£3,000 grant provided to Pitstone Memorial Hall charity

The parish council is delighted to have been able to provide a grant of £3,000 to Pitstone Memorial Hall charity to cover the majority of the cost of repairs to the soffits, fascias and guttering at the hall.   Work should commence in the next few months.

If you belong to a community group that could also benefit from a grant, please check out the parish council’s grant policy on http://pitstone.co.uk/ppcinfo/grant-policy/ or get in touch with the parish clerk.

Did you realise that the Memorial Hall was run by a charity, whose trustees are all local residents that care about the hall and the services it provides to the community?  If you are also passionate about this great local facility, and have time to volunteer, please get in touch with the memorial hall who will be able to provide some information about how you can get involved.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

We would like to wish all of our residents, staff, volunteers, customers and suppliers a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The office will be open over the festive period, with the exception of the bank holidays.

New Homes Bonus Micro Grant awarded to Pitstone Youth Café

The parish council is delighted to confirm that it has been awarded a grant of £800 from Aylesbury Vale District Council’s (AVDC’s) New Homes Bonus Micro Grant Scheme towards replacement games consoles and sports equipment for the Pitstone Youth Café including goal posts and basketballs.

The young people that attend the youth café asked for our help to source more up-to-date equipment and an improved range of sports equipment.   They have been holding their own fundraising events to contribute to the project and have successfully raised £40.00.   The parish council has also provided a financial contribution of £180.

If you would like more information about the AVDC grant funding available, please contact the grants officer, Jan Roffe, at  jroffe@aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk.

AVDC logo

More funding for front-line policing (please complete the very short form)

To jump straight to the Police & Crime Commissioner website & survey, please click here: http://sgiz.eu/s3/Policing-budget-council-tax-2019-20

The information is repeated below for your convenience.

Dear resident

The Thames Valley Police budget has been cut by £101 million over the last eight years which has resulted in significant cuts to police officer and staff numbers. This year the Government has encouraged all Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) to raise the policing element of the council tax precept by £2 a month for a Band D property (the increase for other property Bands is set out in the below table). To prevent further damaging cuts to policing and restore some important frontline policing capability I would like to make use of this Government advice and raise the council tax precept accordingly.

On Thursday 13th December the Home Secretary announced the provisional police funding settlement for 2019/20. In response to the exceptional operational demands on the police, particularly in areas such as Thames Valley, the Government is increasing the funding available to PCCs by up to £813 million. This is provided all PCCs, including myself, increase their council tax for a Band D household  by £2 a month, or £24 a year in 2019/20 (the increase for other Property Bands is set out in the table below) which, collectively, will raise £509 million of the £813 million increase in funding. This new settlement will mean that forces can continue to provide an effective service, against the rising tide of demand and complexity in their critical work to fight crime and protect the public.

Demand on police forces nationally has risen significantly in the last year as a result of higher crime numbers, the increasing complexity of crime, and the increasing reach of criminals both physically and via technology. This includes an increase in the reporting of high harm and previously hidden crimes such as child sexual abuse and modern slavery. The challenge from serious and organised crime networks is also growing both in economic value and the geographical spread, whilst nationally there has also been a spike in serious violence and knife crime alongside the increase in a gang culture.  A significant amount of the more serious crime is now being committed by foreign national offenders.

In addition the police are dealing with a large amount of non-crime business, especially in relation to mental health. My focus will continue to be on delivering strong neighbourhood policing for all of the communities across the Thames Valley whilst addressing the serious threats and hardship posed by criminals operating in, or out of Thames Valley on our communities.

Despite increasing council tax by £12 last year (for a Band D property) the increasing demands and price rises means that policing continues to be under significant financial pressure. Our costs continue to rise as a result of police officer and staff pay increases, price inflation, police officer pension contributions and committed growth items. We remain efficient and effective but having already taken out £101m of cash savings and cuts from our base budget since 2010/11 the process of identifying new cash savings is becoming ever more challenging, however we are committed to making policing even more efficient and have already identified over £4m of new savings in 2019/20. 

I am proposing to increase council tax by £24 for a Band D household and will ensure that all the extra cash generated from council taxpayers will be spent on operational policing. The draft budget for 2019/20 will provide additional funding to:

  • Increase Local Frontline Policing – we will recruit additional officers and staff to respond to increasing crime demand and complexity and the impact of the reduction in the resources of and services provided by other agencies (particularly in the areas of mental health and children’s safeguarding).
  • Improve our investigation capacity and process – stretched resources are operating in an increasingly expanding and complex environment with investigations at all levels growing in size and complexity.
  • There has been an increase in organised crime which exploits the vulnerable as well as cyber enabled crime fraud and economic crime. We will recruit more investigators and invest in appropriate new technology and tools.
  • Improve Contact Management – the rise in demand and the complexity of that demand have increased the length of time it takes to assess the threat, harm and risk and ensure every call receives the appropriate response.  We will reduce call handling times, particularly for 101 calls, by recruiting additional staff to deal with the additional demand and more complex crime and incidents being reported.
  • Increasing our digital capability – we will exploit the modern platforms we have been investing in through the development of operational designed tools, expanding our mobile capability and improving connectivity will allow officers and staff to maximise the use of online digital applications facilitating the fast access and transfer of data, while investing in Intelligence technologies will improve the efficiency of transactional processes.
  • Sustainable funding for the capital programme – to ensure the long term financial stability of the force we have to provide revenue support to the capital programme to ensure that we can continue to invest in new technology and other infrastructure projects in future years.

For more background information before answering the survey please click here

The majority of police funding (57%) comes from Government grants, with the remaining 43% coming from the Council tax precept. There are eight Bands of council tax depending on the value of your property.

In 2018/19 the policing precept was increased by £12 (7.0%) for a Band D property. The Government has again given PCCs the flexibility to increase council tax by up to £24 (13.2%) for a Band D household. The impact of this increase on your council tax is shown in the table below.

