Portable skate park

Please note that the portable skate park is not available for the parish council to hire during the summer holidays this year.   If you are attending senior school, you are welcome to come along to the Pitstone Youth Café on a Wednesday evening during term time, where the ramps are often available if the whether is good.

AVYFC will be arranging some holiday activities for youth café aged children and we will post details once they are available.

The parish council continues to strive to install our own permanent skate park and secure the permission of the landowner.   We will keep you updated of any progress.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to the parish council

Should the parish council take over grass cutting within the village from Bucks County Council?

Due to their budget cuts, Bucks County Council is only funding 6 cuts of the grass verges this year and next year.  The following year, the budget is cut in half again, meaning that in years 3 and 4 the grass verges will only be cut 3 times during the year.   The County Council is investigating devolving their grass and hedge cutting duties, siding out of footpaths and keeping road signs clean to the parish council.  They would provide the same amount of funding that was due to be spent in the parish, but as we would use local contractors, the cuts could be timed better.   If the parish council took on board this duty, there would also be the option to pay for additional cuts from our own element of the council tax, which is not capped in the same way as the County Council budget at present.

The other side of the argument is that environmentalists would encourage the grass verges to be cut less frequently (apart from vision splays) to encourage wild flowers and biodiversity.   A good example of this could be seen along Westfield Road where the wild flowers were beautiful this year (until the grass was cut) including a number of bee orchids.

We need to know the views of our electorate.   This issue affects your village and your council tax payments.   Get in touch before the end of July with your views on these three key questions:
Would you like to see the parish council take over this responsibility?

Would you be willing to pay extra council tax for extra cuts?

Would you like to see some areas left to grow to encourage biodiversity, and if so, which ones?

Please note that the Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust and Aylesbury Vale District Council have their own contractors to cut their own areas of grass.  Hence the reason that you might find long grass right next to a cut area at some points around the village.  Whilst we would intend to speak to these two authorities, the offer of funding is currently only from Bucks County Council and only applies to the areas within the 30mph limits (BCC will retain authority for the areas outside the 30mph limits eg the vision splays at the far end of Vicarage Road).

We will be publishing this information on Facebook, Twitter and in the PPP (which is delivered to all homes) as well.   You can get in touch with us via the web site, Facebook, Twitter, phone, email or letter.

Thank you.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council

Lost your keys?

If you lost a set of keys on 30/6/14 please contact the parish clerk and provide a full description.

Planning applications – 26/6/14 meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 26 June 2014 parish council meeting are:

31 Cheddington Road, Pitstone (14/01224/APP)
Change of use of land to the side for inclusion within the residential curtilage including new fence and gate.   The council received no objections as a result of the neighbour notification scheme.  At the meeting it was RESOLVED to advise AVDC that the parish council had no objection to this application, so long as the two lamp posts owned by the parish council remained outside the fenced area and freely accessible for repair / replacement as necessary.
AVDC permitted.

19 & 20 Pitstone Green Cottages, The Green, Pitstone (14/01647/ALB)
Conversion of numbers 19 & 20 into one property, insertion of internal doorway and new first floor bathrooms.  The council received no objections as a result of the neighbour notification scheme.  At the meeting it was RESOLVED to advise AVDC that the parish council had no objections to this application and defer the issue to the conservation officer.
AVDC permitted.

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number above or an appointment can be made with Councillor Robert Saintey on 01296 668633 to view the plans at 2 Albion Road, Pitstone.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 26 June 2014.

Parish Council to provide financial assistance to Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity

Pitstone Parish Council is pleased to announce that it has been able to provide financial assistance to the Pitstone Memorial Hall Charity following the discovery of some asbestos sheets in the loft void above the corridor.  The material was discovered as part of a routine Asbestos Management Report commissioned by the Memorial Hall Management Committee in May.   Subsequent quotations obtained for the removal of the material exceeded £15,000 + VAT, a significant sum which was not available to the hall charity.  The parish council resolved to commission these works on behalf of the hall for the long term benefit of our local residents, hall hirers and employees.   Asbestos was a common building material during the 1970s when the hall was originally built.   Please be reassured that air test results confirm that there is no risk to hall hirers and all access to the identified materials has been sealed off.   Work on site will commence within a few weeks and the hall charity will seek to minimise any inconvenience to hall hirers on the day the work is undertaken.

AVDC Strategic Development Management Committee 18-6-14

The outline planning application 13/03491/AOP relating to land rear of Glebe Close and Rushendon Furlong, with all matters reserved except means of access, for the erection of 40 residential dwellings together with new access, associated parking and informal open space and attenuation pond will be heard by the AVDC Strategic Development Management Committee on the afternoon of 18 June 2014.

The report and recommendations from AVDC planning can be viewed here (last document at the bottom of the list):


Subsequent update posted the evening after the AVDC meeting:  after a lengthy debate, AVDC resolved to permit the outline planning application relating to Rushendon Furlong (and a similar outline scheme in Aston Clinton).

Potential residential development off Station Road, Ivinghoe / partially behind Rushendon Furlong, Pitstone

Pitstone parish council has received the attached leaflet from Gladman Developments Limited who are proposing a development of approximately 81 new homes on land off Station Road in Ivinghoe.   The majority of the development would stretch from Ford End Farm (by the watermill) up to the rear of the school playing fields, all of which falls within the parish of Ivinghoe.   However, it also proposing a small residential development and some sizable public open space on land to the rear of Rushendon Furlong in the parish of Pitstone.

