Quotations being sought for replacement wooden fencing

Please find attached details of replacement fencing currently being sought by the parish council for the western boundary of our pavilion site.

If you are interested in providing a quotation and would like to arrange a site visit, please contact the parish clerk on parisclerk@pitstone.co.uk.


Thank you to PRS Office Furniture

The parish council would like to thank PRS Office Furniture, based in the Pitstone Green Business Park, for their kind donation of 5 metal benches to be installed at the pavilion sports ground off Marsworth Road.   We are sure that all the football spectators will be very grateful to have somewhere to sit and watch the beautiful game.

To find more about PRS and the furniture/services they can provide, please visit their website: http://www.prs-officefurniture.com/


Updated Information on Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan consultation by AVDC

Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan – consultation by Aylesbury Vale District Council


From 7 July to 5 September, Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) will be consulting on their latest draft of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) and are inviting comments from local residents and other interested parties on any aspect of the draft.


Scroll down to read more about:


  • what the VALP is, and why it is important for all of us;
  • the consultation exercise that AVDC is carrying out; and
  • Pitstone Parish Council’s views on the latest draft of the VALP.


What is the VALP and why is it important?


The VALP is the district-level Local Plan which sets out AVDC’s vision for delivering growth in the District up to 2033. Most importantly it is the document which, in conjunction with Neighbourhood Plans such as ours, will be used to determine planning applications (and all other planning-related matters) throughout the Vale.  The VALP replaces the ill-fated Vale of Aylesbury Plan (VAP) which was withdrawn by AVDC in February 2014 and will, once adopted, formally replaced the rather elderly Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan (AVDLP) which dates back to 2004 and only certain parts of which still apply.


AVDC’s consultation exercise


The consultation exercise runs from 7 July to 5 September and we would encourage all residents to take part in it.


To inform the process, AVDC are running a number of consultation drop-in sessions throughout the summer.


Date Location Venue Time
Monday 11 July Haddenham Village Hall Social Centre 11am to 8pm
Wednesday 13 July Buckingham Community Centre 11am to 8pm
Thursday 14 July Aylesbury Friars Square Shopping Centre 10am to 5pm
Wednesday 27 July Newton Longville Village Hall 2 Paradise 10.30am to 7.30pm
Thursday 4 August Wendover St Anne’s Hall 11am to 8pm
Friday 5 August Aylesbury Friars Square Shopping Centre 10am to 5pm
Monday 8 August Whaddon Jubilee Hall 11am(*) to 8pm
Wednesday 10 August Winslow Public Hall Elmfields Gate 11am to 8pm
Thursday 1 September Weedon Bucks County Showground 8.30am to 4.30pm


(*) planning officers present from 4pm onwards


Whether or not you are able to visit one of these sessions, you can find out more about the draft VALP – in particular the background to it, and its policies on housing, transport, and environment – on the AVDC website: http://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/vale-aylesbury-local-plan-draft-plan.


AVDC’s website also explains how you can respond to the consultation exercise and comment on the latest draft of the VALP. This is your opportunity to influence any part of the Plan that is important to you, before it goes in front of the Government’s Planning Inspectorate during Spring 2017.  The Parish Council will naturally, in due course, also be responding to the consultation.


Pitstone Parish Council’s views


During June an unapproved draft of the VALP, on which they were intending to consult, was made available by AVDC. They have now published the approved consultation draft.  The Parish Council’s views are, similarly, now based on the version of the Plan upon which public consultation is taking place.  There have been no material changes to the draft VALP (or to our views) since the pre-consultation version.


The VALP is positive for Pitstone


The Parish Council’s initial view is that the latest draft of the VALP is a positive one for Pitstone. This is particularly so given the high level of support within the village for our own Neighbourhood Plan that 97% of you voted in favour of adopting back in March.  The policies of the emerging VALP remain closely aligned with those of our own Plan, which reflects well on both the VALP and the neighbourhood planning process that we recently went through.


In various ways the VALP expressly seeks to achieve the same objectives that you voted in favour of – objectives such as protecting the “areas of special landscape value” south of the immediate centre of our village, and ensuring that sites designated for employment purposes (such as the ‘data hub’ site on Westfield Road) are not given over to additional housing. In addition the VALP strongly resists development in open countryside that is not adjacent to an existing settlement; and it is based on a detailed “land availability assessment” which reaches the same conclusions as our Neighbourhood Plan steering group during 2015, namely that the various greenfield sites which adjoin our village are also unsuitable for housing.


In other respects the VALP supports the policies and objectives of our Neighbourhood Plan in an indirect manner, by leaving numerous detailed “non-strategic” local matters that are consistent with the VALP’s objectives to the neighbourhood plan itself. This means that our NP will continue to be the primary point of reference in respect of matters such as:


  • the settlement boundary of our village;
  • its community facilities;
  • the ‘design principles’ to be applied to any new housing that is built in the village; and
  • protecting designated “local green spaces” such as the land opposite The Crescent;


What about housing numbers?


