Bucks County Council Transport Consultation open until 29 January 2016

Vision for county’s transport future


A vision for the future of transport in Buckinghamshire goes live today (Monday December 7). And residents and businesses are being asked to say what they think about it. It’s published by the County Council, and comes in the form of a new draft Buckinghamshire Local Transport Plan – a blueprint for travel covering all types of transport, looking ahead to 2036.

An extended public consultation starts today, through the County Council’s online ‘Have Your Say’ web page, and runs until January 29 Launching the consultation, Mark Shaw, Cabinet Member for Transport, said good transport systems were essential to grow Buckinghamshire’s economy, serve its residents and businesses well, and make the county a great place to live and work.

‘Planning for the future of transport in the county is critically important, and we don’t get a second chance at it,’ said Mark. ‘I want to make sure we really understand the people of Buckinghamshire. With their feedback I believe we’ll be able make this a practical working plan for change, that will benefit everyone in the county.’ He said that as well as supporting good roads, public transport, cycleways and footpaths, the draft Local Transport Plan aimed to:

• Encourage links to local, national and international destinations that promote a flourishing economy.

• Empower communities to support their own local transport solutions.

• Enable and promote travel choices that improve people’s health.

‘The draft Plan is very clear about maintaining and enhancing our county’s special environment, and helping residents and businesses thrive and develop to become one of the strongest and most productive economies in the country,’ said Mark. The draft Plan also supports a number of vital transport improvements; for example East-West Rail, which Mark said would stimulate an estimated £72 million boost to the local economy. It would open up a public transport cul-de-sac for the county and bring connections to the north, west and east of the country within convenient reach of the whole of the county.

Achieving the Plan’s aims will require strong partnerships with central government, the district councils, communities and businesses, said Mark, along with innovative approaches to make the best use of taxpayers’ money in a climate of austerity.

A link to the ‘Have Your Say’ survey can be found at https://democracy.buckscc.gov.uk/mgConsultationDisplay.aspx?ID=1117 and those with no internet connection can see it at Buckinghamshire libraries.

Quarterly grant review coming up

Pitstone parish council sets aside a small budget each year to help local groups with expenses for equipment or events.  It is able to offer grants to community and voluntary bodies provided they meet our criteria. 


  •  All applicants must provide services that benefit the residents of Pitstone.
  • The council reserve the right to prioritise applications that meet identified needs or other areas of focus that may be determined.
  • It must be within the legal power of the parish council to supply a grant for the requested purpose.

The next quarterly grant review will take place at the 28 January 2016 full council meeting.   Any applications need to be received by noon on 20 January 2016 so that they can be included on the next agenda.   The subsequent grant panel will be in April.

If you think your Pitstone based club or group may wish to apply, please ensure you read our attached “Grant Policy” for full application details.

Please act now to help protect the Open Space in front of The Crescent (22 December deadline)

You may be aware that the Parish Council recently submitted an application to Aylesbury Vale District Council to register the open land in front of The Crescent as an Asset of Community Value.  The informal allotments were registered by AVDC, but the open parkland was declined on grounds that it “is not of community value” and “does not further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community”.  We find this hard to believe and we need your help to show AVDC how valuable it is.

The Parish Council leased this land from Bucks County Council in 1984 to provide open space, fruiting trees and a tranquil area for the community to pass time.  The parish requested a renewal of the agreement when the lease expired in 2005, but this has been declined to date.  We have also offered to purchase this land for community benefit and this has also been declined to date.  The Parish Council continues to manage this land on behalf of BCC, using its own resources to do so.  Bucks County Council recently expressed an interest in building on this land, which we know our residents are opposed to.  If the land had been accepted onto the register of Assets of Community Value, it would ensure that BCC would have to delay any sale for a period of up to 6 months to allow the Parish Council (or the wider community) the opportunity to put together a bid to purchase the land.  As part of the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan, we are seeking to designate this land (and the neighbouring allotment plots) as “Local Green Space”.  Such a designation would essentially prevent any building on the land and ensure its continued protection as public open space. As you will know, AVDC are currently consulting on our proposed Neighbourhood Plan.  That consultation closes on 22 December.  It would be immensely helpful if you could write to or email AVDC before then in support of the proposed Local Green Space designations, and tell them why you value this open area and how you use it.  Perhaps you pick the cherries, apples and blackberries? Use it as a space for quiet reflection?  Picnic on the bench?  Meet friends there?  Enjoy the daffodils?  Exercise your dog?