Gladman will be distributing copies of the attached leaflet to local residents on Friday 13 June and will be advertising in the Leighton Buzzard Observer.   Both Ivinghoe and Pitstone parish councils have encouraged the developer to hold a public meeting.  We will keep you advised.

Further details of the proposal will be posted on their dedicated website www.your-views.co.uk/ivinghoe, which we understand will go live on Friday 13 June to coincide with the leaflet distribution.

Please note that no formal planning application (outline or full) has been submitted by the developer, therefore you will not find any of these details on the AVDC planning portal and are not required to submit any comments to AVDC at this stage.   The developer is seeking local views to help them shape their proposals before any formal application is submitted.    You can respond by email to comments@your-views.co.uk (using ‘Ivinghoe’ as the subject line) or by post to: Your Views Ivinghoe, Gladman House, Alexandria Way, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB.

Pitstone parish council has not been provided with any more information than the public leaflet attached at this point in time, so we are unable to answer any of your detailed questions about this proposal.    We would encourage you to consider the attached leaflet carefully.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Judging for Best Kept Village takes place in June

Just a reminder to all our residents that the judging for the Best Kept Village competition takes place during June.  Everyone can play their part, as the judges are looking for evidence of community effort and a lack of litter, as well as well maintained public buildings and spaces.

So please make sure that the frontage outside your home is clean, tidy and litter free.

Thank you.

Skate park reminder: 28/5/14

Just a reminder that the parish council has paid for the portable skate park to visit Pitstone between 1-4pm on Wednesday 28 May 2014.  Weather permitting, you’ll find the AVYFC crew at the bottom of Pitstone Memorial Hall car park.  Just come along and join in the fun.  Free.  No need to book.

This is part of the ongoing commitment from the parish council to bring the skate park to Pitstone during school holidays whilst we continue to work with the landowners for permission to install a permanent skate park.

Mary Saintey – Pitstone’s Volunteer of the Year 2014

Mary was nominated by the community for the twenty five years she dedicated to being a voluntary trustee of both the Pitstone Town Lands Charity and The Williamson Trust, the last seven years of which she served as Chairman.

Mrs Saintey was presented with her certificate and cheque at the Pitstone Annual Assembly on 13 May 2014 where she reminded everyone how lucky our village was to have two such charities when many other communities are not as fortunate.

A huge thank you to Mary, and the other trustees, from both the members of Pitstone Parish Council and all the residents who have had the pleasure of benefitting from the charities.

There are many people in our village that give up lots of their time to help other residents or community groups.   If you know someone that deserves a special thank you, please send their details to the parish clerk so they can be considered for the 2015 award.    The winner is presented with a framed certificate and cheque at the Annual Parish Assembly and is also entered into the AVDC Volunteer of the Year scheme.

Lost a jacket?

If anyone left a jacket in the Windsor Road playground over the weekend, please contact the parish clerk (parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk) and provide a description.

Thank you.

Announcing the appointment of Mr Brian Brooks

The parish council is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Brian Brooks to the council.

Brian says “I have always lived and worked in the local area, having spent my childhood in Tring, attending Tring school. After leaving home I moved several times in the local area always staying close to the Structural engineering practice I was employed by in Tring. Finally I settled in Pitstone eight years ago with my wife Tara and our three children Jake, Lauren and Ben. All my children have attended Brookmead School and the eldest two are now at Tring school.

I am a member of the Institute of Structural Engineers and Director/owner of a medium size Structural Engineering practice based in Bourne End near Hemel Hempstead.

As a family we have embraced the village life and have volunteered for Pitstone clubs and associations where possible. I am currently a committee member for the Pitstone Allotment association and look after the PAA website. I have also assisted the Parish Council where possible with technical advice for the new children’s park procurement. My wife Tara is a regular volunteer at the Pitstone Youth Club. My eldest son Jake is a helper each week with the Pitstone Beavers.

I will be hoping to take the views of the community, their needs and aspirations and help to turn them into a reality during the appropriate forum at the Parish Council meetings.

I am looking forward to helping the other Parish Councillors to continue to make a difference and improve the environment and amenities in Pitstone, making it a place for all to continue to enjoy and live in. “

Mr Brooks fills the vacancy created by the resignation of councillor Monaghan.

Planning applications – 29/5/14 meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 29 May 2014 parish council meeting are:

The Long House, Albion Road (14/01005/APP)
Single storey rear extension and raising of roofline to provide a new mansard roof with additional accommodation at first floor level  Subsequently refused by AVDC.

The Coach House, Erlegh Manor, Vicarage Road (14/01253/APP)
Change of use of office building to create new detached house including alterations to existing access

161 Windsor Road, 14/01313/APP, removal of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension.  Subsequently approved by AVDC.

3 Queen Street, 14/01383/APP, conversion of garage into habitable room including insertion of bay window to front.  Subsequently approved by AVDC.

Subsequent update: In line with our standard policy, the parish council conducted a neighbour notification program, advertised the application on our web site, Facebook page and noticeboards and issued a Tweet.  The council received no objections from members of the public to any of the above applications.  All these applications were considered at the full council meeting on 29/5/14 where it was determined that the parish council had no objections to these applications.

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number above or an appointment can be made with Councillor Robert Saintey on 01296 668633 to view the plans at 2 Albion Road, Pitstone.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 29 May 2014.

The parish council supports Community First Responders – could you join them?

