Memorial Bench for Anil Mitra

Three new benches have now been installed on Pitstone Recreation Ground, two of these replaced the older metal benches that were now in a poor state of repair and are part of an ongoing project to improve the seating at this location.

The third is a memorial bench for Anil Mitra, primarily funded by his family, as his wish had been for a bench in this particular location, which was not too far for those with mobility issues to walk to from the car park, and still enabled them to interact with their families whilst they played on the Recreation Ground. Our sincere thanks are extended to the family. The bench is already being well utilised and we are sure it will be enjoyed by many of you.

If you wish to speak to the parish council about the possibility of a memorial bench, please email

Grants to Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity and Brookmead School

We were pleased to be notified by Brookmead School that the outdoor sandpit is now available for the children to utilise as part of their OPAL outdoor play and learning activities.    The Parish Council provided a grant of £2,000 towards this initiative at the end of the last financial year, so it is lovely to now see this project come to fruition.

A grant was also provided to Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity in January of this year to fund a replacement security outside door and to help alleviate a temporary funding shortfall. 

If you are associated with a local community group that benefits the residents of Pitstone, and your group would benefit from some financial  support towards a current project, you can find out more information about our grant scheme and policy by visiting this webpage:

Remembering the Fallen of Pitstone

Our sincere thanks to the Wing and Ivinghoe Community Board for approving a grant to fully fund the purchase of 3 additional silent soldiers and poppies to go at their feet, to enable this poignant reminder to be located at all the main entrances to the village on each occasion they are erected.   The 3 new statues will be located (at appropriate times) on Westfield Road, Vicarage Road and Cheddington Road, and will join the 2 already in service at Pitstone Memorial Hall (which houses the village war memorial) and Marsworth Road (donated by the Women’s Institute).

We’d also like to extend our thanks to the Women’s Institute for their help mounting the poppies onto stakes and offering to put the poppies at the feet of the soldiers.

The statues will make their first appearance in May, to mark the 80th Anniversary of VE Day, and return for Remembrance Day. You can find out more about those residents that lost their lives during the war here:

Two new Public Access Defibrillators Installed at Colbree and Little Rothschild House Surgery

Our sincere thanks to both Colbree Engineering on Beacon Court, and Little Rothschild House surgery on Marsworth Road, for working with the parish council and granting permission for Public Access Defibrillators to be mounted outside their premises.

If you work in the business park, or live at the top end of Castlemead, the new Colbree unit will probably be your closest so please familiarize yourself  with its location to the left of the main entrance.   If you live between Brookmead School and Albion Road, the Rothschild House defibrillator is now likely to be your closest, and is located on the left as you enter the drive.    We were awarded 50% funding from the London Hearts/Central Government Defibrillator Grant Scheme to purchase these units. 

Units are now available at the following locations (but please note that the Sapphire Gymnastics unit is only available during their opening hours):

All units are registered to The Circuit so they are visible and their maintenance status is known to the ambulance and paramedic services. The ambulance service will direct you to the nearest defibrillator in the event of an emergency and provide you with the access code for the cabinet. Being familiar with the location of your nearest unit will help you feel confident to access it.

If a loved one suffers a cardiac arrest, the aim is to commence treatment within the first 5 minutes. The Stoke Mandeville ambulance service is located approximately 25 minute journey time from the village. Being able to use a defibrillator in the event of an incident, before the ambulance arrives, will significantly improve the patients chance of survival.   You do not need to be a trained medic to use a defibrillator as it will give you voice prompts throughout and will only shock the patient if it detects the need to do so.  We have a training video on our dedicated website page: and would encourage everyone to watch this and familiarise yourself with the equipment.  We also hold periodic training events, which we’d encourage you to attend, the next being at the Annual Assembly in May. 

We continue to seek the necessary permissions and funding for 3 further units in the village and will keep you updated on progress.

Applications for the next round of Pitstone Step Up Grants need to be received by the end of February 2025

Set Up Grant Logo

Pitstone Step-Up Grants have so far helped two young people with their university accommodation fees, one person to continue their skills education by providing help with their bus fare, another person realise an opportunity to visit Kenya and build a playground for a disadvantaged community, one person to continue their career development by providing the necessary IT equipment, and has enabled a disabled gentleman to access his garden.   It has been a privilege to work with these individuals and see not just the impact that the grant can have on them, but also the impact the activity has on others that benefit from the actions they are undertaking.

Applications for the next round need to be submitted by the end of February 2025.  You will need to attend an interview in support of your application on the evening of Thursday 20 March.  You will receive notification of any grant offered by early April.   As applications are only considered quarterly, we encourage you to think ahead and apply early !

Pitstone Step–Up Grants are new grants available to Pitstone residents, funded from income from a local charity (Pitstone Parish Charity).  They are designed to relieve hardship, need or distress by enabling the long-term transformation of the recipient’s quality of life in some way.  This could be through removing barriers to enable an individual to pursue a life-improving opportunity that would otherwise have been unaffordable, or to complete some form of training or upskilling that will demonstrably improve their professional or earning
potential, where funding is not available from another source.

To Apply:   

Visit the main webpage at  for more information on the different grants available, to read our Grant Making Policy and Application Guidelines, and then complete the application form.  If you’d like us to deliver a copy of the documents to your home, please call 01296 767261 or email and we will happily drop them off to you. 

Be Extraordinary … become a local councillor

As you will be aware, all parish councils in Buckinghamshire will be subject to re-election on 4 May 2025.

If you have 3+ hours per week spare to volunteer as a parish councillor, and would like to join the team for the upcoming 4 year term, please do contact the parish clerk on or 01296 767261 and we’ll happily supply you with a full information pack and details about eligibility to stand for election.

Please note that the parish council is also sole trustee to two local charities, so you will also need to be eligible to fulfil the role of charitable trustee.

Pitstone Parish Council update from Issue 143 (January 2025) of Pitstone Parish Post

A Warm Welcome to Hannah Bates

We are sure that you will join us in extending a warm welcome to our newest member of the council, Hannah Bates.   Hannah is a pharmacist and runs her own skin care business.  She has two children that attend the local schools, and is keen to get involved in helping the community.  Hannah will serve out the remaining term until the election.

If, like Hannah, you have at least 3 hours spare each week to volunteer, and are keen to get involved in the most local tier of government, there is a vacancy remaining to serve until the May 2025 elections.   You may also like to consider standing for election, and taking on a 4-year term of office from May 2025.  Please get in touch on 01296 767261 or email and we’ll be delighted to bring you round an information pack and chat to you further about the duties required as a member of the council and trustee of the two associated charities.  More information can also be found here:

Bus Service to Tring Station

Buckinghamshire Council have been encouraged by the number of residents getting on/off the bus at Tring Station, and from the positive feedback they have received from Pitstone residents – thank you to all that have taken the time to message them.  They hope to work with Red Eagle to try and tailor the times of the service to better align with the most popular train times.  Please take a moment to email BC Passenger Transport on and Red Eagle on to let them know if there are any trains that you are particularly keen to connect with.