To write to AVDC, send a letter to: Forward Plans, AVDC, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury HP19 8FF.  Or email planningpolicy@aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk.  Make sure you include the words “Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan” in your letter or email.

All information submitted to AVDC is also supplied by them to the independent examiner appointed to “examine” (and, hopefully, approve) our Neighbourhood Plan.   Help us to ensure that AVDC and the examiner are aware of the level of local support for these areas of Local Green Space.   Your comments need to be submitted by 22 December 2015.   Hopefully the evidence will also help the council submit a renewed bid to put the open parkland onto the Asset of Community Value register as well, to provide an additional layer of protection to this valuable open space.

Thank you.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council




As part of their current Issues and Options planning consultation, Aylesbury Vale District Council would like your views on whether they should retain Areas of Attractive Landscape and Local Landscape Areas and include a policy to enable the assessment of planning applications and appeals, or whether they can remove these categories and rely on assessing applications against the National Planning Policy Framework.

They are inviting comments from residents and interested parties and will use this information to identify and confirm support for areas of local landscape designation, which will help formulate their decision.

Pitstone has one such area of Area of Attractive Landscape, extending from St Marys church across to Pitstone windmill and joining the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on the other side of the B488.   Through the Neighbourhood Development Plan process we know that you value this vista, and would like to preserve it from development, so we need you all to write to AVDC (before 4 December) and tell them.

You may like to mention that it is important to preserve our landscape area because:

  • The area is rich in heritage significance for our village including:
    • a Grade I listed church and Grade II* listed windmill, which as well as being an important vista locally also form important landmarks when viewing from a distance and the Chilterns AONB.
    • It includes a medieval moated site (a Scheduled Monument thought to mark the site of Pitstone Manor, believed to be in occupation in 1086) and buried archaeological features.
    • Roman and Saxon settlement indications have been found at Church End.


  • The current Area of Attractive Landscape (AAL) has important geological significance in the parish because:
    • Although a relatively small area compared to other Areas of Attractive Landscape in the district, the Pitstone AAL provides cohesion and unity with the Chilterns AONB from which it is only separated by a road, and acts as an important mechanic to extend and enhance the important natural environment in this location and protect it from ‘urban creep’.
    • It includes an area of ancient woodland and area of calcareous grassland.
    • The openness of this lower escarpment forms an attractive foreground and strong setting for the spectacular views of the AONB slopes both from within the village and when viewed from higher vantage points such as Pitstone Hill.
    • We want to fight to preserve and enhance the natural environment on this side of the parish, concentrating any development in areas less harmful to nature, welfare, biodiversity and tourism.
  • There are huge social, physical and psychological benefits for our community and the wider area:
    • The preserved open space provides a valuable network of easily accessible permissible footpaths that are well used by local residents both for pleasure and for accessing the adjoining village of Ivinghoe.
    • These footpaths connect to the Public Rights of Way across the Chilterns AONB and across Pitstone Hill to the Ashridge estate beyond providing important access for residents and bringing walkers to the village.
    • The uninterrupted views across the landscape to the Chiltern hills provide a sense of delight in their surroundings for local residents who enjoy tending their allotments and utilising the footpaths to get fresh air and exercise.
    • The health benefits of access to natural environment are well documented.  This gentle area of foothills immediately adjacent to the settlement provides important easy access for residents.
    • The vista across the open fields to the Chilterns AONB is incredibly important to the local residents and when attracting new families to move to the area.
    • Let’s make the Pitstone Area of Attractive Landscape the one with the most local support !
    • If you are interested in reading the full report, it can be found on the Aylesbury Vale District Council website using the link below:  http://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/supporting-evidence and then clicking on “Areas of Attractive Landscape and Local Landscape Areas Advice to Aylesbury Vale DC – Final Draft Report (October 2015)”.
    • AVDC is seeking comments on this study by 4 December 2015 – please send to planningpolicy@aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk or post to Planning Policy, Forward Plans, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8FF.

