College Lake Artists 29/11-2/12/19

College Lake Artists are busy throwing clay, painting canvases, printmaking, fusing glass and soldering silver and jewels all in preparation for our end of year Festive Fair.

As always we would be delighted to see you so please save the dates in your diary and come on over.

College Lake Nature Reserve, Tring

Send and Save with The Big Christmas Post


The Scout Christmas Post is back for 2019.

This Christmas why not support your local Scouts and save yourself some time posting Christmas cards around the villages by using the Scout Christmas post instead?

You can buy the special Scout stamps from St Marys Christmas Market on 16 November and then from local retailers.  Stick them on your cards and post them in one of our many special post boxes dotted around the villages.

The Scouts will ensure that all cards posted by the ‘last post’ will be delivered before Christmas.

Look out for the posters, check their facebook page (1st Ivinghoe & Pitstone Scout Group) and village web sites for more information.

TfB Road Safety Update

Our Winter Driving campaign is now live!


If you’re an avid listener of Mix 96, you may have heard our Winter Driving campaign! Throughout November and December, Mix 96 will be playing our Winter Driving tips throughout the day! Some of our advice includes:


  • Remember, gritted roads may still be icy!
  • Check your tyres, lights and screenwash before travelling
  • Before driving, check weather and travel reports
  • In bad weather, allow more time for your journey



In addition to tips shared on the radio, we also have a banner on the Mix 96 website, promoting our award winning Winter Driving Module. If you are yet to take the module, you can do so right here:


Now that we are properly into the swing of winter season at TfB, we will also be promoting these messages across the Travel Safe Bucks social media (@travelsafebucks on Twitter and Travel Safe Bucks on Facebook) as well as on TfB social media.





It’s the most wonderful time of the year…


Yes, the festive period is fast approaching! There will be staff do’s and parties, gatherings with friends and families and loved ones… all of which have the potential to include alcohol. As well as discussing safe Winter driving, we will also be taking time over the next couple of months to promote information about drink driving – or rather, not drink driving! We will be sharing information about the Morning After app, running an email campaign with local businesses (including Arla) to share among their staff and spreading the message far and wide about the importance of knowing when you’re over the limit, the affect alcohol can have on you the morning after and organising a lift/taxi home after a party! Look out for all of this across our social media channels and on the Portal so you can stay up to date with everything.





Other interesting road safety news…





We hope you have found this email useful, and as always, please feel free to share any of the information inside with residents of your Parish in whichever way is appropriate.


Make sure you follow us on Twitter ( and like us on Facebook ( to stay up to date with all that we’re up to in between updates!

Can you help the Rennie Grove Santa Float this year? (16 & 17 Dec)

Santa needs your help!

Santa is desperately short of helpers this year, to accompany his float and collect door-to-door.

The dates that he hopes to come to Pitstone (if enough helpers come forward) are :

Mon 16 Dec – Castlemead Area (starts Westfield & Corfe Road)

Tues 17 Dec  – Pitstone Village (starts Cheddington Road / Marsworth Rd)

No need to dress up as an elf, though a Christmas hat would be festive if you have one.

This is a lovely event for the local children and a very important fundraising event for the local hospice, so please support it if you can.

If you would like to volunteer to walk along the route with the float and collect door to door (they are also looking for a Santa for 17 December)  please email .  They are hoping that lots of you lovely people come forward as presently, volunteer numbers are really low so the float won’t be able to attend.


Your council, your services, your views – We need your help in letting everyone have their say on the future Buckinghamshire Council

From April 2020, the new Buckinghamshire Council will be responsible for providing all current county and district council services for all 546,000 residents of Buckinghamshire. This includes waste and recycling collections, roads and transport, education and learning, health and social care, planning where new housing goes or making use of our many parks, libraries and leisure centres.


It is really important that all residents across Buckinghamshire are able to have their say on what they think is important for the future of the new council and our county.


You can complete the short online survey until 25 November, which will take less than 10 minutes. You can also drop into one of the main council offices or our main libraries to take part – these are Amersham, Aylesbury, Beaconsfield, Buckingham, Chesham, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, Marlow and Princes Risborough.

Winter Warmth Campaign

Winter Warmth ad A5

Heart of Bucks Winter Warmth Campaign information

We are currently seeking the support of concerned community groups to help us in our campaign to develop our Winter Warmth fund. This is an emergency fund which provides much needed support to vulnerable people who are struggling with adverse weather conditions, whether through excessive fuel bills or lack of warm winter clothing or bedding.

One of the main focusses for our campaign is to encourage those who are entitled to Winter Fuel payments, but are not personally in need of the payment, to donate it to help those worse off than themselves. The benefit of donating such a payment to a charity is that, if donors are taxpayers, they can gift aid their donation and instantly increase the value by 25%.

See the above poster for contact information etc.

County Council Update from County Cllr Anne Wight, Nov 2019



Home to School Transport

As a few families have contacted me regarding the recent changes for some students towards the commercial bus services, I thought it might be useful to summarise some of the key points here.

Last week the County Council announced the roll-out of over 1400 commercially-run school bus places. These places will convert from the current arrangement of being commissioned by the Council to be provided by external, commercial operators from Monday 4 November.

We have set up some commercial routes Q&A webpages to help parents and carers understand these changes and address any questions or concerns they may have about how the new commercial routes will work.

How will the transfer to commercial routes work?

Parents of children who are moving to commercial routes from 4 November have been informed that they will need to make contact with the new operators by early December to confirm and pay for their transport arrangements for the term starting in January 2020.

We have written to all parents moving to commercial routes with detailed information on the changes and what they need to do. This letter also reassures parents that they do not need to take any action immediately because their transport is already confirmed on the new commercial route from 4 November to end December.

For those parents who have already paid the County Council in full for an annual school transport bus pass, we are arranging refunds for the remainder of the school year from January 2020. The refunds will be processed during November so that parents have cleared funds returned to them before the end of November, before needing to pay anything further direct to the new operator in early December. We are also making transfer arrangements for those who currently pay by direct debit.

All temporary bus passes currently in use will remain valid for this term until end of December, when families will receive an updated pass from the operator for the January term, after having confirmed their travel with the new operator.

Commercial route timetables:

Some of these commercial services will run on a different timetable. For the passengers the timetable changes apply to, we have contacted families in advance to make sure they understand the changes to their particular service and are prepared for when the changes come into operation on 4 November. A small number of journeys are lengthened by 20 or 25 minutes, but the majority of journeys (55.6%) will stay the same with no changes, with 21.5% having a shorter journey time overall.

Commercial routes open to the public to use:

A number of the commercial routes will be open for the wider public to use and therefore will not be dedicated for school children. We have been successfully placing children onto public routes for some time as part of our standard practice and many other councils across the UK operate on the same basis. In practice, we find the majority of passengers using public school routes are school students.

We have ensured there is a commitment from the commercial route operators that they will deliver to the standard we would expect from our commissioned routes. This includes a commitment to ensuring appropriate safeguarding of children whilst travelling, and assurances that operators will not make major changes to route timings or prices part-way through the year.

There are a number of benefits to the use of commercial bus services for school age passengers; ticket prices are often cheaper for all users of the bus services and the services are more sustainable in the longer-term. Importantly, these services also provide additional travel options for the wider community including those residents who only have access to public transport.

More information on this can be accessed on the BCC webpage at the links below:


London Luton Airport Expansion Consultation and information

Luton Airport’s Statutory consultation for the proposed expansion from 18 to 32 million passengers per year will run from 16th October until 16th December.

Residents might wish to review expansion proposals and reports on the Future Luton website below in order to fully understand the key issues under discussion during the consultation.


I was happy to see so many residents in attendance and engaging the Luton airport representatives at the Dagnall Village Hall consultation event on 29th October.  The informative displays provoked a fair few questions from residents regarding the expansion and new plans for improved surface access, air quality issues and many other aspects of the expansion.


Do please come along to these for the chance to ask your questions directly to the airport representatives and to learn more about the consultation process.


In our area these are as follows, although the complete list can be accessed via the link below.