The one area where the VALP has caused some confusion is the amount of new housing envisaged for villages such as Pitstone. The VALP as a whole contains lots of housing numbers that are connected with the esoteric objective of achieving a “five-year housing land supply” across the Vale – a complex mathematical process based primarily on statistical assumptions.  The important number for any village to focus on is its “residual housing number” (the amount it is actually expected to provide) which, for Pitstone, is 149 new homes.


The Parish Council recognises that, as this target does not include the Rushendon Furlong expansion (c.40 houses) for which outline planning permission has already been granted, it could result in Pitstone having a slightly higher new homes target than the 170 that were envisaged in the Neighbourhood Plan. This increase can be attributed to two things.


  • Housing targets in the VALP are no longer expressed as a fixed number (the previous draft, dated October 2015, specified 100 new homes for every “larger village” such as Pitstone) but, instead, on the basis of a percentage uplift to current housing numbers in any particular village.
  • 12,000 of AVDC’s total of 33,000 new homes are required because of “unsatisfied need” in other Districts: in other words AVDC’s target, which would otherwise be just 21,000 new houses, is being increased by more than 50% because other nearby District Councils (such as High Wycombe) are building fewer new homes than they should be.


Equally, the VALP makes it clear that any housing target it lays down for any particular village is on the assumption that sufficient land is available – and it expressly recognises that, in some cases, it won’t be. The Parish Council’s view is that our Neighbourhood Plan clearly demonstrates how, save for the land intended to take our 170 new homes, no other suitable sites exist; and this is something we will be conveying to AVDC when commenting on the current draft of the VALP.


Next steps


It is also important to remember that the VALP, and the requirements it lays down about housing numbers, are still in draft and subject to both consultation and further refinement. AVDC have already indicated that they will be robustly seeking to minimise the additional housing required across the Vale (and, in turn, in individual villages such as ours) as a consequence of other Districts failing to take their fair share.  In its response the Parish Council will also be seeking to ensure, as best it can, that the interests of our village are protected to the maximum possible extent.  The many positive aspects of the VALP for Pitstone and its environs should, of course, also not be forgotten as work progresses on turning it into a robust, sustainable Plan for the Vale as a whole.

BBQ & Cricket at last youth café on 13 July

13 July is the last youth café for this academic year.

We are delighted that the Ivinghoe & Pitstone United Cricket Club will be in attendance coaching in cricket skills.

We are also pleased to say that there will be a BBQ again this year.  Please ensure that you/your child brings extra cash to pay for any food that they would like.

Have a wonderful summer holiday.

No youth café 20 July

Please note that there will be no youth café on Wednesday 20 July as Brookmead are hosting a performance that evening.

The last youth café this term will be on Wednesday 13 July.

We hope that you all enjoy your summer holiday and look forward to seeing you next term.

Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan – consultation by Aylesbury Vale District Council

From 7 July to 5 September, Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) will be consulting on their latest draft of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) and are inviting comments from local residents and other interested parties on any aspect of the draft.


Scroll down to read more about:


  • what the VALP is, and why it is important for all of us;
  • the consultation exercise that AVDC is carrying out; and
  • Pitstone Parish Council’s views on the latest draft of the VALP.


What is the VALP and why is it important?


The VALP is the district-level Local Plan which sets out AVDC’s vision for delivering growth in the District up to 2033. Most importantly it is the document which, in conjunction with Neighbourhood Plans such as ours, will be used to determine planning applications (and all other planning-related matters) throughout the Vale.  The VALP replaces the ill-fated Vale of Aylesbury Plan (VAP) which was withdrawn by AVDC in February 2014 and will, once adopted, formally replaced the rather elderly Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan (AVDLP) which dates back to 2004 and only certain parts of which still apply.


AVDC’s consultation exercise


The consultation exercise runs from 7 July to 5 September and we would encourage all residents to take part in it.


To inform the process, AVDC are running a number of consultation drop-in sessions throughout the summer.


Date Location Venue Time
Monday 11 July Haddenham Village Hall Social Centre 11am to 8pm
Wednesday 13 July Buckingham Community Centre 11am to 8pm
Thursday 14 July Aylesbury Friars Square Shopping Centre 10am to 5pm
Wednesday 27 July Newton Longville Village Hall 2 Paradise 10.30am to 7.30pm
Thursday 4 August Wendover St Anne’s Hall 11am to 8pm
Friday 5 August Aylesbury Friars Square Shopping Centre 10am to 5pm
Wednesday 10 August Winslow Public Hall Elmfields Gate 10am to 6pm
Thursday 1 September Weedon Bucks County Showground 8.30am to 4.30pm


Whether or not you are able to visit one of these sessions, you can find out more about the draft VALP – in particular the background to it, and its policies on housing, transport, and environment – on the AVDC website: http://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/vale-aylesbury-local-plan-draft-plan.


AVDC’s website also explains how you can respond to the consultation exercise and comment on the latest draft of the VALP. This is your opportunity to influence any part of the Plan that is important to you, before it goes in front of the Government’s Planning Inspectorate during Spring 2017.  The Parish Council will naturally, in due course, also be responding to the consultation.