Sad to see such vandalism to the youth shelter

youth shelter c

Feeling sad today, to see such vandalism to the youth shelter on the village green.

We are arranging to have the rest of the panels removed.  If you hear any young people complaining that their youth shelter is now rather draughty, you know why.  It is a shame that a few spoil things for the majority.




Planning applications – November Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the November 2015 Planning Committee meeting at 7pm on 26 November 2015.

Land adjacent to 17 Chequers Lane, Erection of one new bungalow, 15/03769/APP

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the date of the meeting.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


New dog bin, path by the allotments

The dog bin on the path by the allotments has unfortunately been vandalised and lost its lid and bottom.  Our contractors have been advised and will shortly remove the broken unit.  An order has been placed with AVDC for a replacement dog bin and installation.

We apologise for any temporary inconvenience.  Please continue to dispose of your bags in a responsible manner whilst the bin is missing and utilise any of the alternative dog bins around the village, utilise an ordinary litter bin, or simply take your bags home and dispose of them in the green-lid wheelie bin.

Thank you.

Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan Consultation open until 22 December

The PNP covers the period 2013-2033

The designated neighbourhood area covers the same area as the Pitstone Parish Council.

Details of the plan

On adoption, the PNP will form part of the development plane, against which planning applications in the area will be assessed.

The PNP looks to shape development making allocations for housing and community facilities, safeguards land for future D1 education use, supports employment development and also designates Local Green Spaces within the parish.

Latest Progress

After many months of hard work and community engagement, Pitstone Parish Council has now submitted it’s final version of the Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan. Aylesbury Vale District Council are now required to undertake a six week publication period to provide an opportunity for all parties to comment on the submitted proposals before the plan goes to examination. The consultation commenced on Tuesday 10 November 2015 and will close at 5pm on Tuesday 22 December 2015.

Consultation documents

You can view all of the consultation documents by clicking on the links below.

Alternatively the documents of the publication material are available to view at the following locations:

Deposit Points Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Yardley Avenue Village Health Centre, Pistone LU7 9BE 8:00am to 12:00pm

14:00pm to 18:00pm

8:00am to 12:00pm

14:00pm to 18:00pm

8:00am to 12:00pm

14:00pm to 18:00pm

8:00am to 12:00pm

14:00pm to 18:00pm

8:00am to 12:00pm

14:00pm to 18:00pm

Little Rothschild Surgery, 71 Marsworth Road, Pitstone LU7 9AX 8:15am to 13:00pm

14:00pm to 16:30pm

8:15am to 13:00pm

14:00pm to 16:30pm

8:15am to 13:00pm

14:00pm to 16:30pm

8:15am to 13:00pm

14:00pm to 16:30pm

8:15am to 13:00pm Closed
Beacon Villages Community Library, Old Town Hall, High Street, Ivinghoe LU7 9EP Closed 14:00pm to 17:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm 14:00pm to 17:00pm 14:00pm to 17:00pm 10:00am to 13:00pm
Parish Clerk (by appointment only), 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone LU7 9FE 9:00am to 15:00pm 9:00am to 15:00pm 9:00am to 15:00pm 9:00am to 15:00pm 9:00am to 15:00pm Closed
AVDC, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road Aylesbury, HP19 8FF 8:45am to 17:15pm 8:45am to 17:15pm 8:45am to 17:15pm 8:45am to 17:15pm 8:45am to 16:45pm Closed

How can I submit my comments?

Comments can be made electronically or in writing by the following means:

You can request to be notified of AVDC’s decision to adopt the plan once an examination and referendum has taken place.

Please do not send duplicate comments (electronic or in writing) and please ensure that comments are received by the District Council before 5pm on Tuesday 22 December 2015.

What happens next?

Following the period for comment, AVDC will collate the responses and submit them to an examiner for the document to be examined.

– See more at: http://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/pitstone-neighbourhood-plan#sthash.EHKO8hGH.dpuf

What would you like from your village hall?

Pitstone Memorial Hall needs YOUR help! We know we need to continue to upgrade the hall to make sure can provide the facilities the village needs but we only have limited funds, so we need to focus our efforts.

Please spare 5 minutes to fill in this survey and let us know what YOU want to see being provided at the hall.


