding for – and how much, after nearly 2,000 residents fed in their views on the budget plans. This includes:

  • More than £125 million fixing and maintaining roads
  • Nearly £143 million for schools improvements
  • £20 million on housing and tackling homelessness
  • More than £14 million to tackle Climate Change and prevent flooding
  • Investing more than £20 million in our waste and recycling facilities

The budget report considered by Cabinet (5/1/23) includes detail about how the Covid-19 pandemic and global factors have created considerable extra pressures on the budget this year. There have been many more people needing support and social care from the council following the pandemic; more children and families are facing need and more adults are receiving social care – 3% more in a year. The economic uncertainty and high inflation also mean the council’s own costs are much higher too across the piece, whether that’s the cost of materials to fix and build roads, energy costs or the cost of providing social care services.

The council is, however, in a stable and positive financial position compared to many other local authorities – we are able to present a balanced budget which includes major spend on services residents have told us that they want us to focus on. Importantly, we are continuing to achieve savings from becoming a single unitary authority in 2020. The council is finding a total of £10 million in savings across all departments to balance the books in 2023/24.

Buckinghamshire Council reveals first ever county-wide Local Heritage List

Buckinghamshire Council has today announced the adoption of its first ever county-wide heritage list. Using Government funding, the council has developed a Local Heritage List to protect some of the most important sites in the county that contribute to the character and heritage of Buckinghamshire. There have been more than 2,653 nominations for inclusion on the list and 771 of these sites are now being brought forward for adoption in Phase 1. The Local Heritage List identifies locally significant heritage sites and celebrates their contribution to local identity and character. These sites include historic buildings (houses, chapels, agricultural and industrial buildings), archaeological sites (upstanding earthwork remains and buried sites), formal gardens, public open spaces, public works of art, monuments and street furniture. This is different to statutory listing and designations (e.g., Grade I, II and II* listed buildings, scheduled monuments, and registered parks & gardens), which are assessed nationally by Historic England.

Nominations are now open for the Proud of Bucks Awards

Nominations are now open for Buckinghamshire Council’s Proud of Bucks Awards 2022 – generously sponsored by The Clare Foundation.

The awards aim to recognise and celebrate outstanding community contribution carried out by local volunteers, groups and organisations during 2022. They acknowledge Buckinghamshire’s communities that have made a positive impact in their local areas.

Just like last year, each of Buckinghamshire’s 16 Community Boards will be celebrating local people in three award categories. Members of the public are invited to send in their nominations for those who they feel deserve recognition and praise. The three award categories are:

  • Local Community Champion – For an individual (aged 21 and over) who has made a clear and positive impact in their local community during 2022. 
  • Young Community Champion – For a young person (under age 21) who has made a clear and positive impact in their local community or towards their peers during 2022. 
  • Community Group Contribution – Recognises and celebrates a group in the Community Board area who has made a clear and positive impact on the community during 2022. 

There are lots of ways to nominate someone for a Proud of Bucks Award, including submitting a nomination online or downloading a form and returning it by email. People can also visit their local Buckinghamshire library to pick up or drop off a printed paper copy. Find out more at: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/PoB-awards

The closing date for nominations is Sunday 12 February. Nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges and the winners will be announced in the spring.

Buckinghamshire Council secures £397k in government funding to support active travel in the county

Buckinghamshire Council has been awarded £397k in funding from the Active Travel Capability and Ambition Fund – a national initiative from Active Travel England and the Department for Transport that aims to support local authorities to plan active travel infrastructure, develop expertise and deliver behaviour change activities.

The funding will be used by the council to support:

  • Development of a Buckinghamshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) that will identify priorities for future investment in the active travel network
  • Resources to encourage school-aged children and young people to walk, cycle and scoot to and from school
  • Feasibility work for future active travel schemes
  • Promotion and monitoring of recently constructed active travel routes, alongside wider activities to encourage behaviour change
  • Training for officers and councillors on active travel infrastructure design

The one-year revenue Active Travel Capability and Ambition funding reflects Buckinghamshire Council being assessed by national government as being an authority with strong leadership and support for active travel, with strong plans and an emerging network. This Fund builds on the previous Local Authority Capability Fund, which provided £111k funding to Buckinghamshire Council through this initiative in 2021/22.

Feeling Blue? Don’t suffer in silence – help is available in Buckinghamshire

January can be an inspiring start to the new year, but some may still face challenges during the first few weeks. Current cost-of-living pressures have affected us all in different ways, and for many it has meant that this year has started differently to the previous ones.

The colder, shorter days of winter can also have an impact on how we’re feeling so it’s important to know what mental health support is available, and how to access it. It’s good to note that it’s okay to not feel okay, and that during these difficult times, some people might be facing mental health difficulties for the first time. This is why it’s especially important to look out for others and reach out for help when it’s needed.

If you are struggling to cope, and feeling low or worried, the most important thing to remember is that you are not alone, and that help is widely available across the county.

If you are struggling to heat your home or afford bills, Buckinghamshire Council’s Helping Hand initiative can help to ease financial pressures and support individuals or families in need, or those on low incomes. You can also visit the page to access advice, information and support if you are facing a financial emergency or a crisis.

Residents in Buckinghamshire also have a range of options when it comes to mental health support and where to find it. If you are concerned about your mental wellbeing, contacting your GP is an excellent first point of contact to establish what support is right for you.

Additionally, you can contact NHS 111 at any time to speak to an NHS mental health professional, who is ready to support adults and children if they are concerned about their mental health, or the mental health of others. For a full list of organisations and helplines that can help you to support your wellbeing, visit Buckinghamshire Council’s Care Advice Mental health and wellbeing webpages.

Buckinghamshire Lottery: Strike it lucky and support local good causes

Buckinghamshire residents can support local good causes while also potentially winning big with Buckinghamshire Lottery. By purchasing a ticket for just £1 per week, players not only have the opportunity to win cash prizes up to £25,000, but they also support local good causes such as community groups, sports clubs and charities.

All proceeds from the lottery go towards supporting local projects and organisations that make a positive impact on the community. Whether it’s supporting a local sports team, helping to preserve a historic building, or funding youth programmes, the Buckinghamshire Lottery is an easy way for residents to make a difference.

Buckinghamshire Lottery offers a 1 in 50 chance of winning – much better odds than the National Lottery. Recent winners include Mr M from Dunstable, who won a whopping £2,000 on Christmas Eve while supporting Stoke Mandeville-based wheelchair sport charity WheelPower.

To purchase a ticket and support local causes, go to: www.buckinghamshirelottery.co.uk

If you’re part of a local good cause looking to boost your fundraising in 2023, why not sign up to the Buckinghamshire Lottery. It’s completely free to sign up, there’s no admin and no risk. Free marketing and support are provided to get you started. For more information, visit: www.buckinghamshirelottery.co.uk/good-causes

Councillor Derek Town 

Arthritis Action course

Arthritis Action are pleased to bring our popular Arthritis Action Self-Management Event Online so you can attend from the comfort of your home, over the course of two days: on Thursday 2nd and Thursday 9th of February.

This FREE course will cover the following topics:

– Working with healthcare professionals

– Pain management

– Healthy eating

– Staying active

– Dealing with emotions

– Positive thinking

– Managing fatigue

– Weight management

– Clinical therapies

– Travel and getting out and about

– Family life

A certified self-management trainer, along with Arthritis Action staff, will be answering your questions about managing your arthritis.

Book on Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/self-management-online-two-day-event-2nd-9th-february-tickets-483256221367

January edition of OUR NEWS is here – our newsletter for you

The January edition of OUR NEWS is here 

We are pleased to bring you the first edition of OUR NEWS for 2023 – our newsletter for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales. 

This edition covers articles on the new government emergency alerts system, how to prevent burglary and protect your friends from romance fraud, understanding ‘secured by design’, offers from Patlock and Avast, how to avoid Amazon scams, how to find a trusted locksmith and more. 

We hope you enjoy this edition as much as we enjoyed creating it. READ THE NEWSLETTER HERE 
Keep safe, John Hayward-Cripps John Hayward-Cripps | CEONEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support TeamFollow us… ourwatch.org.uk / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedInNeighbourhood Watch Network is a charity registered in England & Wales, CIO no: 1173349  
Message Sent By
Central Support Team
(NWN, Enquiries Dept, England and Wales)