Pitstone Parish Council’s views


(NB.  The synopsis which follows is based on a version of the draft VALP that had still to be presented to various AVDC scrutiny committees for approval during late June.  It is possible that the VALP ultimately published for consultation may differ from the version which existed at the time of writing.  This article will be updated to the extent necessary when AVDC confirm the final draft.) 


The VALP is positive for Pitstone


The Parish Council’s initial view is that the latest draft of the VALP is a positive one for Pitstone. This is particularly so given the high level of support within the village for our own Neighbourhood Plan that 97% of you voted in favour of adopting back in March.  The policies of the emerging VALP remain closely aligned with those of our own Plan, which reflects well on both the VALP and the neighbourhood planning process that we recently went through.


In various ways the VALP expressly seeks to achieve the same objectives that you voted in favour of – objectives such as protecting the “areas of special landscape value” south of the immediate centre of our village, and ensuring that sites designated for employment purposes (such as the ‘data hub’ site on Westfield Road) are not given over to additional housing. In addition the VALP strongly resists development in open countryside that is not adjacent to an existing settlement; and it is based on a detailed “land availability assessment” which reaches the same conclusions as our Neighbourhood Plan steering group during 2015, namely that the various greenfield sites which adjoin our village are also unsuitable for housing.


In other respects the VALP supports the policies and objectives of our Neighbourhood Plan in an indirect manner, by leaving numerous detailed “non-strategic” local matters that are consistent with the VALP’s objectives to the neighbourhood plan itself. This means that our NP will continue to be the primary point of reference in respect of matters such as:


  • the settlement boundary of our village;
  • its community facilities;
  • the ‘design principles’ to be applied to any new housing that is built in the village; and
  • protecting designated “local green spaces” such as the land opposite The Crescent;


What about housing numbers?


The one area where the VALP has caused some confusion is the amount of new housing envisaged for villages such as Pitstone. The VALP as a whole contains lots of housing numbers that are connected with the esoteric objective of achieving a “five-year housing land supply” across the Vale – a complex mathematical process based primarily on statistical assumptions.  The important number for any village to focus on is its “residual housing number” (the amount it is actually expected to provide) which, for Pitstone, is 166 new homes.


The Parish Council recognises that, as this target does not include the Rushendon Furlong expansion (c.40 houses) for which outline planning permission has already been granted, it could result in Pitstone having a slightly higher new homes target than the 170 that were envisaged in the Neighbourhood Plan. This increase can be attributed to two things.


  • Housing targets in the VALP are no longer expressed as a fixed number (the previous draft, dated October 2015, specified 100 new homes for every “larger village” such as Pitstone) but, instead, on the basis of a percentage uplift to current housing numbers in any particular village.
  • 12,000 of AVDC’s total of 33,000 new homes are required because of “unsatisfied need” in other Districts: in other words AVDC’s target, which would otherwise be just 21,000 new houses, is being increased by more than 50% because other nearby District Councils (such as High Wycombe) are building fewer new homes than they should be.


Equally, the VALP makes it clear that any housing target it lays down for any particular village is on the assumption that sufficient land is available – and it expressly recognises that, in some cases, it won’t be. The Parish Council’s view is that our Neighbourhood Plan clearly demonstrates how, save for the land intended to take our 170 new homes, no other suitable sites exist; and this is something we will be conveying to AVDC when commenting on the current draft of the VALP.


Next steps


It is also important to remember that the VALP, and the requirements it lays down about housing numbers, are still in draft and subject to both consultation and further refinement. AVDC have already indicated that they will be robustly seeking to minimise the additional housing required across the Vale (and, in turn, in individual villages such as ours) as a consequence of other Districts failing to take their fair share.  In its response the Parish Council will also be seeking to ensure, as best it can, that the interests of our village are protected to the maximum possible extent.  The many positive aspects of the VALP for Pitstone and its environs should, of course, also not be forgotten as work progresses on turning it into a robust, sustainable Plan for the Vale as a whole.

Planning applications – July Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 21 July 2016 Planning Committee meeting (7.30pm in the Millennium Room):

11 The Pightle, 16/02340/APP, change of use of adjoining land into residential garden to form part of curtilage of existing dwelling

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the day of the meeting to allow sufficient time for the information to be circulated to all councillors.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Quarterly grant review coming up

Pitstone parish council sets aside a small budget each year to help local groups with expenses for equipment or events.  It is able to offer grants to community and voluntary bodies provided they meet our criteria. 


  •  All applicants must provide services that benefit the residents of Pitstone.
  • The council reserve the right to prioritise applications that meet identified needs or other areas of focus that may be determined.
  • It must be within the legal power of the parish council to supply a grant for the requested purpose.

The next quarterly grant review will take place at the July 2016 full council meeting.   Any applications need to be received by noon on 18 July 2016 so that they can be included on the next agenda.   The subsequent grant panel will be in October.