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were faced with a situation where someone needed immediate emergency treatment in front of you?  What would you do?

We would hope that most people would probably dial 999 and stay with the patient offering comfort and re-assurance until emergency help arrives.

In our villages, the response time of an ambulance from Stoke Mandeville could be up to 20 minutes. Following a cardiac arrest your chance of survival decreases by 23% per minute, within 10 minutes your chance of survival has fallen to below 5%.  Brain death starts just 3 minutes after Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

That is where Community First Responders are vital.  When you dial 999, control will know how far the nearest ambulance is and as First Responders carry trackers when on call, they will also know how far they are. They are dispatched by control at the same time as the ambulance, but being local their response time is much faster in most cases within 8 minutes. Their duty is to preserve life, to start life support and to administer emergency treatment, to reassure the patient and monitor their condition until such time as the ambulance arrives.

Each CFR (when on duty) is equipped with a defibrillator, oxygen and an emergency kit. They are fully trained in the use of this equipment and are regularly re-assessed.

So could you be a Community First Responder? Are you calm under pressure? Can you work under your own initiative? Do you drive and own a vehicle? And are you over 18 yrs of age.

The selection process comprises of a home visit from a trainer to assess your suitability. Arranging insurance cover on your own personal vehicle. Attending a two day training course and followed by three shifts on an emergency ambulance. Training courses are then re-attended every six months on a one day refresher course.

The cost to the ambulance service for your training and kit is £3000.00. Currently CFRs can book on call whenever they wish, but this may be soon changing with a compulsory amount of hours per month that CFRs have to do.

This is a non paid community role, the rewards of this role is being able to assist a fellow human being in their hour of need. Saving a life has No price.

Pitstone parish council is delighted to say that Pitstone currently has two Pitstone residents qualified as CFRs covering Pitstone & the surrounding villages – Mr Keith Steers & Mr Jonathon Horn.  As a mark of our gratitude and support for this amazing service, the parish council has funded the purchase of a second kit, as South Central Ambulance Service could only provide one kit between the two volunteers, to increase the amount of time they can spend on call and ensure that both CFRs are always fully equipped.

We would urge anyone interested in joining the Community First Responders to find out more about this scheme.   20 minutes is a long time to wait when it is your loved one or neighbour desperately in need of help, so the better coverage of CFRs we can secure, the safer we will all be.   Please do give Keith Steers a call on 0789-9696722.

4 new allotment plots added

The parish council is delighted to announce that 4 additional quarter sized allotment plots are being added to our site on Marsworth Road over the Easter weekend.   This brings the total number of quarter sized plots on the site to 73.

These plots have already been allocated to the next people on our waiting list, and a short waiting list remains.

If you are interested in becoming an allotment tenant, please direct all enquiries to Pitstone Allotment Association (whose details can be found on this web site).

Easter bin collection date changes

Just a reminder that AVDC will not be making a bin collection (recycling and food) on Good Friday, but it will be collected one day later on Saturday 19 April.

For those of you that subscribe to the garden refuse service, there is no collection on Easter Monday but it will be collected on Saturday 26 April.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council

Reminder: closing date for applications to fill parish councillor vacancy

Just a reminder that the closing date for applications if you wish to be considered to fill the current parish councillor vacancy is coming up.   Please make sure you send the parish clerk an expression of interest by the end of Monday 14 April 2014.

Further details about the post, qualifications needed, links to a website about becoming a parish councillor etc can all be found in the two previous related posts below or can be obtained from the parish clerk.

Quarterly grant review coming up

Pitstone parish council sets aside a small budget each year to help local groups with expenses for equipment or events.  It is able to offer grants to community and voluntary bodies provided they meet our criteria. 


  •  All applicants must provide services that benefit the residents of Pitstone.
  • The council reserve the right to prioritise applications that meet identified needs or other areas of focus that may be determined.
  • It must be within the legal power of the parish council to supply a grant for the requested purpose.

The next quarterly grant review will take place at the 24 April full council meeting.   Any applications need to be received by noon on 11 April 2014 so that they can be included on the next agenda.

If you think your Pitstone based club or group may wish to apply, please ensure you read our attached “Grant Policy” for full application details.

Planning applications – 24/4/14 meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 24 April 2014 parish council meeting are:

99 Crispin Field (14/00488)
Two storey and single storey rear extension and insertion of 12 rooflights.   Conversion of roofspace over garage and conversion of loft into habitable accommodation.  Subsequent update: the parish council received no objections from other residents.  Following consideration of the application the council resolved to advise AVDC that it had no objection to the application.   Further update: AVDC permitted 12/3/14.

Orchard Farm, 14/00731/ALB
Formation of new internal opening to landing from stairwell at first floor level, infill existing opening and move top 3 stairs.
Subsequent update: the parish council received no objections from other residents.  Following consideration of the application the council resolved to advise AVDC that it had no objection to the application.    AVDC advised on 12/5/14 that Listed Building Consent had been granted.


The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number above or an appointment can be made with Councillor Robert Saintey on 01296 668633 to view the plans at 2 Albion Road, Pitstone.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 24 April 2014.

Our thanks to Transport for Bucks

Our thanks to Transport for Bucks for the recent works.   In the last few weeks you will have seen the new directional signage for Pitstone Green Business Park erected and the resurfacing of the footpath along Cheddington Road.   Both these jobs have been outstanding for many years.    Our thanks to the new Transport for Bucks team for finally getting these projects implemented.

