Volunteering, vacancies and employment

Residents are often welcome to join one of our voluntary groups helping at the youth cafe, with the publication of PPP or helping residents access their medical appointments via our community car scheme. (Please note that certain requirements may apply eg DBS checks.)  We also keep a list of other organisations that are looking for volunteers so you can try to find the right opportunity for you.   Please see the below Volunteering Database guide for more information:

The council employs the following part time staff:

  • a Facilities Manager for the pavilion
  • 3 litter pickers
  • 2 playground/asset inspectors
  • the clerk
  • a parish assistant to administer the community car scheme, youth cafe and notice-boards

We currently have :

We are an equal opportunities employer, and service operator.   Our policy can be found below.

We operate within the terms of a Councillor-Officer Protocol which can be found below.

We take the protection of your personal information seriously, and our Privacy Notice for Members, Employees and Volunteers can be found here: https://pitstone.co.uk/ppcinfo/gdpr-policies-how-we-look-after-your-data/

We are not affiliated with any Trade Unions, nor undertake any Trade Union time.

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