If you think your Pitstone based club or group may wish to apply, please ensure you read our attached “Grant Policy” for full application details.

Local Area Forum support highways proposals

Thank you to all the residents that submitted feedback to the highways proposals consultation.

We are delighted to confirm that the Bucks County Council Local Area Forum has agreed to provide £2,460 during the current financial year towards undertaking a Road Safety Audit to assess all the locations identified in the Ben Hamilton-Baillie report.   Pitstone Parish Council will be supplying an equivalent amount of match funding so that the report can be commissioned.  The same will be happening in Ivinghoe.   Once the report is available, we will share this with the community.

Once the Road Safety Audit has been undertaken, and further discussions have taken place between all the parties, Area Scheme Delivery will be able to prepare a budget estimate for the completion of a feasibility design using both our Ben Hamilton-Baillie report and the Feasibility Stage Safety Audit.

Come and see the beautiful orchids


The orchids have started to come into flower, so please do come up to Westfield Road by the Warwick Road turning to see them.

Last winter we counted nearly 300 small plants which we thought were bee orchids over the whole of Castlemead estate and chose to protect the 3 areas where the fledgling plants were in the greatest quantities.  We are delighted to say that over 100 bee orchids and 9 pyramidal orchids are currently flowering or in bud in these areas.  To see such a large quantity in such a small area is quite rare.
As well as the orchids, there are also an abundance of other wildflowers in these plots which have attracted butterflies and insects to the area including the rare small blue butterfly, so look out for them too.
If you are new to orchid spotting, you may like to start at the entrance to Warwick Road on the left hand side.  Once you’ve spotted a few, you’ll soon be able to identify them and then you’ll see plenty of plants along the Westfield Road path and throughout the protected areas.  Feel free to walk amongst the grass so you can get up close, but please be careful where you step.
We hope that all our residents have enjoyed the wonderful displays of flora and fauna and would like to thank the local households for their patience with the lack of grass cutting in these 3 patches (cutting will resume on 18/7/16).

WP_20160604_12_55_55_Pro WP_20160604_13_00_14_Pro


This week is National Volunteers Week and we would like to take this extra opportunity to thank all our youth cafe volunteers for the wonderful work they do, and the commitment and support they show to the youth of Pitstone.

We couldn’t run the cafe without them, and we are most grateful that they are part of our team.


If you would like to find out more about volunteering at the youth café (6.30-8.00pm on Wednesday’s during term time) please contact the clerk on parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk

Help needed with football, cricket, rounders, make-up/nails/beauty and crafts

We have young people aged 11 to 16 years at our youth café that would love to learn more football skills, cricket skills especially bowling, play rounders and join in with crafts.

Our young people are also asking for beauty, make-up, nail polish and hair styling tips.

If you have skills in any of these areas and could spare some time to volunteer between 6.30 and 8pm on Wednesdays during term time at our youth café, we would love to hear from you.

You could come for just a few weeks in a row to give our young people short workshops, or join our group of permanent volunteers.

Please contact the parish clerk on parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk or 01296 660791 for more details.

Thank you.

Thank you to the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

2016 annual assembly thank you


The Parish Council was delighted that a number of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group members were able to attend the Pitstone Annual Assembly and receive a small token of thanks from the Council on behalf of the community for the numerous hours of time they all devoted to researching and implementing the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan.


A huge thank you to all the members of the team, including those that couldn’t attend the event, and also to all the residents who interacted with our Neighbourhood Plan events, consultations and referendum.


You can view the Neighbourhood Plan anytime at the library or on the website: http://pitstone.co.uk/ppcpubs/pitstone-neighbourhood-plan/

Disturbed by aircraft noise?

Did you know that if you are disturbed by aircraft noise over your property you can complain to Luton airport on the following email address:


So if you find aircraft noise an issue at night, or during the day, ping them an email each time you are disturbed and it will keep up pressure on the airport to monitor and adjust their flight practices.


Planning applications – 26 May Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 26 May 2016 Planning Committee meeting:

2 Railway Cottage, Marsworth Road, Pitstone, 16/01594/APP, two storey and single storey rear extension

Victor House, Westfield Road, 16/01704/APP & 16/01705/ALB, conversion of building from office (B1) use to provide 8 flats including internal and external alteration

Plus minor amended plans for land behind Rushendon Furlong/Glebe Close.