Band Current Police share of council tax in 2018/19 Proposed council tax 2019/20 Proposed monthly increase
A £121.52 £137.52 £1.33
B £141.77 £160.44 £1.56
C £162.03 £183.36 £1.78
D £182.28 £206.28 £2.00
E £222.79 £252.12 £2.44
F £263.29 £297.96 £2.89
G £303.80 £343.80 £3.33
H £364.56 £412.56 £4.00

Anthony Stansfeld
Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley

To complete the survey, please click here: http://sgiz.eu/s3/Policing-budget-council-tax-2019-20

Last youth cafe of the term tonight. Re-opens 9/1/19.

Please note that it is the last youth cafe of this term tonight.   May we take this opportunity to wish everyone who attends, and all the volunteers that support it, a very merry Christmas.   We hope you enjoy your school holidays.

Pitstone youth cafe will re-open at 6.30pm on Wednesday 9 January 2019.  We look forward to seeing you then.

Please do not allow your dog to foul our playgrounds

Unfortunately we are experiencing ongoing problems, particularly in one playground, with someone who regularly allows their dog to exercise and foul inside the play area and fails to clear up.

Please note that all three of our children’s play areas have fencing around them.  Please ensure that any dogs remain on the outside of the fence and are not brought into the play areas.  Some children may be frightened by your dog, even if you think your dog is being friendly, and dog fouling can be damaging to children’s health.   All play areas have appropriate signage in place, and all have dog waste bins located close by.

Please show consideration to the youngest people in our parish.  Do not use play areas as dog exercise parks.  There is plenty of open space around the parish where dogs can be exercised.



Grant confirmed by AVDC New Homes Bonus towards pavilion site redevelopment

The parish council is pleased to confirm that it has been awarded a grant of £370,000 from Aylesbury Vale District Council’s (AVDC’s) New Homes Bonus Funding Scheme towards the potential redevelopment of the pavilion site.

The planning application relating to the potential improvements to the pavilion site can be found on the AVDC’s planning portal (https://publicaccess.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=PHXDI9CLIQ800&activeTab=summary), or you can find all the  information on the parish council website (http://pitstone.co.uk/ppcnews/potential-improvements-to-pitstone-pavilion/).

AVDC will hold these funds until construction fulfilment, they are not held by the parish council.  We continue to explore other possible sources of funding and will keep residents updated on any progress.   It must again be stressed that the project can’t move forward to the next phase unless the project attracts sufficient grant/other funding.

If you would like more information about the AVDC grant funding available, please contact the grants officer, Jan Roffe, at  jroffe@aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk.

AVDC logo

The real-time information panels are now active at 4 bus stops

Real time information panel

We are pleased to report that the forth real-time-information panel has now been installed at the bus stop located near the Local Green Space on Marsworth Road.  All four units are now working and displaying live departure information.  The buses are fitted with GPS which feeds into the system to provide up-to-date travel information.  No more waiting around wondering how late the bus is running, or whether it has already gone, as you’ll be able to see at a glance.

The four units are located at the following bus stops:

  • Travelling towards Dunstable:
    • The bus shelter by the Local Green Space on Marsworth Road, in front of The Crescent
    • The new bus shelter on Marsworth Road, by the junction of Rushendon Furlong
  • Travelling towards Aylesbury:
    • The bus shelter almost opposite Masons store, between Queen Street & Albion Road, on Marsworth Road
    • The bus shelter outside the Recreation Ground, on Marsworth Road

The information panels have been provided by the housing developers off Rushendon Furlong and Vicarage Road, and are owned and managed by Bucks County Council.



Planning applications – 3 January 2019 meeting

Applications for consideration at the 3 January 2019  meeting:

  • 20 Crispin Field, 18/04311/APP, single storey rear and two storey side & rear extension
  • 43 Marsworth Road, 18/04540/APP, single storey side and rear extension

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the day of the meeting to allow sufficient time for the information to be circulated to all councillors.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Christmas Lights switched on

Photograph of lights in tree

The parish council Christmas lights in the tree on the Recreation Ground outside Pitstone Memorial Hall were switched on again on the first Sunday in Advent and will remain illuminated each night time until 12th night, bringing some seasonal cheer and welcoming those attending events at the hall.

May we take this opportunity to wish all of our residents a happy and healthy festive season.

Christmas lights in tree outside Memorial Hall

Could your community group benefit from a grant?

The parish council offers grants to local community groups and charities that benefit Pitstone residents.  Applications are considered quarterly.   The next opportunity for grants to be considered is coming up on 31 January 2019.

Please see the grant policy on this web site (http://pitstone.co.uk/ppcinfo/grant-policy/ ) for further information or contact the parish clerk.

Applications must be received at least 10 days ahead of the meeting date so that the information can be circulated to all members ahead of the meeting and your application can be advertised on our agenda.

New kissing gate installed on the Local Green Space

New kissing gate

We are pleased to report that the new kissing gate has now been installed on the Local Green Space between Marsworth Road and The Crescent.  This is situated at the far end of the green space and therefore opens up use of the internal grassed area putting an end to people walking down to the end and then finding that there is was no exit.

The new wooden kissing gate is also suitable for pushchairs and wheelchairs to ensure it can be utilised by as many residents as possible.

Extra daffodil bulbs have also now been planted along the inside of the fence line and around a couple of crab apple trees, and both the wooden fence and the mesh fencing have been repaired.




Youth Cafe fundraising cake sales

The young people that attend the youth cafe have asked for the council’s help to buy some new equipment. We have worked with them to apply for a grant, and committed some funding towards their target. The youngsters themselves opted to hold bring-and-buy cake sales over the next few weeks to raise their contribution and demonstrate commitment to the potential grant provider. If your child is planning to attend cafe over the next few weeks please consider supporting them by providing a donation of cakes and/or a few extra pennies for them to purchase a cake.

Feasibility study for the Pitstone & Ivinghoe Safety Scheme commissioned

Bucks County Council logoThe parish council is pleased to announce that the Bucks County Council Great Brickhill, Wing & Ivinghoe Local Area Forum (BCC LAF) has agreed to allocate £7,535.50 from its Local Priorities Reserve towards the Pitstone Feasibility Study Scheme.  The parish council is also contributing £11,288.96.

As the flow of vehicles, bicycles & pedestrians affects both villages, this is a project we are working on in close partnership with Ivinghoe Parish Council.  The Ivinghoe elements have also been awarded BCC LAF funding, and Ivinghoe Parish Council is also making a financial contribution.