Cycle/foot path to Tring Station

Buckinghamshire Council provided the following update “regarding the S106 transport contribution received by Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) from Taylor Wimpey for the Westfield Road development towards a foot/cycle link to Tring Station. As this link would be within Hertfordshire’s boundary, the S106 contribution was transferred from BCC to Hertfordshire County Council (HCC).  HCC have since considered it to be unfeasible to deliver a foot/cycle link along Northfield Road with the available funding. Therefore, an alternative scheme was proposed and discussed, involving upgrades to the canal towpath that connects at Marshcroft Lane and Station Road, where an existing shared foot/cycle path connects to Tring Station.  Taylor Wimpey have been informed of this proposed alternative scheme and have not raised objection. HCC are therefore now going to be progressing the delivery of these canal towpath works through the Canal and River Trust. They anticipate these works will be completed in the next 1-2 years.  Separately, following public consultation in late 2024, Buckinghamshire Council is proposing to include a ‘corridor’ between ‘Pitstone-Tring’ in the Buckinghamshire Local Cycling and
Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). This corridor is also referenced in HCC’s
equivalent local LCWIP. Whilst the LCWIPs do not guarantee or provide further funding, the inclusion of the corridor in the plans will support the Council’s in any future in this area, should it be progressed.”  

Thank you to those that responded to the consultation.  When we get the specific details of the Marshcroft Lane route, we will share these.

Bus Shelters along Westfield Road

We are delighted that the bus shelters have now been installed.   Our thanks once again to Safran for funding the shelter outside their premises.  No residents have yet come forward to say that they catch the bus from the stop up by Colbree, which seems to be more of a location for alighting that getting on.  If you do catch the bus from here and feel that an additional shelter is necessary, please email to let us know.

Tun Furlong play space

Bellway are still working through the remedial works, but we hope to be able to adopt this area very shortly.

Multi Use Games Area

The ball court by the Recreation Ground is still owned and maintained by Nicholas King Homes as it has not been constructed to the agreed standards.  Both Buckinghamshire Council and the Parish Council continue to seek recompense from NKH.  It is intended as an open facility for all to share.  There are no individual hire agreements in place.  Please be considerate of the neighbouring properties when using the court and keep music turned low, especially in the evenings or early mornings.

Local Wildlife Site

There continues to be a problem with vehicles parking by the maintenance gates for the Local Wildlife Site and we continue to receive correspondence from residents that have been walking along the footpath and met with moving vehicles.   Thames Valley Police are patrolling the area, speaking to offending vehicles and issuing fines if appropriate.   We are also working with the landowner and tenant farmer to investigate other options to prevent illegal parking there, and further signage will be installed in due course.  Please be aware of other pedestrians and cyclists when using the paths, and give each other plenty of space when overtaking.

Speeding in residential roads

We are working with Thames Valley Police and Brookmead School on a poster campaign that we will be able to utilise on our lamp posts etc.   We’ll let you know more details once they are finalised.   The wheelie bin stickers have been distributed and we still have some spare stickers, so if you feel you have a problem with speeding in your road and would like bright yellow stickers for your wheelie bins, please drop an email to providing your address and we can bring some round to you.

Buckinghamshire Highways

There are lots of long outstanding issues with Buckinghamshire Highways, ranging from potholes to path restoration, and signage lighting to road markings/signs.  We continue to push for resolutions and the Buckinghamshire Councillors are aware of the issues.

Restoration of Pitstone Quarry into a Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space

Thank you to those that attended either the latest drop-in consultation, or the formal presentation at the Parish Council Planning Committee meeting on 2/1/25, by AA Environmental Ltd on behalf of Clark Contracting Ltd.   You can find out more about the revised proposals on their project website at: and a copy of the presentation they gave on:


The Parish Council is working on a project to increase the number of defibrillators in the village so that everyone can access this emergency life saving equipment within the recommended travel times.   The current defibrillators are located at Pitstone Memorial Hall, Pitstone Pavilion, the Village Health Centre in Yardley Avenue and Pitstone Marina.  As we are 25-30 minutes from the ambulance station at Stoke Mandeville, in the event of a cardiac event, it is really important that there are local facilities.  We are currently seeking grant funding via a number of avenues and also hope to offer everyone training to familiarise themselves with its use.    Further information will be published as soon as the units are installed and operational. 


We are currently in the process of applying for grants to purchase some additional sport and musical equipment for the Youth Café;
purchase additional equipment and tools to assist the Repair Café; and  expand the number of silent soldiers to include each village gateway.    We’ll provide an update on whether these were successful in the next edition.

Restoration of Pitstone Quarry (comments on the planning application can be submitted until 9/1/25)

Please find below a copy of the presentation given by AA Environmental Ltd on behalf of Clark Contracting Ltd, at the Parish Council planning committee meeting on 2/1/25, regarding their planning application detailed below. This information was also available via their display stands to members of public at the drop in consultation session they hosted from 5-7pm on the same evening.

Our thanks to all the members of the public that attended, from both our parish and our neighbouring parishes.

The planning proposal is entitled: The importation of inert material and the revised working of permitted chalk reserves for use in the restoration of Pitstone Quarry with enhanced landscaping and biodiversity measures, and to create a new outdoor recreation resource, with a network of footpaths, open water swimming lake, welfare units and car parking facilities, for use in part as a Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG).

The principal documents (in a more accessible format than those on the planning portals) are available on the project website: If anyone in the Parish has any specific request for documents this can be made to the project email and one of the Project Team will respond.

The full planning application submission is on both of the planning authority portals. This includes the design principles, master plans, the visualisations showing how the restoration will develop over time, the Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary and a link to the Environmental Statement.

The formal planning application details are as follows:

Buckinghamshire County Council –

Hertfordshire County Council planning application reference is PL/0426/24 and can be accessed here

Comments can be submitted to either/both planning authorities until 9 January 2025.

Remember to submit your Volunteer of the Year nominations by 17 January 2025

All your nominations for the Pitstone Volunteer of the Year 2025 need to be sent to the parish council by 17 January 2025, so if you know of someone that is giving up their time and making a difference to the lives of the people in Pitstone, then please let us know.

A huge army of volunteers make our village special.  Did you know that volunteers manage the Memorial Hall; the Pitstone Heritage Park/museum; staff the Pitstone Windmill open days; are parish councillors; form the governing body of Brookmead school; deliver and edit Pitstone Parish Post; operate Pitstone Youth Café; form the management committee for Windmill pre-school; drive for the Community Car scheme; run mums & toddlers; run Brownies/Rainbows/Cubs/Scouts; are trustees for The Williamson Trust and Pitstone Town Lands Charity; run sporting groups such as I&PUCC, P&IUFC and P&IJFC; check street lights; provide ground-keeping on the cricket square; manage our allotment site; help at the Beacon Villages Community Library; organise community events and form the Friends of St Mary’s church in Pitstone, manning open days and organising events. Just think what our village would be like without all these facilities!

As well as being an opportunity for you, and the parish council, to thank our Volunteer of the Year in public, the winner receives £50.00 and a framed certificate.

Previous winners include: Barry & Sue Gregory, Mick Pilkington, Howard Jones, Geoff Bratt, Linda Howarth, Gill Arney, Dave Seaton, Rob Spiller, Margaret Cole, Klaus Ginda, Dave Clifford, Mary Saintey, Joe Marling, Michelle Lee, David Hawkins, John Groom and Elaine Thorogood.