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 26 May 2016 to allow sufficient time for the information to be circulated to all councillors.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Latest roadwork update from TfB including Station Road, Ivinghoe closure

B488 Horton Road, Cheddington, Buckinghamshire
12 May — 31 May
Delays likelyRoad closure
Works location: From Horton Road, Ivinghoe To Station Road, Cheddington
Works description: –
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

B488 Horton Road, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
12 May — 31 May
Delays likelyRoad closure
Works location: Whole Length
Works description: –
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

B488 Station Road, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
12 May — 31 May
Delays likelyRoad closure
Works location: Whole Length
Works description: –
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

Church Lane, Cheddington, Buckinghamshire
11 May — 17 May
Delays unlikelyNo carriageway incursion
Works location: Lamp Column O/S 16 . F\W.
Works description: –
Responsibility for works: UK Power Networks
Current status: Advanced planning

Crispin Field, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
11 May — 16 May
Delays unlikelySome carriageway incursion
Works location: Outside 47
Works description: –
Responsibility for works: SGN
Current status: Advanced planning

Solving Traffic Problems within our Expanding Community

Traffic problems are at the forefront of everyone’s minds these days in both Ivinghoe and Pitstone.  Ben Hamilton-Baillie is an architect who ha worked for a number of years in the fields of housing, transport and planning.  His particular expertise is in implementing innovative solutions that “reconcile the need for efficient traffic movement with quality public open spaces”, particularly in rural communities such as ours.

Thank you to everyone who attended the public meeting on 10 May 2016 at Pitstone Memorial Hall.  We hope that you found Ben Hamilton-Baillie’s presentation both inspiring and motivational.

Please find below copies of the two reports produced for Pitstone and Ivinghoe.  Hard copies of the reports are also available to view in the following locations:

Beacon Villages Community Library
CuriosiTEA/the Hub
Brookmead School reception area
Little Rothschild surgery
The Village Health Centre, Yardley Avenue

The parish councils welcome your feedback and comments on these proposals.  Please email your thoughts to parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk or write to 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, LU7 9FE.

Closing date 10 June 2016.



Best Kept Village judging takes place in June and July

The Parish Council has once again entered into the Best Kept Village competition.  This is awarded to villages that are free of litter, display evidence of community involvement and have well maintained public buildings and areas.  It is not related to Britain in Bloom.   In the past the parish has received several commendation/runner up awards but not won the overall competition.

Judging will take place between 6 June and 8 July, and the whole community can play their part.   Please help to keep our village tidy.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council

Are you wonderful at hairstyles, nail art or make up?

Can you create amazing hairstyles? Are you a whizz at beautiful nail art? Can you provide make-up tips? Would you be willing to demonstrate your skills to our young people and teach them how to do it for themselves?

We have young people (11-16yrs) interested in these activities and would love you to volunteer at our youth cafe from 6.30-8.00pm on Wednesdays during term time.

Please get in touch you would like more information.

Thank you.

Pitstone’s neighbourhood plan is now in place

Pitstone’s neighbourhood plan is now in place

14 Apr 2016

On Thursday 14 April, the neighbourhood plan for Pitstone was officially ‘made’ – which means that it has now been completed and approved by Aylesbury Vale District Council. 

A major function of neighbourhood plans, such as the one which has been produced for Pitstone, is that they are used to inform planning decisions within the framework of Aylesbury Vale’s overall development plan.  

AVDC is also working on twenty-eight other neighbourhood plans for different localities. In each case, the district council supports local communities by providing them with essential advice on the neighbourhood planning process, ensuring that each individual plan is broadly in line with local and national planning policies.  

AVDC also organises and conducts referendums, before helping to ensure that neighbourhood plans are adopted and implemented.  

Cllr Carole Paternoster, Cabinet Member for Growth Strategy, said: “The residents of Pitstone are to be congratulated on the successful submission of their neighbourhood plan, which will undoubtedly have a significant influence over the future development of their locality. The district council will continue working closely with communities across Aylesbury Vale on important planning issues, including the completion of neighbourhood plans.” 

Details of the Pitstone neighbourhood plan are now available at AVDC’s website:


 The relevant documents are also available for public viewing at AVDC’s offices in The Gateway, Aylesbury and at Beacon Villages Community Library in Ivinghoe, or by contacting the Parish Clerk of Pitstone Parish Council at: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk

Please also find attached a copy of the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan decision statement.

Upper Icknield Way road closure 19/4-2/5/16

B488 Tring Road, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
19 April — 02 May
Delays likely Road closure
Works location: From Dunstable Road To Upper Icknield Way
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

B488 Upper Icknield Way, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
19 April — 02 May
Delays likely Road closure
Works location: From Tring Road To Northfield Road
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

Church Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
18 April — 22 April
Delays unlikely Some carriageway incursion
Works location: Opposite 17a For Supply To St Mary’S Church
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Advanced planning

Can you play basketball? Volunteers needed

Can you play basketball? Volunteers needed to help 11-16 year olds enjoy basketball and other outdoor sports at our youth cafe 6.30-8.00pm on Wednesdays during term time. Please email parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk if you can help.

Planning applications – 28 April Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 28 April 2016 Planning Committee meeting:

Land to the rear of Glebe Close and Rushendon Furlong, 16/01130/ADP, approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline permission 13/03491/AOP relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 40 residential dwellings together with new access, associated parking and informal open space and attenuation pond.

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 27 April 2016 to allow sufficient time for the information to be circulated to all councillors.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Quarterly grant review coming up

Pitstone parish council sets aside a small budget each year to help local groups with expenses for equipment or events.  It is able to offer grants to community and voluntary bodies provided they meet our criteria. 