Vacancy arisen for Pitstone Parish Councillor

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 87 (2) of the Local Government Act, 1972 that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Pitstone Parish.

If any TEN electors for the ward or parish give notice in writing to the Returning Officer by 14 April 2014 requesting that an election be held, the vacancy will be filled at a by-election.

The Returning Officer is Andrew Grant and his address, to which such notice should be sent is, Electoral Services, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF.

If no such notice is received, the Parish Council will, at their meeting on
24 April 2014, fill the vacancy by co-option of a suitably qualified person.

If you are interested in joining the Parish Council, please contact the Clerk by 14 April 2014 for further details.   Attached you will also find some literature about the role of parish councillors that you may find useful.


Laurie Eagling
Clerk to the Parish Council
9 Warwick Road
01296 660791

Lost toy

Did you lose a toy at the Windsor Road playground today?   If so, please contact the parish clerk.

Could you be a parish councillor?

What matters to you in your local area?

Is it the state of the local park, the need for more activities for young people, improving services for older people, making the roads safer or ensuring that local businesses can thrive?

Whatever needs changing in your neighbourhood, you could be just the person to change it by becoming a local councillor. No other role gives you a chance to make such a huge difference to quality of life for people in your local area. It is a good time to start thinking about standing as a councillor as the District and Parish Council elections will be taking place in May 2015.

What do councillors do?

Councillors are elected to the local council to represent their local community, so they must either live or work in the area. Becoming a councillor is both a rewarding and privileged form of public service. You will be in a position to make a difference to the quality of other people’s daily lives and prospects.

Being an effective councillor requires both commitment and hard work. Councillors have to balance the needs and interests of residents the political party they represent (if any) and the council. These will all make legitimate demands on a councillor’s time, on top of the demands and needs of their personal and professional lives. Before you consider becoming a councillor you may want to discuss it with your family and friends to make sure they understand what you are taking on. You will need their support as you’ll have to spend some of your spare time on council business.

Independent or political?

Over 95 per cent of councillors are members of political parties, but you don’t have to be a member of a political party to stand for election as a councillor. You can either stand as an independent candidate or as a group or party political candidate. The political parties in your local area are already looking for people interested in representing them and will be pleased to hear from you. They will be able to support your election campaign and your work as a councillor.

Don’t worry if you’re not already a party member as they will be able to go through all the options with you. Some parties have special training and encouragement schemes for new candidates. Some places have organised residents’ associations or community groups which put candidates up for election.

Next steps to becoming a councillor

Once you decide you want to take it further and put yourself forward as a candidate, what’s the next step? The answer depends on whether you want to represent a political party or group or would like to stand as an independent candidate. If you want to represent a political party then the next step would be to get involved with your party locally as soon as possible. This will help you find out more about what the role entails, who you will be working with and what it takes to win elections.

Ultimately it’s up to the political parties’ local groups to decide whether to select you as a candidate, so you need to make contact with them as soon as possible and get involved with their work. Political parties will expect you to be, or become, a party member.

If you are thinking of standing as an independent candidate your next step is to start building your profile so that local people know who you are, and working out your position on local ‘hot’ issues such as crime, traffic, the environment and schools. You will need to know what your local council is doing about these issues and how your own opinion differs from the political parties. Nearer election time, as you start going door to door persuading people to vote for you, you will be challenged on your opinions.

Whether you have been selected by a party or are standing as an independent candidate, you must make sure that you are officially nominated as the election date draws nearer. There will be publicity about the nomination process early in 2015 but if you have any queries in the meantime please contact Electoral Services on 01296 585050.




Please pick up your right foot

The simple answer to stop speeding through the village is for every single driver to pick up their right foot, just a bit, so that their accelerator isn’t pushed so far down and their car doesn’t travel as fast.

The parish council has gone to considerable expense to help reduce speeding by investing in the mobile Vehicle Activated Sign and other preventative measures such as the bin stickers.   Thames Valley Police go to the expense of sending out traffic teams to monitor our roads and conduct spot speeding checks.   Bucks County Council go to considerable expense to review the speed limits plus install humps, chicanes and other physical barriers in hot spots.   All this costs you, the taxpayer, money.

Yet, the latest data shows that 51% of all vehicles that passed the mVAS last month were speeding and 22% of cars were travelling at over 40mph within the 30mph limit.

It needs the simple act of each and every one of us committing to travel within the prescribed maximum speed limits, whether on roads in our village or our neighbouring ones.  Not only could this save a child’s life, reduce nuisance to residents and keep you within the law, but it would also save you money by driving more efficiently and reduce the need for the various organisations to invest further taxpayers funds.

Update from Safran on Westfield Road parking

Safran advise that the volume of parking on Westfield Road at present has been generated because they are having their computer system changed and they therefore have a lot of additional people currently working at the site.  The work will be completed by the end of June/start of July.

They have already increased the number of parking spaces available on
site and are laying some matting to create another parking area.   They have communicated to all staff that they must park legally and considerately eg
not too close to junctions and not in the residential streets.  Safran has instructed their security guards to patrol the road regularly and phone anyone whose car is illegally
parked and ask them to move it.

Update 24/3/14: Whilst their original plans to hire a local car park were unsuccessful, Safran has hired the Pitstone pavilion car park for employees to utilise, providing an additional off road parking capacity of approximately 40 vehicles.

PCSO Dodson is also monitoring the situation and is issuing warnings to any that are illegally parked too close to junctions etc.