Friday 1st November – Pitstone Memorial Hall 2 – 8 pm


Thursday 14 November – Aylesbury The Gateway, Gatehouse Road 4 – 8 pm


Wednesday 4 December – Tring, Nora Grace Hall, Faversham Close 2 – 8 pm



Street Lighting fault reporting


As we have now set the clocks back, we are all facing the return of darker shorter days and longer nights. In preparation for this, Transport for Bucks has been working on improving street lighting through two distinct areas of work, which have been taking place alongside the normal maintenance operations:

  • LED street lighting replacement and
  • Lamp column replacement programme.


As some residents have asked me specifically about BCC’s programme to put LED lighting in place, I am pleased to say that BCC successfully bid for ‘SALIX’ funding to enable the installation of even more energy saving lighting LED lighting across the County. This will see the replacement of 2443 lanterns in residential areas. Work commenced in late July and will be completed by the end of October.

Over the previous 2 years, 14,000 lanterns were replaced with LEDs – an energy saving of 1.4M kW/h, which helps to counter increasing energy prices, as well as reducing carbon emissions. The additional replacements will give a further 650,000kW/h of energy savings.

By the end of the 2019/20 financial year, a massive 66% of the lighting stock will be LEDs, with an additional project taking place in early 2020 to replace a further 2500 lanterns.

TfB teams have also been working tirelessly to replace age expired lamp columns. By the end of November, over 400, which have been identified upon inspection as age expired, will have been replaced.

Where columns are inspected and are found to have significant damage, it may be necessary to cut the column down to a stump for safety reasons. If this is the case, TfB will make every effort to replace these units as swiftly as possible. In addition to columns on the annual replacement programme, a constant rolling programme is in place to install new columns where they have been damaged, for example, in road traffic collisions. So far in 2019/20 over 140 such lighting columns have been replaced. An additional 40 are also due for replacement.

When the problem lies with the electricity supplier


Sometimes members of the public report failed lights to us that have stopped working due to an underground electrical supply fault. When this is the case, TfB is not able to repair the fault, because the cables are owned and maintained by the electricity companies for the area and only they are allowed to carry out repairs.  However, TfB works closely with all three electricity companies who have equipment within the County to try and get these repaired as quickly as possible, but these repairs can be complex in nature and take some time to fix. This is why, occasionally, a reported street light could be out of service for some time. When this occurs, new temporary signs will be fixed to the lighting column to alert the public that TfB is aware of the problem but that they are waiting for the electricity company to address the issue. This will reduce the need for the public to repeat reporting such faults.



How to report a fault

Residents can report street lighting faults using the link below:

TfB does not maintain every streetlight in the County, however when trying to report a street lighting fault via fix my street, this will be made clear. It may be the responsibility of the Town or Parish Council in which case a link, which directs you to find owner is provided.


New Buckinghamshire Council Budget Priorities Consultation running until 25 November, 2019


The major services that our councils provide in Buckinghamshire play a part in all of our lives in some way on a daily basis. Whether that’s through waste and recycling collections, roads and transport, education and learning, health and social care, planning where new housing goes or making use of our many parks, libraries and leisure centres.

As we plan for the new Buckinghamshire Council, which will replace the county and district councils from April next year, it’s important that we take a look at our priorities and focus on the needs of all the people of Buckinghamshire and the future challenges we face as a county.

As one council, there will be many opportunities for us to bring services together better and improve the lives of our residents, businesses and communities.

We continue to face some very big challenges across the county:

  • Our population is growing rapidly, which means more young children needing school places and more people needing our services .
  • People are living longer, which means more elderly people needing help or care and the type of services that people need from us is getting more complex.
  • The number of houses in the county is growing, which means more people who need every day services like waste and recycling collections, as well as the additional pressure on us to provide new roads, schools and other infrastructure to serve these new and growing communities.
  • The lack of affordable housing means some people are struggling to afford to own or rent a home privately, which leads to an increase in people needing social housing.
  • We are amongst the increasing number of councils who no longer receive any central government funding for day to day services.

As one council, there will be many opportunities to improve services, making it simpler and easier for you to get the services you need. In keeping the new council local, you will also be able to access information and advice about services from places close to where you live across the county.

There is no doubt that having one organisation across the council will reduce costs and duplication, but this will take time. We expect that over the next 4-5 years we will begin to see the fruits of coming together as one organisation, reducing costs by £18m by working smarter together.

But for now, we still have a job to do in balancing the books next year.

We have statutory responsibilities – things we that we must legally do, like safeguarding vulnerable children and adults, and providing schools and education. These are our biggest and growing areas of spending.

It is also important to note that the day to day money for running of our schools is not set or controlled by the council; this goes directly to schools from government.

We are now working to set the priorities and budget for the new Buckinghamshire Council for the next financial year, 2020/21 and beyond. In doing this we will need to make some difficult decisions about the level of spending across the board – making changes in how we provide some services by working smarter together, improving and ensuring a consistent level of service for residents across the whole county . We will also be investing in working closely with the community and local partners to ensure they are involved in decision-making and can influence the direction of the new council through new Community Boards.

We want to hear from you to help shape the new Buckinghamshire Council, tell us what you think we should be focusing on across all the services that you receive.

You can complete the online survey using the link below (open until 25 November) which will take less than 10 minutes. You can also drop into one of the main council offices or our main libraries to take part – these are Amersham, Aylesbury, Beaconsfield, Buckingham, Chesham, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, Marlow and Princes Risborough.

We are ready and waiting to hear your views.


For more information on building the budget, residents can also look at the link below:

Travel Safe Bucks updates

Winter is here! Are you clued up about Winter Driving?


14th October marked the start of the ‘winter season’ here – we’re now ready and waiting to start gritting when the temperature drops!


With lower temperatures and winter weather, it means there are more risks to consider when driving or using the roads. Last year, we launched our award-winning Winter Driver Module, to help people out with driving in winter weather conditions. This module aims to inform people about driving during the winter period, as well as advising them how to prepare for the worst (do you know what you should have in the boot of your car in case you get stuck in the snow? Take the module to find out…)


It is crucial that we issue reminders, information and safety advice about winter driving every year, so please feel free to take our Winter Driving Module if you haven’t already (or if you have, take it again to remind yourself of everything included!) and please also feel free to share the link across your Parish social media channels, email lists etc. The more people who take the module, the better prepared drivers can be during the winter period!


You can find the module here:


In addition to re-promoting the module, we also have a winter driving radio campaign going live from 1st November 2019 on Mix 96. This campaign will run throughout the whole of November and December with plenty of winter driving tips and information being shared every day across the station and on their website too. Make sure you tune in to have a listen!


As always, we will be sharing plenty of info across our social media channels and blogs – make sure you follow us on Twitter (@travelsafebucks) and like us on Facebook (Travel Safe Bucks) so you can stay up to date with everything.




Remember to make use of the Morning After Calculator!


The festive season is fast approaching – we have Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas and New Year. From here on in, a lot of people spend a large portion of this final segment of the year making rather merry with their family, friends and work colleagues!


We want everybody to have a good time, enjoying staff Christmas do’s and family get togethers. If alcohol is involved, please make sure that you arrange for a taxi or lift home and don’t get behind the wheel.


It’s also important to consider whether or not you should be getting behind the wheel the next day. People don’t always realise how long it takes for alcohol to pass through the body, and that they might still be over the drink-drive limit the morning after. A handy tool you can use is the brilliant Morning After app. This app has been produced to help people calculate roughly when it will be safe to drive the morning after drinking alcohol. It can also help people to calculate when they need to stop drinking alcohol if they need to drive the following morning.


The app is available to download free of charge, or can be used online at


We will be hosting an event at Arla for all Arla employees in a few weeks’ time to educate them about how long alcohol stays in the system and to help them to stay safe over the festive period. We will also be serving them some of our unique mocktails as a festive treat from us to them! This will be in conjunction with a three part email campaign that will launch at the start of December. More to come on this closer to the time!





Safe Drive, Stay Alive 2019


Once again, we will be working local emergency service teams to deliver the successful Safe Drive, Stay Alive shows to thousands of pupils across Buckinghamshire at the Wycombe Swan Theatre in just two weeks’ time. The shows are always impactful and hard hitting and leave students with a very important message about the importance of being a responsible driver, passenger and all round road user. With appearances from a victim of a serious car accident, the mother of someone who lost her son to a car accident, paramedics, doctors, police officers and firemen, the stories shared are very emotional, and very real.


