Planning applications – 27/2/14 meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 27 February 2014 parish council meeting are:

Land off Cheddington Road, 13/02942/AOP, application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved except means of access for erection of 5 residential dwellings
and associated parking.  (note post meeting: numerous objections received.  PPC resolved to oppose application on grounds of (a) non compliance to RA14 (b) inappropriate housing style/mix/volume and (c) access & parking requirements.)  Further update 8/4/14: AVDC refused.

70 Vicarage Road, 14/00143/HPDE, (householder permitted development), demolition of existing outbuilding and conservatory.  Replacement with the erection of a single storey rear extension, which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 5m, for which the maximum height would be 3m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 3.3m.   AVDC not consulting, details provided for information only.

51 Cheddington Road, 14/00166/APP, two storey and single storey rear extensions and front porch alteration. (note post meeting: no objections received as result of neighbour notification scheme.  PPC resolved to tender no objections.)  Further update 8/4/14: AVDC approved.

27 Chequers Lane, 14/00233/ACL, application for a lawful development certificate for proposed single storey side and rear extension (note post meeting: PPC resolved to tender no direct opposition but request AVDC note concerns of neighbour & impact on LDC).  Further update 8/4/14: AVDC granted certificate.


The plans may be viewed online by going to and searching using the planning reference number above or an appointment can be made with Councillor Robert Saintey on 01296 668633 to view the plans at 2 Albion Road, Pitstone.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 27 February 2014.


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