This online survey will close at the end of November but we are happy to hear suggestions at any time by email at memorialhall@pitstone.co.uk

ALSO COMING SOON – check out the hall’s new website at www.pitstonememorialhall.co.uk.

With thanks, the Memorial Hall Management Committee

Sign up for the new Vale Lottery today and help build new facilities in Pitstone

Sign up for the new Vale Lottery today and help build new facilities in Pitstone. Tickets cost just £1pw and there are better odds of winning a prize than with either the National or Health Lotteries. What’s more, you will know that 50p of every ticket sale goes straight to Ivinghoe & Pitstone Scouts who have to vacate their existing building and are raising funds to build a new hall in Pitstone; and 8p of each ticket sale also goes to other good local causes within Aylesbury Vale. As an added bonus, if you sign up before 27 November you may also win an ipad air or theatre tickets.

So please consider signing up, as well as offering you the chance to win up to £20k, this is a really easy way for our community to make a real difference to the deliverability of new facilities right here in our own village.

You must be over 16yrs to play.


Christmas Bin Collection Changes

Christmas Collections

AVDC has notified of the following changes to bin collections at Christmas:

Friday 25 December moves to Tuesday 29 December 2015

Friday 1 January moves to Monday 4 January 2016

Bad Weather and Bin Collections

The wintery weather sometimes causes problems for collections, so to keep up to date in extreme conditions (or just to check which bin is on which date), check our website homepage for the latest news: www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk


Roadwork notifications for 19-21 October from Transport for Bucks

B489 Marsworth Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
19 October — 21 October Some carriageway incursion
Delays possible due to Streetworks
– at R/O 17 To R/O 21 Old Farm, Marsworth Road
Responsibility: BT
EToN status: Advanced planning

Tringford Road, Tring, Hertfordshire
19 October — 19 October Some carriageway incursion
Delays unlikely due to Streetworks
Permanent Reinstatement To Be Completed at New Mill Social Centre
Responsibility: Thames Water
EToN status: Advanced planning

Cheddington Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
19 October — 21 October Some carriageway incursion
Delays unlikely due to Streetworks
– at Jnc Marsworth Road, Cheddington Road
Responsibility: BT
EToN status: Advanced planning

Quotations being sought for tree work within the parish

The parish council is currently seeking quotations for a series of tree works (itemised on the attached sheet and associated location map).   If your firm is interested in quoting for this work, please supply details of your quote along with:


  • copies of your public and employers liability insurance
  • details of the British Standard you work to
  • the qualifications of your staff
  • details of any professional organisations to which you belong
  • any special measures/considerations given that these trees are located on public open space / in a children’s playground

Quotations/registers of interest to be received by 20 October.


Please contact: Mrs Laurie Eagling Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council 9 Warwick Road Pitstone Beds LU7 9FE Tel: 01296 660791 Email: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk

Quotations being sought for replacement rolling log and toddler swing

Pitstone Parish Council is currently inviting quotations for two replacement items of playground equipment.

  1. The rolling log is situated in our Hever Close playground, LU7 9FH.  Set in wet pour.  The log has not rolled for some time and now the log is also displaying signs of wood rot.  Photograph of existing equipment attached.   If you stock a similar item of equipment, please provide a quotation for the removal & disposal of the existing log plus supply & installation of the replacement.
  2. One of our toddler swing seats was vandalised beyond repair and has been removed.  This item is located in our Vicarage Road Recreation Ground playground, LU7 9EY.  This particular item has quite a low frame and therefore short chains.  Please find attached two photographs, one of the whole unit and one close up of the fixings.  If you stock a similar item, please provide a quotation for supply and installation.

Should you require any further details, please get in touch.  Email: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk.

Quotation should preferably be received by the close of Thursday 15 October.

Public Inquiry relating to outline planning for land at Station Road in Ivinghoe

Appeal Reference: 15/00008/8WEEK

Application: 14/02002/AOP

PI Ref: A[[/J0405/W/15/3002218

Appeal by: Gladman Developments Ltd

Site: Land at Station Road, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire

Reason: outline application with access to be considered and all other matters reserved for the erection of up to 70 residential units and associated infrastructure.

Aylesbury Vale District Council have notified that the Public Inquiry into the above mentioned appeal will start on 20 October 2015 in the Diamond Room, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks commencing at 10am.