Please email or write to the parish clerk on: or at

Pitstone Pavilion, Marsworth Road, Pitstone, Beds, LU7 9AP

providing the full name of the person you wish to nominate, the reasons why you think they deserve to win and a contact detail (email/phone) for that person.

If you have some spare time and would like join this volunteer army and start enjoying the benefits that volunteering brings, please do get in touch.

A reminder that the next community group grant deadline is 20-1-25

The parish council offers grants to local community groups and local charities that specifically benefit Pitstone residents.  Applications are considered quarterly.   The next opportunity for grants to be considered is coming up next month , so please get your submissions to us by 20 January 2025.

Some of our most recent recipients include Toy Hub providing Christmas gifts for the children from families who are struggling this winter, 1st Ivinghoe & Pitstone Scouts for their air riffle project and Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity for a floor scrubber & black out curtains.

Please see the grant policy on this web site ( ) for further information or contact the parish clerk for an initial chat.

Applications must be received at least 10 days ahead of the meeting date so that the information can be circulated to all members ahead of the meeting and your application can be advertised on our agenda.

Are there any musicians in the village that would be willing to inspire the youth cafe attendees?

We had a volunteer come along with a guitar and the young people really enjoyed having a go and learning a simple tune.

If you own an instrument and would be willing to pop along to the youth cafe one week to talk about it with the young people that attend (most are 11-15 years), show them how to play it and let them have a try, we’d love to hear from you.

Youth cafe runs from 6.30 to 8pm on a Wednesday evening during term time. We can be flexible on the date(s) you wish to attend.

Please contact Dave Rollins, the Cafe Manager, on 07368 429591

Thank you very much.

Applications for the next round of Pitstone Step Up Grants need to be received by the end of November

Set Up Grant Logo

Pitstone Step-Up Grants have so far helped two young people with their university accommodation fees, one person to continue their skills education by providing help with their bus fare, and another person realise an opportunity to visit Kenya and build a playground for a disadvantaged community.   It has been a privilege to work with these individuals and see not just the impact that the grant can have on them, but also the impact the activity has on others that benefit from the actions they are undertaking.

Applications for the next round need to be submitted by the end of November 2024.  You will need to attend an interview in support of your application on the evening of Thursday 19 December.  You will receive notification of any grant offered by early January.   As applications are only considered quarterly, we encourage you to think ahead and apply early !

Pitstone Step–Up Grants are new grants available to Pitstone residents, funded from income from a local charity (Pitstone Parish Charity).  They are designed to relieve hardship, need or distress by enabling the long-term transformation of the recipient’s quality of life in some way.  This could be through removing barriers to enable an individual to pursue a life-improving opportunity that would otherwise have been unaffordable, or to complete some form of training or upskilling that will demonstrably improve their professional or earning
potential, where funding is not available from another source.

To Apply:   

Visit the main webpage at  for more information on the different grants available, to read our Grant Making Policy and Application Guidelines, and then complete the application form.  If you’d like us to deliver a copy of the documents to your home, please call 01296 767261 or email and we will happily drop them off to you. 

Can you spare a gift this Christmas for a local family in need?

Pitstone Parish Council is working with Toy Hub, a local charity who believe that every child should be able to open a gift from their grown-ups on Christmas Day. They also provide gifts for vulnerable or elderly people in the community, and for some recipients, these gifts might be the only ones they receive this Christmas.

There are a number of residents in Pitstone that are being supported by the charity this year, so if you are in a position to help in anyway, please do consider making a donation.

There is a donation point open at St Mary’s Church in Ivinghoe. Please click here for information about the type of things that can be donated (new or like-new gifts for all ages):

Where Toy Hub do not receive enough donations, the charity will source a suitable gift, so you can also make a financial donation or buy items from their Amazon wish list. See above link. The Parish Council has provided a financial grant to help towards the cost of providing support to our residents.

They also welcome volunteers to help sort, pack and deliver the Christmas magic. If you can get involved, please click here for more information:

Toy Hub work with local schools and foodbanks etc to help identify those that may need assistance. Families can also self refer. Click here for more information on the eligibility criteria and registering with the charity to receive support (applications need to be received by the end of this weekend):

Main Toy Hub webpage available here:

New Westfield Road bus shelters now complete

The installation of the three new bus shelters has been completed and we hope that you find them to be beneficial. Thank you for your patience whilst the works were undertaken.

Once again, our sincere thanks to Safran for sponsoring the cost of the shelter outside their premises. We are most grateful for their support of the community.

Finally a reminder that if you use the bus stop up by Colbree to get ON the bus, as opposed to just getting off the bus at that location, to please email or call 01296 767261 so we can gauge demand for an additional shelter at that location and provision within the budget accordingly. Thank you.

Help! Can you help me get back home?

Were you travelling by bus today, from the new bus shelter on Westfield Road? This little chap seems to have got separated from his family and we are sure that there is a small person out there somewhere that would love to have their precious toy back.

He’s currently safe, in the warm and dry.

Please get in touch with us on 01296 767261 or email if you are missing him.

Thank you.

Looking for a volunteering opportunity?

There is a new website where you can search for volunteering vacancies across Buckinghamshire:

You can also search for Pitstone and Ivinghoe opportunities on our local database available here:

Volunteering is hugely rewarding and there are a range of opportunities to suite all sorts of interests and time commitments, so do take a look.

Pitstone Parish Council quarterly update from issue 142 of PPP

Starting with the good news:

Bus Service to Tring Station

We are delighted that the new bus service to Tring Station came into effect on 2 September 2024. Our sincere thanks to everyone that took the time to complete the original Bus to Tring Station survey and to all the employees at Safran who completed the more recent workplace survey about potential bus usage, both of which have helped to provide evidence to Buckinghamshire Council and Red Eagle to support the introduction of the route.

Most of the Number 61 bus services will operate the Tring station route. There are currently a number of buses in both directions each day. The online timetable can be found here and Bucks Council should keep the ones at the bus stops updated.

The service currently being offered by Red Eagle is being used to assess demand. Once they have some data on actual uptake, they will then look to make any definitive timetable changes they feel are necessary.  At the moment, Bucks Council and Red Eagle hope that the service will be a permanent change, but if there is insufficient demand or they receive complaints about the new routes / timetables then the times/services may be reviewed. It is possible that they may receive negative feedback from users of the previous route at the diverted times, who now find that their preferred bus is no longer available.

Buckinghamshire Council has also said that they are not promoting the current new service, as the timetable is yet to be refined. To ensure that demand can be accurately assessed, people need to know about it. The Parish Council has put information on the website, Facebook , X and our noticeboards, as well as in this magazine which will reach every home and business in the parish.  If you know people that use Tring station that may find the service useful, please do make sure they are aware of it (especially as the car park charges at the station have just increased).

How can you help ensure the service continues?

· Use it!  Please use the service as much as possible to ensure that Red Eagle has
accurate data from which  to assess the level of demand.

· If there are particular timed buses that you find of the most benefit, you’d like to provide some general positive feedback about the new route, or you have
suggestions about specific timings to coincide with train times etc please take a
moment to email both Passenger Transport at Buckinghamshire Council on email: 
and Red Eagle on email: (please copy so that they have evidence of how useful everyone finds the service. 