Please take extra care along Westfield Road during this busy time.  Thank you.

Planning applications – 27/3/14 meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 27 March 2014 parish council meeting are:

82 Vicarage Road, Pitstone, Bucks, LU7 9EY     14/00423/APP
Demolition of existing side extension and replacement with two storey side extension and replacement single storey rear extension (amendment to planning permission 13/01560/APP)  Subsequent notes:  PPC tendered no objections.  AVDC approved

3 Queen Street, Pitstone, 14/00565/ACL
Application for lawful development certificate for a proposed use to convert the existing garage into living accommodation and insertion of a bay window.  Subsequent note:  PPC tendered no objections.   AVDC circulated minor amended plans but no consulting.   AVDC issued certificate 28/2/14.

22 Vicarage Road, 14/00634/APP
Single storey rear extension  Subsequent note:  PPC tendered no objections.   AVDC approved.


The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number above or an appointment can be made with Councillor Robert Saintey on 01296 668633 to view the plans at 2 Albion Road, Pitstone.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 27 March 2014.

Mains sewerage for Cheddington Road/Wellington Place

Anglian Water has asked that we make residents aware of their intention to provide a public foul sewer to those properties at the junction of Cheddington Road and Wellington Place, which are shown outlined in blue on the attached plan.

The first time sewerage programme is delivered in 5 year blocks, as determined by the industry regulator Ofwat.  The current programme is now fully planned, but the next 5 year block of investment will commence in 2015.  By early 2015, Anglian Water hope to provide a more definitive start date for the scheme along with any update to its status.

Please see the attached documents for more information.

Two updates from Thames Valley Police

Message sent by
Una McBreen (Police, Corporate Comms, TVP)

The Business Crime Reduction Centre (BCRC) is warning people about a new email scam that threatens victims with court action.

Fraudsters have been sending out legitimate looking spoofed emails designed to trick recipients into installing malware.
The emails say you have been notified and scheduled to appear for a court hearing, and contains specific dates, times, locations and reference numbers.
It asks you to download a copy of the “court notice” attached. The downloadable.zip file actually contains an .exe file (a file that executes when clicked) containing a virus.
The email has no connection to the Criminal Justice System and anyone receiving the email should not download any attachments or click any links and report it to us by using our online fraud reporting tool.

Subject headers change frequently

You are likely to see some variations of this email, as it is easy for fraudsters to amend the details and continue targeting people. BCRC’s cyber security specialist said “the email is difficult to block as the subject headers change frequently.”
He also said: “Provoking a panicked, impulse reaction has become a very common scam technique for cyber criminals. Opening the attachment allows the criminal to spy on the victim, use their computer to commit crime, or steal personal and financial information.
For further information please visit the BCRC website.
Please note that Action Fraud is not responsible for the content of external websites.
To report a fraud and receive a police crime reference number, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or use our online fraud reporting tool



Have your say in Aylesbury

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Thames Valley, Anthony
Stansfeld, will be holding a public meeting in Aylesbury (13/02).

The event will be an opportunity for the PCC along with the Deputy Local
Police Area Commander, Olly Wright, to meet and greet residents and
deliver presentations about the role of the PCC and local policing in
Aylesbury Vale.

The Community Safety Manager for Aylesbury Vale District Council, Kay
Aitken, will also be in attendance to tell the public more about the
work they carry out in the area.

Residents can also ask questions and feedback any concerns they have about policing and crime.

The meeting will take place at the Aylesbury Vale Multi Cultural
Centre, Friarscroft Way, Aylesbury, HP20 2TE on Thursday 13 February at

Members of the public can contact the Office of the PCC for more details:

Tel: 01865 846790

Email: pcc@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk

Twitter: @TV_PCC



Please park considerately

It would appear that whilst rushing through our busy lives, we sometimes don’t take the time to consider the implications of our actions on those around us.   The parish council has received lots of feedback from unhappy residents about parking within the village and particularly around Brookmead school (Rushendon Furlong, Marsworth Road and Glebe Close), outside Masons shop and at the junction of Yardley Avenue & Cheddington Road.

Perhaps you have parked legally, but have you also parked considerately?
Have you left your vehicle immediately opposite another car, which makes the road too narrow and causes special problems to buses, fire engines and refuse carts?
Have you created a chicane, forcing other road users to wind in and out of the traffic and putting the vehicles at risk of bumps and knocks?
Perhaps you’ve parked by a normal piece of curb, but failed to notice that immediately opposite is someone’s driveway and by parking there you have made it difficult for them to leave their own home.
Have you parked too close to the junction? or on top of the ‘keep clear’ signs? or on top of the grass verges?  All of these reduce the visibility for other road users and could lead to an accident.

Parking is a particular problem by Brookmead school / Windmill Pre-School / Sure Start Children’s Centre and especially at drop-off and collection times.  If you are travelling to school, please try and park at the New May Fu or Pitstone Memorial Hall car parks, both these venues have granted permission for school traffic to park there and it is only a short 5 minute walk up to the school.  It may save you hundreds of pounds in car damage repair, and the local residents will be very grateful.



Skate park and play area on Pitstone Recreation Ground

The Parish Council undertook extensive community consultation on designs for a new play area at the Recreation Ground in 2013, and appointed HUCK play to install this for the community.  When delivered this will be an exciting and stimulating new play area delivered with s106 leisure monies.  We had hoped that installation of this would be commencing shortly and this project would have been delivered during 2014.  In addition, in 2013 The Parish Council commissioned Aylesbury Vale District Council to undertake on our behalf a public procurement exercise for a new Skate Park on the same site, following significant work done with the user group during 2012, and similarly we had hoped this would have progressed further, if not delivered, by now.