The public are welcome to attend and observe the Inquiry which is expected to take 6 working days.  Each day will commence at 10am.  There is usually a lunch break of approximately an hour about 1pm and they hope to close business for the day at approximately 5pm.  All times are approximate and depend upon the matters being considered at the time and suitable break points being reached.  The public may attend for all, or part, of any day.

Copies of the appeal documents are available to view/download from the AVDC web site at www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk via public access, selecting the appeals link and entering the reference number at the top of posting.

The decision will be published on the Planning Portal at www.planningportal.gov.uk and on the AVDC web site above.


Quarterly grant review coming up

Pitstone parish council sets aside a small budget each year to help local groups with expenses for equipment or events.  It is able to offer grants to community and voluntary bodies provided they meet our criteria. 


  •  All applicants must provide services that benefit the residents of Pitstone.
  • The council reserve the right to prioritise applications that meet identified needs or other areas of focus that may be determined.
  • It must be within the legal power of the parish council to supply a grant for the requested purpose.

The next quarterly grant review will take place at the 22 October full council meeting.   Any applications need to be received by noon on 15 October 2015 so that they can be included on the next agenda.   The next grant panel will be in January.

If you think your Pitstone based club or group may wish to apply, please ensure you read our attached “Grant Policy” for full application details.

Planning applications – October Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the October 2015 Planning Committee meeting (date tba) are:

8 Albion Road, 15/03295/APP, single storey side and rear extension

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the date of the meeting.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Planning applications – September Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the September 2015 Planning Committee meeting (date tba) are:

131 Windsor Road, 15/02964/ACL, loft conversion with roof lights to front and rear

Honeysuckle Lodge, Groomsby Drive, 15/03141/APP, removal of one chimney & breast and reinstate roof

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the date of the meeting.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Please slow down during school travel times

Please slow down during school travel times

September has arrived and the children are back at school. Soon the twilight hours will be upon us.   Please remember that more children and young adults will be on the streets, trying to get to their school bus stops and the local school/pre-school, both in the mornings and the afternoons. It would be greatly appreciated if all drivers could moderate their speeds around the village, especially at these key times. Even the most capable youngster can be prone to momentary lapses of attention when engaged in conversation with their friends, and last year two young people suffered traffic accidents on their way to school. Let’s make sure that this school year is accident free.

Thank you.

Conclusion of parish council audit

We are pleased to report that the parish council accounts for the year ending 31 March 2015 have now been passed by both the internally appointed auditor and the externally appointed auditor, Mazars.

The submission is attached for your information.

Vandalism to Pitstone Windmill

It has been brought to the attention of the parish council that persons unknown have vandalised Pitstone Windmill, owned by National Trust, with spray paint.

If anyone has any information about this crime, or saw anyone acting suspiciously by the windmill, please advise the National Trust Estate Office in Ashridge on 01442 851227.

Habitat Regulation Assessment Update Consultation 14/8/15-14/9/15

The parish is especially fortunate to have a Special Area of Conservation within our parish boundary, the Chiltern Beechwoods within Ashridge.  Such sites are of European significance and warrant extra special protection.

The parish council has therefore commissioned an update to the Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA) initially produced by Aylesbury Vale District Council to assess any impact of development upon significant sites within the parish.  This report complies with Regulation 102 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.

The HRA is available via the link below and we welcome any response to the consultation by close of play on Monday 14 September 2015.

Seeking quotations for replacement bench

The Parish Council is currently seeking quotations for a replacement public bench, in either recycled plastic or metal (not wood).  To be secured to concrete base.  Approximately 185cm long.    Must have back and arm rests/DDA compliant.

Seeking either (a) just supply or (b) supply and fit

If you are interested in submitting a quotation, or would like further information, please supply the details to the Parish Council by the close of August.

email: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk
tel: 01296 660791
postal: 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, Beds, LU7 9FE

Please keep your dogs under control, even when off the lead

We have received a number of notifications relating to dogs whilst off their leads.  Issues raised include:

  • dogs getting into people’s gardens, particularly around the windmill field
  • dogs fouling outside other people’s homes
  • dogs attacking each other, especially within the quarry field off Westfield Road
  • dogs approaching other pedestrians when these people are not comfortable being approached
  • dogs fouling the footpaths or recreation ground by the Memorial Hall

Please clear up after your dog, and ensure that it is under control at all times, even whilst off the lead, so that all residents can enjoy our open spaces.