An update from Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire Council

Dear resident,
I’d like to start by wishing you a very Happy New Year and hope that you enjoyed a good Christmas with friends and family. We start the new year facing significant global challenges, all of which continue to directly impact our lives but I’m hopeful that we are entering a phase of more stability during the coming year.
This leads me onto the subject of finances and the council’s costs in the coming financial year. This week I and the other members of the council’s Cabinet considered our plans for spending and council tax rates for 2023-24, and I wanted to write to you to explain the proposals and what they mean for households in Buckinghamshire.  We know that next year, due to high inflation and a rise in demand for our services, we have to find an extra £63 million to cover our costs, before a penny of next year’s budget is even allocated. This represents a significant challenge for us and even though we have already made savings of over £27 million since becoming a single council in 2020, we are working hard to find another £10 million savings across all departments next year so this can also help towards balancing our books in 2023/24. Making these extra savings will help us to close this gap alongside other measures we’re putting forward in the budget, including our proposed council tax rates.  In order for us to balance the books next year and to be able commit enough money to our core services like social care for vulnerable children and adults, and continue to invest in our roads, schools and other priority areas we are proposing a rise in the base rate of council tax of 2.99% from 1 April 2023. We also have to fund huge adult social care costs and are acutely aware that relieving pressures in the social care sector will in turn help the NHS during a period of considerable demand. It means we are also taking up the government’s proposal for a social care precept of 2%, meaning an overall rise in bills of 4.99%.  I do not want to put up council tax by a single penny but the reality is that we cannot achieve a balanced budget next year without doing so; last year’s council tax increase was well below inflation and now, with inflation running at more than 10% (and even higher at around 20-30% for some of our costs), even with substantial savings, this is the only way we can pay for the services we provide whilst shielding residents from the bulk of the cost increases.  I want to highlight that there is a significant level of support available to residents facing particular hardship and I urge anyone worried about debt or paying the bills to look at our dedicated Cost of Living webpages for initial guidance and support. If you have specific concerns about paying your council tax, please contact our team directly to discuss further options.  I want to close this section by highlighting that while we are in a sobering position, we are still in a financially stable place and I am determined that we will continue to be a very efficient and value for money council. While it’s difficult proposing a 4.99% council tax rise, I am still pleased that we can still commit considerable funding to key areas that matter to our residents. We had nearly 2,000 responses from residents to our budget survey in the autumn that have helped us form the following plans around allocating funding. We’re proposing spending:
more than £125 million fixing and maintaining roadsnearly £143 million for improvements to schools£20 million on housing and tackling homelessnessmore than £14 million to tackle Climate Change and prevent floodingand, investing more than £20 million in our waste and recycling facilities  We have seen a rise in the number of councils issuing what are known as ‘Section 114 notices’ – where they are effectively ‘bankrupt’ and simply unable to set a balanced budget. We are not in that situation here in Buckinghamshire and I’m pleased that we can still set aside expenditure on the above areas, such as roads, drains and helping the most disadvantaged within the 2023/24 plans.  Other cost of living supportThe council’s comprehensive support is outlined at the link I’ve already mentioned above, in particular through our Helping Hand service which supports local households experiencing hardship. In addition, there is the ‘Help for Households’ webpages on the government’s website and I also want to mention the £2 bus fare cap that has started this month for many local bus services in Buckinghamshire, another strand of national support available to households during these challenging times.  It’s up to operators directly as to whether they take up this scheme and it’s good news that many are doing so here; you can see whether your local bus service is taking part by checking the list on the government’s website.  

Bledlow HRC reopening
I also wanted to make a quick mention that – reflecting our overall stable financial position – we are continuing to invest in essential local services for our residents. Waste and recycling is one of the universal services that we all rely on, and I’m really pleased that we’re in a position to be reopening our Household Recycling Centre at Bledlow in a week’s time, to serve residents in that area with the continuing future expansion of Princes Risborough also in mind.  This site will be open five days a week (closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays) and operate on a slightly different basis to when it was previously open, in that it will be free to Buckinghamshire residents but people who want to use it from outside the county will have to pay a fee. To this end, we would ask visitors to bring proof of address and also to bear in mind this is a rural location, so to take care when driving to and from the site and check webcams to avoid busy times where possible.  I want to sign off with a reminder to you all to take care of yourselves and others. The dark and cold days post-Christmas, with the extra challenges we are all facing around the cost of living can take their toll so please be mindful of your own health and wellbeing, both physical and mental, and reach out if you feel you need any extra advice or support. A good starting point is our own Health and Wellbeing website which points to various useful bits of information, advice and how to seek help if you need it.

Yours,  Martin Tett,Leader, Buckinghamshire Council

IMPACT OF RECENT WEATHER ON BUCKINGHAMSHIRE’S ROADS Statement from Councillor Steven Broadbent, Cabinet Member for Transport

“The prolonged period of very cold conditions experienced before Christmas was the coldest in the region since 2010. Continuous freezing conditions like these can cause serious problems with road surfaces, both in the surface layers, where freeze-thaw action causes potholes and cracks to widen but affects the integrity of the underlying structure of the road if the frost penetrates deep enough.  This can cause sudden, fairly catastrophic failure in roads.     This has then been followed by an extremely wet period, which also causes more rapid deterioration. This is exacerbated where road surfaces are already damaged, and especially through extensive use by HGVs, such as we are seeing in many parts of Buckinghamshire, most notably associated with construction works for HS2 and East West Rail.  As such, we are experiencing increased numbers of potholes and other related defects on the network and can expect this upward trend to continue over the next few weeks at least.   Where a defect is unsafe, repairs will be made as quickly as possible. Ideally this will be undertaken as a long-lasting repair, but at times, such as during very wet or cold weather, or when it is an emergency “out of hours” repair, this may be possible and a temporary “make-safe” repair will be undertaken.  In extreme cases the issue may require the temporary closure of the road. None of these temporary options are ideal, as this type of repair may not last very long in poor weather, particularly where the road is subject to large numbers of HGV movements.  The best time to fix roads defects properly is when the weather is warm and dry – which, of course, is the opposite of when the majority of the problems occur!  Transport for Buckinghamshire is working hard to assess and rectify defects as soon as possible.   The council continues to invest heavily in our highway network and the ongoing programme of local schemes and strategic road repairs/improvements continues.   Prudent financial planning has meant that severe weather reserves exist to help fund the required priority repairs to deal with the issues we are currently seeing.   Where the damage can be attributed either in whole, or in part, to schemes such as HS2 or East West Rail, the council will negotiate appropriate third-party payments to ensure Buckinghamshire residents’ are not footing the bill.   Regular inspections and repairs to our highways continue in line with our highways inspection policy, so that the travelling public can travel safely. With over 2,100 miles of carriageway across our county, the Transport for Buckinghamshire team welcome reports of potholes and other issues on our highways from residents. We urge residents not to repair potholes themselves – the best way to report a problem on the highway, so the council can repair the roads, is via Fix My Street:   Buckinghamshire.gov.uk/fix-my-street     This allows a problem to be reported by postcode or a click on a map and is directed to the most appropriate team to deal with in an expedited fashion. Fix My Street also allows you to see if the problem has already been reported to save duplication and you will receive automatic updates on progress of the follow up inspection or repair.”

Beacon Villages Community Library Fines Amnesty

Clark Contracting Ltd are currently seeking views on proposals for Pitstone Quarry Restoration

Clark Contracting Ltd are currently seeking views on their long term proposals for the restoration of Pitstone Quarry, developed in collaboration with National Trust, before they submit a planning application.

The proposals also include infill for re-landscaping via imported inert materials.

No official planning application consultation nor quarry licence application has yet been received by the parish council.

You can view the proposals and submit comments via their website, link below.

Free resources if you suffer with arthritis

Arthritis Action have a selection of online (groups held using zoom) for people to attend that we will be running every month, a series of webinars, a new podcast, and also some online exercise classes, all free of charge! You can also find more detail about these on our website: https://www.arthritisaction.org.uk/

They can also attend presentations for clubs, groups, and organisations to talk to people about how they can self-manage their arthritis better, and what support and advice they can offer as a charity. Ideally these will be done online, but where possible they can be arranged face to face as well.

Free festive fun for families with Buckinghamshire’s Holiday Activity & Food programme

Bookings are now open for activities and events for eligible children to enjoy during the Christmas holidays as part of Buckinghamshire Council’s Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme.

From sports to crafts and even a family pantomime followed by a Christmas meal, the Christmas programme offers free entertainment and activities for school-aged children in Reception up to Year 11 inclusive, who receive benefits-related free school meals. The pantomime events will happen in Aylesbury and High Wycombe, 100 places are available for each trip, happening right before Christmas.

Eligible families can book online by visiting: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/haf where they can find out more about the HAF programme and see the sessions that are available. Unique codes have been sent to schools to provide to eligible families. Each child can take part in up to four days of holiday activities.

Anita Cranmer, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services said: “We’ve got a fantastic choice of free activities being run by local providers for children to experience and enjoy over the Christmas period and at each session they attend the children are also given a healthy hot meal.

“We know times are especially tough for many families at the moment and so we are delighted to be able to offer such a great range of activities. It’s a great opportunity for eligible children to get out of the house, try something they like or fancy doing for the first time and to make new friends. We even have a family pantomime and meal events on offer for the first time this year so don’t wait too long, as there will be only 100 places available for each pantomime trip – get booking now!”

The HAF programme is funded with money from the Department for Education and coordinated by the council for Buckinghamshire. It provides a range of fun, free activities for children in Buckinghamshire who receive benefits related free school meals. Families who do not currently receive benefits-related free school meals, but think they may be eligible can check online and find out how to apply. 

Buckinghamshire Councillors Report for November 2022

New home energy schemes for Bucks residents

Become a Food Champion and help your local community

Buckinghamshire Council is reaching out to residents to offer a Helping Hand to support those struggling the most with the cost of living crisis. The council is relaunching their Food Champion scheme in partnership with Street Associations and local foodbanks, where residents are invited to set up a food collection service for tinned and dry food in their own road or street.

To help increase collections, Food Champions are encouraged to coordinate monthly food drops within their street or even their place of work and deliver these directly to the foodbanks. Once delivered, the vital provisions will help make up food parcels for vulnerable local individuals and families which will be distributed by the foodbanks direct.