You will recall that concept studies for both parishes were initially commissioned from Ben Hamilton-Baillie Associates (available on our website), and the resulting consultation showed widespread support from both parishes.  Bucks County Council Local Area Forum then worked with the parishes to undertake a Feasibility Stage Road Safety Audit, which concluded in 2017, and outlines several other factors to be taken into consideration within any future design.

The next step needed is the current Feasibility Design Scheme which will aim to identify low-cost short-term measures and long-term structural suggestions, with layout plans of proposed options, commentary on the designs, recommended materials palette, cross sections where appropriate and budget estimates for implementation.

The Local Area Forum has placed the order for this Scheme with Transport for Bucks who will program the works, and we hope to be able to provide an update next spring.

Potential improvements to Pitstone Pavilion

As part of the neighbourhood planning process, and from previous surveys, we know that the community feels strongly that the pavilion site is developed and expanded to become a facility that can be utilised by a far larger sector of our local community.

At the moment, the site is home to senior and junior football pitches along with a changing pavilion.  The facilities were passed to the community many years ago as part of the leisure contributions paid by the developers of the Castlemead estate, but don’t meet the current needs of the football leagues or all the required legislation for public buildings.

The annual bonfire and fireworks event is hosted at the site, but the limited facilities restrict the number of other uses, both indoors and outdoors.

The parish council has been working with a number of partners to develop potential proposals that will provide adequate changing facilities; a multi-function room that will be available for local meetings, events and indoor exercise etc; a parish store & office to enable a wider range of services to be delivered to the community; required ground-keeping and storage facilities and improved parking & access.  The proposed facilities will enable a greater range of indoor and outdoor services to be delivered to the community, now and in the future.  A planning application has now been submitted to Aylesbury Vale District Council, a number of documents are attached below, and you can also view the full details on the AVDC website (https://publicaccess.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/online-applications//search.do?action=simple&searchType=Application) by searching for application number 18/04002/APP.   We encourage all residents to view the plans and submit your comments to AVDC.  The AVDC consultation is open until 10 December 2018.

It must be stressed, that for these proposals to progress to implementation, the council will need to be successful with a number of applications for grant funding to raise the necessary funds for the construction costs.

The council will keep residents updated with progress on both the planning application and our fundraising endeavours.


  • Design and Access Statement
  • Existing and proposed elevations
  • Existing and proposed layouts
  • Existing and proposed site plans
  • Proposed visuals

Wanted: Village Angel to Edit Pitstone Parish Post

You are self-motivated, able to work to a deadline, a good communicator and keen to be involved in your community.

No experience necessary.

It’s not a big job – only once a quarter.

You know you want to …

Call Sue on 01296 661910 or 07788662349

Would you like an allotment?

  • Eat fresh food, grown yourself, with no hidden chemicals.
  • The pleasure of seeing your own crops grow.
  • Physical health from regular exercise, as part of a healthy lifestyle
  • Do your bit for the environment reducing the need for transport and packaging of your food.

Visit the website for application forms and club secretary contact details: www.pitstoneallotment association.org.uk

or email: pitstoneallotmentassocation@gmail.com


Two additional benches installed on the Local Green Space by The Crescent

New bench installed on Local Green Space by The Crescent New bench installed on Local Green Space by The Crescent

Pleased to confirm that two new benches have now been installed on the Local Green Space between Marsworth Road and The Crescent.   We know that this area of public open space is important to local residents and hope that now more of you will be able to take a moment to sit and enjoy this area.

A new kissing gate at the far end, and further planting, will be taking place shortly.

Lest we Forget – 1918-2018

Silent Soldier mounted at Pitstone Memorial Hall Decoration in bus shelter Silent Soldier on Marsworth Road Decoration on decorative village sign Decoration on Recreation Ground treeDecorative wreath outside Pitstone Museum Decoration on bus shelter

100 years ago the First World War ended, and a new world began. The example and experience of those who lived through it shaped the world we live in today. In 2018 we join the nation in saying Thank You to all who served, sacrificed and changed our world.

Our thanks also to Pitstone Memorial Hall charity for allowing the Parish Council’s silent soldier, remembering the fallen of Pitstone, to be mounted onto the wall at the Memorial Hall (which is the site of the Pitstone War Memorial).

Our thanks to the Women’s Institute for the donation of a silent soldier to stand on Marsworth Road.

Our thanks also to the Women’s Institute, the children of Brookmead School, and all those who contributed poppies for the yarn bombing and bus stop decorations around the village.


New bus shelter installed

Pleased to announce that the new bus shelter has now been installed on Marsworth Road, close to the junction with Rushendon Furlong.

The real-time information panels will be installed during November, so we’ll post another update then.




Could you benefit from car sharing? Do you need a lift? Could you offer a lift? Save money and help the planet.

Perhaps there are a group of residents that travel to and from Tring station each day?  or a group of young people that need to get to and from the Aylesbury/Wing schools or one of the local colleges?
you could be looking to travel to work more efficiently?
maybe there is a place you like to visit regularly to dog walk or socialise or shop?
or perhaps you need a one-off lift to somewhere?


Join 600,000 like-minded people saving money and the planet by car sharing.

  • Join for free and find drivers or passengers to share with
  • Save money (to get an idea of how much you could save, click here: https://liftshare.com/uk/savings-calculator )
  • Cut congestion and pollution and help reduce CO2 emissions
  • Reduce parking problems
  • Reduce the stress of driving by sharing
  • Make new friends

Register with Liftshare and travel happy:

  • Add your journey details and filter your search to find the best Liftshare for you
  • Use the messaging system to arrange with your potential Liftshare partner(s) how and when you will meet
  • Start sharing – once you’ve accepted the request to share you are free to start your Liftshare journey

To find out what existing members say about their Liftshare experience click here: https://liftshare.com/uk/community/ourmembers

Click here if you have any questions: https://liftshare.com/uk/community/faqs 

Visit Liftshare.com via this link and Pitstone residents and join in helping each other: https://liftshare.com/uk


Planning applications – November 2018 meeting

Applications for consideration at the 29 November  meeting:

  • 77 Windsor Road, 18/03907/APP, single storey rear extension and forming of side door into garage

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the day of the meeting to allow sufficient time for the information to be circulated to all councillors.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Remember to submit your Pitstone Volunteer of the Year nominations – deadline 15 January 2019


All your nominations for the Pitstone Volunteer of the Year 2019 need to be sent to the parish council by 15 January 2019, so if you know of someone that is giving up their time and making a difference to the lives of the people in Pitstone, then please let us know.