· Do pass the information to friends / neighbours / colleagues that may also find the service of interest.

There has been a reluctance from service providers/Bucks over the years to offer this service, as it has been perceived as unsustainable and of negative impact to those on the prior route. So our thanks also go to the current staff at Red Eagle and Buckinghamshire Council who have been willing to work with us this time around to implement the service—but this does mean it’s even more important to show that the revised service is worthwhile.

Please use the new service to prove there is a demand for it and provide feedback to Buckinghamshire Council and Red Eagle to show your support for the service.   Thank you.

Bus Shelters for Westfield Road

Another long-awaited project is coming to fruition.  Whilst they owned the land over which Westfield Road runs, Taylor Wimpey had denied permission for bus shelters to be erected.  Now the land has transferred to Buckinghamshire Council we have finally been granted permission.  Bucks have approved the proposals submitted by our preferred supplier for three shelters – two on the residential side and one outside Safran.  The works will include minor
amendments to the bases where required, removal of the existing poles and inclusion of the timetables & flags within the new shelters.  

The Parish Council has sufficient budget to install both shelters on the residential side of the road, accrued over several years.   Our sincere thanks to Safran Electrical and Power who have provided the funding for the shelter outside their premises, benefitting both their employees and our parishioners.

The final bus stop on the business park side of the road up by Warwick Road seems to get a lot of people alighting at that point, but fewer people waiting to board a bus there.  If you wait for a bus at this stop, we would love to hear from you, so that we can assess the demand for a fourth shelter at this location and therefore enable us to budget towards the associated costs.

Installation works are currently proposed for 28 to 30 October 2024 (one day per stop) between 09.30 and 15.00. 

Bin Stickers and Posters to tackle Speeding in Residential Roads

We continue to receive reports of excessive speeding in some residential roads.  We will be distributing anti-speeding wheelie bin stickers (approx. 18” x 12”) to properties in some of the worst affected roads including in Yardley Avenue, Windsor Road, Cheddington Road, Vicarage Road and Marsworth Road.    If you live in another road, but would be

interested in receiving some stickers, please email us on so we can gauge the level of interest before placing any additional orders. 

We are also hoping to work with Thames Valley Police and local children on a poster campaign that we will be able to utilize on our lamp posts etc.   We’ll let you know more details once they are finalized.

Street lighting in Chilterns Edge development

Croudace, the developer, has now completed the Section 38 highways works enabling the estate highway and path (excluding those areas to be private roads) to be adopted by Buckinghamshire Council, and this also triggers the ability of the Parish Council to adopt the 17 street light columns that are situated within the public highway.   The rest, and the bollards, remain the responsibility of Croudace’s management company.

Tun Furlong play space

Bellway are in the process of completing the outstanding remedials in the children’s playground in Tun Furlong, and this will enable the Parish Council to adopt the area inside the playground fencing.   All open space areas outside the playground fence will remain with the management company appointed by Bellway.

Both the above initiatives should be completed within the next couple of months.

Thank you to all our volunteers

Approximately 100 residents provide voluntary services to the Parish Council – some help at youth café or sit on the Allotment or Sports & Leisure Committees, some drive for our car scheme, help to deliver the Parish Post or act as street light champions.    We’d like to express a huge thank you to each and every one of you.  Your help, support and dedication to the village is very much appreciated by both the council and all those that benefit from the services you provide.

The council is particularly looking for more volunteers to help at the Youth Café or to drive residents to their medical appointments (see adverts in this edition of the magazine). 

If you don’t currently volunteer but you’d like to give-back to the area in which you live, we have a number of opportunities listed in the volunteer database which can be found here:   We look  forward to hearing from you.  You might even become the next winner of …

Volunteer of the Year

The Parish Council runs the Volunteer of the Year scheme to celebrate the unsung heroes within our community.  If you know someone who goes that extra mile and provides an outstanding voluntary service to the residents of Pitstone, please submit your nominations to the Parish Clerk ( so that they can be taken into consideration for the 2025 award.    


Our thanks to those people that have expressed an interest in becoming a member of the Parish Council, to serve the remaining term of office until the elections in May 2025.  If you’d also like to join us, please do get in touch via

Thinking of Standing for Election?

If you are interested in standing for election in May, the Local Government Association are hosting a free Democracy in Action workshop in November.   It will provide a valuable opportunity to learn about the work and role of local councillors in your community and answer your questions about standing for election.  More information can be found here:

Interest in a footpath along the Upper Icknield Way to College Lake

Thank you to the 461 people that responded to the survey to gauge interest in a footpath along the Upper Icknield Way.   Most of the responses were in support with some of the main reasons expressed including safety concerns due to the busy road, when both walking and running. There were many comments that a footpath would allow for safe and enjoyable circular walks, access to local amenities, and connections to other footpaths and routes in the area. Many respondents said that a footpath would encourage more walking, reduce the need for driving, and provide safer access to key destinations such as College Lake, the Grand Junction Arms pub, and the garden centre.

Part of the route is within Hertfordshire and part would fall within Buckinghamshire.  It is not an easy terrain, with many ditches, items of street furniture, traffic lights, rail safety barriers, private residences and uneven
surfaces within the roadside space that any path would need to occupy, to say nothing of a long thin railway bridge.   Both councils estimate the cost would exceed £2m. 

We’ve provided both councils with the data and asked that they include the route within their Cycling and Walking Infrastructure plans, which would enable them to request contributory funds if there is residential development in local areas and enable them to apply for central government funding if some becomes available.   It will be up to Bucks and Herts to assess the route further and determine if they are willing to include the path proposals within those plans.

Conclusion of Audit for the Year Ending 31-3-2024

The Parish Council goes through three levels of audit each year.  The first is carried out by members of the council.  The second called an ‘Internal Audit’ and is carried out by an independent expert whom the Parish Council appoints.  The third level is called the ‘External Audit’ and is carried out by independent experts who are appointed to the Parish Council – in our case PKF Littlejohn LLP.  The accounts for the year to 31 March 2024 have now concluded passing through all tiers of audit with no matters of concern raised by either IAC Ltd or PKF Littlejohn.  All audit documents are available on our website.

Lithium Batteries

The council was pleased to support the campaign to improve the safety of lithium batteries (used in e-bikes and e-scooters) and their disposal.  Lithium battery fires are on the increase – there have been over 1000 in the past few years, nearly 200 injuries and a dozen fatalities. Homes have been destroyed. The cost to the UK runs into £billions.

Lord Foster and Electrical Safety First are promoting a Bill to ensure greater safety in the use and disposal of lithium batteries and are aiming to get it into law as soon as possible.  The campaign is supported by the National Fire Chiefs Council, the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and the Royal Society for Public Health. In addition 2 coroners have called for the law to be tightened to ensure greater safety.

Please check the Buckinghamshire Council Waste Wizard for details of where you can safely dispose of any batteries and never put them in your general waste bin, as they can cause fires in the collection lorries.

On a much sadder note:

Gillian Arney

It was with great sadness that we announced that Gillian Arney passed away in September.  Gill was a previous long serving Parish Councillor, a much loved and respected colleague. She volunteered with many community groups over the years and was still active with the Friends of St Mary’s Church in Pitstone including the Arts & Crafts Festival, and the Beacon Villages Community Library in Ivinghoe. She has touched the lives of very many of our residents and we are sure that you will join us in sending heartfelt condolences to her family.