If you’ve booked to come and see one of the shows this year, we look forward to seeing you there J




Interesting Road Safety News…




Church Christmas Market needs your donations

St Mary’s Church (Ivinghoe) Christmas Market needs your donations of good quality toys and puzzles, books, wine, tombola prizes, unwanted gifts, baskets or paper gift bags, raffle prizes, chocolates, cakes and mince pies.

Please leave all donations inside the main church on the pews to the left as you go in.   The church is open every day.

Thank you.

Additional mVAS location

The parish council is pleased to advise that it has now been able to install our 4th pre-approved mVAS ground-screw.  This location is situated along Westfield Road, opposite Bolebec End, and our mVAS (flashing speed sign) will move to this new location shortly.

This Westfield Road location will join the existing 3 locations which our mVAS rotates around, the others being located in Cheddington Road, Vicarage Road and Marsworth Road.

We thank Taylor Wimpey for granting approval for the installation of the ground-screw.

The unit allows the council to collect & monitor data about traffic volumes and speeds, as well as reminding motorists that the maximum speed limit along our roads is 30mph.

Luton Airport Expansion Consultation & Event in Pitstone 1/11/19

Second consultation announced for proposed London Luton Airport expansion – Luton Council

Luton Council’s airport company – London Luton Airport Ltd (LLAL) – is pleased to confirm that a second public consultation on its proposed long-term expansion of the airport is to take place this autumn.

​The consultation will run for nearly nine weeks from 16 October until 16 December, with a series of 34 consultation events taking place across the town and the region between 25 October and 7 December.  There are a number of consultation events planned, the nearest being at Pitstone Memorial Hall from 2pm-8pm on Friday 1 November.  Do go along as this is your opportunity to speak to airport representatives, view the plans and ask questions about their expansion proposals.  Full details of all events can be found via the link below:

Following feedback received during its first consultation in summer 2018, LLAL is proposing sustainable, phased growth of the airport to 32 million passengers per annum (mppa) by 2039, by providing a second terminal north of the runway and extensive new airfield infrastructure.  Also proposed are a third station and extension for the Luton DART fast transit from Luton Airport Parkway station to the new terminal, plus on- and off-site highway improvements.  LLAL is further proposing a new incremental funding package, on expansion consent, that would provide up to an additional £14m a year at 32 mppa for local communities most impacted by airport operations.  LLAL is not proposing any changes to the existing single runway – or any increase in the number of night flights currently permitted, from 11.30pm to 6am.

 Full details can be found via this link:

An illustration of their preferred option layout can be found via the link below:


BCC Freight Strategy / Brownlow Bridge update

The original temporary traffic regulation order on the bridge was introduced on the 09th May and is in place for 12 months. We are working hard on finding the solution for the bridge and HGV in the wider communities and are hopeful to be able to bring these to public consultation at the earliest opportunity. In the meantime we are grateful for the continued goodwill and patience of the residents, communities and local businesses.

Road Safety Updates from TfB


Older Driver Awareness Month


1st October was National Older Person’s Day, and Travel Safe Bucks marked the occasion by heading down to St Michael’s Church in Amersham to promote their Older Driver Assessments and brand new Older Driver module.


The number of over 70’s holding a driving licence exceeded five million for the first time in 2018 and there are now over 200 centenarian still driving! Driving is an important part of life for many residents of Buckinghamshire, enabling independence, especially for those living in rural areas. However, as we age, driving can become more stressful. It is for this reason that Travel Safe Bucks is spending the month of October promoting Older Driver awareness month.


To support mature drivers and their families, we have developed an online e-learning module, similar to our award-winning Winter Driving module. The Older Driver module contains all the information you need to retain independence and drive safely for as long as possible. It covers fitness to drive, ability, medication, improving your skills, vehicle, licencing and driving assessments.



You can access the module, and book an older driver assessment, here:



If you want to find out more about our Older Driver module or Assessments, why not pop along and visit us at Flowerland Garden Centre, Bourne End, as part of the Older Drivers Forum on the 10th October? For more info, visit

Remember to use the Morning After Calculator!


Travel Safe Bucks is advising rugby fans to be mindful of driving the morning after drinking alcohol during the Rugby World Cup tournament, which runs until 2nd November. As with all major sporting events, the tournament will be enjoyed and celebrated by millions, with alcohol potentially playing a part. But people don’t always realise how long it takes for alcohol to pass through the body, and that they might still be over the drink-drive limit the morning after.


The penalties for drink driving include a minimum 12-month driving ban, a criminal record, a hefty fine, up to six months in prison and an endorsement on your license for 11 years.


To assist fans, Travel Safe Bucks is taking the opportunity to once again promote the fantastic Morning After app. The app has been produced to help people calculate roughly when it will be safe to drive the morning after drinking alcohol. It can also help you calculate when you need to stop drinking alcohol if you need to drive the following morning.


The app is available to download free of charge, or can be used online, at



The focus on drink driving won’t end with the Rugby World Cup, though. Through the festive season, covering Christmas and New Year right up until the end of December, Travel Safe Bucks will be promoting the Morning After app and launching a brand new Drink Drive campaign with local businesses across Bucks. We will even be hosting an event at Arla, with the aim of educating people on drink driving and how long alcohol can stay in the system. More info to come on this nearer to the time…


Upcoming campaign alert: Speed Awareness campaign #MakeThePledge


January 2020 will see the launch of our brand new Speed Awareness campaign, #MakeThePledge. We will be looking to get local businesses involved in this campaign about making the pledge to stop speeding, as well as launching a new speed e-learning module! More to come on that soon!



Interesting Road Safety News…


Make sure you follow us on Twitter ( and like us on Facebook ( to stay up to date with all that we’re up to in between updates!


Kind Regards,


The Road Safety Team

Aylesbury based charity to set tails wagging with sponsored dog walk

This Autumn Lymphoma Action is holding its first ever Muddy Mutts sponsored dog walk! Join us on the 20 October in Wendover Woods where we will be welcoming dogs and their two-legged companions to join us in raising money to support people affected by lymphoma, the fifth most common cancer in the UK.


From 11am – 2pm, dogs and their owners can enjoy a 5k walk through beautiful scenery. All dogs will receive a rosette at the end of the walk to say well done. They will also receive a special bandana to wear as a thank you for supporting Lymphoma Action, the only charity in the UK dedicated to lymphoma.


Sarah Thorn, Community and Partnerships Manager at Lymphoma Action, said “we’re really excited to be holding our first ever dog walk, which promises to be a fun event for all ages. Every 27 minutes someone is diagnosed with lymphoma. Through funds raised at events like this, we can continue to make sure everyone affected by the condition receives the best possible information, support, treatment and care so that no one has to face lymphoma alone.”


For further details, and to sign up visit

Vale residents urged to renew their voter registration

Electoral Canvass staff will be out and about over the next few weeks, visiting properties that have yet to respond to the Electoral Canvass. All properties in Aylesbury Vale received a ‘Household Enquiry Form’ during the summer and a reminder in September, but around 9,500 responses remain outstanding. Residents are required by law to confirm or update the details of anyone at their address who is eligible to vote in the UK.  The forms are pre-printed with the names of the occupants currently registered to vote at each address. A response is required, either to update their details if there are any changes, or to confirm that the information is still the same. People who have moved address recently are particularly encouraged to respond. Across Great Britain, only 40% of people who have lived at an address for less than one year will be registered, compared to 94% of people who have been at their property for
more than sixteen years.

Jo Hart, AVDC Electoral Services Manager, commented:

“Although the Electoral Canvass response rate to date has been encouraging, nearly 12% of homes in the Vale have yet to respond. We have to take a number of prescribed steps to follow up on non responding properties, and those households that have not responded have to be personally visited.  This is an expensive exercise, and we’re therefore urging residents to help us save money by responding ASAP.”

Residents can respond quickly and easily online using a unique two-part security code which is printed on the form. The online process also allows people to add the names of any new occupants as well as remove names of those who no longer live at the address, or request a postal application.