A huge army of volunteers make our village special.  Did you know that volunteers manage the Memorial Hall; the Pitstone Heritage Park/museum; staff the Pitstone Windmill open days; are parish councillors; form the governing body of Brookmead school; deliver and edit Pitstone Parish Post; operate Pitstone Youth Café; form the management committee for Windmill pre-school; drive for the Community Car scheme; run mums & toddlers; run Brownies/Rainbows/Cubs/Scouts; are trustees for The Williamson Trust and Pitstone Town Lands Charity; run sporting groups such as I&PUCC, P&IUFC and P&IJFC; check street lights; provide ground-keeping on the cricket square; manage our allotment site; help at the Beacon Villages Community Library; are members of Pitstone & Ivinghoe Entertainments who organise the summer festival and annual fireworks; and form the Friends of St Mary’s church in Pitstone, manning open days and organising events.  Just think what our village would be like without all these facilities!


As well as being an opportunity for you, and the parish council, to thank our Volunteer of the Year in public, the winner receives £50.00 and a framed certificate.

Previous winners include: Rob Spiller, Margaret Cole, Klaus Ginda, Dave Clifford, Mary Saintey, Joe Marling, Michelle Lee, David Hawkins, John Groom and
Elaine Thorogood.

Please email or write to the parish clerk on: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk or at
9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, Beds, LU7 9FE providing the full name of the person you wish to nominate and the reasons why you think they deserve to win.


If you have some spare time and would like join this volunteer army and start enjoying the benefits that volunteering brings, please do get in touch.

Updates from the parish council from the latest edition of PPP


Local Green Space in front of The Crescent


Now that the parish council has purchased this land from Bucks County Council, work has commenced to repair damaged fencing, improve access to the site by installing a kissing gate which is also suitable for pushchairs and wheelchairs, and providing additional seating for those residents that like to stop and enjoy this pretty space.  Almost 2,000 daffodil bulbs will also be planted over the autumn, to enhance the current planting, and should create a beautiful display in the spring.


Play Update


New pedestrian gates have been installed at the Windsor Road and Hever Close play areas and the Rocking Rocket has been repaired on the Recreation Ground.  Unfortunately, one of the swing seats on the Recreation Ground was vandalised and had to be removed, and the concrete for the new gates had to be replaced twice as somebody kept removing the protective fencing and writing in/walking in the new concrete before it had set.  Quotations are being sought to replace/repair the swinging plank in the Windsor Road playground.


We are aware that the play equipment in the Recreation Ground playground is getting tired.  As you know, there are plans to replace all of this equipment with a new play space which has been delayed because of a land issue.  The parish council will be progressing with these aspirations as soon as the other landowner is able to negotiate with us.


As in previous years, the Parish Council paid for two Play around the Parishes sessions during the summer holidays, which offer games and activities aimed at those <11 years, and these were well attended with up to 100 children at each session.   The council has resolved to repeat again next year.


Services Devolved from Bucks County Council


The current four-year contract with Bucks County Council (BCC) comes to a close at the end of 2018.  The parish council has resolved to enter into a new agreement with BCC so that we can continue to offer an enhanced level of service to residents.  At the time of writing, we have yet to receive the draft contract from BCC but hope to be going to tender for these works in the next month or so.


Getting Out and About


Pitstone and Ivinghoe Parish Councils are working on a joint initiative with the BCC Local Area Forum to undertake an engineering/feasibility study into the Pitstone & Ivinghoe Safety Scheme which developed from the Ben Hamilton-Baillie study and presentation which many of you attended.  Any such major changes are a long, slow, expensive process but we continue to move through the necessary steps and hope to have the results of this stage later in the financial year.


We continue to work with both Hertfordshire County Council and Bucks County Council to explore options for a cycle route along Northfield Road and will come back to you in due course when HCC have any information that they are able to share.  There may be a need for a questionnaire or event to try and gauge how many people would use the facilities, as grant providers need to assess how many people would benefit vs the costs involved, so if you have even a passing interest in improving the safety along this route then please take the time to respond/attend.


For those needing to reach their hospital and medical appointments without their own transport, the Pitstone Community Car Scheme provides a vital service.  The volunteer drivers fulfilled over 300 bookings last year!  There is often no timely public transport service available and knowing they can get to the appointment and back safely and on time, helps to reduce the stress of these appointments.  Due to a lack of volunteer support to run the committee & co-ordinate the calls, the scheme potentially looked as though it may close, but the parish council has now resolved to operate the scheme themselves.   However, we do need more volunteer drivers and it doesn’t have to be time consuming – so if you have enough time to drive an elderly person to their doctor’s/dental appointment in Tring, or can drive someone to the Pitstone surgery, we’d love to hear from you.  If you have a more time/flexibility and would be willing to take someone to their hospital appointments, that would also be great.  Drivers are refunded their petrol costs by the customer.


We are at the early stage of investigating whether there is any demand or support for a Community Bus within our cluster of villages, especially if such a service could help to tackle social isolation.   The first step will be to assess the level of interest from all the residents in all the parishes, so look out for a questionnaire or event coming soon.


To help those travelling by public bus, October/November will also see the installation of Real Time Information Panels besides the two existing bus shelters either side of Marsworth Road by the Recreation Ground, at the existing bus shelter opposite Queen Street/Albion Road and both a Real-Time Panel and a new bus shelter installed at the end of Rushendon Furlong to assist those travelling in the direction of Leighton Buzzard.  The buses are fitted with GPS and the information panels will show helpful information such as the time of the bus and the length of any delays.




The LED roll-out continues, with lights now converted in the The Green and Chequers Lane, with another batch for Yardley Avenue on order which will hopefully be installed before Christmas.  We have a team of volunteer residents that help us monitor whether any lights are in need to repair, so if you’d be willing to join our Street Light Champions and check the lights near you once a month, please get in touch.