  •  All applicants must provide services that benefit the residents of Pitstone.
  • The council reserve the right to prioritise applications that meet identified needs or other areas of focus that may be determined.
  • It must be within the legal power of the parish council to supply a grant for the requested purpose.

The next quarterly grant review will take place at the 28 April 2016 full council meeting.   Any applications need to be received by noon on 18 April 2016 so that they can be included on the next agenda.   The subsequent grant panel will be in July.

If you think your Pitstone based club or group may wish to apply, please ensure you read our attached “Grant Policy” for full application details.

Latest roadwork notifications from BCC

Stocks Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
22 March — 22 March
Delays possible Traffic control (Stop/Go boards)
Works location: Approx 50m From County Boundary
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

Stocks Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
22 March — 22 March
Delays possible Traffic control (Stop/Go boards)
Works location: 75m After Goldings Spring, Approx 100m Before County Boundary
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

Stocks Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
22 March — 22 March
Delays possible Traffic control (Stop/Go boards)
Works location: Just Before County Boundary
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

Cheddington Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
21 March — 23 March
Delays unlikely No carriageway incursion
Works location: Opp 21, Cheddington Road.
Works description:
Responsibility for works: BT
Current status: Advanced planning

Yardley Avenue, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
21 March — 23 March
Delays unlikely No carriageway incursion
Works location: S/O 2, Yardley Avenue.
Works description:
Responsibility for works: BT
Current status: Advanced planning

Yardley Avenue, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
21 March — 23 March
Delays unlikely Some carriageway incursion
Works location: 159
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Advanced planning

Planning applications – April Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 11 April 2016 Planning Committee meeting:

Land to the rear of Pitstone Orchards, Marsworth Road: 16/00904/AOP: outline application with access to be considered and all other matters reserved for the erection of a farmhouse

The meeting will also be discussing pre-application information supplied by Croudace Homes re Rushendon Furlong 13/03491/AOP (sent by Croudace to all homes in Rushendon Furlong & Glebe Close, but is not available on the AVDC web site, therefore please contact the clerk if you wish a copy)

17 Church Road, 16/01045/APP, single storey rear extension.  Demolition of front outhouse and reconstruction of single storey front extension and canopy.    Plus 16/01046/APP, erection of outbuilding to frontage.

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the date of the meeting.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council



Friday 18 March

97% of those voting in yesterday's village referendum did so in 
favour of AVDC adopting the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan.

This is a terrific result from a high turnout of voters and the 
Parish Council, the NDP Steering Group and the "Vote Yes" campaign 
would like to thank everybody involved, for supporting the Pitstone 
Neighbourhood Plan and everything it stands for in such a resounding manner.

More to follow, in the next edition of PPP and at the forthcoming 
Annual Parish Assembly on 17 May 2016; but in the meantime, our 
thanks once again.

97% of you voted ‘yes’

Delighted to say that 97% of those that voted today, voted in favour of Aylesbury Vale District Council using the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.

Please find attached the official Declaration of Result of Neighbourhood Plan Referendum.

The parish council would like to thank everybody that took the time to vote today.  We’d also like to thank all the members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, who have contributed hundreds of hours of voluntary time over the last 18 months to research and prepare this plan on behalf of our community, and thank those in the Yes campaign group. A thank you as well to the staff who manned the polling station, working from 6am to 11.30pm today.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council

New post box operational in Windsor Road

photo 2

We are delighted to say that Royal Mail has now installed the new post box on Windsor Road by the children’s play area and it was made operational today.

Collection times : 4.45pm Monday to Friday and 9am Saturday.

Our thanks to Gary Plummer at Royal Mail for his assistance with this project over the last 24 months.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Volunteers urgently needed – 6.30-8pm Wednesdays

Volunteers urgently needed to help at Pitstone Youth Café, 6.30-8pm Wednesday’s during term time at Brookmead school.

If you can spare just 90 minutes once a week, or once a fortnight, to play card/board games, serve refreshments, chat to our young people and/or join in with activities, sports or crafts we would be delighted to hear from you.

Aged 18yrs+.  No qualifications necessary.

Please see the attached poster for more details.

Volunteers Urgently Needed Poster March 2016

Re-application for replacement playground equipment for Recreation Ground

You will recall that the parish council sought planning permission to replace the playground equipment at the Recreation Ground by the Memorial Hall.  The installation of the equipment was delayed due to a land issue and the original planning permission expires in June.

The parish council is keen to ensure the planning permission remains valid, so that we are ready to move quickly once able.  AVDC no longer permit applications simply to extend the permission.  Therefore, we have re-applied for permission for the same playground and the application is currently live on the AVDC Planning Portal under planning reference 16/00682/APP.