Thank you.

Pitstone Parish Council

Planning applications – August Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the August 2015 Planning Committee meeting (date tba) are:

45 Crispin Field, 15/02504/ACL, certificate of lawfulness relating to conversion of integral garage to kitchen and repositioning of main entrance door and hallway to suit.  Installation of roof light to new hallway area and new window to front and side in proposed kitchen location.

111 Windsor Road, 15/02388/APP, conversion of garage into living accommodation.

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the date of the meeting.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Which local person will you nominate as Pitstone’s Volunteer of the Year?

You are now able to submit your nominations for the Pitstone Volunteer of the Year, so if you know of someone that it giving up their time and making a difference to the lives of the people in Pitstone, then please let us know.    As well as being an opportunity for you and the parish council to thank them in public, they may win a £50.00 award, framed certificate and entry into the AVDC Volunteer of the Year award.

Please email or write to the parish clerk on: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk or at 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, Beds, LU7 9FE providing the full name of the person you wish to nominate and the reasons why you think they deserve to win.   All submissions must be received by the end of January 2016.

Roadwork notifications 21-24 July

Vicarage Road, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
22 July — 24 July Traffic control (two-way signals)
Delays possible due to Streetworks
– at Moat Farm
Responsibility: Anglian Water
EToN status: Advanced planning

B486 Wingrave Road, Tring, Hertfordshire
22 July — 24 July Some carriageway incursion
Delays unlikely due to Streetworks
Reinstate Footway + Cw 10mm In Carriageway. Our Intention Is To Completethe Permanent Reinstatement In The Same Phase at The Pheasant
Responsibility: Thames Water
EToN status: Advanced planning

Old Farm, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
21 July — 24 July Some carriageway incursion
Delays unlikely due to Streetworks
– at Outside Number 53
Responsibility: SGN
EToN status: Advanced planning

Queen Street, Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
22 July — 24 July Some carriageway incursion
Delays unlikely due to Streetworks
– at Plot 2 Adj 14
Responsibility: Anglian Water
EToN status: Advanced planning

Planning applications – 27 July Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 27 July 2015 Planning Committee meeting are:

11 Short Hale, 15/01923/APP, conversion of garage into living accommodation

40 Campbell Road, 15/02276/APP, rear conservatory

93 Windsor Road, 15/02077/APP, conversion and single storey front extension of existing detached garage into habitable accommodation

Also for consideration:

Erlegh Manor, Vicarage Road, 15/00059/REF, outline submission with access and scale to be considered and all other matters reserved for the erection of one dwelling.  Appeal against refusal of planning permission by AVDC.

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 27 July 2015.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Would you need assistance if there was a village emergency?

The Parish Council maintains a Community Self Help Plan, produced in conjunction with the Resilience Team at AVDC, to provide help during any emergency affecting the community, when the normal emergency response provided by the emergency services and local authorities has been delayed or overwhelmed due to the scope and nature of the emergency.

If you believe that you may require essential transport or medical supplies etc in the event of a major emergency in the village (for example, if you are house-bound and the village needs to be evacuated) and would wish your name and contact details to be held by the parish council for use in such an event, please provide your name, address and telephone number to the parish clerk along with a brief summary of the type of assistance that may be required.   If your details are already held by the Williamson Trust, Town Lands Charity or Yardley Avenue warden then you need not reply as you will already be reached via these channels.

All information held is treated with the utmost confidence.

Laurie Eagling
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01296 660791
Email: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk


Thank you for the laser printer

The Parish Council, and the Neighbourhood Development Plan team, would like to express their sincere gratitude to the local residents who donated the Dell colour laser printer and accessories.  This is already proving to be of great benefit, reducing printing costs and increasing efficiency.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council

Planning applications – 18/6/15 Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 18 June 2015 Planning Committee meeting are:

41 Rushendon Furlong, 15/01673/ACL, single storey rear/side extension and conversion of garage into family room.  Application for Certificate of Lawfulness only.