For further information, visit or call 01296 585701

Petition to halt HS2 enabling works whilst Oakervee Review proceeding

Bucks County Council has asked to circulate the link for the above petition which was discussed at the county council meeting last week.   Signing the petition might help to stop deforestation and related HS2 works until the review is completed.
As discussed at main Council, here is the link to the national petition to halt all enabling works whilst the independent Oakervee Review of HS2 is proceeding.

This weeks roadworks notifications w/c 30/9/19


Traffic Interruptions


Stocks Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire

30 September – 25 October


Delays likely – Road closure


Name: Stocks Road


Location: Stocks Road


Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks


Responsibility for event: Hertfordshire


Current status: In progress




Toms Hill Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire

30 September – 25 October


Delays likely – Diversion route


Name: Diversion


Location: Stocks Road


Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks


Responsibility for event: Hertfordshire


Current status: In progress





Cheddington Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire

30 September — 02 October


Delays possible – Traffic control (two-way signals)


Works location: 59


Works description: Customer Supply Pipe Repair


Responsibility for works: Anglian Water


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: AD03256676394




Wellcroft, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire

02 October — 04 October


Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion


Works location: golf house


Works description: Meter Exchange Proactive Dig


Responsibility for works: Anglian Water


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: AD02954720111

County Council Update from County Councillor Anne Wight, Sept 2019

 County Council Update

from County Cllr Anne Wight

September 2019



Home to School Transport

I am very much aware of the recent issues this term with Home to School Transport, and of all the difficulties currently being experienced by families and students.  BCC officers are currently actively engaged in helping to sort those out.  If you are affected, please do keep checking the links below for more information over the coming weeks.  You can also access the School Transport green box section on the top of the BCC homepage for more updates.  Many thanks for your patience as officers work to handle all enquiries.


National Recycle Week

The theme of this year’s Recycle Week, taking place between 23 and 29 September, is to encourage local people to take recycling into their own hands and do whatever they can to protect the environment.

Fully supported by Buckinghamshire County Council, next week’s national campaign aims to build on the growing awareness and importance of protecting our fragile environment by encouraging people to recycle more than ever before.

Latest figures show that around two-thirds of UK households are recycling more that they were a year ago. And across Buckinghamshire, that extra effort has meant the County Council now has the second best recycling figure across all county councils nationally at 56.6%.

This means we are all getting better at recycling things like plastic bottles and containers, glass and metal tins and also learning more about what can and cannot go into our recycling bins.

Buckinghamshire County Council Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment, Bill Chapple OBE said his message was one of congratulations for the efforts local people are putting in.

“I’m so pleased Buckinghamshire is right up there with its recycling rates, but we can’t rest on our laurels quite yet. There’s over 43% still to go and that means everyone showing their commitment and playing their part.

“The more we can recycle, the better for our environment and next week’s campaign just helps as a reminder that recycling is everyone’s responsibility.”

Many people are still unsure what can be recycled and how. Across Buckinghamshire, the Waste Wizard can help. Simply by entering your postcode, you can make sure your items are dealt with in the most environmentally friendly way possible. The Wizard tool can be accessed at:

Bill continued: “It’s absolutely fantastic that more and more of us are recycling. Our next step now is to make sure we get things recycling in the best possible way. So, let’s all keep up the great work and get Buckinghamshire’s figures even higher next time round.

Bill added: “Across all its services, the County Council remains absolutely committed to reducing its impact on the environment. Only recently, I reported that the Council had achieved a 41% reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide it produces, significantly better  than the 30% national voluntary reduction target set by Government.

“And, next Thursday (September 26) during Recycling Week, the Council will be debating a special notice of motion on what more it can do to reduce the impact of climate change. This debate will be available to watch live on webcast via our website.

For more details on Recycle Week, please visit


World Mental Health Day is 10 October 2019


World Mental Health Day is an opportunity for all of us to raise awareness of mental health issues and advocate against social stigma.

The day provides an opportunity for you and your organisation to add to the wider conversation that will be occurring on social media, television and elsewhere. Highlight the fantastic work you’re already doing to address mental health stigma in the workplace, and introduce new and targeted activities anchored to the event.

The theme of this year’s event is suicide and suicide prevention.

Every year close to 800,000 people globally take their own life and there are many more people who attempt suicide. Every suicide is a tragedy that affects families, communities and has long-lasting effects on the people left behind. It’s the leading cause of death among young people aged 20-34 years in the UK and is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year-olds globally

This World Mental Health Day, we encourage you all to consider how you can create learning opportunities for all your staff, raise their overall level of understanding of mental health, and specifically address the stigma around suicide so as to support those who might most need help.

More information on World Mental Health Day can be found on the Time to Change website below:


London Luton Airport Expansion Consultation and information

Luton Airport’s Statutory consultation for the proposed expansion from 18 to 32 million passengers per year will run from Wednesday 16th October until Wednesday 11th December.

Residents might wish to review expansion proposals and reports on the Future Luton website below in order to fully understand the key issues under discussion during the consultation.


2 Buckinghamshire Council consultations ending soon

Don’t forget to have your say on Community Boards for the new Buckinghamshire Council


On 1 April 2020 there will be a new single council for Buckinghamshire, replacing the current county council and four district councils. This provides a unique opportunity to strengthen local democracy, as well as improve services and outcomes for the people of Buckinghamshire. The new council will be called Buckinghamshire Council.

We want Buckinghamshire Council, and its elected councillors, to have strong connections with the communities in Buckinghamshire. We want people to have a say in how services are designed and delivered in their local areas.

We are therefore proposing setting up community boards in local areas and would like you to share your views on this proposal by completing this short survey.

This consultation will close at 11:45pm on Monday 30 September 2019.

Further information about community boards can be found here on our website.

Survey can be found here:

We are also asking people for their views on changes to the Council Tax Reduction (support) for people on low incomes

Currently across Buckinghamshire each district council has their own scheme (called the Council Tax Reduction Scheme) that sets out how they support people on low incomes by reducing the council tax bill. The current schemes offer various levels of support for people in the same situation living in different parts of the county.

The aim is to have one scheme that offers the same level of support to all council tax payers across the whole of Buckinghamshire from 1 April 2020. One scheme will mean that people in the same situation are treated consistently and fairly wherever they live in Buckinghamshire.

We are asking for people’s views on the proposed changes to the level of reductions to council tax bills for people on low incomes in a new scheme for Buckinghamshire Council.

Information about the proposal, including case studies illustrating the potential impact for different groups of people, plus the consultation survey can be found on the Shadow Authority website.

This survey closes on 24 September.

This weeks roadworks

B489 High Street, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
18 September — 20 September
Delays likelyTraffic control (Stop/Go boards)
Works location: OUTSIDE 34
Responsibility for works: SGN
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: XW041W114685629-00112

Albion Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
18 September — 20 September
Delays unlikelySome carriageway incursion
Works location: 1a
Works description: Communication Pipe Repair
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: AD03256676052

B488 Upper Icknield Way, Bulbourne, Hertfordshire
18 September — 18 September
Delays unlikelyNo carriageway incursion
Works location: Bulbourne : Upper Icknield Way / over railway line on verge : to northern side of railway line
Works description: Installation on controller hardstanding Bulbourne
Responsibility for works: Ringway
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: RG001BR6520000199260

Cheddington Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
16 September — 30 September
Delays unlikelySome carriageway incursion
Works location: 43 Cheddington Road – Pitstone
Works description: New VX
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire
Current status: Work in progress
Works reference: BH001_35007397

Rushendon Furlong, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
17 September — 19 September
Delays unlikelySome carriageway incursion
Works location: 53
Works description: Install Double Boundary Box
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: AD01456127692

The Crescent, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
16 September — 14 October
Delays unlikelySome carriageway incursion
Works location: 11 The Crescent, Pitstone
Works description: New Skip
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire
Current status: Work in progress
Works reference: BH001_35007454

Yardley Avenue, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
16 September — 18 September
Delays unlikelySome carriageway incursion
Works location: 169
Works description: Install Double Boundary Box
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: AD01456127618

New Move It or Lose It fun and friendly exercise classes

Turn back the clock with our fun and friendly exercise classes to improve your

  • balance and confidence
  • mobility and flexibility
  • strength and independence

Come and try your first session free!