The delivery of these projects has been delayed.  Unfortunately, due to restrictions placed on the landowners of the identified site by the Charity Commission (the land is currently owned by Pitstone Parish Charity), there is now an unforeseen delay to the delivery of these projects.  The Parish Council continues to work hard to bring these legal and financial matters to a conclusion.

The Parish Council has invested significant time and resources in getting to this point, and is as frustrated as residents are about this hold up.  We are working hard to find a resolution on this with the landowner under the guidance of our Land Agent, in order to find a way forward.  We will keep you updated via PPP, on our website and other communication channels during 2014.


No overall increase in allotment fees for 2014/15


Both Pitstone Parish Council and Pitstone Allotment Association are delighted to announce that there will be no overall increase for the 2014/15 season.

There will be a slight realignment of the amounts to each body to more accurately reflect the levels of expenditure, with the annual subscription to Pitstone Allotment Association being £6.50 per quarter plot and the rental charge to the Parish Council being £8.50 per quarter plot.   Therefore, the total charge for one quarter plot for the forthcoming year will be £15.00, as per last year.   Any funds collected by the parish council which are surplus to the running costs of the site will be ring-fenced for future maintenance and development work at the allotment site.

As per the terms and conditions of the Allotment Garden Tenancy Agreement, the renewal rental is payable in full on or before 25 March 2014.   New paperwork will be issued within the next 21 days.

We hope that you continue to enjoy your allotment garden in this beautiful location and reap the benefits for your families.  If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk.

If you no longer wish to continue renting your allotment, or would like to be added to the waiting list for an allotment, please contact Pitstoneallotmentassociation@hotmail.co.uk

Please mind the daffodils


You will recall that many volunteers worked very hard last year to plant several hundred daffodil bulbs along the grass verge up Marsworth Road, and we were all treated to the most wonderful display in the spring time.

The bulbs are starting to shoot again as it has been a mild winter.  So please make sure that you don’t park on, or drive over, the grass verge as this will damage the new shoots and our wonderful daffodils wont be able to grow.

You will shortly see reminder signs erected at the back of the verge, which will hopefully encourage visitors to our village to also behalf responsibly.   It is intended that the signs will be on display every year from January until the daffodils are in flower.

Thank you.


Management of our hedges

The parish council has a statutory duty to consider and encourage biodiversity in all our decisions.  We also have a responsibility to look after our assets properly, including our hedgerows.

Over management is caused by excessively tight trimming over a long period.   When the hedges are cut at the same height each year, it results in a slow decline in condition with the stems become larger and often knarled and twisted due to the constant cutting taking place above. In effect the hedge is under stress and constrained by such a regime and if we are not careful we may the hedge altogether.  At some stage we need to relax the cutting regime and allow the hedge to incrementally increase in height. By doing this we allow the hedge to ‘breath’ and the hedge can remain ‘healthy’ for a considerably longer time.

Healthy hedgerows may also flower and produce berries, which in turn support a greater level of biodiversity and encourages wildlife.   Good practice would encourage hedge owners to vary the management programmes for their hedges, to encourage the greatest level of biodiversity.

The parish council has therefore taken the decision to follow the Natural England guidelines and move the hedges at the allotment sites, where it is particularly important to encourage biodiversity, to the recommended three yearly cutting strategy.   The hedge at the recreation ground and those at the pavilion will remain on an annual cycle for the time being.

If you would like to know more about hedge management, please follow the link below to Hedgelink UK (the partnership that brings all the bodies with an interest in hedges or biodiversity together) and also consider reading the ‘Hedge Cutting: answers to 18 common questions’ guide produced by Natural England which is available from the Hedelink information page on the link:


Dog Fouling is not acceptable in Pitstone – we need you to report it

Dog fouling in our public open spaces and on our footpaths will not be tolerated and the culprits will be reported and potentially face a fine of up to £1000.

Please read the attached information containing everything you wanted to know about dog fouling.

It is particularly important that we all work together and you report incidents of dog fouling on our footpaths, and especially any act of fouling that you have witnessed, to both the AVDC dog warden and PCSO Dodson so that we can enforce fines, prosecute, qualify for additional dog warden patrols and qualify for an increased frequency of street cleansing.  Don’t leave it to someone else.  Please see the attached sheet for contact details.


Planning applications – 27/2/14 meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 27 February 2014 parish council meeting are:

Land off Cheddington Road, 13/02942/AOP, application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved except means of access for erection of 5 residential dwellings
and associated parking.  (note post meeting: numerous objections received.  PPC resolved to oppose application on grounds of (a) non compliance to RA14 (b) inappropriate housing style/mix/volume and (c) access & parking requirements.)  Further update 8/4/14: AVDC refused.

70 Vicarage Road, 14/00143/HPDE, (householder permitted development), demolition of existing outbuilding and conservatory.  Replacement with the erection of a single storey rear extension, which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 5m, for which the maximum height would be 3m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 3.3m.   AVDC not consulting, details provided for information only.

51 Cheddington Road, 14/00166/APP, two storey and single storey rear extensions and front porch alteration. (note post meeting: no objections received as result of neighbour notification scheme.  PPC resolved to tender no objections.)  Further update 8/4/14: AVDC approved.