Theft of mVAS battery

Along with many other units in other villages and towns across Herts, Beds and Bucks, thieves stole the battery from one of our flashing mobile vehicle activated signs.  Both units were then removed from rotation whilst we wait for the current spate of thefts to subside and for the replacement batteries to arrive.   The theft was reported to Thames Valley Police.  All our equipment is security marked.  We are also exploring potential opportunities to increase the security of the units to deter further thefts.

Inconsiderate parking and criminal damage at the Local Wildlife Site

Two signs have been erected on the maintenance access gate to the Local Wildlife Site asking people not to block the access, or to park on the footpath/cyclepath.   Disappointingly, someone who would prefer to continue to park inconsiderately removed the first sign, defaced the second sign with black graffiti paint (which we managed to clean) and then removed the second sign (which required power tools).   On each occasion this happened within 48 hours of the sign being erected/cleaned.  All instances of criminal damage have been reported to Thames Valley Police.  Another sign will go up in due course.

We recognise that for many years people parked unofficially around the entrance to the site. However, now that Westfield Road has been adopted by the local highways authority, different standards apply and it is the Parish Council’s duty to implement and oversee these.

It is also recognised that many of the vehicles that park there may not be from Pitstone, so we have continued (and will continue) to put polite advisory notes on vehicles we see parked there, advising that Thames Valley Police now patrol the area and highlighting some of the difficulties these vehicles cause.  Whilst some drivers have recognised that there are more appropriate, legal and safe places to park and changed their habits accordingly, there would appear to be a small minority of individuals who think it is acceptable to undertake criminal damage, to verbally abuse our staff, and for local residents to incur extra cost to rectify the damage they cause to the property and the verge.

If anyone has any information on the perpetrators of the damage that they would like to share with Thames Valley Police, please email: or report online   It also goes without saying that any abuse towards Parish Council staff who are simply doing their job will not be tolerated.

New National Planning Policy Framework

The new government are currently proposing huge uplifts in the level of residential housing required in Buckinghamshire, which puts all towns and villages that fall outside the existing Neighbourhood Plans at greater risk of
speculative housing developments.   Bucks Council are strongly opposing the level of uplift. 

Finally, looking forward over the next couple of months:

Remembrance Day

We have made plans for the silent soldiers to be re-erected and wreaths to be laid at both the Memorial Hall and St Mary’s Church in Ivinghoe in remembrance of the fallen of the parish.


The festive lighting will be returning to the Recreation Ground and Pavilion in December.  We wish all our residents seasons greetings and best wishes for a peaceful and healthy 2025.

Bin Stickers and Posters to Tackle Speeding in Residential Roads

We continue to receive reports of excessive speeding in some residential roads.

We will be distributing anti-speeding wheelie bin stickers (approx. 18” x 12”) to properties in some of the worst affected roads including in Yardley Avenue, Windsor Road, Cheddington Road, Vicarage Road and Marsworth Road.    They will be hand delivered over the next couple of weeks.

If you live in another road, but would be interested in receiving some stickers, please email us on so we can gauge the level of interest before placing any additional orders. 

We are also hoping to work with Thames Valley Police and local children on a poster campaign that we will be able to utilise on our lamp posts etc.   We’ll let you know more details once they are finalised.

Bus Shelters for Westfield Road

Another long-awaited project is coming to fruition.  Whilst they owned the land over which Westfield Road runs, Taylor Wimpey had denied permission for bus shelters to be erected.  Now the land has transferred to Buckinghamshire Council we have finally been granted permission.  Bucks have approved the proposals submitted by our preferred supplier for three shelters – two on the residential side and one outside Safran.  The works will include minor
amendments to the bases where required, removal of the existing poles and inclusion of the timetables & flags within the new shelters.  

The Parish Council has sufficient budget to install both shelters on the residential side of the road, accrued over several years.   Our sincere thanks to Safran Electrical and Power who have provided the funding for the shelter outside their premises, benefitting both their employees and our parishioners.

The final bus stop on the business park side of the road up by Warwick Road seems to get a lot of people alighting at that point, but fewer people waiting to board a bus there.  If you wait for a bus at this stop, we would love to hear from you, so that we can assess the demand for a fourth shelter at this location and therefore enable us to budget towards the associated costs.

Installation works are currently proposed for 28 to 30 October 2024 (one day per stop) between 09.30 and 15.00. 

Sad to announce the passing of Gill Arney

It is with great sadness that we announce that Gillian Arney passed away on Saturday night at the Hospice of St Francis in Berkhamsted. 

Gill was a previous long serving parish councillor, a much loved and respected colleague. She volunteered with many community groups over the years and was still active with the Friends of St Mary’s Church in Pitstone including the Arts & Crafts Festival, and the Beacon Villages Community Library in Ivinghoe. She has touched the lives of very many of our residents and we are sure that you will join us in sending heartfelt condolences to her family.

Her funeral will be on Friday 18th October at 11 a.m. in St Mary’s Ivinghoe and afterwards at the Rose and Crown. 

No flowers, but donations to the Hospice of St Francis would be welcome. Thank you.

Youth Cafe reopens on 11 September 2024

Please note that the Pitstone youth cafe re-opens on 11 September, 6.30-8.00pm, after our summer holiday break. (There is no session on 4 September 2024).

We look forward to welcoming everyone back and to meeting any new young people who may be joining us but couldn’t make the taster sessions last term.

For more information about our youth cafe, or to sign up your child, please click here:

Grant to Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity

The parish council was delighted to assist the Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity with a grant of £3,000 for an improved floor scrubber and drier.

The trustees advise that the new machine cleans the hard flooring in the hall much more effectively than mopping alone and the difference has already been noted by their hirers and hall users.   As it also dries, the floor can be more efficiently cleaned between bookings, which could not always previously take place as the floor would still be wet when the next hirer arrived.  As the Memorial Hall has large open spaces, this new machine is able to carry out the work in much less time than hand mopping, which has made life a lot easier for their cleaning staff.

If you are part of a local community organisation that benefits the residents of Pitstone, and that group would benefit from financial assistance towards a project, please get in touch with the parish council to find out more information about our community group grant scheme.   Email: or Telephone 01296 767261.

You can also find more information, and a copy of our grant policy, on our website:

A reminder that the next community group grant deadline is 18-10-24

The parish council offers grants to local community groups and local charities that specifically benefit Pitstone residents.  Applications are considered quarterly.   The next opportunity for grants to be considered is coming up next month , so please get your submissions to us by 18 October 2024.

Some of our most recent recipients include 1st Ivinghoe & Pitstone Scouts for the air riffle project and Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity for their floor scrubber.

Please see the grant policy on this web site ( ) for further information or contact the parish clerk for an initial chat.

Applications must be received at least 10 days ahead of the meeting date so that the information can be circulated to all members ahead of the meeting and your application can be advertised on our agenda.

Last youth cafe this term Wed 10-7-24

Just a reminder that the last youth cafe before the summer holidays is 10 July 2024, 6.30-8.00pm

This is also the session where we welcome the year 6 Brookmead children to see what cafe is all about. Please remember to register your child before they attend, so that we have correct contact details for parents in case they are needed.