At Pitstone Memorial Hall on Tuesdays from 11am-noon, starting 24 September.  £6 per session.

mobile: 07988 649275




Northfield Road and Ivinghoe roadworks 9/9/19 onwards

Northfield Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire
09 September — 20 September
Delays likelyTraffic control (two-way signals)
Works location: Whole Site Feature – Northfield Road, between Upper Icknield Way and Station Road
Works description: Vegetation Clearance
Responsibility for works: Ringway
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: RG001BR6401000196353

B488 Station Road, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
09 September — 20 September
Delays possibleTraffic control (multi-way signals)
Works location: opp 48
Works description: To carry out a cross-connection pipework and associated fitting as part of mains improvement scheme – works in footway and highway
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: AD01453849196

Ladysmith Road, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
09 September — 20 September
Delays possibleTraffic control (multi-way signals)
Works location: opp 48
Works description: To carry out a cross-connection pipework and associated fitting as part of mains improvement scheme – works in footway and highway Tm only
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: AD01453849196/1

Maud Janes Close, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
09 September — 11 September
Delays unlikelySome carriageway incursion
Works location: 23
Works description: Stoptap Replacements
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Planned work about to start
Works reference: AD03256653311

Apologies from BCC re School Bus issues at the start of term

Joint statement from Buckinghamshire County Council’s Deputy Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, Arif Hussain and Cabinet Member for Transportation, Mark Shaw

“We apologise for the difficulties being experienced currently by families in obtaining their bus passes for home to school transport at the start of the school term. We recognise this has been a difficult time for everyone affected. The difficulties have been due to a number of contributing factors including technical issues printing bus passes and using the online payment system in time for the start of term. We did administer approx. 4,000 passes however 100 were affected by these issues. Alternative emergency solutions were put in place quickly to resolve the issues.

“Should there be any ongoing issues linked to bus passes it is important to reassure families that if pupils are accepted for paid-for school transport, or are eligible for free school transport, they will be able to travel without a pass to and from school today and if necessary, until Friday 13 September.

“To rectify the problems being experienced we have taken action as follows:

Temporary school bus passes were emailed to parents from Tuesday this week to use as a temporary measure.
We have also sent temporary printed passes to schools which they are handing out today and in the coming days as needed.
We have brought in extra staff to help process all applications and get bus passes out to families as soon as possible.
“Free school transport renewals are automatic so eligible children do not need to re-apply.

“We are aware of a few instances of timetable variations which have caused some confusion, for which we apologise. All timetables have been corrected where necessary, and the correct versions are available to view on our website at

“We know that some families applied for paid-for transport earlier in the year but will have been notified between 19 and 30 August that they have been unsuccessful with securing a place. We appreciate the challenges involved with getting children to and from schools; however we do make clear at the first stage of the school admissions process that transporting children is parents’ and carers’ responsibility and that we cannot guarantee a paid-for place on school buses for every child. This is because we allocate transport first for those eligible for free home to school transport and then release any spare seats on a paid-for basis.

“If you have not been successful in securing a paid-for place at this stage we will place you on a waiting list for future spare places and will aim to notify all families by 31 October 2019 if you have been offered a spare seat. We are working in partnership with commercial bus companies to provide services that will increase our transport offer to parents. Currently 21 services have been identified for September, and we are expecting more to be available over the coming months.

“Administering home to school transport and paid-for transport across Buckinghamshire is an extremely complex operation. Please be assured that everyone involved is working hard to resolve the current issues. We apologise for not getting everything right this time and we thank everyone for their patience in the meantime.”

Information for families:

To check school bus routes and boarding points information please go to

For more information about payment deadlines and bus passes view our paid for transport information at

Our school transport policies are on our website at

If the information available on our website has not resolved your query please contact us by phone on 01296 395000, or via our webchat or contact form on our website

Changes to Council Tax Reduction/Support. Consultation open until 24/9/19

Consultation: 14 August – 24 September 2019

Changes to Council Tax Reduction in Buckinghamshire (sometimes called Council Tax Support)

The four district councils and the county council in Buckinghamshire would like your views on proposed changes to the council tax support schemes that help people on low incomes, as we plan for becoming one council in April 2020.

Why do we need this change?
On 1 April 2020, there will be a new council for the whole county, Buckinghamshire Council.

Currently each district council (Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern, Wycombe and South Bucks) has a different scheme that gives slightly different levels of council tax support for people with a low income.

The aim is to have one scheme supporting those who are eligible for a reduction on their council tax bill across the whole of Buckinghamshire from 1 April 2020. One scheme for the whole of Buckinghamshire will mean that people in the same situation are treated consistently and fairly wherever they live .

The changes proposed in this consultation only apply to people of working age with a low income. Pensioners are not affected by this change.

The survey closes on 24 September, is open to all residents, and can be accessed here:

Don’t Pay Twice

Have you been witness to damage to the highway (eg a bollard or lamp post being knocked over)? It’s vital that you report this to us so that we can claim the money back to repair the damage – otherwise the taxpayer ends up paying for the highway twice! Last year, TfB were able to claim over £120,000 for damage caused to the highway, all of which went towards the necessary repairs. This wouldn’t have been possible without you, the people reporting this damage to us.


Please keep on reporting any damage you might be witness to so that you don’t pay twice!! (Please note this doesn’t include defects such as potholes, which can be reported via Fix My Street). For more info, visit:

Transport for Bucks Road Safety Updates

Speed Awareness Campaign continues…

Throughout the month of August, we have been running a speed awareness campaign to support Thames Valley Police (TVP) with their increased enforcement during August. Every day we have been sharing a different snippet of info about speeding on our Facebook page ( and our Twitter feed ( There’s just a couple of days left but it’s not too late to go and have a look at some of the tips we’ve been sharing. 

Young riders encouraged to #ridebetter

A new campaign has been launched in London in an effort to resonate with young riders and help influence their decisions. The campaign has been developed by 2Wheels London on the back of statistics that show motorcyclists and moped riders are among the most vulnerable road users in London – a figure which rings true across most of the country too.

The campaign features eight videos designed to encourage riders to use the roads in a manner that gives them the best chance of staying safe and avoid being in a collision. Each film features ‘Angry Al’, who acts as the ‘devil on your shoulder’, encouraging bad behaviours. You can find out more about the campaign here:

Whilst the campaign is aimed at Londoners, it is important for all motorcyclists to take heed and keep safe on the roads. Why not sign up to one of our Be A Better Biker courses to gain skills that will help improve your safety and enjoyment on a bike?

Feel free to share the Angry Al films across your own social media and raise awareness of biker safety. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ridebetter 

3 Tips to remember when driving in rural areas

Harvest season is in full swing, which means more tractors and agricultural vehicles on the roads. They’re big, they’re heavy and they’re slow moving – if you’re in an accident, the chances are that you’ll come off worse than the tractor! We want you to be safe on the roads of Buckinghamshire. Be more careful than ever on rural roads and make use of these top tips…

  • Brake before the bend! If you whizz around a bend at top speed and then see a tractor, an animal, a horse rider or a pedestrian, it will be too late. Brake before the bend!
  • If you get stuck behind a slow moving vehicle like a tractor, be patient. Dips in roads, bends and other junctions joining your road often hide oncoming vehicles, so unless it’s absolutely safe, don’t overtake.
  • Anticipate potential hazards. Look out for upcoming bends, hidden dips, blind summits and concealed entrances.

59% of fatalities occur on country roads. Please don’t be one of them. Drive safely.

Safe Drive Stay Alive 2019: Save the date!

Safe Drive Stay Alive is back for another year. The hard hitting road safety road show teaches young people across Bucks about the importance of not speeding or using your phone or drink driving and reminds them of the importance of wearing a seat belt, made all the more impactful with the appearance of emergency services and survivors of road accidents. To book your place, contact June Howlett at

 Interesting road safety news…

If you’re interested in what’s going on in the world of road safety at the moment, here’s a few links to some interesting stories!