At the start of Advent, our Christmas lights will also be back in the tree on the Recreation Ground to bring some festive cheer.


First Time Sewerage for Cheddington Road / Forthcoming Road Closure


You may not have been aware that the properties by the railway bridge at the end of Cheddington Road and those at Wellington Place/Cooks Wharf have not been connected to the mains sewer.  Starting at the end of October, Anglian Water will be installing the necessary infrastructure to connect these properties including a pumping station by the T junction and piping back as far as Chequers Close to join the existing mains.   Works are anticipated to last several months and will include road closures for each section as the work is undertaken and diversion routes.   Road closure signs will be erected prior to the works.  Please be patient and allow extra time for your journey during the installation of this important infrastructure.



Who will you nominate for Volunteer of the Year?  Let us know by 15 January 2019


Our community couldn’t function without the small army of volunteers in our midst.  Do you know someone that goes the extra mile to improve the life of people in Pitstone?  Maybe they give up lots of time to help run one of our many charitable bodies (like the pre-school, memorial hall or scouts) or community groups (like the community car scheme or youth café).  Maybe they are someone that regularly checks on their elderly neighbours, does their shopping or takes them to appointments.   Every year, the parish council celebrates one local person with the honour of the Pitstone Volunteer of the Year which is awarded at the Pitstone Annual Assembly and comprises of a cheque for £50, framed certificate and local publicity to spread the word of their good deeds.  Help us thank our local heroes and send the name of the person you nominate, along with some information about why you think they deserve to be recognised, to the parish clerk by 15 January 2019 (tel: 01296 767261, email: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk, post: 9 Warwick Road, LU7 9FE).



Remembering the fallen of Pitstone


The parish council is honoured to have procured a silent soldier silhouette to remember the fallen of Pitstone and the Memorial Hall Charity have granted permission for its location in the memorial garden at the hall (the hall obviously having been built as the parish’s Memorial, hence the name).  The council will also be welcoming the donation of another silhouette from the Women’s Institute to be located by the decorative Pitstone sign.  We have worked with BCC TfB and Taylor Wimpey to ensure that Westfield Road and Marsworth Road, along with the Recreation Ground, can be included within the WI yarn bombing.


There will be lots of local events, including remembrance services at both St Mary’s Church in Ivinghoe and Pitstone Memorial Hall plus the Beacons of Light events on Ivinghoe Beacon which we encourage you to attend.    Beacons of Light is an event is organised by the Ashridge Estate and honours the fallen of all villages that border the Ashridge Estate, more information can be found here: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/events/82364215-d442-44cf-a9b3-7e21aefbf214/pages/details



Bonfire and Fireworks on Saturday 3 November 2018


The council is pleased that Pitstone & Ivinghoe Entertainments (PIE) have again chosen to host an annual bonfire and firework event at the sports pavilion on Saturday 3 November 2018.  This event really seems to bring the community together and sees a lot of public support.  Any surplus funds raised by PIE are ploughed back into supporting local community groups, so please do support their events.



Can you help at the youth café on a Wednesday evening?


Our youth café offers a safe place for young people of secondary school age to hang out, meet up with friends, enjoy a snack, play sports/games/crafts etc.  We employ a qualified youth worker to run the café but it is very reliant on sufficient adult voluntary helpers to attend each week in order to be able to operate and meet the necessary child:adult ratios.  Many of our volunteers are retired and enjoy the company of the young people as much as they benefit from our helpers being there.  We can accommodate couples/friends who want an opportunity where they can volunteer together.   Volunteering can be very rewarding.  The council provides full training.   If you are able to join us from 6.30pm to 8pm on Wednesday’s during term time we would really love to hear from you.   Please call 01296 767261 or email parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk.


Adult Volunteers Needed, 6.30-8.00pm Wednesdays during Term Time at Pitstone Youth Cafe

Adult Volunteers Needed

6.30-8.00pm Wednesdays at Pitstone Youth Cafe

Please come and join our team of volunteers at Pitstone Youth Café, 6.30-8.00pm Wednesday’s at Brookmead school during term time.  The café provides a safe environment for young people to meet with friends, try new activities, keep active and access the services of our qualified youth worker.  We’ve been able to provide services to over 725 young people aged between 11-17 years since we opened 7 years ago.

No qualifications necessary.  Just a willingness to play games, serve refreshments, or join in with sports, crafts or activities.   Suitable for anyone 18yrs or over – no upper age limit and many of our volunteers are retired.

If you can spare 90 minutes once a week, or once a fortnight, we would love to hear from you. 

Our much needed café can’t operate without volunteers, so please support the young people in our community and join us for a fulfilling and fun evening once a week. 

Further information about the youth cafe available here: http://pitstone.co.uk/ppcinfo/youth-cafe/

Please contact: Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council, 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, Beds, LU7 9FE. Tel: 01296 767261. Email: parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk

Could you drive a neighbour in need to their medical appointment?

In Pitstone, we have a number of residents that are unable to drive, don’t benefit from local relatives, and find it very difficult to access their medical and hospital appointments by the limited public transport services in the village.

Pitstone operates a Community Car scheme, where our residents can phone and see if there is a volunteer available to take them to their appointment.  We desperately need more drivers to keep the scheme operating.  It provides a much appreciated service and helps to reduce both stress and costs for residents during often worrying times of medical need.  The resident pays the driver a set fee for the destination they need, to cover the cost of petrol/parking.

Drivers only accept the journeys that they are able to accommodate/fits with their diary – so if you only want to accept journeys to Tring or Pitstone surgeries/clinics that is absolutely fine & if you are happy to drive someone out to Stoke or Oxford hospitals, that is also much appreciated.  There is no minimum or maximum commitment required.  Please don’t feel that the time you may be able to contribute may be too small, every assistance is very valuable to the scheme.

Could you become one of our volunteer drivers, using your own vehicle?  Training and support will be provided.  Expenses paid.