Thank you.

Grant to 1st Ivinghoe and Pitstone Scouts

The parish council were delighted to assist the 1st Ivinghoe and Pitstone Scouts with a grant of £1,800 towards their air riffle project.

Two scouting leaders have completed training qualifications that enable them to instruct in the use of air rifles and to run formal training for Youth Shooting Efficiency courses.   Thanks to the grant, the group now has the equipment/storage/safety equipment to allow them to run shooting sessions at both scouting events and local community events, and also to run the formal courses.

The air rifles had their debut outing at the Ivinghoe fete. Supervised groups were organised over the afternoon, and this gave lots of people, young and old, the opportunity to have a go.

If you are part of a local community organisation that benefits the residents of Pitstone, and that group would benefit from financial assistance towards a project, please get in touch with the parish council to find out more information about our community group grant scheme.   Email: or Telephone 01296 767261.

You can also find more information, and a copy of our grant policy, on our website:

Casual Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor to be filled via co-option

Buckinghamshire Council has confirmed that no election has been requested by residents and we will therefore seek to fill the casual vacancy for a parish councillor (following the passing of Cllr Mitra) to serve out the remaining term of office until the next election in May 2025 via co-option.

Do you have a passion for the village we live in and plenty of spare time (an average of 3 hours per week) to volunteer? You can find some initial information here about what parish councils do and what you could expect from your role as a councillor:

When you join the parish council, you also become a corporate trustee to two local charities, the Pitstone Recreation Ground Charity and the Pitstone Parish Charity, so the above link also includes information from the Charity Commission on Essential Trustee guidance.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish clerk on or 01296 767261 and we will happily chat to you and provide a full information pack.

Casual Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor

A casual vacancy has arisen for a parish councillor to serve out the remaining term of office until the next election in May 2025.

Unless 10 electors request a by-election by 26 June 2024, the parish council will seek to fill this vacancy via co-option. See Notice of Vacancy below for details of how to submit such a request:

Do you have a passion for the village we live in and plenty of spare time (an average of 3 hours per week) to volunteer? You can find some initial information here about what parish councils do and what you could expect from your role as a councillor:

When you join the parish council, you also become a corporate trustee to two local charities, the Pitstone Recreation Ground Charity and the Pitstone Parish Charity, so the above link also includes information from the Charity Commission on Essential Trustee guidance.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish clerk on or 01296 767261, as soon as possible and we will happily chat to you and provide a full information pack.

We will provide an update to residents at the end of the month on whether a by-election has been called once we hear back from the elections team at Buckinghamshire Council.

Congratulations to Barry and Sue Gregory, Pitstone Volunteers of the Year 2024

We would like to congratulate Barry and Sue Gregory, who were awarded Volunteers of the Year 2024 at the Annual Assembly for many years of voluntary support to local organisations, the local community, and general help to neighbours.   Examples include: acting as Trustee for the Pitstone Town Lands Charity and Williamson Trust, running the Pace stall, carrying out grass cutting and maintaining planters by The Crescent, and helping obtain the official designation of the open space by The Crescent.  The Chairman presented Barry and Sue with a framed certificate, card and £50. 

The Parish Council runs the Volunteer of the Year scheme to celebrate the unsung heroes within our community.  If you know someone who goes that extra mile and provides an outstanding voluntary service to the residents of Pitstone, please submit your nominations to the parish clerk ( so that they can be taken into consideration for the 2025 award.

If your child is under 8, please supervise responsibly at the skate park

We very much want the skate park to be a facility that the everyone can enjoy, safely.

A proficient skateboarder can travel at over 20mph around a skate park, so please be particularly mindful of this if you allow your younger children onto the skate park. Whilst some young children may be confident already, others are just learning and travel much slower, stop suddenly, or leave their bikes/scooters/ equipment on the park and wander about. This places them in danger of being hit by a travelling skateboarder/scooter rider (or their board/scooter) who can’t change course in time, and also puts the more proficient riders in danger as they try their best to avoid the small children by ditching their equipment or deliberately falling/jumping off and causing injury to themselves in the process.

For everyone’s safety, if you take young children to the skate park, particularly pre-school children, please be mindful of the above, supervise them/their equipment at all times, consider utilising the park during quieter times, or keep to a quiet area of the park. Then they can grow in confidence and learn new skills without placing themselves, or others, in danger.

A reminder of some of the guidelines listed on the signage:

  • users under 8 should be supervised by a responsible adult at all times
  • use protective clothing/equipment at all times
  • keep all areas clear
  • users of the skatepark do so at their own risk
  • skate to your own ability and do not skate alone
  • this is not a playground

We wish you all happy, and safe, use of the skatepark.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Casual Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor

We currently have one vacancy for a parish councillor to serve out the remaining term of office until the May 2025 elections.

If you have a passion for the village we live in and plenty of spare time (an average of 3 hours per week) and would like to volunteer as a member of the parish council, we would love to hear from you. You can find some initial information here about what parish councils do and what you could expect from your role as a councillor:

When you join the parish council, you also become a corporate trustee to two local charities, the Pitstone Recreation Ground Charity and the Pitstone Parish Charity, so the above link also includes information from the Charity Commission on Essential Trustee guidance.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish clerk on or 01296 767261 and we will happily chat to you and provide a full information pack for your consideration.

Does your community group need a grant to help deliver their next project?

The parish council offers grants to local community groups and local charities that specifically benefit Pitstone residents.  Applications are considered quarterly.   The next opportunity for grants to be considered is coming up on 25 April 2024.

Some of our most recent recipients include Brookmead School for an outdoor sandpit and Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity for black out curtains for their main hall.

Please see the grant policy on this web site ( ) for further information or contact the parish clerk for an initial chat.

Applications must be received at least 10 days ahead of the meeting date so that the information can be circulated to all members ahead of the meeting and your application can be advertised on our agenda.

Casual Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor to be filled via co-option

Buckinghamshire Council has confirmed that no election has been requested by residents and we will therefore seek to fill the casual vacancy for a parish councillor to serve out the remaining term of office until the next election in May 2025 via co-option.

Do you have a passion for the village we live in and plenty of spare time (an average of 3 hours per week) to volunteer? You can find some initial information here about what parish councils do and what you could expect from your role as a councillor:

When you join the parish council, you also become a corporate trustee to two local charities, the Pitstone Recreation Ground Charity and the Pitstone Parish Charity, so the above link also includes information from the Charity Commission on Essential Trustee guidance.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish clerk on or 01296 767261 and we will happily chat to you and provide a full information pack.

Applications to be received by Monday 4 March 2024.

Pitstone Parish Council update from PPP Issue 139

Memorial Bench

We would like to express our gratitude to the Deeley family for the donation of a commemorative bench, now located on the Recreation Ground by the magnificent Oak tree, in loving memory of Graham Joseph Deeley 27/08/79-14/01/22.

Christmas Lights

We hope that all our residents enjoyed the festive illuminations at the Recreation Ground and Pavilion.  As the cherry tree that used to house the lights at the pavilion had sadly needed to be felled during the year, we opted for column mounted panels combined with our existing string lights.  Feedback from residents and hirers has been very positive.