Updates from Travel Safe Bucks (Aug 19)

Speed Awareness Campaign – August has seen the launch of our speed awareness campaign to support Thames Valley Police (TVP) with their increased enforcement during August. Every day we are sharing a different snippet of info about speeding on our Facebook page ( and our Twitter feed ( . Have you been keeping up to date? You can share our posts to any of your Parish social media channels to spread the message further!


Rural Driving – Harvest is in full swing and that means more tractors and agricultural machines on the roads! We shared some information about this on our social media channels but you can find out more info using the following link: This is another great link to share across your Parish socials and distribute to residents of your Parish, particularly if you’re in a rural area.


Be a Better Biker – Be a Better Biker is running again in 2019 and there is still time to book yourself into a session! Find out more info here:



Safe Drive Stay Alive 2019: Save the date! – Safe Drive Stay Alive is back for another year. The hard hitting road safety road show teaches young people across Bucks about the importance of not speeding or using your phone or drink driving and reminds them of the importance of wearing a seat belt, made all the more impactful with the appearance of emergency services and survivors of road accidents. To book your place, contact June Howlett at


Interesting road safety news…

If you’re interested in what’s going on in the world of road safety at the moment, here’s a few links to some interesting stories!


New Handy Helper service from Community Impact Bucks

The Handy Helpers project is a support service which provides internal and external maintenance, preventive measures and practical tasks in and around the homes of vulnerable elderly (65+) or disabled Buckinghamshire residents.

The service can be accessed for free or on a donation basis, according to an assessment of need. As part of the service befriending is offered, providing much needed social interaction. The service is funded by a grant from Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe District Councils.

This person-centred service matches residents who are regarded as ‘at risk’ with a DBS checked Handy Helper Team Leader supported by a group of volunteers or a DBS Checked Men in Sheds Handy Helper.

Aim of the project

To enable people to live safe and secure in their own homes for longer by:

  • Alleviating the stress associated with the inability to deal with household tasks/repairs.
  • Minimising the risks and hazards in and around the home.
  • Providing the opportunity to make social connections.

Handy Helpers runs across Buckinghamshire and complements the Gardening and Befriending service also provided by CIB.


This list is not exhaustive, but serves to illustrate some of the repairs and tasks that we can undertake:

  • Home Safety and Falls prevention actions/remedial measures to address hazards related to (falls, fire, home security & scams awareness)
  • General maintenance services (repairing door/cupboard handles, replacing light bulbs, batteries, resetting clocks/thermostats)
  • External maintenance (e.g. garden clearance, leaf collecting, path clearing/cleaning, painting fences/sheds)
  • Removal and Disposal of small household items, green/general waste
  • Home security measures (e.g. locks, wireless alarms)
  • Minor adaptions (e.g. key safes)
  • Do-it-yourself tasks (e.g. building flat packed furniture and putting up shelves, pictures, coat hooks etc.)We are not able to undertake electrical or plumbing works; instead CIB will signpost clients to Trading Standards who hold a list of approved, qualified tradespeople.


How it works

Clients can be referred to the project or contact the project to request help by contacting or 01844 348832 / 0300 111 1250.

An assessment of each client will then be conducted to identify their eligibility for the service and their likely needs. Each task requirement will then be assessed so they can be matched to a member of our Handy Helpers Team. Tasks will be completed free of charge for eligible clients However, they may donate to the project if they wish. Clients will be required to supply or pay for their own materials (e.g. fixtures, fittings and furnishings).

We will not be able to offer a same-day service, but urgent works will be given priority. Once the task has been completed, clients will be asked to complete a feedback form.

Target Group

The Handy Helpers Service is an Early Intervention Preventative service for people who are 65+ or disabled. They will have at least 3 of the key risk factors or triggers which identify them as being ‘at risk’ of declining in their independence and mental wellbeing due to certain ‘life events’ or ‘circumstances’, which are:

  • A trip or fall in the previous 3 months
  • Suffering from a long-term health condition
  • A recent discharge from hospital
  • Aged 85+
  • Having an age-related mental or physical disability
  • A recent development of a health problem
  • In receipt of a means-tested benefit
  • Being a victim of crime
  • Loss of a partner in the past 2 years
    • Living alone
    • Social isolation
    • Caring for a partner or relative


The Handy Helpers Project is all about local community participation and volunteering. We seek to galvanise local residents as volunteers to help support the more vulnerable in their community and foster good community relationships which hopefully will spill into becoming trusted relationships and friendships.

The project will build relationships between volunteers and clients so that while a lightbulb is being changed a cup of tea and a chat can also be shared. This provides an often much-needed interaction for an older person and the volunteer alike. Similarly, by helping an older person a volunteer not only offers the solution to a practical task but the opportunity to get out and have a change of scenery themselves.

We provide a flexible and supportive experience where volunteers can fit their volunteering around other commitments on a regular or ad hoc basis, which can be in the daytime or the evening and during the week or at the weekend. Being a Handy Helper offers a meaningful and rewarding opportunity to meet new people and make a difference to their life.

Volunteers can choose to volunteer independently as One2One Handy Helper or be part of the Handy Helper Group.

One2One Handy Helpers:

Our volunteers let us know their availability and we match them with a client depending on their preferred locations and the type of task required.

Handy Helper Group:

Team working is at the centre of our Handy Helper Group, our volunteers are guided by a paid Handy Helper Team Leader. There is a great sense of camaraderie where they can draw on each other’s knowledge and experience.

Benefits of Volunteering

Being a Volunteer Handy Helpers is a very rewarding experience. Your donation of time, no matter how small is greatly valued and appreciated as it makes a significant difference to the life of a vulnerable person. Our Volunteers say they get an enormous sense of achievement in doing something useful that wouldn’t get done without their help. In addition, they get the opportunity to use their talents and explore their capabilities.

Renew your voter registration

Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) is sending out annual voter registration forms over the next few weeks, and is asking residents to respond as quickly as possible in order to help save taxpayers’ money.

From Tuesday 6 August, around 83,000 properties in Aylesbury Vale will receive a ‘Household Enquiry Form’. Residents are required by law to confirm or update the details of anyone at their address who is eligible to vote in the UK.

The forms are pre-printed with the names of the occupants currently registered to vote at each address. A response is required; either to confirm that their information is still the same or to update their details if there are any changes.

People who have moved address recently are particularly encouraged to keep an eye out for the form and check the details, as research by the independent Electoral Commission indicates that recent home movers are far less likely to be registered than those that have lived at the same address for a long time. For instance, across Great Britain, 94% of people who have been at their property for more than sixteen years will be registered, compared to 40% of people who have lived at an address for less than a year.

Jo Hart, AVDC Electoral Specialist, commented:

“It’s vitally important that residents respond as soon as possible, so we can make sure we have the right details on the electoral register for every address in Aylesbury Vale. To make sure you’re able to have your say at local and general elections, simply check the form when it arrives and respond as soon as you can.

“Aylesbury Vale residents have always been excellent at using the automated systems to confirm their details, and this year we hope to receive even more responses by text, phone or through the dedicated website. Canvassing every property in Aylesbury Vale is a legal necessity. However, it’s a costly process, so we’re urging residents to help us save money wherever possible by responding to their Household Enquiry Form promptly. This will reduce the need to send unnecessary reminder letters and forms, which is a waste of taxpayers’ money.”

Residents can respond via text, phone or online, by entering the security numbers that are printed on the form. The online process also allows people to add the names of any new occupants as well as remove names of those who no longer live at the address, or to request a postal vote application form.

For further information, webchat AVDC at or call 01296 585701.

Alzheimer’s Society Memory Information Session

Are you worried about your memory?  Join us for a free

Memory Information Session


Poplar Grove Practice

Meadow Way, Aylesbury, HP20 1XB


Tuesday 17th September 1.30 – 3.30 pm

The session will last for two hours and will include:


Understanding Memory


Memory Tips


Coping Strategies


Access to a wide range of information


Signposting to other services and organisations

For more information and to register your place, please call

 Angela Walshe on

01296 331749




                                                    Registered charity number 296645                                         

Update from County Councillor Anne Wight

Your views on Buckinghamshire’s Roads

Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) is seeking the opinions of residents on the county’s road system in a new online survey that will provide information that will inform the council’s strategic highways planning.

This online survey is open to all residents, and is in addition to the annual National Highways and Transportation (NHT) survey which was sent to 3,300 randomly selected households in Buckinghamshire during June.