To find out more about the Food Champions scheme – or to set up a scheme in your street – please visit: buckinghamshire.gov.uk/food-champions

Residents struggling to afford food can locate and contact their local foodbank by going to: buckinghamshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living

Have your say on the Home to School Transport Consultation

Buckinghamshire Council has today launched its Home to School Transport Consultation inviting residents to share their views on proposed changes to council-run school bus charges (Spare Seats Scheme), the Home to School Transport Policy (0- to 25-Year-Olds) and the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement for 2023 to 2024.

Until midnight on Sunday 4 December, people in Buckinghamshire will be able to provide their views on proposals for:

  • Spare Seats Scheme charging options
  • Updates to our home to school transport policies

Any changes will apply for the 2023 to 2024 academic year onwards and will apply to both new and existing customers.

The Spare Seats Scheme offers paid-for seats on timetabled Council-run school buses, after all young people who are eligible for free school transport have been allocated a seat.

The changes will even out the cost of travel over a child’s whole school career by reducing the cost of post-16 travel for some Spare Seats passengers, making it easier for parents and carers to know upfront how much they will have to pay before applying for a seat.

The consultation addresses concerns that the Spare Seats fee structure is complex and difficult to understand and proposes three options for simplified school bus ticket charges.

Buckinghamshire Council receives £2.7m funding to support rough sleepers in the county

The Government’s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has awarded Buckinghamshire Council £2.7 million of funding to help rough sleepers.

The funding – which covers five schemes running up until March 2025 – was granted following a successful bid by the council and will help support rough sleeper initiatives such as emergency beds, housing first support, and drug and alcohol outreach.

Last chance to help reshape constituencies

Final chance for public to help reshape constituency map as Boundary Commission for England launches consultation on new revised proposals for constituencies

The Boundary Commission for England today (8 November) publishes new revised
proposals for constituencies across the country and opens a final month-long consultation, giving the public a last opportunity to send in their views.

The Commission has taken into consideration over 45,000 comments sent in by the public during the previous two stages of public consultation, and has changed nearly half of its initial proposals based on this feedback. A third and final consultation on the new map of revised constituency proposals is open now until 5 December. The public are invited to view
and comment on the new map at bcereviews.org.uk.

The Commission is undertaking an independent review of all constituencies in England as requested by Parliament. The number of electors within each constituency currently varies widely due to population changes since the last boundary review. The 2023 Boundary
Review will rebalance the number of electors each MP represents, resulting in significant change to the existing constituency map. As part of the review, the number of constituencies in England will increase from 533 to 543.

After this final consultation has closed on 5 December, the Commission will analyse the responses and form its final recommendations. These will be submitted to Parliament by 1st July 2023.

Final deadline to cash council tax rebate vouchers approaches


Buckinghamshire residents who haven’t yet cashed their council tax energy rebate vouchers are being reminded that the deadline is fast approaching, at the end of this month.

Earlier this year the Government announced that all households in council tax bands A to D would receive a £150 payment as part of a range of measures to support people with the rising cost of energy pressures. Residents who were eligible for an energy rebate who had not received a BACS transfer were sent a voucher in the post in August this year. The vouchers need to be taken with a form of photo ID, to a post office, where they can be exchanged for £150.

Latest figures show that around 3,600 vouchers are still waiting to be cashed in Buckinghamshire. 

The original vouchers sent out are only valid for 90 days so some will no longer be redeemable, but the council can still make a payment by BACS transfer for residents to receive the payment. Anyone who needs to do this must telephone the council before 24 November to arrange this. Call 0300 131 6000, choose Option 3 and then Option 6. The last payment run will be made on 25 November.

If your voucher is still valid but you are unable to get to the Post Office yourself, you can nominate someone else to collect the money on your behalf. The nominee will need to take the original letter and relevant photo identification to the Post Office. The process is fully explained in the voucher letter and on the council website: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/council-tax

Anyone who has been sent a voucher but is in a position not to need it, please consider cashing it in and donating the funds to the Heart of Bucks Crisis Appeal which is helping local people who are struggling to make ends meet as a result of the rising cost of living.

Your donation could help someone in need buy food and household essentials, contribute towards moving costs for someone fleeing domestic abuse or help with energy costs.

Buckinghamshire Council examines concerns about pollution of rare chalk streams

Buckinghamshire Council is vowing to do what it can to lobby water companies and the Environment Agency on polluted watercourses in the county. The Council’s Cabinet has heard a special report on concerns over pollution in the county’s rivers and rare chalk streams. The council’s Transport, Environment and Climate Change (TECC) Select Committee carried out the rapid review into potential pollution of the water courses after fears that more discharges by water companies and the impact of HS2 works were potentially polluting the chalk aquifer beneath the Misbourne Valley.

The council does not have responsibility for water quality; this lies with the Environment Agency and the water companies. The cross-party review group gathered evidence from  a variety of different sources and stakeholders over a four-month period earlier this year to get a better understanding of the current health of Buckinghamshire’s waterways and to see how potential problems and concerns can be addressed.

Council calls for action to strengthen primary care services in Buckinghamshire

Buckinghamshire Council’s Health and Adult Social Care (HASC) Select Committee has today (Tuesday 15 November) reported the findings of an independent review into the progress of the development of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) across the county and has made a series of key recommendations

Primary Care Networks bring together groups of GP practices in a geographical area, to work collaboratively with each other in managing patient and community needs. Buckinghamshire currently has 13 PCNs. Their aim is to provide communities with better access to a broad range of tailored healthcare services and to encourage enhanced partnership working

Councillor Derek Town 

Welcoming Spaces – Warm Hubs

Beacon Villages Community Library on Friday evenings from 5pm to 6.30pm. Hot drinks available. All welcome. “We’re a warm free safe space. Please come in and make yourself comfortable. Information, support, free access to wifi, computers and cosy corner.” Find your nearest Buckinghamshire warm space at: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living/find-a-place-to-keep-warm-welcoming-spaces/

Tring Library is a Warm Space, whether you are using a computer, reading a newspaper or magazine or borrowing a book, libraries are here for you. Find your nearest Hertfordshire warm space at ww.hertfordshire.gov.uk/warmspaces

Santa needs your help on 14 and 15 December 2022

Can you help bring some Christmas magic to the children of Pitstone?

This year the Rennie Grove Hospice float will be in Castlemead on Weds 14 December and Pitstone Village on Thurs 15 December.

As well as bringing delight to the youngsters of the parish, it is one of the most important fundraising events of the year for the hospice. They are still on the lookout for potential helpers (elves) who would like to volunteer and collect door to door. If you are available to help, please email Alison Parker on Alison.Parker@renniegrove.org.

Rennie Grove Hospice Santa Float
Rennie Grove Hospice Santa’s Elves/Helpers

Burglary Prevention Advice

With the darker nights drawing in, we historically see an increase in Burglaries at this time of year. With this in mind, we would like to take the time to offer you some security advice.

• If you are leaving your home during the hours of darkness, please leave a light on. We recommend using a light timer switch, along with a low energy bulb in a lamp, which can be set to come on and go off at a time which suits you. This makes it appear that someone is home. Burglars are usually opportunists and patrol areas. So don’t let your home be their target.
• If you are going away, ask a neighbour to use your driveway if it is going to be vacant. This makes it appear that someone is coming and going.
• If you buy high value items, or you receive any for Christmas, don’t leave the empty boxes outside your home as this advertises what you have inside your property.
• Make sure you key lock your door, not just pull it shut.
• If you have an alarm, ensure it is set when you are not in your property.
• Consider installing CCTV.
• We recommend installing sensor security lights which come on when someone walks onto your property.
• If you have a keyless vehicle, please ensure the key is kept in a signal blocking box or pouch.
• Be vigilant. If you note a suspicious person or vehicle, report it. It may seem like a small piece of information, however it may be the missing piece of our jigsaw.

If you would like to speak with the team, or have any concerns, please email us on the below email address.


Kind Regards

The Wing and District Neighbourhood Policing Team

Buckinghamshire Councillors Report Pitstone November meeting 2022

New home energy schemes for Bucks residents

Hundreds of households in Buckinghamshire are set to benefit from new funding to make their homes more energy efficient as part of a joint project paid for by Central Government funding.

The news will be welcomed by households across the county, many of whom are at risk of being pushed into fuel poverty due to rising fuel costs.

The grants are for households with a gross annual income of less than £30,000 or who are receiving eligible benefits, and properties must have an energy rating of D, E, F or G.

The scheme will benefit both homeowners and those who rent privately. The new grant funding will potentially help more than 400 households in the county, and includes properties that are ‘off grid’, currently using an alternative energy supply, such as oil.

For owner occupiers, the work will be carried out for free. However, for rental properties (whether private or social), the landlord will be expected to pay at least one third of the cost towards the work.

Applications are open now to eligible households at: buckinghamshire-applications.co.uk

The BEIS (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy) Sustainable Warmth Competition which ran last year invited bids from local authorities for a share of the available funding. Buckinghamshire Council partnered with the Greater South East Net Zero Hub – who applied for funding on the council’s behalf, securing just under £5m of capital funding. This will be allocated as follows:

  • £3.2 million to support low-income households in Bucks on the gas grid with energy efficiency and low carbon heating measures such as external wall insulation, underfloor insulation and air source heat pumps.
  • £1.7 million to support low-income households in Bucks with energy efficiency and low carbon heating measures such as cavity wall insulation, solar PV and loft insulation.

The Hub has since contracted with City Energy who will be the delivery partner for the schemes across Buckinghamshire.

Buckinghamshire Council agrees comprehensive Cost of Living package for residents

Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet has formally agreed a wide-ranging package of support for residents this winter, including how it will spend £2.4 million of the government’s Household Support Fund.