As a recap, this is the playground that won the tendering process, following engagement with all ages of local children:


AVDC are accepting comments until 31/3/16 via: https://publicaccess.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/online-applications//search.do?action=simple&searchType=Application


Road Works in Ivinghoe 3-7 March

B489 High Street, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
03 March — 07 March
Delays possible Some carriageway incursion
Works location: 47 & 49
Works description: –
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Advanced planning

Roadwork notifications, Marsworth Road railway bridge and Yardley Ave

B489 Lower Icknield Way, Marsworth, Buckinghamshire
27 February — 28 February
Delays likely Traffic control (two-way signals)
Works location: At The Railway Bridge (Road Over Rail Bridge No.116).
Works description: Vans To Be Parked At The Railway Bridge (Lec1/116) To Be Used As Anchor Points For A Roped Access Team Carrying Out Bridge Repairs. 23:00 – 06:00.
Responsibility for works: Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Current status: Advanced planning

B489 Marsworth Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
27 February — 28 February
Delays likely Traffic control (two-way signals)
Works location: At The Railway Bridge (Road Over Rail Bridge No.116).
Works description: Vans To Be Parked At The Railway Bridge (Lec1/116) To Be Used As Anchor Points For A Roped Access Team Carrying Out Bridge Repairs. 23:00 – 06:00.
Responsibility for works: Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Current status: Advanced planning

New Street, Cheddington, Buckinghamshire
27 February — 02 March
Delays unlikely Some carriageway incursion
Works location: 55a
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Advanced planning

Yardley Avenue, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
27 February — 02 March
Delays unlikely Some carriageway incursion
Works location: Near 37
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Advanced planning

Roadworks 23-25 Feb, including Vicarage Road closure

Vicarage Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
23 February — 25 February
Delays likely Road closure
Works location: O/S The Coach House/Ereigh Manor
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Anglian Water
Current status: Advanced planning

B489/B488 Church Road, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
23 February — 25 February
Delays unlikely No carriageway incursion
Works location: Upper Icknield Way – Tring Road – Church Road – High Street – Marsworth Road – Vicarage Road
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Work in progress

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Date announced – 17 March 2016

The Independent Examiner has completed his report and final amendments have now been made in line with his recommendation. These have been accepted by Aylesbury Vale District Council and we are delighted to announce that all eligible residents of Pitstone will have an opportunity to vote in a referendum on the Plan on;

Thursday 17th March 2016

Voting cards will be issued soon and the vote will take place in the Memorial Hall between the hours of 7am to 10pm.

Can we please ask that you read the Plan carefully and considerately and that all people where possible come out to vote.

Please go to this link to read the Plan : Pitstone Neighbourhood Development Plan

Some council news from the current edition of PPP

Sports and Leisure

The Parish Council was delighted that the Pitstone & Ivinghoe Bonfire Festival moved to the sports ground on Westfield Road this year and that a record number of people attended, despite the torrential rain earlier in the day.  Our thanks to the Pitstone & Ivinghoe Entertainments committee for all their hard work (and soaking) during the day to set the event up.

It was disappointing to see the back panel of the youth shelter, the sleeve of one litter bin, a dog bin and a toddler swing vandalized during the period.  The back has been removed from the shelter and it won’t be replaced in the short term, a replacement toddler swing has been installed by the Memorial Hall, a replacement dog bin has been installed by the allotments and repair works carried out to the bin.

A replacement rolling log for the Hever Close playground (the old one had developed wood rot) has now been installed, and we are sure that you will all have seen the splendid new bench at the end of Glebe Close replacing the one that had reached the end of its life.  During January some necessary tree works have been taking place on the recreation ground following the annual tree risk assessment report and ahead of the planned leisure development.

The aspiration remains to install a new play space, skate park and open-access multi-use ball court on the recreation ground by the Memorial Hall.  For legal reasons, all are dependent upon planning permission being granted for the Pitstone Development Area site adjacent.  We hope to have good news within the next few months.

Work has begun to scope improvements to the football ground on Marsworth Road, with an eventual aim of extending the number of sports that can be played at the site, as well as improving the facilities for football.   We will update you with more news soon.  It is disappointing to see so many young people continue to break into the grounds and use the goal areas for casual football which ruins the pitch and generates thousands of pounds of repair work.  The pitch is carefully constructed to league standards and this means it is highly sand based to improve drainage, the downside being that the grass roots are delicate and can’t stand up to hours of continual use.  If you have a teenager that you know jumps the fence to practice there, please speak to them.  Apart from the obvious health & safety concerns of climbing the fence, and issues about non-visibility and lack of access for emergency services if they are hurt whilst trespassing, their actions are costing every household in Pitstone additional council tax for the council to keep repairing damaged pitch, goals, fencing, gates and guttering.  Young people should utilize the recreation ground for casual footie practice as this is public open space and easily accessible.

Improving our paths, highways and sense of place

The Parish Council commissioned a report by Ben Hamilton Baillie Associates to assess the local highways, and predominantly focus on the Marsworth Road issues.  We are working closely on this project with Ivinghoe Parish Council with the aspiration of improving pedestrian and cycle access around and between the villages, reducing traffic speeds, reducing HGV traffic and improving parking problems.  Any recommendations arising would form part of a long term project, spread over a number of years.   We hope to be able to start the dialogue process with all our residents with an initial presentation and consultation at some point in the spring so look out for some further details.