Also for discussion

Land to the rear of Vicarage Road, 15/00139/AOP, outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of a residential development of up to 68 dwellings, estate roads and associated works: AVDC invite comments on the Geophysical Survey and Transport Statement

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 18 June 2015


Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Consultation Launches 1-6-15

Pitstone Parish Council has launched the consultation into the pre-submission version of the proposed Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan.  The consultation runs from 1 June to 13 July 2015 inclusive.

Please find below copies of the formal consultation notice and the plan itself.   Please also find attached a copy of the leaflet that has been delivered to every home in Pitstone, with details of the two engagement events at the Memorial Hall on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 June – do come along and find out more details.

The final attachment is:

Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan – a roadmap
Which is a short guide to why we need a Neighbourhood Plan, what it does and how it does it.

Paper copies of the proposed Plan may also be inspected at the following locations:

► Pitstone Parish Council, 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, Bucks LU7 9FE      Monday to Friday, 9am – 3pm (and by arrangement at other times, tel: 01296 660791)

► Beacon Villages Community Library, Icknield Way, Ivinghoe, Bucks LU7 9EL      during normal opening hours: see www.bvcl.org.uk/contact for further details

► The Village Health Centre, Yardley Avenue, Pitstone, Bucks LU7 9BE      Monday to Friday, 9am – 12 noon and 2pm – 5pm (closed Wednesday afternoons)

► Yardley Lounge (Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust), 159 Yardley Avenue, Pitstone LU7 9BD      at any time: residents of Yardley Avenue sheltered housing only

Representations on the proposed Plan can be made, up to and including 13 July 2015

► by email, to NeighbourhoodPlan@pitstone.co.uk

► by post, to Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan, 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, Bucks LU7 9FE

Planning applications – 3/6/15 Planning Committee meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 3 June 2015 Planning Committee meeting are:

      1. Land off Station Road, Ivinghoe (affecting rear of Rushendon Furlong), 15/01491/AOP, outline application with access to be considered and all matters reserved for the erection of up to 60 residential units and associated infrastructure (Gladman 2nd application).  The land falling within the parish of Pitstone is shown as public open space with no properties proposed under this scheme.
      2. 4 Queen Street, 15/01634/APP, single storey rear and front extensions.
      3. 10 Church Road, 15/01620/APP, first floor side extension and single storey rear extension.
      4. 14 Durham Road, 15/01709/APP, two storey side extension (replaces withdrawn planning permission 15/00977/APP for two storey side extension and conversion of garage into habitable room)

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 3 June 2015


Free Skate Park 28-5-15

Pitstone Parish Council is hiring the portable skate park again in the half term holiday.   AVYFC staff, who run our youth café, will be on hand to help you improve your skills or just have fun.

Weather permitting, you can catch up with the skate park in the Memorial Hall car park between 1-4pm on Thursday 28 May 2015.

Ramps will be supervised.  Beginners welcome.  Suitable for use by skate boards, scooters, roller skates or BMX bikes.

Best Kept Village judging takes place in June

The Parish Council has once again entered into the Best Kept Village competition.  This is awarded to villages that are free of litter, display evidence of community involvement and have well maintained public buildings and areas.  It is not related to Britain in Bloom.   In the past the parish has received two commendation awards but not won the overall competition.

Judging will take place in June and the whole community can play their part.   Please help to keep our village tidy.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council

Parish Council Election Results

The Parish Council would like to welcome Kris Weber, Colin Starling, Margaret Crutchfield and Jo Groom to the Council.  All four have been involved in the Neighbourhood Development Plan process and will be welcome additions to the council.

Our commiserations go to Brian Brooks and Alison Hawkins who were not re-elected on this occasion.  Our sincere thanks go to both individuals, plus Klaus Ginda and Brian Richardson who retired from council, for their hard work and dedication to the residents of Pitstone throughout their terms of office.

The following existing councillors have been re-elected to office: Robert Saintey, Ben Blunt, Gillian Arney, Annie Stack, Steve Mattey and Dave Nicholls.

The count results can be viewed on the AVDC web site by following the link below:


Planning applications – 21/5/15 meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration at the 21 May 2015 parish council meeting are:

42 Glebe Close, 15/01340/APP, part single and part two storey rear extension

30 Albion Road, 15/01544/APP, single storey extension

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on 21 May 2015


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