The proposals to support struggling Buckinghamshire residents are believed to be among some of the most comprehensive in the country and include initiatives already underway, such as a new local crisis fund, and the launch of a network of ‘Welcoming Spaces’ across Buckinghamshire.

The report noted by Cabinet today also details how the £2.4million Household Support Fund will be spent in the county, co-ordinated through the Helping Hand service, the council’s support programme in place in Buckinghamshire for local households experiencing hardship.

The Household Support Fund covers the period 1 October 2022- 31 March 2023 and councils have some discretion and flexibility over how they identify local households and set eligibility criteria.

Information for residents is at www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living

Money Matters – have your say on Buckinghamshire Council’s spending priorities for 2023/24

Like other councils across the UK, Buckinghamshire is in the process of setting its budget for 2023/24. 82% of the cost of providing all Buckinghamshire Council’s services comes from Council Tax – from paying for care packages for adults who need it, to providing emergency accommodation for homeless people and vulnerable children, as well as the essential services everyone relies on like bin collections, road repairs and keeping streets and open spaces clean and safe.

Money Matters” – the way for residents to tell us what matters most to them when we come to divvy up the available funds during next year. The budget will pay for services such as:

  • Pothole repairs, road maintenance and improvement
  • The Council’s energy costs – from street lighting and operating machinery at household waste depots
  • Care for vulnerable children, for example, those who’ve had to come into our care for their own safety and well-being
  • Care for adults who need extra help and support
  • Running libraries and leisure centres
  • Support for residents facing hardship

 The “Money Matters” consultation sets out what proportion of the council’s budget is currently spent on which services and invites you to tell us which services you would prioritise in a short survey, which takes less than ten minutes to complete

To give us your views on how next year’s Buckinghamshire Council budget should be spent, to go www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/money-matters-consultation

Beacon Road Ringshall – Upcoming Drainage Improvement Works Road Closure

Work will take place on Beacon Road, Ringshall from the National Trust Dockey Wood Car Park to the Steps Hill Car Park. The works are programmed to take place from  (nominally) Wednesday 19th October, and it is anticipated that they will be completed by Friday 18th November. The work will be carried out using a road closure in operation between 8am and 5pm and temporary traffic lights when necessary.

This type of work is extremely weather dependent, and therefore these dates are subject to change at short notice.

Become a Food Champion and help your local community

Buckinghamshire Council is reaching out to residents to offer a Helping Hand to support those struggling the most with the cost of living crisis. The council is relaunching their Food Champion scheme in partnership with Street Associations and local foodbanks, where residents are invited to set up a food collection service for tinned and dry food in their own road or street.

To help increase collections, Food Champions are encouraged to coordinate monthly food drops within their street or even their place of work and deliver these directly to the foodbanks. Once delivered, the vital provisions will help make up food parcels for vulnerable local individuals and families which will be distributed by the foodbanks direct.

To find out more about the Food Champions scheme – or to set up a scheme in your street – please visit: buckinghamshire.gov.uk/food-champions

Residents struggling to afford food can locate and contact their local foodbank by going to: buckinghamshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living

Have your say on the Home to School Transport Consultation

Buckinghamshire Council has today launched its Home to School Transport Consultation inviting residents to share their views on proposed changes to council-run school bus charges (Spare Seats Scheme), the Home to School Transport Policy (0- to 25-Year-Olds) and the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement for 2023 to 2024.

Until midnight on Sunday 4 December, people in Buckinghamshire will be able to provide their views on proposals for:

  • Spare Seats Scheme charging options
  • Updates to our home to school transport policies

Any changes will apply for the 2023 to 2024 academic year onwards and will apply to both new and existing customers.

The Spare Seats Scheme offers paid-for seats on timetabled Council-run school buses, after all young people who are eligible for free school transport have been allocated a seat.

The changes will even out the cost of travel over a child’s whole school career by reducing the cost of post-16 travel for some Spare Seats passengers, making it easier for parents and carers to know upfront how much they will have to pay before applying for a seat.

The consultation addresses concerns that the Spare Seats fee structure is complex and difficult to understand and proposes three options for simplified school bus ticket charges.

Buckinghamshire Council receives £2.7m funding to support rough sleepers in the county

The Government’s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has awarded Buckinghamshire Council £2.7 million of funding to help rough sleepers.

The funding – which covers five schemes running up until March 2025 – was granted following a successful bid by the council and will help support rough sleeper initiatives such as emergency beds, housing first support, and drug and alcohol outreach. Councillor Derek Town

Have your say on the Home to School Transport Consultation ​

Buckinghamshire Council has today launched its Home to School Transport Consultation inviting residents to share their views on proposed changes to council-run school bus charges (Spare Seats Scheme), the Home to School Transport Policy (0- to 25-Year-Olds) and the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement for 2023 to 2024.

Between Wednesday 19 October and midnight on Sunday 4 December, people in Buckinghamshire will be able to provide their views on proposals for:

* Spare Seats Scheme charging options
* Updates to our home to school transport policies

Any changes will apply for the 2023 to 2024 academic year onwards and will apply to both new and existing customers.

The Spare Seats Scheme offers paid-for seats on timetabled Council-run school buses, after all young people who are eligible for free school transport have been allocated a seat. The changes will even out the cost of travel over a child’s whole school career by reducing the cost of post-16 travel for some Spare Seats passengers, making it easier for parents and carers to know upfront how much they will have to pay before applying for a seat. The consultation addresses concerns that the Spare Seats fee structure is complex and difficult to understand and proposes three options for simplified school bus ticket charges. Under all proposed options, non-Buckinghamshire Council residents will pay a higher fee to customers who live within Buckinghamshire.

The Home to School Transport Policy sets out the Council’s approach to providing transport to schools and educational settings for students up to 19 years old, and up to 25 years old for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The Post-16 Transport Policy Statement sets out transport arrangements for students aged 16 and over. Minor changes to these policies are being proposed to make them clearer and easier to understand.

Steve Broadbent, Cabinet Member for Transport, commented: “We sell spare seats on Council school buses where they are available after allocating seats to children who qualify for free assistance. This is a positive way of maximising the number of children who are able to travel on our commissioned bus routes. “The service has had feedback from parents that the current charging structure is complicated and confusing with lots of different factors that can lead to uncertainty over the rate to be charged. We want to make it easier for parents to understand so are consulting on options which simplify the pricing structure. “There are no other changes proposed to the Spare Seat Scheme offer, application process or prioritisation policy. Only the Spare Seat charges will change from the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

“The consultation is open to anyone who wishes to share their views, so please do take a look and provide your comments.”

Complete the online survey at: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/school-transport-consultation

Ladies football club are recruiting ..

Calling all remote workers

Pitstone Memorial Hall is hoping to offer some warm hub initiatives to help support our community through the winter.

One idea is to create a hot-desking hub at the hall. This would provide an opportunity for remote office workers to book a table at our pop-up office.

If you would like to find out more, please email the Hall Manager on pmhbookings@pitstone.co.uk

Buckinghamshire Councillors Report – Sept 22

Opportunity Bucks’ – ‘Levelling Up’ in Buckinghamshire

​Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet has this week approved a new programme aimed at promoting opportunity for all in the county. ‘Opportunity Bucks’ aims to help all residents access the fantastic opportunities on offer in Buckinghamshire where education, skills, work, living standards and health are concerned.

Following the government’s ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper earlier this year, Buckinghamshire Council has carried out extensive work to draw up a local approach to promote better opportunity for everyone. The result is our new programme “Opportunity Bucks – Succeeding for All.”

The approach will vary by area depending on what is most important locally and will initially focus on creating action plans for ten wards where outcomes for residents are poorer than in other parts of the county. The ten wards are in parts of Aylesbury, High Wycombe and Chesham.

This is a long-term piece of work and importantly is a partnership approach with other key stakeholders in the local areas such as housing associations, local businesses, voluntary and community groups, schools, and charitable organisations. Activities will be locally led by neighbourhood Community Boards along with local councillors

Planning enforcement success for Buckinghamshire Council

Buckinghamshire Council has issued the highest number of planning enforcement notices outside of London according to the latest national data. A planning enforcement notice is issued when an individual or developer is found to be in breach of planning control – it might be that someone has carried out works without planning permission when it was needed, or that they’ve done something that wasn’t within the granted permissions.

Buckinghamshire Council has also served the highest number of ‘breaches of condition’ notices in the whole country – this is where individuals or developers have failed to adhere to conditions set out when planning permission for their project was granted.

Buckinghamshire Council to hit 25% renewable electricity target

As part of its commitment to tackling the climate crisis, Buckinghamshire Council is pleased to announce that from October of this year, 25% of the electricity it uses will come from renewable sources. We have finalised the details of how we will procure the energy for council buildings and assets like streetlights.

Buying renewable energy is one of a number of ways we’re tackling climate change in Buckinghamshire and is directly related to action 33 in our Climate Change and Air Quality Action Plan. It helps support the renewable generation sector, reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, and our dependence on fossil fuels. The extraction, processing, and transportation of fossil fuels has various negative environmental impacts so this purchasing decision helps improve the Council’s environmental performance overall.

Town and Parish Charter

In line with the establishment of the new Buckinghamshire Council, we wanted to take the opportunity to strengthen our relationship with all councils across the county.

There has been an ongoing programme of work in the last few years and, following discussion and consultations on earlier iterations, we have developed a charter that demonstrates and articulates the commitment to work and communicate effectively with residents.