Please get in touch with the parish clerk on parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk or
01296 767261 or at 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, LU7 9FE

Youth Cafe closed for half term (24 & 31 Oct) re opening 7 November 2018

We hope that you have enjoyed cafe this half term. Cafe is now closed for two weeks (not open on 24 Oct or 31 Oct) to span the half term holidays in Bucks and Herts (different weeks this time) and allow all our wonderful volunteers to enjoy their holidays with their families. We hope you also enjoy your school holiday. Youth Cafe will re-open on Wednesday 7 November at 6.30pm.

Planning applications – October 2018 meeting

Applications for consideration at the 18 October planning committee meeting.

  • The Coach House, Erlegh Manor, Vicarage Road, 18/03335/APP, demolition of double garage building (with storage loft), single storey extension to South East of Coach House, two storey extension to South West of Coach House.  Addition of dormers to existing Coach House.  Changes and additions to doors, windows and rooflights throughout.  Changes to driveway and car parking arrangements.  Changes to site boundary treatments.
  • 46 Windsor Road, 18/03418/APP, new pitched roof to garage

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the day of the meeting to allow sufficient time for the information to be circulated to all councillors.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Seeking quotations to supply & plant daffodils

The parish council is seeking quotations from local gardening firms, with suitable public liability insurance, to supply and plant approximately 2000 daffodil bulbs this autumn.   Will involve lifting turf in clumps and trenches, planting bulbs and then replacing the turf.  Will also need to be able to take into consideration the protection of tree roots and demonstrate an ability to work beside the highway and in public spaces.

Quotations required by 20 September 2018.

If your company is interested, please email parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk for further information.

A warm welcome to new parish councillor Louise Stoddart

At the parish council meeting on Thursday 6 September, the council voted to appoint Louise Stoddart to fill the current vacancy.

Louise says “I have been living in Pitstone for 7 years on the Castlemead Estate. I decided to join the Parish Council as I wanted to use my spare time to be able to give back to the community and make a difference for the future of Pitstone. My career with the Building Engineering Services Association, means I can use my expertise in planning, building and commercial activities in the Parish. I look forward to meeting more fellow residents and welcoming everyone to future meetings.”

We warmly welcome Louise to the council.



Planning applications – 6 September 2018 meeting

Applications for consideration on 6 September:

  • 131 Yardley Avenue, 18/02757/APP, extension of crossover

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the day of the meeting to allow sufficient time for the information to be circulated to all councillors.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Defibrillator Training and Celebratory Football Match at the Pavilion

Thank you to everyone that attended the defibrillator training and football matches at the pavilion yesterday (29 July 2018) to celebrate the official opening of the new ball stop netting, boundary fence and pitch extension plus the installation of the defibrilator:

First Responders explaining the use of public defibrillators

Our thanks to South Central Ambulance Service, the WI, Pitstone & Ivinghoe United Football Club and Pitstone & Ivinghoe Junior Football Club.


Youth Cafe will re-open on 12 September 2018

We hope you all have an enjoyable summer holiday.    Youth Cafe will re-open on Wednesday 12 September 2018 6.30-8.00pm in the grounds of Brookmead School.

Please note that there is no youth cafe on Wed 5 Sept.

Would you like to join the parish council?

Further to the recent Notice of Vacancy, AVDC has confirmed that the parish did not call for an election and therefore the parish council can now co-opt a member to serve the remaining term of office ie until May 2019.   In May, there will be an election for the whole parish council and all members are required to re-stand or stand down.

If you are passionate about improving the life of local residents, and have plenty of spare time to volunteer with the council (all councillors are volunteers) then you may like to read the documents below to find out a little more about what is involved and who is qualified to stand:

about council booklet

Become a councillor

PPC general leaflet Feb 18

PPC Key projects leaflet Feb 18

Code of Conduct May 2017 version

As a councillor, you also become trustee of two local charities, so you may also like to read:


If you would like further information, or to express an interest in joining the parish council, please get in touch with the parish clerk on parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk or 01296 767261 before Friday 10 August 2018 so that we can arrange an interview with you.




Would you like to sponsor a bench?

The parish council is looking to purchase two additional benches to install in the Local Green Space between Marsworth Road and The Crescent, so that more people can sit within the shade of the trees and enjoy this quieter open area.

The current bench was funded and donated by the Young Farmers a number of years ago and displays a plaque to commemorate this.

The new seats will duplicate the one currently installed at the end of Glebe Close (pictured above), which has 100% recycled cast aluminium ends with Amortec coating and strong recycled material slats to provide a strong, durable,  low maintenance, disability compliant bench which will last for many years to come.

There is an option for these benches to be supplied with laser etched stainless steel memorial plaques with your choice of dedication or wording (see illustrations below), and therefore the council would like to give residents the opportunity to sponsor a bench in this manner.

A stainless steel commemorative plaque can be supplied with the seat - please contact us for more information

One bench with memorial plaque costs just over £1,000.

If you are a local company who would like to sponsor a bench in return for your company details on the plaque and publicity by the parish council, or a local family who would like to sponsor a bench in memory of a loved one, then please contact the parish clerk on 01296 767261 or parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk by Monday 13 August 2018.


Congratulations to Rob Spiller – Pitstone Volunteer of the Year 2018

Very many congratulations to Rob Spiller who was nominated the Pitstone Volunteer of the Year 2018 at the Annual Parish Assembly.   Rob has volunteered at the youth café almost every week since it launched many years ago, he is a very active member of the Pitstone Allotment Association committee and also the Site Manager for the allotments.  Rob is always ready to help out and lend a hand wherever required.


A huge thank you to Rob from both the members of Pitstone Parish Council and all the residents who have had the pleasure of benefitting from the hours of time that Rob has contributed.


There are many people in our village that give up lots of their time to help other residents or community groups.   If you know someone that deserves a special thank you, please send their details to the parish clerk so they can be considered for the 2019 award.    The winner is presented with a framed certificate and cheque at the Annual Parish Assembly and is also entered into the AVDC Volunteer of the Year scheme.


Free training in how to use a public defibrillator

Come along to free training session

Our grateful thanks to the South-Central Ambulance Service who have agreed to come along to the Charity Football Match and Opening Celebration at the pavilion site on Sunday 29 July from noon til 3pm to provide free training on the use of the defibrillator to all the attendees. The charity event and the training are both free to attend. Do come along as see how easy the equipment is to use, and so that you are familiar with the equipment in case you should ever need it.