27 Chequers Lane, 14/00233/ACL, application for a lawful development certificate for proposed single storey side and rear extension (note post meeting: PPC resolved to tender no direct opposition but request AVDC note concerns of neighbour & impact on LDC).  Further update 8/4/14: AVDC granted certificate.


The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number above or an appointment can be made with Councillor Robert Saintey on 01296 668633 to view the plans at 2 Albion Road, Pitstone.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 27 February 2014.

The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan rejected

The Planning Inspectorate dismissed the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) submitted by Aylesbury Vale District Council on two main grounds:
a)   Insufficient co-operation and collaboration with neighbouring councils
b)   Insufficient housing growth to accommodate the districts own requirements or a share of housing needs that neighbouring councils may not be able to supply

They concluded that it was “not justified or effective and it is not consistent with national policy”.  AVDC has been forced to withdraw the plan and the further hearings sessions scheduled have been cancelled.

The VALP had provided for significant less housing growth than that previously specified within the original plan to central government targets.  The VALP required the villages to accommodate an additional 50 properties each.  In Pitstone’s case, this is on top of those already in the plan for the Pitstone Development Area outlined in 2005.    In light of the Planning Inspectorate report, AVDC are expected to increase the housing requirement when they produce the revised version of the Vale of Aylesbury Plan, and this has been confirmed verbally but not yet in writing.

The official planning position from AVDC is that it will continue to use the saved Local Plan as a basis for deciding planning applications.    Verbally, they have acknowledged that whilst some areas of the Local Plan match the National Planning Policy Framework, other aspects are not as aligned and may be given ‘less weight’ during considerations.   The extent of this decision is as yet unknown and unspecified.   However, it could pose a threat to several parcels of land within the village that have previously been protected under the RA14 restrictions.

Parish Council submission to AVDC re Rushendon Furlong application

For the benefit of the residents that were unable to attend the parish council meeting last night, please find below a copy of the submission Pitstone Parish Council has sent to AVDC regarding the outline planning application for 40 residential dwellings off Rushendon Furlong (13/03491/AOP).

The parish council has based its deliberations on the latest stated position from AVDC in the 29/1/14 Bulletin that “the Adopted District Local Plan 2004 remains the development plan for assessing planning applications in the district until it is replaced by the Vale of Aylesbury Plan”.

Therefore, the parish council has resolved to oppose this application as it would be in breach of GP14 of the Local Plan, namely that it:

  • is only developed on 2 sides
  • would encroach into open countryside / cause a loss of countryside
  • is not infill or small scale rounding of less than 5 units

There are also significant concerns, for both the local residents and the parish council, surrounding highways/paths:

  • the Transport Statement provided would appear to be misleading and not reflect the true nature of Rushendon Furlong / Marsworth Road
  • due to the proximity of the local primary school, there is a concern for the safety of children both crossing Rushendon Furlong or travelling along the re-routed section of footpath which would snake through residential roads
  • the layout of linear parking provision for some of the properties within the development would not encourage use
  • there is no public bus service to the nearest train station 

We note that the AVDC Biodiversity department had not tendered comments prior to our parish council meeting but would urge AVDC to ensure sufficient consideration be given to the loss of habitat and protection of biodiversity. 

The parish council note the requirements of the Buckingham and River Ouzel Internal Drainage Board relating to surface water drainage and urge AVDC to undertake sufficient investigation into the sewerage capacity.

Youth Cafe Newsletter

Please find attached the newsletter for January 2014.  Key points include:

  • pizza making session on Wednesday 5 February – please bring £1 to cover costs if you wish to take part
  • mobile skate park 19/2/14 1-4pm at Pitstone Memorial Hall
  • a reminder about registration, £1 admission charge, opening times etc
  • an appeal for your support

Make a difference, spread the word and not the poo

Do you have a problem with dog fouling outside your property?   Apply to the parish council for one of our new stickers:

Your community says please pick up sticker

These waterproof 11cm square self adhesive stickers can be affixed to fences, windows and gate posts.

The parish council continually receives complaints about residents that allow their dogs to foul our footpaths and permissive paths, especially along Marsworth Road, Vicarage Road, Queen Street and all the permissive footpaths by Pitstone Windmill.

The parish council already provides 14 dog bins around the village, which have more than enough capacity to contain all the deposits from the canine population.

The AVDC dog warden is able to impose a fine if an identified dog is known to have fouled the footpath.

Together we can help clean up our neighbourhood.   Help us spread the word that dog fouling on our paths will not be tolerated.  If you would like one of these stickers, please contact the parish clerk (parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk).

Planning Applications for Consideration

The parish council is being asked to consider the following planning applications by AVDC ahead of our next parish council meeting.   Neighbours of these properties have been notified by our neighbour notification scheme.   Further details of these planning applications can be found on the AVDC web site.  Should anyone have any comments they wish to submit to AVDC, this can be done via their website.   Should you wish your comments to be taken into consideration by the parish council when we submit our response, please notify Cllr R Saintey or the parish clerk by noon on Thursday 12 December 2013.