The charter has been published on our website and will be shared widely across the council. You can view the charter online or download a PDF copy.

The charter will be subject to an annual review which will of course be done in consultation with you all. Cabinet Members and senior officers will be accountable to the Localism and Communities Select Committee to ensure that the commitments made in the charter are upheld.

New Guardian’s Guide website launches

Buckinghamshire Council has launched a unique website to support people who may be taking on the role of a Special Guardian in a child or young person’s life. The innovative ‘Guardian’s Guide’ website – makes it easy for guardians and parents involved in Special Guardianship Orders to gain access to a variety of helpful information, advice and support.

A special guardian is a person who looks after a child or young person who cannot live with their birth parents or who isn’t suitable for adoption. The child can maintain a relationship with their birth family, but the guardian – usually a family member – is responsible for looking after the child and all day-to-day decisions until they are 18.  

In Buckinghamshire the number of children being cared for by special guardians is rising every year. The number of Special Guardianship Orders being granted for Buckinghamshire children is currently outstripping the number of Adoption Orders, so having easy, accessible information for people new to Special Guardianship is vital.

Council employs green technology to repair damaged roads

The programme of work started earlier this month. In three phases, it will tackle some of the ‘failing roads’ where the filling and refilling of potholes is not enough to maintain the road surface to an adequate standard. These are generally more rural roads, originally simple tracks, that were never designed to carry the amount of traffic they now do. As traffic levels have increased over the years, the road surfaces have deteriorated and foundations subsided to such an extent that normal plane and patch repair work is not enough.

The repair work is carried out using a process called Regen. It has been trialled previously in other parts of the county. Crews break up the existing road surface. These materials are then pulverised on site, spread out and compacted to create a level surface. A small amount of cement mixed with water, binds the materials together and creates a solid structure. The surface is then covered with bitumen and stone chippings, sealing it to prevent water getting in. The process is specifically designed for rural roads with a relatively low volume of traffic and would not be suitable on bigger roads with higher traffic flows.

The use of the new technique has multiple benefits:

  • The whole process is significantly quicker than alternatives so reducing the inconvenience for local residents and road users
  • It has a direct impact on improved air quality as there is no need to use hot asphalt
  • By reusing materials instead of taking them away from the site by vehicle, it helps reduce our carbon footprint
  • Using fewer materials also brings about significant savings. The cost is £22-£28 per square metre compared to £75-£100 per square metre for more conventional methods

 New planning guidance for the Vale of Aylesbury unveiled

Buckinghamshire Council launched a consultation on three important planning guidance documents that, once adopted, will inform planning and development decisions in the former Aylesbury Vale district area.

These documents, known as supplementary planning documents (SPDs), provide detailed advice and guidance on policies in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan which was adopted by the council in September 2021.

The consultation will be open until 2 November 2022. Individuals and organisations are invited to give their views on the following documents:

Aylesbury Garden Town – South Aylesbury Masterplan

This masterplan document is intended to guide landowners, developers, the public and the local planning authority in respect of environmental, social, economic and design objectives for the planning and development of the South Aylesbury area of the Aylesbury Garden Town, situated within Stoke Mandeville civil parish.

Affordable Housing SPD

This document provides further planning guidance on how affordable housing policy should be applied to proposals for residential development within the Aylesbury Vale local plan area.

Design SPD

The aim of the design supplementary planning document is to ensure that new development across Aylesbury Vale is of the highest quality, is in context with its location, and is inclusive and sustainable. The document sets out clear principles and objectives that aim to inspire developers and designers and assist landowners, developers, applicants and planners in the process of delivering high quality and well-designed development.

Update on move to new single system for revenues and benefits

In August, Buckinghamshire Council began the process of moving to a new and improved single system for managing council tax, business rates and benefits – merging the former district council systems into one.

The Chiltern and South Bucks systems were taken offline as planned on 15 August and the council has now converted the South Bucks and Chiltern council tax, business rates and housing benefit data and moved it to its new format.

The next step begins today (22 September), when the Aylesbury and Wycombe system (that was merged last November) is taken offline and all the data merged into one system which will be live on 27 October. One single system will then be available to all of Buckinghamshire residents and businesses.

Get your veg on with Grow It, Cook It, Eat It

Buckinghamshire Council supported ‘Grow It, Cook It, Eat It’ initiative helps residents in times of hardship to put nutritious and fresh food on their table. As the number of food parcels distributed to households in Buckinghamshire reached 13,718 in the first six months of 2022, many residents are looking for help to find affordable and healthy solutions and alternatives. Grow It, Cook It, Eat It is a community-led project that focuses on growing healthy produce, meanwhile educating local residents about maintaining and harvesting crops to allow people to grow their own food.

There is no cost or membership to visit one of the growing sites, and very little to no commitment – anyone can visit when they have spare time. What doesn’t get taken home from the allotments is donated back to the community.

If you’re a grower and sometimes find yourself with excess fruit and vegetables you can also give back to those in your community who need it via the Grow to Give project, where surplus produce from local allotments and gardens goes towards helping the community via local food banks to help households who may need extra support to access healthy and nutritious foods.

The Grow to Give project has been running in Aylesbury and High Wycombe since 2020, linked to local food banks and was recently launched in Amersham with residents waiting at the door of the council building at 10am to collect fresh produce. Check the Grow to Give website to find your nearest donation allotment site and free access to recipes and cooking videos.

The Grow it Cook it Eat it initiative also provides free cooking sessions delivered by our fully trained Volunteer Cooking Tutors who will link in with their local Grow It, Cook It, Eat It community growing site. Each site has its own dedicated Expert Gardener who is on-hand to offer help and guidance about how to get started with growing your own food.

Welcoming Spaces give a warm reception to all

Buckinghamshire Council’s latest measure to offer ‘a helping hand’ to support local residents with the cost of living crisis this winter, is the introduction of Buckinghamshire’s Welcoming Spaces.

The council is pledging to develop a network of Welcoming Spaces offering a variety of facilities around the county, with local partner organisations, where residents can come into safe and inclusive spaces, free of charge, to stay warm and enjoy a little company.

The scheme is kick-starting with the launch of Buckinghamshire’s libraries and community libraries as the first of the Welcoming Spaces venues. Visitors will be welcome for as long as they wish during opening hours and can make use of facilities including free wifi and computer access. Library staff will also be on hand to offer information and support to visitors struggling with the effects of the cost of living crisis.

More information on the Welcoming Spaces scheme can be found on the council website.

Household recycling centres switch to winter hours

​Buckinghamshire Council’s nine household recycling centres switch to winter opening hours on Saturday 1 October. The new opening hours will be 9am to 4pm.

The household recycling centres will be operating the same days as normal, as only the opening hours are changing, due to the reduced number of visits to the centres after 4pm.

Councillor Derek Town 

Cinematic Screening of the Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

Pitstone Memorial Hall invites you to attend a free live cinematic screening of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

Monday September 19 2022 from 10am

The Pitstone Parish Council Book of Condolence will be available for signing throughout the service.

Refreshments available from 11am.

Everyone is welcome.


Buckinghamshire Councillors Report – Sept 22

‘Find out if you need planning permission’ service now live in Buckinghamshire

A new online self-service planning tool has been launched that enables anyone in Buckinghamshire to check if an idea they have for a project is likely to be allowed under national permitted development rights or whether it may require planning permission. The service is part of a national pilot by the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing (DLUCH) to improve submitting and processing planning applications.

The new service works by doing a high-level check of the project against legislation and Geographic Information System (GIS) data to see if the project may fall under ‘permitted development’. The service also warns if other types of consent, such as prior approval, tree consent or listed building consent may additionally be required.

This new service is available to use now on Buckinghamshire Council’s website.

There is also an option to use anew online application service to allow homeowners and planning professionals to apply for a lawful development certificate as an alternative to using existing planning application submission tools.

Both services ask applicants questions specific to their project, meaning that users don’t need to be planning experts to start researching the changes they can make to their homes.

The self-service planning tool is free to use and can be accessed now on our website.

Have your say on a new political map for Buckinghamshire Council

New boundaries are being proposed for council wards in Buckinghamshire Council. The Local Government Boundary Commission wants to hear what residents and local organisations think about the proposals. A 10-week consultation on the proposals will run until 10 October 2022.

The Commission is the independent body that draws these boundaries. It is reviewing Buckinghamshire to make sure councillors will represent about the same number of electors, and that ward arrangements will help the council work effectively. The Commission has published proposals for changes to Buckinghamshire. It is proposing that Buckinghamshire Council should have 98 councillors. Those councillors should represent 51 wards, represented by 10 three-councillor wards, 27 two-councillor wards and 14 single-councillor wards. The boundaries of most wards will change.

The changes to the Ivinghoe ward will be the reduction of elected councillors from 3 to 2 off.

The Commission has a dedicated section on its website where people can see the detail of the proposals and comment on the names of wards and their boundaries: 


People can also give their views by e-mail at reviews@lgbce.org.uk, and by post:

Review Officer (Buckinghamshire)


PO Box 133

Blyth NE24 9FE

Buckinghamshire Council is upgrading its revenue and benefits systems

Buckinghamshire Council is preparing to move to a more efficient single system for all revenues and benefits functions, which includes council tax, business rates and benefits. This will complete the merge of the Chiltern and South Bucks systems with the already merged Aylesbury and Wycombe system – creating one new unified system serving the whole of Buckinghamshire.