Where are our defibrillators?

A third emergency defibrillator is now active in the parish – this unit is located on the outside front wall of the Pitstone Sports Pavilion on Marsworth Road (opposite the junction with Westfield Road) and can be accessed via the pedestrian gate. The other two defibrillators are located at Pitstone Memorial Hall in Vicarage Road and the Village Health Centre in Yardley Avenue.

Why do we need emergency defibrillators?

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) does not give warning symptoms like a traditional heart attack. The heart goes into an unstable rhythm called ventricular fibrillation, the heart stops beating effectively, and the person becomes unconscious. Less than 30% of the time someone will do CPR on a victim, which does help buy time. However, CPR alone cannot put the heart back in normal rhythm, only a defibrillator can. You lose 7-10% chance of surviving each minute you are in SCA and an emergency ambulance from Stoke Mandeville can take up to 20 minutes to arrive. Only 8.3% of victims survive neurologically intact because emergency medical services simply cannot get to the victim and shock them in the four to six minutes before brain damage occurs.

Do you need to be trained to use the defibrillator?

No. Dial 999 as soon as the patient is taken poorly. The emergency services will dispatch an ambulance and if appropriate, provide you with details of the nearest defibrillator. The operator will stay on the line and talk you using the equipment. The defibrillator itself also gives you voice commands to talk you through the process. The defibrillator will only shock the patient if it first detects abnormal rhythms that can be treated via shocking, so you don’t need to be worried about hurting the patient or causing any damage.

However, we have offered community training events on the use of the defibrillators in the past and the next event is on 29 July 12-3pm at the pavilion. We hope that all residents will take the time to attend an event and familiarise themselves with the equipment so that it does not seem as daunting in the event of an emergency.

A warm welcome to two new members of the council

The council is delighted to introduce you to Anil Mitra and Jack Hawkins who were both appointed as co-opted councillors on 24/5/18 to fill the vacancies that existed until the May 2019 elections.


Anil Mitra

Having moved to Pitstone in 2015, Anil Mitra is a retired Principal Civil Engineer with nearly 50 years of senior engineering management experience. Anil has spent most of his retired life engaged in voluntary work working with councils, NHS and charities, working with people from all generations and backgrounds. Having lived in Beaconsfield for over 30 years, Anil and his wife made the decision to move to our village of Pitstone to be closer to their daughter, son in law and grandchildren. With a passion for working in the community and voluntary activities, Anil is keen to work with the Parish Council to play an active role in the development of our beautiful village. As a sociable gentleman with incredible knowledge and experience, Anil brings opinions, advice and plenty of enthusiasm to our team and to our village.


Jack Hawkins

Born in 1992 I’ve lived in Pitstone all my life. I’m the 7th generation of both sides of my family to live and work in the village.  I spent my first 6 years of my education in Brookmead. From here I went onto Tring School and finished off my education with a national diploma in agriculture at Moulton college. Since then I’ve progressed through the ranks of Young Farmers. I was club chairman for 2 years and then county chairman and national council representative for a further 2 years. Since finishing college, I have worked alongside my father in the family business based in Pitstone. At 25 years old I’m the youngest current council member. I hope my youth and knowledge of the village and its surroundings will be a great asset to council.


We are sure that you will join us in making them both very welcome.   Another vacancy arose at the 28/6/18 council meeting, so if you share their passion for our village, have plenty of time to volunteer and would like to join the parish council, please contact the parish clerk (parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk or 01296 767261) for more information.

Planning applications – 28 June 2018 meeting

Applications for consideration on 28 June:

  • 6 Campbell Lane, 18/01979/APP, conversion of garage

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the day of the meeting to allow sufficient time for the information to be circulated to all councillors.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


Cherries beginning to ripen ..

The cherries on the trees in the Local Green Space between Marsworth Road and The Crescent are beginning to ripen in the sun.  Almost ready for picking!

Please be vigilant around the Recreation Ground

Sad to see the criminal damage inflicted to these trees on the recreation ground this week.  The perpetrator(s), removed the protective wire netting from around the tree trunk to get at the bark, and spent a considerable amount of time on the grounds with a sharp blade/implement.

Thames Valley Police has been made aware.  Please be vigilant on the Recreation Ground and report any suspicious activity to TVP by calling 101.

Local Green Space between Marsworth Road and The Crescent


The parish council is delighted to announce that on 23 May 2018 the purchase of the parcel of land previously owned by Bucks County Council (BCC) was completed.

The triangle of land resides between Marsworth Road and The Crescent and has been utilised as open green space for many years.   Due to financial pressures, BCC was exploring the possibility of erecting residential housing on this land and as part of the Neighbourhood Planning process, the community indicated that this was against their wishes.   The parish council’s application to have this area designated as Local Green Space was accepted by Aylesbury Vale District Council, based on the strength of local support, prohibiting development on the land.  Subsequently the parish council entered negotiations with Bucks County Council to purchase the parcel and protect it for perpetuity.

Aylesbury Vale District Council has supported this purchase with the provision of a release of Section 106 leisure funds they were holding from the Castlemead and Lower End Garage residential developments, and the parish council has contributed £3k.

We hope you continue to enjoy this peaceful green space for years to come.

Third emergency defibrillator now active in Pitstone

The parish council is delighted to confirm that a third emergency defibrillator is now active in the parish.   This unit is located on the outside front wall of the Pitstone Sports Pavilion on Marsworth Road (opposite the junction with Westfield Road) and can be accessed via the pedestrian gate.

Why do we need emergency defibrillators? 

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) does not give warning symptoms like a traditional heart attack. The heart goes into an unstable rhythm called ventricular fibrillation, the heart stops beating effectively and the person becomes unconscious. Less than 30% of the time someone will do CPR on a victim, which does help buy time.  However, CPR alone cannot put the heart back in normal rhythm, only a defibrillator can.  You lose 7-10% chance of surviving each minute you are in SCA and an emergency ambulance from Stoke Mandeville can take up to 20 minutes to arrive.  Only 8.3% of victims survive neurologically intact because emergency medical services simply cannot get to the victim and shock them in the four to six minutes before brain damage occurs.