5 Church Road, 13/02448/APP – removal of existing attached garage and replacement with two storey side and rear extension and front porch canopy

1 Cheyne Close, 13/03276/APP – removal of existing rear single storey extension and replacement with part single storey part two-storey rear extension, first floor side extension and pitched roof over existing single storey side extension

Applestore, Cheddington Road, 13/03163/ALB & 13/03272/APP – installation of a twin wall flue system

The Laurels, Old Farm, 13/03346/APP – demolition of existing garage and greenhouse. 
Replacement with detached garage and hobby/fitness room and home office with two rooflights to front and one rooflight to rear

Who will you nominate for Volunteer of the Year?

You are now able to submit your nominations for the Pitstone Volunteer of the Year, so if you know of someone that it giving up their time and making a difference to the lives of the people in Pitstone, then please let us know.    As well as being an opportunity for you and the parish council to thank them in public, they may win a £50.00 award, framed certificate and entry into the AVDC Volunteer of the Year award.

Please email or write to the parish clerk on: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk or at 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, Beds, LU7 9FE providing the full name of the person you wish to nominate and the reasons why you think they deserve to win.   All submissions must be received by the end of January 2014.

Thank you.

Was your teenager on the recreation ground on Friday night?

We are sorry to have to report that a group of teenagers chose to deliberately smash numerous glass bottles on the recreation ground, by the youth shelter, the children’s play facilities and by the social club / memorial hall on Friday night.   Their thoughtless actions left our community facility unsafe and a team of dedicated volunteers spent much time on Saturday morning clearing it all up so that the children and adults playing football, those using the kids play area and those walking their dogs could do so without risk of injury.  The parish council would like to extend their sincere thanks to all those volunteers.

If your child / teenager was hanging out with their mates on the recreation ground on Friday night we hope they are thoroughly ashamed.

Unfortunately, whilst this is probably the worst incident of the summer, it isn’t the first.  Rubbish has been dumped anywhere except in the bin, labels have been stuck all over the youth shelter and the youngsters keep trying to set light to the rear panel.

Heritage Day & Emergency Services Open Day Waddesdon 14/9/13

The Waddesdon Neighbourhood Policing team is organising its annual Emergency Services Open day to coincide with Heritage Day.

The event will take place on Saturday 14 September and will run between
10am and 3pm in front of Waddesdon Manor on the High Street.  The neighbourhood policing team will be accompanied by the Fire, Ambulance and other emergency services.   As it is the Heritage Day, there will be free entry for members of the public to the Waddesdon Manor and surrounding grounds. PCSO Denise Grayburn said: “The neighbourhood officers will be out and about, offering crime prevention advice and raising awareness of how people can
sign up to the two-way communication system – Thames Valley Alert.

“On the day we will be supported by two horses from the Milton Keynes
Mounted section. We encourage members of the local community to attend
this free event and this will be a great opportunity to meet your local
neighbourhood officers for a chat about any concerns you may have.

“We will be located in front of the manor, so you can’t miss us. We
anticipate this will be very a successful event, with a huge turnout

The portable skate park will be at youth cafe 11/9/13

The youth café re-opens for all senior school aged children on Wednesday 11 September from 6.30-8.00pm held at Brookmead school.   Admittance £1.

This week, the portable skate park will be at the café so bring your bikes, skateboards or scooter PLUS your helmet, or you wont be able to ride.

Certificate of Merit awarded in Best Kept Village Competition

Pitstone has been awarded a Certificate of Merit in the Buckinghamshire Best Kept Village Competition 2013 for achieving a highly commended grade in the Defraine Cup.

Our thanks go to the village litter pickers, grass cutters and ground keepers along with all the residents that contribute to keeping our village looking well kept, clean and tidy.


Laurie Eagling, Clerk to the Council

Act now to save Pitstone Youth Cafe

Our Youth Café aims to provide young people with a safe place they can meet their friends (especially as many go to different senior schools), enjoy themselves and learn new skills.  It has been a great success.

Pitstone Parish Council has funded the project for the last two years and employs trained leaders to run the Café.  Councillors are also bolstering the volunteer numbers each week.  We have over 200 youngsters on our database and each week you will find between 30 and 60 young people at the café.  We are sure you will appreciate that we can’t operate with this many children without a significant number of volunteers on site as well to ensure their safety and help provide a stimulating environment.

We are exceedingly grateful to all our volunteers, most of whom don’t even have children that attend the café but continue to give up their time as they value your child’s development within our community.  Unfortunately, many now need to step down due to other commitments and for the youth café to be sustainable we need more parent volunteers.  We need people to serve refreshments from the tuck shop, join in activities, teach the children new skills, play games/table tennis/snooker/pool and/or help sign people in and out.  The children respond more positively when adults they know are on site.

If you aren’t available to attend on the night because you have other children or work, we still need help on the management committee – organising the rota, fundraising and helping decide what works/what doesn’t at the café for your children so that we can adapt accordingly.

Over the next couple of weeks please: phone: 01296 660791 or Email: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk and volunteer to help in whatever way you can.

 At the moment, there are insufficient volunteers to enable the café to open again in September and if the committee isn’t up and running/the volunteer issue solved by the October half term, then the café will be forced to close due to insufficient parental support.

If all parents help just a little bit, your child will be able to continue enjoying the café every single week.   Please don’t let all the good work go to waste and help us continue to provide this vital service for our young people.  Thank you for your help.

Play space planning application is now live

The planning application for the new play space on the recreation ground is now live.   Aylesbury Vale District Council is inviting any comments before 19 July 2013.

You can find full details of the application, design reasons, equipment, access, inclusivity, materials and other considerations on the AVDC web site by searching the planning portable for application reference 13/01436/APP, via the following link:



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