The new and improved system will deliver many benefits to both residents and the council. These benefits include:

  • Improved customer self-service functions and real-time notifications of their transactions
  • Reduction in administration and an increase efficiency allowing council staff more time to spend on customers with priority and complex needs
  • A reduction in printing and postage costs
  • Increasing the council’s ability to improve collection rates which can be used to pay for essential services
  • New system makes it easier to check claims are correct and to clamp down on fraud

The temporary system shutdown is due to start on Monday 15 August for Chiltern and South Bucks systems, and Thursday 22 September for the Aylesbury and Wycombe system.

The target date to have the new system up and running is Thursday 27 October.

For help or assistance, residents can contact the council online:

Council Tax

Housing and benefits

Or by telephone: 0300 1316000

Residents are encouraged to check Buckinghamshire Council’s website for updates on the status of the service.

Interested in adoption? Find out more at our free online webinars

Anyone interesting in finding out more about adoption in Buckinghamshire is invited to attend one of the council’s new style Adoption Information Session Webinars. Designed to give people the opportunity to find out more about how the process works and to get answers to any questions they may have, the monthly events are open to all.

Webinars are planned for the following dates:

  • 20 September 2022
  • 18 October 2022
  • 22 November 2022

Anyone interested should book their place online: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/adoption

At any one time there are dozens of children in Buckinghamshire who are looking to be adopted. This includes older children, brothers and sisters and children with additional There is further information online including an Adoption Readiness Checker which allows you to consider your circumstances and gives advice about how to become ready for adoption. Alternatively, you can call: 01494 586349 or email: adoption@buckinghamshire.gov.ukneeds

Council warns – Don’t fly-tip in Buckinghamshire

​A man from Dunstable has learned the hard way that fly-tipping anywhere is against the law and by doing so in Buckinghamshire, he has gained nothing but a hefty fine and a criminal record.

Alexandre Padure, 28, from Dunstable in Bedfordshire, pleaded guilty to the offence of illegal dumping when he appeared at High Wycombe Magistrates Court on 17 August 2022.

The court heard that on or before Tuesday 2 November 2022, a large amount of waste, mainly off cuts of carpet, doors and other house refurbishment waste, was illegally dumped at a bus stop in Ivinghoe Aston on the B489.

Buckinghamshire Council enforcement officers found evidence in the waste, which was traced to a householder in Dunstable who was able to provide valuable information to the team as to the identity of the dumper.

Mr Padure was interviewed and admitted dumping the waste at the bus stop. He was ordered to pay a fine of £583, a victim surcharge of £58 and costs of £1,145.58, making a total of £1,786.58.

The local handyman who created the waste was issued with a £300 fixed penalty notice for failing in his duty of care and not disposing of the waste in a lawful manner.

Tell us your crime concerns

​Buckinghamshire residents are being asked to highlight their concerns about crime in their local area as part of the Safer Bucks Community Safety survey.

Safer Bucks is a partnership of organisations that work together to reduce crime, antisocial behaviour, and drugs and alcohol issues. Every year the partnership looks at community safety issues in the county. As part of this process, everyone living or working in Buckinghamshire is invited to take part in the survey.

This survey aims to find out what community safety matters concern local residents. It is quick and easy to complete and this year all those who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win one of three £100 shopping vouchers.

The results of the survey will be combined with an analysis of all crimes that happen in the county to help Safer Bucks set priorities for the year.

The survey opens today (Monday 5 September) and is open for six weeks, closing on Sunday 16 October.

The results of the survey will be analysed and taken to the Safer Bucks Partnership to agree any actions. A summary of the survey results will be included in the winter Community Safety Newsletter.

To take part in the survey visit: https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/communities/safety-2022

Councillor Derek Town 

Buckinghamshire Council want you to tell them your crime concerns

Buckinghamshire residents are being asked to highlight their concerns about crime in their local area as part of the Safer Bucks Community Safety survey. Safer Bucks is a partnership of organisations that work together to reduce crime, antisocial behaviour, and drugs and alcohol issues. Every year the partnership looks at community safety issues in the county. As part of this process, everyone living or working in Buckinghamshire is invited to take part in the survey. This survey aims to find out what community safety matters concern local residents. It is quick and easy to complete and this year all those who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win one of three £100 shopping vouchers. The results of the survey will be combined with an analysis of all crimes that happen in the county to help Safer Bucks set priorities for the year. Arif Hussain, Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Safety, said: “This survey is an opportunity for everyone who lives or works in the county to highlight their concerns about crime, antisocial behaviour, and drugs and alcohol issues. There is also an opportunity to add additional comments that people feel need to be considered. “Please do take a few minutes to have your say – it will really help Safer Bucks focus its efforts to reduce these issues that matter most to local people.” The survey opens today (Monday 5 September) and is open for six weeks, closing on Sunday 16 October. The results of the survey will be analysed and taken to the Safer Bucks Partnership to agree any actions. A summary of the survey results will be included in the winter Community Safety Newsletter. To take part in the survey visit: https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/communities/safety-2022

Bank Holiday bin collections across Buckinghamshire

Bin collections across Buckinghamshire will be operating to a revised timetable over the Summer Bank Holiday.

Collections due to take place on Monday 29 August (Summer Bank Holiday) will move to Tuesday 30 August. All collections the week commencing Monday 29 August will take place one day later than usual for this week only. Collections will return to normal from Monday 5 September. Please check the revised timetable and present any bins or containers by 6:30am on the revised collection day.

Buckinghamshire’s nine household recycling centres are staying open as usual, but residents are advised to check online before visiting to confirm opening hours and to avoid any queues. The Recycling Centres will move to their winter opening hours on 1 October, operating from 9am to 4pm. Visit our website for all the latest Household Recycling Centre information.

For more information including how to check your Bank Holiday bin collections, where to find your nearest household recycling centre, and useful recycling tips, visit: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/bank-holiday-bins

Please also follow @BucksCouncil to keep up-to-date with the latest recycling & waste and bin collection information on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Make your wildlife observations count

Free training sessions being offered by the Environmental Records Office, see flyer for full details.

More and more people seem interested in wildlife watching and identifying the species which visit their gardens or favourite local places. Unfortunately, not many pass on this valuable information to special interest groups and Local Records Centres.

At BMERC (Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Environmental Records Centre) we often receive enquiries about the wildlife people are seeing, how to improve their skills at its identification, and increasingly how they can make the information available publicly as a record of what they have seen.  To help answer many of the more common questions we have created a two part online course, open free to anyone who is interested. Comprising two x 1hour sessions online, the course seeks to fill in some of the gaps and help share understanding of what we can record, and how.

The course is FREE and is now open to bookings.

The two courses are designed as a pair. They are free to all but you will need to sign up in advance to get access to them, they are booked using the Everbrite platform and will run via Zoom on the day.

Bookings are now open, they are grouped into a ‘collection’  which can be located at https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/make-your-wildlife-observations-count-webinars-971289

Or individually at

  1. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/make-your-wildlife-observations-count-how-to-record-tickets-393625062157
  2. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/make-your-wildlife-observations-count-how-not-to-record-tickets-393633697987

We are keen to get as many people to attend as possible so please do sign up. NB you will need to register for both courses separately.

Network Rail – noisy overnight works 8-12 August 2022

Network Rail has advised that between 21.00 and 06.00 each night from Monday 8 August 2022 until Friday 12 August 2022, that they will be removing overgrown plants and trees that are covering their signals and growing into the overhead line equipment, from the stretch of line that runs from Tring Station to the Pavilion.

Some of the equipment includes mobile working platforms, chainsaws and lights. They apologise for any noise and light disturbance.

For more details you can visit: https://www.networkrail.co.uk/communities/living-by-the-railway/ or call 03457 114141

Buckinghamshire Councillors Report – July 22 Pitstone

Opportunity Bucks’ – ‘Levelling Up’ in Buckinghamshire

​Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet has this week approved a new programme aimed at promoting opportunity for all in the county. ‘Opportunity Bucks’ aims to help all residents access the fantastic opportunities on offer in Buckinghamshire where education, skills, work, living standards and health are concerned.

Following the government’s ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper earlier this year, Buckinghamshire Council has carried out extensive work to draw up a local approach to promote better opportunity for everyone. The result is our new programme “Opportunity Bucks – Succeeding for All.”

The approach will vary by area depending on what is most important locally and will initially focus on creating action plans for ten wards where outcomes for residents are poorer than in other parts of the county. The ten wards are in parts of Aylesbury, High Wycombe and Chesham.

This is a long-term piece of work and importantly is a partnership approach with other key stakeholders in the local areas such as housing associations, local businesses, voluntary and community groups, schools, and charitable organisations. Activities will be locally led by neighbourhood Community Boards along with local councillors

Planning enforcement success for Buckinghamshire Council

Buckinghamshire Council has issued the highest number of planning enforcement notices outside of London according to the latest national data. A planning enforcement notice is issued when an individual or developer is found to be in breach of planning control – it might be that someone has carried out works without planning permission when it was needed, or that they’ve done something that wasn’t within the granted permissions.

It’s a key priority for Buckinghamshire Council to clamp down on breaches of planning control – the process exists to make sure any work or development is appropriate and legal within nationally set planning laws. In Buckinghamshire we’re serving notices and taking early action against any breaches of planning control which is part of the reason we’re standing out for taking action. The aim is to intervene at the earliest opportunity to seek a remedy for the planning breach as quickly as we can.