Do you need to be trained to use the defibrillator?  

No.  Dial 999 as soon as the patient is taken poorly.  The emergency services will dispatch an ambulance and if appropriate, provide you with details of the nearest defibrillator.  The operator will stay on the line and talk you through the use of the equipment.  The defibrillator itself also gives you voice commands to talk you through the process.   The defibrillator will only shock the patient if it first detects abnormal rhythms that can be treated via shocking, so you don’t need to be worried about hurting the patient or causing any damage.

We have offered community training events on the use of the defibrillators before and will be arranging a further session again soon.  We hope that all residents will take the time to attend an event and familiarise themselves with the equipment so that it does not seem as daunting in the event of an emergency.

How has this defibrillator been funded?

Our grateful thanks to Pitstone & Ivinghoe Junior Football Club for purchasing the defibrillator and donating it to the parish council for use at the sports pavilion site, and granting permission for this to be utilised by the wider community.

Our grateful thanks to the Women’s Institute for their grant to enable the purchase and installation of the external lock box (which makes the defibrillator available to all) and associated signage (currently being manufactured and will be erected shortly).

The parish council is meeting the additional costs associated with daily/weekly/monthly maintenance regimes, utility costs, consumable costs, insurance and regular status reporting to the ambulance service etc.


Planning applications – 24 May 2018 meeting

The parish council is currently working on a dedicated planning application section for the web site.   In the meantime, following your feedback, we will post details of applications in this news section so that you can find them more easily.

Applications for consideration on 24 May :

  • 13 Glebe Close, 18/01631/APP, two storey rear and side extension
  • Barley End, Stocks Road, 18/01404/APP, replacement of septic tank with sewage treatment plant to serve replacement dwelling

The plans may be viewed online by going to http://eplanning.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk and searching using the planning reference number.

Any comments, representations or objections you may have should be submitted directly to AVDC as the planning authority, by the date shown on the yellow site notice, quoting the planning reference number.  This can be done on-line or you can post comments to:

The Head of Development Control, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF

If you wish the parish council to take your comments into consideration when making our recommendation, please also supply the details to us before noon on the day of the meeting to allow sufficient time for the information to be circulated to all councillors.

Laurie Eagling, Clerk to Pitstone Parish Council


News from the Parish council published in the April PPP

In case you have misplaced your copy of the Pitstone Parish Post, please find below the parish council updates it included:

New Footpath to Marsworth

Work commenced on 5 February and should be complete by the time you receive this edition of PPP.   We hope that you all make good use of the new safe route into Marsworth and up to College Lake Nature Reserve.   This project has taken several years to get implemented and funded, and we’d like to express our grateful thanks to all the parties and individuals that have been involved in pulling together and implementing this initiative.  Funding was made available via a New Homes Bonus Grant, a Community Leaders Grant, a Local Area Forum Grant and provision from both parish councils.   Look out for details on the website and noticeboards of an official opening ceremony and walk to Marsworth.

Ball Stop Netting and Fencing at the Sports Pavilion

We are also delighted that the installation of two sections of ball stop netting, and two sections of replacement fencing at the sports pavilion has now been concluded.   Work will shortly commence on the extension of the larger pitch.   Funding has been made available for this project by the Football Foundation, a release of Section 106 sports & leisure development funds from Aylesbury Vale District Council, donations from both the senior and junior football clubs and a provision by the parish council.

New Telephone Number

Please note that the parish council has a new telephone number, so please use 01296 767261 when trying to reach the parish clerk.

There are long outstanding plans to update/replace the play equipment on the recreation ground once it has been possible to secure the purchase/use of the land.   We also operate two further playgrounds in Hever Close and Windsor Road.   The current residential development see further play equipment installed in the parish.   Did you know that we check all our playgrounds on a weekly basis to ensure they are in a good state of repair and safe for your enjoyment?  If you are the parent of a child with a disability and have any concerns relating to disabled access or have particular disabled equipment needs, please get in touch with the parish council on parishclerk@pitstone.co.uk.

Public Transport Infrastructure
Bucks County Council are currently investigating how best to utilize the Section 106 public transport funds provided by the residential developments in Vicarage Road and Rushendon Furlong.  We will keep you updated once the plans have been confirmed.

Pitstone Community Car Scheme

The parish council is still working with the existing car scheme members, other individuals, advisory bodies and local organisations to relaunch the car scheme.   If you can spare some time to volunteer as a driver or would like to take up the post of voluntary co-ordinator we would love to hear from you.

Should we have a Community Bus?

Bucks County Council and the parish council are jointly investigating whether there is a demand and support for a Community Bus amongst the local parishes.  In other locations, such buses might run trips to the supermarket, surgeries, libraries, day care centres, some do scheduled bus routes, some do day trip exercisions, some are used by schools/community groups etc.    If you feel a community bus would be of value or would like to volunteer to get involved as a driver/committee member/co-ordinator etc then please get in touch.  We will keep you updated with the outcome of the initial investigations.

Would you like to get involved?

Would you like to get involved with all the variety of work that falls under the scope of a parish council?   Do you have plenty of spare time to devote to improving life for the residents of our parish?  Perhaps you would like to consider joining the parish council?  For more information on what a parish council is, what it does and how you can be involved please check out the leaflet on : http://pitstone.co.uk/ppcpubs/pitstone-parish-council-general-information-leaflet/ or call the parish clerk and we will provide you with further information.    Please note that these are voluntary roles – all your parish councilors volunteer their time for the benefit of the community.


New Homes Bonus Micro Grants up to £1,000 are now available for voluntary and community sector organisations as well as parish and town councils!

An exciting development sees the introduction of a new NHB Micro Grant Funding Scheme which is open to voluntary and community sector organisations operating within a parish.  Easily accessible micro grants up to £1,000 are available for a variety of  capital costs including refurbishment and equipment purchases and are assessed on a monthly basis.  It is not necessary for the project to link to growth, although those that do may score more highly. Projects to be put forward for funding must evidence consultation at parish level and the application form must be endorsed by the relevant town or parish council prior to submission.  The closing date for applications is the 15th of each month.   For more information please visit the AVDC website.

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