Through this survey, BCC will be taking a deeper look at two of the key NHT questions which concern ‘Road Condition’ and ‘Road Congestion’. The opinions collected through this survey will be used to supplement the information obtained via the NHT.

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Transportation Mark Shaw said: “when we look at the combined results of these two surveys, we can really start to build a picture of how the public views and rates our services. This will assist both Buckinghamshire County Council with transport planning and Transport for Buckinghamshire – the strategic highway maintenance arm of the organisation – with advising us on where the roads budget is best spent each year.

“We really value the views of our residents, and this additional questionnaire will give us a better understanding of any issues respondents are experiencing with road condition and road congestion.”

The survey will remain open to the residents of Buckinghamshire until 30 September 2019. It takes under five minutes to complete and is open to all residents even if they have responded to the initial NHT survey received last month.  The results will be made available on the BCC website in the autumn this year.

Complete the survey here:

Heat Advice for Heatwaves


Whilst we welcome hot weather, if it is too hot for too long there are health risks.


The most vulnerable group of people are:


  • Very young children
  • Elderly
  • Seriously Ill (hot weather can make heart and breathing problems worse)


The main risks are:

  • dehydration(not having enough water)
  • overheating, which can make symptoms worse for people who already have problems with their heart or breathing
  • heat exhaustion
  • heatstroke


Here are some top tips on to keep cool and comfortable:

  • Shut windows and pull down the shades when it is hotter outside. If it’s safe, open them for ventilation when it is cooler.
  • Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Keep rooms cool by using shades or reflective material outside the windows. If this isn’t possible, use light-coloured curtains and keep them closed (metallic blinds and dark curtains can make the room hotter).
  • Have cool baths or showers, and splash yourself with cool water.
  • Drink cold drinks regularly, such as water and fruit juice. Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol.
  • Stay tuned to the weather forecast on the radio or TV, or on theMet Office website.
  • Plan ahead to make sure you have enough supplies, such as food, water and any medications you need.
  • Identify the coolest room in the house so you know where to go to keep cool.
  • Wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat if you go outdoors.
  • Check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves.





Also, for anyone in the vulnerable groups above, remember to


  • stay out of the sun when it is really hot
  • wear loose clothes and if you go out, wear sun cream, sunglasses and a hat or a scarf
  • do not do too much exercise
  • have lots of cool drinks but not alcohol
  • use plants and bowls of water to keep rooms cool, close curtains during the day and turn off lights you do not need. Open windows at night when it is safe to do so


The Health and Wellbeing pages on our website has more information on summer safety.



Update on the New Unitary Buckinghamshire Council


Rachael Shimmin has today been announced as the Chief Executive of the new Buckinghamshire Council, the unitary authority which on 1 April 2020 will replace the existing county and district councils.

Rachael will lead a brand new £1bn council, the second largest non-metropolitan unitary in England, providing all of the current county and district councils’ services across the county.

The appointment follows a national search to find the best candidate to lead the employees of the new council and a thorough recruitment process which started in early June and was overseen by the members of the Senior Appointment Sub Committee.

A team of more than 300 staff from the five current councils are working together to setup the new Buckinghamshire Council for April 2020 and  Rachael who is the current interim head of paid service and implementation lead  will continue to lead this work in creating the new council.  All five councils are united in their commitment to delivering the best result for residents, partners and businesses, and making this the best new council for the future for Buckinghamshire.

In advance of the elections next year to the new council the new Chief Executive will also work with the 202 elected members who make up the Shadow Authority and the decision-making Shadow Executive to oversee the creation of the new council.

Rachael will now formally take up the position of Chief Executive almost three years since her arrival at Buckinghamshire County Council as the CEO. Rachael said: “Setting up the new Buckinghamshire Council is a once-in-a-career opportunity. The communities of Buckinghamshire deserve the best possible public services and I am excited to be heading up the organisation that will deliver them. While the task ahead of us shouldn’t be underestimated, the programme to create the new council is well established and has a clear focus on what is required.  I am determined to create an organisation that will lead the way in providing excellent services.”

Leader of the Shadow Executive, Cllr Martin Tett, said: “Creating the new Buckinghamshire Council is a massive challenge but I know Rachael is the person who will ensure it happens and I look forward to working with them. We have the opportunity here to improve services and create simpler, more efficient and effective local government that will deliver for all of our communities.”

Deputy Leader of the Shadow Executive, Cllr Katrina Wood said: “This is an exciting step in the creation of the new unitary authority for Buckinghamshire and I’m confident that Rachael will lead employees to create a new council that brings together the best of the five councils to promote Buckinghamshire as a great place to live, work and do business.”

Under the new council, residents will access services in a way very similar to the current set up. Residents will not see any major changes on day 1 of the Buckinghamshire Council, as all the councils involved are committed to ensuring a smooth transition to the new council.

After the transition to the new Buckinghamshire Council is complete, the focus of the new council will be to improve services for communities by bringing functions together as one council to work more efficiently.

For more information about the new Buckinghamshire Council, and the Shadow Authority which has been set up to create it, visit and follow us on twitter @DeliveringBucks.

Domestic Violence and Abuse service survey

Domestic Violence & Abuse (DVA) is any incident(s) of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between people aged 16+ who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members. This is regardless of gender or sexuality. It may involve psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse amongst other things.
BCC would like to know about your experience with and views about DVA services and support. They’re interested in whether you’ve used services, what works well, what could be better and how we can make support easier to find. Responses to this survey will help us plan services and support in the future.

The future of local services for Bucks residents: Get your questions in front of local decision makers

With just over eight months until the new Buckinghamshire Council opens its doors for business, politicians from across the five current councils will be holding a special debate to begin the task of shaping the key priorities for the new authority’s ‘to do’ list.
The event, taking place from 11.30am on Thursday, July 25 at Aylesbury Vale District Council’s Gateway offices, is specially arranged so that residents, businesses and local organisations can get involved. They can submit their own views and questions about the future of all council services either in advance or on-the-day, ‘live’ into the meeting.
As well as a series of presentations from key speakers, all questions and comments will be displayed live on three giant screens during the meeting to help stimulate discussion and ensure a quality debate. The meeting will also be webcast live as it happens.
Leader of the Shadow Executive, Martin Tett explains why involving as many people as possible is so important. “With five councils coming together to form the new Buckinghamshire Council, we have a perfect opportunity to begin to shape what the key public service priorities should be from next April.
“Clearly everyone has views about council services, after all, they touch virtually every part of our lives and we all pay for them through our council tax. And that’s exactly why we want people to get involved. The County Council has run this type of interactive format for a number of years now and we know from experience that the debate really benefits from this type of involvement and, of course, it’s good for democracy too.”
Deputy Leader of the Shadow Executive, Katrina Wood echoed Martin Tett’s call to get involved. “It’s really important that people can have their say, particularly when five councils amalgamate and can plan one single agenda,” she said.
“So, whether it’s education, social care, the state of the roads, waste and refuse, our environment, local planning, growth or housing or anything else we collectively provide, then please get your questions and comments in – they will be a very welcome addition to this key debate.”
Questions and comments can be submitted in advance or ‘live’ during the meeting itself via the new Buckinghamshire Council Twitter site – @DeliveringBucks, using the #bucksdebate, or alternatively questions can be submitted via email to

Are you a carer or young carer?

Carer Awareness


As the amount of people who care for others increases, we want to make sure advice and support is easily available. The value and critical support carers add to their communities is unparalleled, so the more we can do to help the better.


There are many kinds of carers: from young children, to the elderly, to working people – and each particular group has specific needs. Our plan is to engage with as many as possible this autumn and agree what their priorities are. Then we can act on it to improve our offer.

 It’s important to encourage carers to tell their GP’s about their caring role. They can get extra time in appointments if needed and GP’s will be able to signpost them appropriately.

Similarly, younger carers should speak with teachers at their schools and colleges. This allows the school to help provide extra help and support.

 Message from Bucks County Council

Have you had your free NHS health check?

Free NHS Health Checks

Everybody wants to enjoy an active and healthy life for as long as possible, but as we get older the risk of developing serious disease and illness increases. With early intervention and treatment however, this risk can be reduced.