Buckinghamshire Council has also served the highest number of ‘breaches of condition’ notices in the whole country – this is where individuals or developers have failed to adhere to conditions set out when planning permission for their project was granted.

Buckinghamshire Council to hit 25% renewable electricity target

As part of its commitment to tackling the climate crisis, Buckinghamshire Council is pleased to announce that from October of this year, 25% of the electricity it uses will come from renewable sources. We have finalised the details of how we will procure the energy for council buildings and assets like streetlights.

Buying renewable energy is one of a number of ways we’re tackling climate change in Buckinghamshire and is directly related to action 33 in our Climate Change and Air Quality Action Plan. It helps support the renewable generation sector, reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, and our dependence on fossil fuels. The extraction, processing, and transportation of fossil fuels has various negative environmental impacts so this purchasing decision helps improve the Council’s environmental performance overall.

We will also be increasing the number of places where we will generate our own energy- we have twenty solar photovoltaic system installations so far and more are planned for the future.

Charity offers free tennis sessions for Bucks residents

Inspired by the recent Centre Court action at Wimbledon? Fancy yourself as the next Cameron Norrie or Emma Raducanu? Now could be the perfect time to find out what tennis is all about, as national sports charity, Tennis for Free, with the support of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), is serving up an ace for local communities in Buckinghamshire, with the launch of a new venue, in High Wycombe, offering free coach-led tennis sessions for adults and children aged 12+.

In an exciting partnership with the council, the LTA and Tennis for Free will now provide free tennis sessions for individuals, families and carers at three locations in Bucks:

  • Desborough Recreation Ground, High Wycombe – Saturday 1.30-2.30pm
  • Bedgrove Park, Aylesbury – Saturday 4-5pm
  • Vale Park, Aylesbury – check website for details

The aims of the scheme are to get more people playing tennis and improving the physical and mental wellbeing of members of the local community. Schemes have been running in Aylesbury since 2019 but the venue in High Wycombe has just started.

Tennis For Free Co-founder Patrick Hollwey explained more, he said: “Together with the LTA, we are helping to make tennis more accessible to more people by removing the cost barrier that some sections of the community face, so that the entire community can play and benefit physically, mentally and socially.”

“We have created specially designed programmes to welcome families, carers and people of all ages and any ability, Tennis improves people’s mental health and TFF playing group games enhances this further. The beauty is that each session is led by qualified tennis coaches who will ensure people develop at their own pace.”

Town and Parish Charter

In line with the establishment of the new Buckinghamshire Council, we wanted to take the opportunity to strengthen our relationship with all councils across the county. I recognise the important role local Town and Parish councils play within the communities we all serve. You are key partners for us, sharing many of our own ambitions to improve our communities. 

There has been an ongoing programme of work in the last few years and, following discussion and consultations on earlier iterations, we have developed a charter that demonstrates and articulates our commitment to work and communicate effectively with you, which we hope in turn will help cement strengthened relationships.

The charter has been published on our website and will be shared widely across the council. You can view the charter online or download a PDF copy.

Alongside the charter itself, we have produced an action plan that will enable us to deliver and embed our outlined commitments.

The charter will be subject to an annual review which will of course be done in consultation with you all. Cabinet Members and senior officers will be accountable to the Localism and Communities Select Committee to ensure that the commitments made in the charter are upheld. We hope you enjoy reading it and we would be interested to hear your thoughts and comments on it.

New Guardian’s Guide website launches

Buckinghamshire Council has launched a unique website to support people who may be taking on the role of a Special Guardian in a child or young person’s life. The innovative ‘Guardian’s Guide’ website – makes it easy for guardians and parents involved in Special Guardianship Orders to gain access to a variety of helpful information, advice and support.

A special guardian is a person who looks after a child or young person who cannot live with their birth parents or who isn’t suitable for adoption. The child can maintain a relationship with their birth family, but the guardian – usually a family member – is responsible for looking after the child and all day-to-day decisions until they are 18.  

In Buckinghamshire the number of children being cared for by special guardians is rising every year. The number of Special Guardianship Orders being granted for Buckinghamshire children is currently outstripping the number of Adoption Orders, so having easy, accessible information for people new to Special Guardianship is vital.

Council employs green technology to repair dama

The programme of work started earlier this month. In three phases, it will tackle some of the ‘failing roads’ where the filling and refilling of potholes is not enough to maintain the road surface to an adequate standard. These are generally more rural roads, originally simple tracks, that were never designed to carry the amount of traffic they now do. As traffic levels have increased over the years, the road surfaces have deteriorated and foundations subsided to such an extent that normal plane and patch repair work is not enough.

The works form part of the council’s £100m, four-year, Investing in your Roads programme. The council’s highways engineers identified the locations for this latest programme following technical assessments on site, in combination with identifying those roads which will not be tackled by external organisations as part of their work, such as HS2 or East West Rail. The technical assessments were used to rank all the roads previously highlighted as needing attention, into an order. Those receiving the highest scores were given priority to be included in the first phase of works.

The repair work is carried out using a process called Regen. It has been trialled previously in other parts of the county. Crews break up the existing road surface. These materials are then pulverised on site, spread out and compacted to create a level surface. A small amount of cement mixed with water, binds the materials together and creates a solid structure. The surface is then covered with bitumen and stone chippings, sealing it to prevent water getting in. The process is specifically designed for rural roads with a relatively low volume of traffic and would not be suitable on bigger roads with higher traffic flows.

The use of the new technique has multiple benefits:

  • The whole process is significantly quicker than alternatives so reducing the inconvenience for local residents and road users
  • It has a direct impact on improved air quality as there is no need to use hot asphalt
  • By reusing materials instead of taking them away from the site by vehicle, it helps reduce our carbon footprint
  • Using fewer materials also brings about significant savings. The cost is £22-£28 per square metre compared to £75-£100 per square metre for more conventional methods

Councillor Derek Town 

Council develops new reporting tool in the fight against anti-social behaviour

Buckinghamshire Council has developed a new and easy way for people to report incidents of anti-social behaviour and community safety concerns. The online form allows people to instantly record the details, whatever time of day or night. The information is then forwarded directly to the council’s Community Safety team who can assess how to progress it.

Steve Bowles, Cabinet Member for Communities, explained: “We know that a lot of people are not sure of the best way to report anti-social behaviour, who they need to speak to or what information they need to provide. This form makes the whole process quick and easy, and the details provided can help us ensure it is forwarded to the right team or agency to deal with.”

Anti-social behaviour describes a range of behaviours or actions that can cause nuisance, annoyance, harm or distress to a person. It can include excessive noise, harassment or intimidation and abusive behaviour such as shouting or swearing.

The Community Safety team works closely with partners including the police, probation service and voluntary sector organisations to tackle issues such as anti-social behaviour, working with individuals and communities to take action where needed.

The new reporting form can be found on the council’s website.

Housing tenants who wish to report anti-social behaviour linked to their property should do so direct via their social landlord.

If anti-social behaviour is happening now, you should call the police on: 999 if someone is in immediate danger or there is a situation that could become violent 101 if it is not an emergency

For further information on safety and crime in your community visit: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/community-and-safety

Roadworks Cheddington Road & Pitstone Road 21-22/7/22 with delays possible

Cheddington Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

21 July – 22 July

Roadworks, Delays possible

Traffic management: Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Responsibility for works: Trooli

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: UY001AC-CHEDDINGTONRD2

Pitstone Road, Cheddington, Buckinghamshire

21 July – 22 July

Roadworks, Delays possible

Traffic management: Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Responsibility for works: Trooli

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: UY001AC-PITSTONE

Old Farm, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

22 July – 26 July

Roadworks, Delays unlikely

Traffic management: Some carriageway incursion

Responsibility for works: Trooli

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: UY001ASTC-OLD-FARM

Extreme temperatures and impact on waste collection services ​

With Buckinghamshire braced for extremely hot weather during the weekend and at the start of next week, Buckinghamshire Council wants residents to be aware of potential impact to council services.   The forecast for Monday and Tuesday (18 and 19 July) currently predicts temperatures to be around 35-37c, potentially making it unsafe for waste collection crews to carry out their work during the hottest part of the day.  

In line with other local authorities and health and safety guidance, we will be starting collection rounds earlier all week to get more done before the hottest part of the day. It also means some rounds may have to finish early, before completion. This is because the bin crews have to wear heavy duty protective clothing and their work is very physical meaning it could pose a risk to health in very hot weather.  

All waste collections will start at 6am for the whole of next week (Mon 18 – Fri 22 July inc) so please leave your bins out no later than 6am each day for the whole week or put them out the night before.  

If your bin isn’t emptied on your normal collection day please leave it out as we may be running slightly behind due to the heat.   Councillor Gareth Williams is Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change. He said:   “Obviously we don’t want bins being left on hot days in an ideal world, but we have to put the safety of our crews first and if it gets too hot for them to work, we may fall slightly behind our usual schedule. We hope to minimise this by starting early every day next week (w/c Mon 18 July). If your bin is not collected when expected, we will pick it up at the earliest opportunity.   It’s pleasing to see cooler temperatures forecast further into next week so we hope any delays are kept to an absolute minimum – and we will do our best to catch up as quickly as possible if collections are held up. I’m sure residents appreciate the need to put the health and wellbeing of our crews first and we thank them for their patience and understanding.”