Buckinghamshire Council Street Lights

Buckinghamshire Council worked hard to try and catch up on the backlog of outstanding street light remedials in the village.  By the end of October all the columns along Westfield Road were operational except 2 that had UK Power Network faults that had to be rectified before BC could return to complete their works.  Since that point, several have developed new faults, and been fixed again so on 21/12/23 all streetlights along Westfield Road were operational with the exception of one on the corner of Warwick Road.  By 31/12 3 further lights had gone out, which had been fixed on the next check on 4/1/24 (the one on the corner of Warwick Road remained out), but 3 different lights had then gone out, all were reported to BC.  These are all old lighting stock so will be subject to ongoing issues.  The Parish Council has been pushing for them to be upgraded to LED in line with the rest of our village and BC’s own policies, and Taylor Wimpey provided Buckinghamshire Council with some funding.

Along Marsworth Road, the illuminated bollards were all fixed, but some are now out again, but the illuminated directional arrow signs on the islands required some replacement parts that will be installed upon receipt.   BC continue to experience some issues with the reliability of some of the main lanterns along the road, but they did fix many of the long outstanding issues.  BC Lighting are also working on the replacement of the signage & illumination at the Westfield Road roundabout following a traffic accident.

BC no longer monitor any of their lights, they solely rely on reports being uploaded to their Fix My Street portal on their website.  The Parish Council, and a team of volunteers, do monitor lights and we upload reports to the BC portal on a regular basis.  If you spot a light that is not operational, or is flashing, or is on when it should not be, please let us know by emailing or log it direct to the BC website.   If you would like to join our team of street light champions and check the lights near you, please email

Would you use a footpath between Westfield Road and College Lake?

A few residents have enquired whether a path along this route would be possible.  Initial enquiries with adjacent landowners have shown that any such path would need to run within the verge, besides the carriageway, rather than being set back through the woodland.  Buckinghamshire Council’s Community Board has advised that such a path would not qualify for grant funding via the Board, so would need to be funded locally or via grants from other sources, if any are identified.  Before any investigative work can be undertaken by the Highways Authority, we would need to assess how many people already walk this route, how many would utilise such a path, where you are trying to access, what other routes you currently use, and whether residents feel that this would be a good use of Local Council tax funds.   If you have any views, for or against, please complete the online survey at by the end of February.   If you do not have computer access and would prefer a hard copy, please telephone 767261 and we will happily provide a printed version.  Buckinghamshire Council has advised that it will be consulting in 2024 on its Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) so if you are keen to see such a path installed, please keep your eyes out for that consultation and make sure you have your say.

Do you experience any problems crossing Westfield Road?

At the Annual Assembly a resident enquired whether Westfield Road qualified for zebra crossings.  Buckinghamshire Council’s Community Board has advised that crossings would not qualify for grant funding via the Board nor BC, so would need to be funded locally or via grants from other sources, if any are identified.  Before any investigative work can be undertaken by the Highways Authority, we would need to assess how many people experience difficulty crossing Westfield Road, how long you have to wait before a clear gap becomes available, where along the road you are crossing, where you are trying to reach, how many people would benefit/use a crossing, and whether residents feel that this would be a good use of Local Council tax funds.   If you have any views, for or against, please complete the online survey at by the end of February.   If you do not have computer access and would prefer a hard copy please phone 767261 and we will happily provide a printed version.

Another resident enquired whether the pedestrian refuge islands along Marsworth Road could be upgraded to zebra crossings.  The Highways Authority advise that the low wait time and clear visibility at these locations had identified refuge islands as the most appropriate type of pedestrian crossings for these locations.  There are proposals within the Pitstone Safety Scheme to try and enhance their prominence, and reduce traffic speeds, via the use of coloured tarmac at crossings and median strips.   Phase I of the safety scheme was installed outside Brookmead School in 2023.  Buckinghamshire Council are currently reviewing Section 106 funds they are holding towards Safety Scheme works and whether the next phase of Safety Scheme implementation can progress to the next phase.

Westfield Road Bus Shelters

We continue to liaise with Buckinghamshire Council regarding the possibility of bus shelters for Westfield Road.   They have now confirmed that no funding is available from either Buckinghamshire Council Public Transport or the Community Board, so these will need to be funded locally via the precept.  There are a number of steps that would need to be completed before we can obtain their final approval on the design (particularly as they’d sit next to the cycle path) and get permission to carry out minor works to their highway verge to install them, so this may take some time yet.

Anti-Social Behaviour

On a sadder note, we continue to experience vandalism to the play equipment on the Recreation Ground and have received one report of anti-social behaviour near the Skate Park.  If you do witness any anti-social behaviour, please report it to our neighbourhood policing team at Thames Valley Police by emailing and providing details of the people/vehicles etc involved and the date/time that it was witnessed.  This enables them to speak to offenders (if known) and better target their patrol activity. 

New Curtains at Pitstone Memorial Hall

The Parish Council was pleased to supply a grant to Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity for the supply and installation of new curtains in the main hall, to provide improved acoustic and black out qualities, which will benefit many hirers and enable the Pitstone Picturehouse (previously Pitstone Film Club) to resume. The curtains were supplied by Panache Interiors at cost, so thank you to this local company for their support of a local charity.  If you are a local community group that benefits the residents of Pitstone, and could do with a helping hand towards the cost of a project, you can find out all about our grant scheme and how to apply by clicking this link:

Vacancy for Parish Councillor

Due to a change in personal circumstances Councillor Jack Heyman sadly resigned from his seat on the council as of 4/1/24.  We thank Jack for his hard work and dedication during his term in office and wish him well for the future.  Jack was a member of the Sports & Leisure Committee, the Pitstone Development Area working party, the youth café working party and regularly organised the annual Children’s Competition, as well as fulfilling his duties on the main council.  The BC Monitoring Officer has been advised and notices erected, the details are also available on our website.  Please contact or 01296 767261 if you have spare time to volunteer each week (the role of councillor is a voluntary one with no renumeration), a passion for our village, and would like to fulfil the remaining term of office until the parish elections in 2025.


There are several major planning applications for which we are still waiting for BC to provide a determination including 5 new dwellings behind 87 Marsworth Road, 1 new dwelling on Marsworth Road and 4 dwellings on Queen Street.  As always, you can find full details of all planning applications on the BC Planning Portal.

Would you use a footpath to College Lake? Do you experience difficulty crossing Westfield Road? Please complete the short surveys

Would you use a footpath between Westfield Road and College Lake?

A few residents have enquired whether a path along this route (along the Upper Icknield Way, from the Westfield Road roundabout to College Lake) would be possible.  Initial enquiries with adjacent landowners have shown that any such path would need to run within the verge, besides the carriageway, rather than being set back through the woodland.  Buckinghamshire Council’s Community Board has advised that such a path would not qualify for grant funding via the Board, so would need to be funded locally or via grants from other sources, if any are identified.  Before any investigative work can be undertaken by the Highways Authority, we would need to assess how many people already walk this route, how many would utilise such a path, where you are trying to access, what other routes you currently use, and whether residents feel that this would be a good use of Local Council tax funds.   If you have any views, for or against, please complete the online survey at by the end of February.   If you do not have computer access and would prefer a hard copy, please telephone 767261 and we will happily provide a printed version.  Buckinghamshire Council has advised that it will be consulting in 2024 on its Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) so if you are keen to see such a path installed, please keep your eyes out for that consultation and make sure you have your say.