This is what the NHS Health Checks are designed to identify.

We want ensure that all eligible* residents in Buckinghamshire take up the offer of a Free NHS Health Check.

The Health Check is a very straightforward 20 minute assessment where blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI and lifestyle are assessed by your GP or healthcare professional. Afterwards you’ll get an info/ results pack which includes advice and suggestions on what to do next should you need it.

How do I book one?

You may get a letter in the post from your GP in the next few weeks asking you to attend a Health Check at your surgery.

You can find out more here


*To be eligible for a Health Check, you must:

  • Be aged between 40 and 74
  • Be a Buckinghamshire resident or have a Bucks GP
  • Not been diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or had a stroke
  • Not had an NHS Health Check in the last 5 years



Don’t forget, if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do, call NHS 111 or go to (for people aged 5 and over).

Notice of Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

Notice of review for Boards (July 2019)

AVDC is conducting a review of all polling districts and polling places within the Aylesbury and Buckingham Parliametary Constituencies.

Submissions on any aspect of polling districts, polling places and polling stations will be welcomed from any elector or local council, any local constituency political party, any person/group having a particular interet and/or expertise in access to premises or facilities for persons who have different forms of disability.

More information, current polling arrangements and a submission form can be obtained from or 01296585051

Submissions close on 2 August 2019.


County Council Update from County Councillor Anne Wight, June 2019

Planning applications CM/0017/19 and CM/0018/19

These planning applications are for additional industrial waste processing of 25,000 tonnes and 87,500 tonnes respectively per annum  on the Marsworth/Cheddington Airfield Industrial Estate and are currently open for comment from members of the public.

Should anyone wish to comment, simply use the link below, press the view application button, and input the application number you wish to comment on into the search bar.  There is then an option to upload the comment.


The applications are due to be considered at the forthcoming meeting of the Development Control committee on 1st July, 2019.


Children’s Services Update


Buckinghamshire County Council is making ‘steady progress’ to improve children’s services, with most children “receiving helpful support when they are first referred to children’s social care”, according to Ofsted in its monitoring letter published on Monday, 17 June.

The letter outlines the results of a visit made to the council’s children’s services in May 2019. This was the third ‘monitoring visit’, following the outcome of the November 2017 inadequate judgement made by Ofsted.

Inspectors considered a range of evidence, including case records, discussions with social workers and managers, and reviewing other supporting documentation.

The report noted the senior leadership team is “steadfastly determined to improve the quality of services for children” and that “substantial improvements” have been made to areas of the service which had previously fallen short. It added that the multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH) systems are “efficient, leading to timely and decisive action for most children”.

The report stated that management oversight of services had been strengthened and social work caseloads have reduced, leaving social workers better able to support children and families.

Areas needing further improvement were also highlighted – these included some inconsistencies in certain practices within the MASH and assessment teams. While responses to clients were deemed to be mostly effective, there can be unnecessary delays in some processes and some areas of work – while generally improving – can sometimes be of variable quality.

Warren Whyte, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services said: “This is another encouraging report and confirms that our work to improve children’s services in Buckinghamshire is proceeding well.

“There is no doubt we have more to do, however, to deliver the services that children in Buckinghamshire deserve. We are determined to continue our efforts to make the improvements highlighted in this report.

“We are grateful to all our staff for their hard work and dedication as we work to further strengthen our services.”


Fly Tipping in Bucks on Channel 5 Documentary

The exhaustive work carried out by County Council enforcement officers in the war against fly tippers in Buckinghamshire features in a brand new Channel 5 documentary series starting this week.

The six-part programme, ‘Grime and Punishment’ follows the hidden army of Council enforcement teams and inspectors up and down the country who work tirelessly to nail those who think nothing of blotting the country’s towns and countryside with their mess and rubbish.

As one of a number of local authorities featured, Buckinghamshire was selected because of its zero-tolerance approach to fly tipping and continuing success in bringing perpetrators to justice.

Film crews followed the work of two enforcement officers, David Rounding and Matt Shutter as they hunted for clues and interviewed witnesses to help bring fly tippers to justice. On average, one fly tipper is successfully prosecuted in Buckinghamshire every week, one of the highest rates in the country.

Buckinghamshire County Council Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment, Bill Chapple OBE, praised the programme for spotlighting the tireless work by council officials to combat those intent on destroying the country’s environment.

“As far as Buckinghamshire is concerned, our message is clear: fly tippers are not welcome and we will use the full force of the law to prosecute whenever possible. Through the hard work of people like David and Matt,  we are now seeing a reduction in fly tipping across the county for the first time in six years, which is great news.

“We also do a lot of awareness raising and education particularly around people’s legal responsibility to dispose of their waste correctly. The last thing we want to do is knock on someone’s door having found their waste dumped by an unscrupulous trader they might have used in good faith.

“Programmes like Grime and Punishment help get those important messages across and we were delighted to have taken part,” he added.

Commentating on their appearance, David and Matt said: “It’s all in a day’s work for us. Whether we’re visiting fly tips, giving advice to local residents or preparing cases for court, our single aim is to rid Buckinghamshire of fly tipping for good. Everything we do that helps towards achieving this means a better, cleaner  environment for our residents.”

The first episode of Crime and Punishment starts at 8pm this Thursday, (June 13) on Channel 5. David and Matt’s work in Buckinghamshire features in episode five, scheduled to air at 8pm on Thursday, July 11. The series was filmed by multi-award winning Lambent Productions Ltd, based in Brighton.

For further information about preventing fly tipping in Buckinghamshire, please visit

Illegal dumping can be reported at



Heathrow Expansion Consultation

The Airport Expansion Consultation runs from 18th June until 13th September 2019 and gives residents the opportunity to provide feedback on Heathrow’s proposals for the future layout of the airport, including the new runway and other airport infrastructure such as terminals and road access.

Residents will also be able to have a say on plans to manage the environmental impacts of expansion, including a proposed Heathrow Ultra Low Emissions Zone, Heathrow Vehicle Access Charge and a proposed 6.5-hour ban on scheduled night flights.

The expansion at Heathrow may have knock-on effects for air traffic in our area coming into Luton airport, so please do have a look at the plans if you wish to express a view.

Safran event 11-13 July 2019

Please note that Safran is hosting an event at their site on 13 July 2019 which will involve extra traffic and parking in the area between 11-13 July 2019.

The parish council is supporting the event and making available the car park at the pavilion, but please be aware that there may also be extra cars parked along Westfield Road etc and take extra care.


Prevent Your Home From Becoming Hot Property This Summer

Grass Cutting in Yardley Avenue and Glebe Close

You will be aware that there has been an issue with grass cutting in the above two roads this year.  This was historically undertaken by Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust but is apparently now being passed to Bucks County Council.  The 2 bodies are discussing this issue and determining handover procedures.  We understand that VAHT will be undertaking one further cut in July and then BCC will be maintaining for the rest of the season, but that BCC cut significantly less frequently than VAHT.


We understand that BCC may consider devolving power to the parish council for these 2 roads in subsequent years (they have not devolved power to PPC for the current year) but this will be a decision for the new unitary Buckinghamshire County once it is in place.

Local Police Community Forum – 1 August 2019

I am writing to confirm that the next Great Brickhill, Wing and Ivinghoe Police community forum will be held at 19:00 hours on Thursday 1st August 2019 in Cheddington Village Hall (Church Lane).

Please spread the word to your communities who live in this area.

I will give you a breakdown of the Police crime figures for your area, with explanations on what this means going forward and provide updates on work your neighbourhood team has carried out in the last 3 months.

It is for all sections of the community. I would be particularly keen to hear from any youths (if any of you are part of youth clubs/groups) a representative from them would be great.

More importantly, it is your opportunity to raise any concerns, so we can see how we can work with you and other agencies to resolve these issues. We can then pick two priorities to focus our efforts. Currently, these are:-


  • To prevent and reduce rural crime
  • To prevent and reduce theft from motor vehicles.


Hopefully see you all then




PC 5688 Matt Craker


PC 5688 Matt Craker

Neighbourhood Supervisor

Great Brickhill, Wing and Ivinghoe District NHPT

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