Buckinghamshire Councillors Report – June 22 Pitstone

Buckinghamshire Council brings two more fly-tippers to justice

Two more criminals caught fly-tipping in Buckinghamshire have been brought to justice thanks to efforts by Buckinghamshire Council’s enforcement team. In both cases the offenders could have brought the majority of their waste to one of the council’s Household Recycling Centres free of charge, but instead chose to break the law and paid the price.

Council gives green light to outline plan to create more affordable housing

The aspiration of the outline planning application is to use Council-owned land to help deliver housing that is affordable and accessible to benefit the community. The potential development would include a minimum of 30% of affordable housing.

Using council land provides an opportunity to provide affordable housing in excess of the levels that are set out in planning requirements. The aspiration is the development will also include a number of homes for clients of adults and children’s services. If an outline planning application is successful, a detailed development scheme will be considered by Cabinet at a future date and a detailed planning application will follow.

It’s a win-win situation when you play Buckinghamshire Lottery

Sign up and support a good cause today – not only will you be in with the chance of winning weekly cash prizes of up to £25,000, but if you enter before Saturday 25 June, you will be in with the chance of winning a £1,000 Staycation with Forest Holidays, all for just £1 a week!

Buckinghamshire Lottery is a lottery for the people, by the people. It’s a fun way to help good causes without giving up precious time.

Tickets are just £1 in the weekly draw, and you can choose exactly which cause you would like your money to go to. More of your money goes to your chosen cause than with any other major lottery – you can see the exact breakdown of where every penny goes on Buckinghamshire Council’s website. If you enter before 25 June and are in a need of a summer getaway, you can also enter to win a luxurious cabin escape in the forest, where you can kick back and relax in your very own bubbling hot tub! 

If you are a local charity or community group looking to boost your fundraising and are interested at joining Buckinghamshire Lottery, further information can be found on the website. There’s no risk, no admin, and best of all, there are no fees. You’ll also receive year-round, free marketing materials and support to help you in your quest for fundraising.

Sign up today at: www.buckinghamshirelottery.co.uk

Wider call for sites opens as the Local Plan for Buckinghamshire begins to take shape

As Buckinghamshire Council continues its work on the Local Plan for Buckinghamshire, it is widening its search for land across the county that is suitable for different kinds of future development. This will ensure that the people of Buckinghamshire have the homes, infrastructure, economic opportunities and sustainable natural environment they will need in the years to come.

As part of this, the Council is opening a third call for sites suitable for future development. After two previous calls for brownfield sites, there is now a wider call for sites, which may include land not previously developed as well as a continued emphasis on re-using brownfield land whenever possible.

Let’s send illegal tobacco up in smoke

Residents in Buckinghamshire are being warned of the dangers of illegal tobacco in a new public awareness campaign being run by Buckinghamshire Council.

The council’s public health team is working alongside Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards to stamp out the rising trend in illegal tobacco.

Illegal tobacco includes:

  • Tobacco or cigarettes with no legal market in the UK, often from Eastern Europe (sometimes known as ‘cheap whites’)
  • UK brands which are smuggled into the country and sold without duty being paid
  • Counterfeit or fake cigarettes or tobacco that is illegally manufactured and made to look like recognised brands

The teams will be taking to the road throughout the summer to promote the See It, Report It, Stop It campaign which encourages people to stay away from illegal tobacco and to report sales of it anonymously. Typically illegal tobacco will be sold ‘under the counter’ in a similar way to drugs or in informal settings such as market or street stall like other counterfeit goods.

Jubilee memorabilia wanted!

Buckinghamshire Archives is collecting mementos from the historic occasion of HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and needs your help to create a record for future generations.

Archives are looking for records from the local area such as posters, invitations, flyers, photographs and residents’ newsletters from the Platinum Jubilee weekend that you would be willing to donate to Buckinghamshire Archives.

Examples of items collected in previous years are currently being displayed at the pop-up Archives Jubilee Exhibition, which is on show at libraries across the county this month.

Your submissions could help to tell the story of how Buckinghamshire celebrated the Platinum Jubilee to people hundreds of years in the future.

Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards win two national awards

Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards has been awarded two national awards by the Office of Product Safety and Standards (OPSS). The team won the national award for service excellence and the Business Team Manager won a national award for leadership.

With the award, the OPSS recognised how the whole service benefits local businesses and residents in Buckinghamshire and Surrey – while also achieving a significantly wider reach for consumer protection and business support.

Fun, free summer holiday clubs on offer to Buckinghamshire children

Buckinghamshire Council has teamed up with local organisations, schools and charity groups to provide thousands of places for eligible children and young people to enjoy a variety of exciting and interesting activities and experiences in their local area throughout the summer holidays – for free!

Whether your child is interested in art, football, technology, music or something else, there is an activity for every age and interest. For some children, these sessions will allow them to expand on a pre-existing interest and further develop skills they may already have; for others, the sessions will provide them with the opportunity to learn something completely new.

These places have been made available as part of the Government’s national Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. Available for children and young people who receive benefits-related free school meals, each session includes a healthy hot meal, as well as the opportunity to make new friends, have fun and maybe even develop a new skill or a hobby!

Details of the full range of activities available and how to secure a place, can be found on the website. Book early to avoid disappointment and to secure your choice – the take up is expected to be high!

Councillor Derek Town 

Crime Figures between 1st June 2022 & 30th June 2022

Between the 1st of June 2022 and the 30th of June 2022, there were 14 incidents reported to Police in Pitstone. Of these 14, 3 of these were of note and a summary of these incidents is as follows:

  1. Criminal Damage to the Parish Notice Board.
  2. Anti-Social Behaviour at the Skate Park – Loud Music being played. – PCSO Dean has liaised with Parish Clerk. Neighbourhood Team are increasing their patrols around the area.
  3. Theft of handbag from a vehicle in Pitstone Hill car park.

Parking Issues:

Parking was de-criminalised some years ago and this now falls under the remit of Buckinghamshire Council. The Police still have the power to enforce “Unnecessary Obstruction” – If a vehicle is fully  blocking the highway (including the grass verge) or a dropped curb. If you would like to report a parking issue, please follow the link below:

Report a highways problem | Buckinghamshire Council (buckscc.gov.uk)

We have seen a slight increase in thefts of Motorhomes again across the Aylesbury Vale and wider areas. We will be doing some Crime Prevention work around this across the area.

We are currently advising residents who own a Motorhome the following:

  • Ensure it is locked/secure
  • Park it in a well-lit area
  • Consider installing CCTV where it is parked
  • Park defensively – if you have another vehicle, park it in front of your Motorhome
  • If you do not have a tracker on your Motorhome, consider getting one fitted
  • Install bollards in front of where it is parked
  • Fit a wheel clamp when it is parked up
  • Fit a Steering Lock

The Neighbourhood Team will be arranging Have Your Say meetings around the area. Some of these will be planned and some will be “Pop Up” type meetings when they are in the area. We will inform you of any dates of any planned events.

Please let us know of any community events/fetes you have planned on your area and if we are able to attend then we will. We are trying to attend as many as we can as we have not been able to during Covid.

Help Buckinghamshire Council shape a new design code for Bucks – they want to know your thoughts about Pitstone

We are working to create a Design Code for Buckinghamshire. This is a set of rules and design principles for buildings, streets and public spaces which developers will need to follow. We need your input to help us to create the design code, which will contain design rules for:

Street design Walking and cycling Green spaces and trees Spaces for water and nature Cycle storage Storage for waste and recycling containers E-car and e-cycle charging Car parking Safe streets and public spaces

Once we’ve completed the Buckinghamshire Design Code we will test it before we conduct a formal public consultation. We will then consider formally adopting the Design Code as the official guidelines we will use to help us determine planning applications.

It’s quick and simple to get involved. Please visit https://www.bucks.place and follow these three steps:

Find your local area on our interactive map. Zoom into the street, public space or building you want to talk about, or key in the postcode in the search box. Then click +Tag and follow the instructions on the screen to add your idea, comment or suggestion.

Tell us what you think by typing a few words. We’re interested to know:

Is this a good place for children to live? Are there enough places for children to play in this area? Could I get around easily in a wheelchair? What obstacles are there if you were pushing a pushchair? Is it easy to cross the street? Are there enough trees? Do children have a safe walking route to school? Are there obstacles for people who are walking and cycling such as missing pavements? How could new developments in this place be better in the future?

You can also upload a photo directly from your smartphone or computer (optional).

The Home of 2050
We would also like to know how you think the Home of 2050 could respond to changing lifestyles and climate change. You can find some ideas and share your thoughts online on the Home of 2050 page (https://www.bucks.place/index.php?contentid=97).

Thank you for taking part in this important work for shaping the new Design Code for Buckinghamshire

New language support for Ukrainian refugees in Bucks communities

During Refugee Week 2022 (20-26 June), local charity Community Impact Bucks is promoting a new initiative which provides volunteer community interpreters to hosts and community groups in the county on a task-by-task basis.

Available through the Volunteer Matching Service, the volunteer interpreters are available to help in a community setting for example, interpretation at a coffee morning or interpreting on behalf of a host to help settle a family into the home. Both Ukrainian or Russian interpreters are available. For more details, visit Community Support for Ukrainian Refugees.

The charity has also recently appointed Tania Orlova as its Ukrainian Community Liaison Officer to coordinate community support for Ukrainian refugees in Buckinghamshire. If you are a host, refugee, or part of a voluntary group providing help to refugees and would like to be kept up-to-date on latest news and opportunities, contact Tania Orlova on tania@communityimpactbucks.org.uk/ tel 01844 617308

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