Do you experience any problems crossing Westfield Road?

At the Annual Assembly a resident enquired whether Westfield Road qualified for zebra crossings.  Buckinghamshire Council’s Community Board has advised that crossings would not qualify for grant funding via the Board nor BC, so would need to be funded locally or via grants from other sources, if any are identified.  Before any investigative work can be undertaken by the Highways Authority, we would need to assess how many people experience difficulty crossing Westfield Road, how long you have to wait before a clear gap becomes available, where along the road you are crossing, where you are trying to reach, how many people would benefit/use a crossing, and whether residents feel that this would be a good use of Local Council tax funds.   If you have any views, for or against, please complete the online survey at by the end of February.   If you do not have computer access and would prefer a hard copy please phone 767261 and we will happily provide a printed version.

Another resident enquired whether the pedestrian refuge islands along Marsworth Road could be upgraded to zebra crossings.  The Highways Authority advise that the low wait time and clear visibility at these locations had identified refuge islands as the most appropriate type of pedestrian crossings for these locations.  There are proposals within the Pitstone Safety Scheme to try and enhance their prominence, and reduce traffic speeds, via the use of coloured tarmac at crossings and median strips.   Phase I of the safety scheme was installed outside Brookmead School in 2023.  Buckinghamshire Council are currently reviewing Section 106 funds they are holding towards Safety Scheme works and whether the next phase of Safety Scheme implementation can progress to the next phase.

Casual Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor

Due to the resignation of Councillor Jack Heyman due to a change in personal circumstances, we currently have a casual vacancy for a parish councillor to serve out the remaining term of office until the next election in May 2025.

Unless 10 electors request a by-election by 31 January 2024, the parish council will seek to fill this vacancy via co-option. See Notice of Vacancy below for details of how to submit such a request:

Do you have a passion for the village we live in and plenty of spare time (an average of 3 hours per week) to volunteer? You can find some initial information here about what parish councils do and what you could expect from your role as a councillor:

When you join the parish council, you also become a corporate trustee to two local charities, the Pitstone Recreation Ground Charity and the Pitstone Parish Charity, so the above link also includes information from the Charity Commission on Essential Trustee guidance.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish clerk on or 01296 767261, as soon as possible and we will happily chat to you and provide a full information pack.

We thank Jack for his hard work and dedication during his term in office and wish him well for the future.  Jack was a member of the Sports & Leisure Committee, the Pitstone Development Area working party, the youth café working party/cafe visits, and regularly organised the annual Children’s Competition, as well as fulfilling his duties on the main council. 

We will provide an update to residents in February on whether a by-election has been called once we hear back from the elections team at Buckinghamshire Council.

Youth Cafe starts back 17-1-24

Youth Cafe re-opens on Wednesday 17 January 2024. We look forward to seeing you all again, 6.30-8.00pm.

If you are interested in joining our team of cafe volunteers, please email and we can put you in touch with our Cafe Manager.

Remember to submit your Volunteer of the Year nominations by 18 January 2024

All your nominations for the Pitstone Volunteer of the Year 2024 need to be sent to the parish council by 18 January 2024, so if you know of someone that is giving up their time and making a difference to the lives of the people in Pitstone, then please let us know.

A huge army of volunteers make our village special.  Did you know that volunteers manage the Memorial Hall; the Pitstone Heritage Park/museum; staff the Pitstone Windmill open days; are parish councillors; form the governing body of Brookmead school; deliver and edit Pitstone Parish Post; operate Pitstone Youth Café; form the management committee for Windmill pre-school; drive for the Community Car scheme; run mums & toddlers; run Brownies/Rainbows/Cubs/Scouts; are trustees for The Williamson Trust and Pitstone Town Lands Charity; run sporting groups such as I&PUCC, P&IUFC and P&IJFC; check street lights; provide ground-keeping on the cricket square; manage our allotment site; help at the Beacon Villages Community Library; organise community events and form the Friends of St Mary’s church in Pitstone, manning open days and organising events. Just think what our village would be like without all these facilities!

As well as being an opportunity for you, and the parish council, to thank our Volunteer of the Year in public, the winner receives £50.00 and a framed certificate.

Previous winners include: Mick Pilkingson, Howard Jones, Geoff Bratt, Linda Howarth, Gill Arney, Dave Seaton, Rob Spiller, Margaret Cole, Klaus Ginda, Dave Clifford, Mary Saintey, Joe Marling, Michelle Lee, David Hawkins, John Groom and Elaine Thorogood.

Please email or write to the parish clerk on: or at

Pitstone Pavilion, Marsworth Road, Pitstone, Beds, LU7 9AP

providing the full name of the person you wish to nominate, the reasons why you think they deserve to win and a contact detail (email/phone) for that person.

If you have some spare time and would like join this volunteer army and start enjoying the benefits that volunteering brings, please do get in touch.

New curtains at Pitstone Memorial Hall

The Parish Council was pleased to supply a grant to Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity for the supply and installation of new curtains in the main hall, to provide improved acoustic and black out qualities, which will benefit many hirers and enable the Pitstone Picturehouse (previously Pitstone Film Club) to resume.

The curtains were supplied by Panache Interiors at cost, so thank you to this local company for their support of a local charity.

If you are a local community group that benefits the residents of Pitstone, and could do with a helping hand towards the cost of a project, you can find out all about our grant scheme and how to apply by clicking this link:

Seasons Greetings

The parish council would like to wish all of our residents, business units, visitors and customers, a very merry Christmas followed by a peaceful new year.

The new illuminations at the pavilion (the cherry tree that previously housed the Christmas lights sadly had to be felled) and the illuminated tree on the recreation ground by the roundabout, will shine out each evening until twelfth night.

Memorial Bench

We’d like to express our gratitude to the Deeley family for the donation of a commemorative bench, now located on the Recreation Ground by the magnificent Oak tree, in loving memory of Graham Joseph Deeley 27/08/79-14/01/22.

New cricket practice nets

The parish council has been delighted to work with Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Cricket Club on the procurement and installation of new cricket practice nets on the Recreation Ground.

These have been funded by a release of Section 106 developer sports & leisure funding by Buckinghamshire Council, the parish council, and fundraising by the club. 

To help prevent vandalism whilst not in use, at the moment, the nets do have a gate across the front of them, but anyone in the community is welcome to use them for cricket practice and if this is of interest, please email for access information. I&PUCC ask that the facility is locked after use and that its respected while you are using it. If you are using the facility, please ensure that studded footwear is NOT used on any part of the nets.

Does your community group need a grant?

The parish council offers grants to local community groups and local charities that specifically benefit Pitstone residents.  Applications are considered quarterly.   The next opportunity for grants to be considered is coming up on 26 October 2023.

Some of our most recent recipients include Windmill Pre School for outdoor play equipment, Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity for two current projects and South Central Ambulance for a further dedicated kit for our Community First Responders.

Please see the grant policy on this web site ( ) for further information or contact the parish clerk for an initial chat.

Applications must be received at least 10 days ahead of the meeting date so that the information can be circulated to all members ahead of the meeting and your application can be advertised on our agenda.

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