Herts County Council continue to pursue a foot/cycle path along Northfield Road to Tring station.  This is likely to cost in excess of £600k and funding is currently being sought concurrently with investigations to overcome a number of other outstanding issues.

Transport for Bucks have carried out a feasibility study into a footpath between Pitstone and Marsworth and the two parish councils hope to be informed of the results during  February.  We will keep you posted.


Royal Mail continue to progress the installation of a letter box on Windsor Road despite several delays.  Bucks County Council continue to work with Taylor Wimpey to bring the estate up to adoptable standard prior to handover – Taylor Wimpey were supplied with a list of remedial works some months ago.

Other service providers

We were grateful to Transport for Bucks for resolving the flooding problem under the Cheddington Road bridge and carrying out numerous re-surfacing works along Marsworth Road, Vicarage Road and the Westfield Road roundabout.   Our thanks also to Bucks County Council for finally replacing all the faulty lighting on the Marsworth Road roundabout.

We hope you took the time to respond to the Aylesbury Vale District Council consultation on their emerging Vale of Aylesbury Plan and the protection of the Areas of Attractive Landscape.

Our thanks to Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust for replacing the knocked down bollards in Yardley Avenue and repairing the pot holes towards the Yardley Avenue garage block.

Roadworks this week in Pitstone and Ivinghoe

B489/B488 Church Road, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
08 February — 08 February
Delays likely Traffic control (two-way signals)
Works location: Outside No 5
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

B489 High Street, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire
09 February — 12 February
Delays possible Some carriageway incursion
Works location: Outside 36a
Works description:
Responsibility for works: SGN
Current status: Advanced planning

B489 Marsworth Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
08 February — 10 February
Delays unlikely Traffic control (give & take)
Works location: Btwn Queen Street And Albion Street
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
Current status: Advanced planning

Hollyfield, Tring, Hertfordshire
09 February — 11 February
Delays unlikely Some carriageway incursion
Works location: Side Of 46 In Footway
Works description: Remedial Work To Replace Path Edgings
Responsibility for works: SGN
Current status: Advanced planning

The Crescent, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
09 February — 11 February
Delays unlikely Traffic control (give & take)
Works location: O/S 3 And O/P 6
Works description:
Responsibility for works: Buckinghamshire County Council
urrent status: Advanced planning

Delighted to support Party In The Park 2016

Pitstone Parish Council is delighted to be supporting the 2016 Party in the Park by providing the stage hire for the event (£1,400).

This annual event is organised by a team of local volunteers.   It is held on the recreation ground by Pitstone Memorial Hall and provides a popular afternoon with free music concert plus bar, refreshments, stands and plenty of activities to keep the children entertained.  Activities will take place inside the hall if the weather is inclement.

Party in the Park also hosts the Find a Cure for Frankie event, raising funds and awareness of Retts Syndrome.

The event was first organised by the Parish Council to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee, and has since been continued by a local committee.  Previous events have been attended by thousands of local families who have enjoyed the sunshine and music.

This years event will take place on Saturday 16 July 2016, so pencil the date onto your calendars.

For more information about Party In The Park 2016 please email: pitp2016@gmail.com.



Opportunity for Community Groups at the Annual Assembly 17 May 2016

The Parish Council is once again offering local community groups and local charities the opportunity to have a free stand at the annual assembly so that they can promote their groups, encourage membership, recruit much needed volunteers etc.

The council will provide the table, publicise the groups attending and meet the hall hire costs etc.  Groups will just need to provide their own publicity materials, people to man their stands etc.

The Assembly will take place in the main hall at Pitstone Memorial Hall on 17 May 2016.

If your local group is interested in attending, please contact the parish clerk on 01296 660791 or parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk.


Please mind the daffodils


You will recall that many volunteers worked very hard the other year to plant several hundred daffodil bulbs along the grass verge up Marsworth Road, and we were all treated to the most wonderful displays each spring time.

The bulbs are starting to shoot again as it has been a mild winter.  So please make sure that you don’t park on, or drive over, the grass verge as this will damage the new shoots and our wonderful daffodils wont be able to grow.

You will  see reminder signs erected at the back of the verge, which will hopefully encourage visitors to our village to also behalf responsibly.   It is intended that the signs will be on display every year from January until the daffodils are in flower.

Thank you.


Price Freeze for Allotment Plot rental

The Parish Council and Pitstone Allotment Association are delighted to announce that once again there will be no price increase for allotment plot rental for the 2016/17 season.

Therefore, annual subscription to PAA will remain at £6.50 per quarter plot, annual rental to the Parish Council remains at £8.50 per quarter plot, bringing the total charge to £15 per quarter plot per annum.

Residents are permitted to rent up to 4 quarter plots, subject to availability.   The next allotment year commences at the end of March.

If you are interested in finding out more about our allotments or adding your name to the list for a plot, please visit: http://pitstoneallotmentassociation.org.uk/ or email secretary@pitstoneallotmentassociation.org.uk.

Thank you.

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